Spiritual reading “unearth answers by taking actions”

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April 26

At last! It is a good day to begin to take action if you have done your introspection and clearing. We urge you to take some steps to move forward in the world. Your plans may not unfold as you thought they would, but they will most certainly lead you where you need to go.

Much of the last few months has of necessity been spent in contemplation. It is the proper rhythm of the seasons observed. And although you gave yourself to the inner exploration, there are many unanswered questions still. You are at a moment in time where you can unearth some of those answers by taking action. Even if you are still unsure of the precise direction of your intent, the mere fact that you are willing to step forward and risk movement will be enough, in many cases, to call down the guidance and the direction that will enable you to find your way.

We are talking here primarily about the ways in which you are living, the practical dilemmas that have arisen about how to position yourself on your plane of existence. Of course, many of the difficulties you are encountering arise from the urgent need to integrate the practical with the eternal. This is truly the challenge of the moment. It has rarely been accomplished and there are no templates. You are relying on your creativity and your intuition to lead you to a model of how to live in form that really works.

Trust your instincts and allow yourself to act, to move forward in a direction that holds promise. It needn’t be something you know will answer or resolve all. This is no longer the time to wait for complete clarity.

Clarity will come from your willingness to risk.

As you move, the universe moves and shifts. Every time. And as the universe moves in response to you, much is likely to be revealed.

Let’s be clear: we are not advocating that you be reckless or do something unconsidered. But there are ideas, hopes and dreams that have been incubating in your mind and heart which now call to be brought into the material plane. See if you can energize any of these, large or small, by believing that they are possible. Act accordingly and watch carefully for that which follows.

It is kind of like clearing a road covered deeply in snow: until you begin to plow, you cannot find the shape of the road beneath the snow. The more you plow, the clearer the parameters and the direction of the road become.

For some months, the prevailing energies have favored quiet meditation on many roads that lie beneath the blanket of snow, each taking a different way. Now is the time to pick one, any one that you like, and find out where it can take you.

We send you all our love and many blessings.

–E. West


In Ancient Rome I tried politics. But it does not change people. It just goes down to their level.

1 Comment

  1. Heute ist der 26. April.

    Der Todestag von Little Mary Phagan.

    Ehren wir ihr Andenken in dem wir auch an den Täter, den Juden Leo Frank erinnern und jeden Versuch der Juden diesen Mörder wider aller Fakten als “unschuldiger Märtyrer” hinzustellen scharf zurückweisen.

    Dieser Fall ist für die Juden und uns Arier in den USA und auch für Deutschland immer noch bedeutend.

    (((Sie))) versuchen immer noch Leo Frank über 100 Jahre nach seiner Hinrichtung zu rehabilitieren.

    Mir ist schon klar wieso…

    Weil es einen Fall in Deutschland gibt der die gleiche Handschrift trägt.


    Ich glaube auch nicht das Simon von Trient aus Zufall am 26. ermordet wurde.


    Genauso wenig wie Tristan Brübach am 26. ermordet wurde.


    Genauso wenig wie Mary Phagan. Ich hab damit eines der letzten Geheimnisse des Judentum enttarnt. Dank John natürlich 😉

    Vorher hatte ich nie von dem Mordfall Mary Phagan gehört.

    Die Juden ermorden Kinder an einem 26. des Monats.

    Die 26 steht in der jüdischen Zahlensymbolik für Satan bzw. Jahwe.



    ” In religion
    26 is the gematric number, being the sum of the Hebrew characters (Hebrew: יהוה‎) being the name of the god of Israel – YHWH (Yehowah)”

    Wer hat behauptet Ritualmorde sind nur eine Legende?

    Gruss aus dem besetzten Deutschland

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