Spiritual reading — unstiffen, and flow with what IS

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When you see beauty, surrender to it. Stop the thinking; stop the mental chatter; just drink it in, with gratitude.  🙂

September 8

Surrender. That is the order of the day. Not altogether different from many of the more recent days, weeks, months.

*** This word “surrender”

What it means is nothing cowardly. We don’t control the universe; we are a tiny part of it.

Actually, we do co-control it, but with many others.

“Surrender” means to totally accept that what is, is. Maybe we can change it, or maybe not.

The Serenity Prayer of Reinhold Niebuhr says it best:

Try this today: feel into your back and find that which stiffens it. Something that coexists with your physical spine but is more than the vertebrae which help to keep you upright.

Once you find that energy, release it.

*** This is talking about the chakras. These are organs of your non-physical body.


Allow yourself to slump, to relax, to fall into that which truly holds you.

Spirituality has made me a better shot

I went practice-shooting yesterday with two locals, taking my Ruger AR rifle and .40-caliber Smith & Wesson pistol, which due to the short handle is actually pocket-sized.


After I shot, the targets (orange-painted metal disks) were ripped right off their wire by bulls-eyes. One asked me: “Do you practice a lot”?

No, friend, but I surrender to that inner peace where the trigger just pulls itself. 😉 My finger obeys a higher command.


Imagine that you are in the water and that its buoyancy carries you. A stiff spine is not helpful when you are trying to move through water.

The energy you want to reach for today is extremely watery and fluid, and any attempts that you make to forge ahead or move decisively toward a predetermined goal are likely to be gently but effectively stalled or detoured.

If you can give yourself over to the prevailing currents you will go further and faster. Loosen up the tightness and rigidity in your body and especially in your mind.

Try to watch yourself, and if you catch yourself insisting that something must proceed in a particular way or time frame, try to back off and recollect that you are being taken exactly where you need to go, and that you will arrive at precisely the time you need to be there.

*** So glad I did not confront Trump (and the jews) earlier

I had two practical goals over the last six months:

1) try to get Margi well again BEFORE I start my movement so she does not get mistreated by doctors, nurses, etc.

2) get my inheritance so I can do basic things like gun up and fortify the two houses

And my feeling about the world situation was to let everything get worse. We never would have come to power in January 1933 without the horrible year of 1932, Year Three of the “Great [jew-caused] Depression.” Hunger, suicidal thoughts and extreme poverty pushed the workers toward us, and the fear of the Communist Party of Germany (the second-biggest party after our own one) pushed the rich and middle class toward us.

And we were ready, as a highly organized party, to receive them when they came. When they were ready…..to entertain radical solutions to never-ending despair.

“Our Last Hope”

In the end, even the Trumpers will see he alone cannot do the job; the Deep State is in control. He just pretends to have power. Now he is promoting a suicidal policy he knows is wrong of rushing out a vaccine. He was right initially: Covid is no pandemic, just the flu; masks, social distancing and lockdowns are pointless; hydroxychloroquine works on Corona and has few side effects.

The Deep State is still in the driver’ seat, pushing and herding him toward disaster for himself, our country, and the whole world.


I want the Trumpers to see for themselves that this man, by himself, is not the answer, try as he does. We all want him re-elected, but all he is doing is slowing down the NWO freight train, which is still on course and still heading straight for us.

By caving in on Covid and on its proven cure, hydroxychloroquine, he agreed to a lockdown which has destroyed his ONE presidential achievement, a great economy.

He never locked Hillary up; he never drained the swamp; he never got us out of NATO and other foreign problems.

His tax cut did create a booming economy.

But then he allowed the insane Covid lockdown. Now he has nothing to offer but defiant tweets.

Two months ago his attorney general, the half-jew Barr, was saying BLM and Antifa were domestic terrorists.

Why then have they not been banned?

If white nationalists were gunning people down, smashing statues, and assaulting federal courthouses, WE would be banned!

Trump, tragically, for all his good intentions, is mostly a paper tiger.

As for me, I have only once chance to make a first impression. 😉



Will the masses accept Hitler back? The man they were told their entire life was a vile tyrant?

The man who also said “Enough!” to the jews? Who said “we want our own money back — and our countries!”


Any attempt to control a force as powerful as water will be met with some measure of failure or frustration. So do yourself a favor and go with the flow.

And while you are in it, keep the eyes of your Higher Self open for wisdom that will guide you in your choices tomorrow. Much will be visible today for those who look and seek. The answers will not necessarily be plain, but they will be offered.

Next steps, signposts. Look for them with openness and receptivity,
without preconception, and you are likely to find them.

It could be a lovely, relaxing and productive day if you can be where you are, moving (or not) just as you are, dwelling in faith and confidence that you are not alone in this great endeavor.

We love you and are always with you. — E. West

I want to thank my late grandfather, whose presence I feel always. I bet he was amazed when he learned after he died just who his German-studying grandson really was. 😉



  1. https://youtu.be/yAGwXn4hQbY
    Disposizioni della Scuola: “Indossare la mascherina durante le lezioni, seduti a fare merenda, e bla bla bla..

    Mamma incazzata…presente!

    Dici che devo insultare le mamme che dicono pure “Grazie” per queste bellissime informazioni?!

    Che mamme…che vergogna.

    • Transl:

      Lockdown regulations of my kids’ school:

      “Wear a mask during lessons! Sit down to have a snack” and more bla-bla-bla ..

      I am one pissed-off mom at present!

      They say I am insulting those mothers who even stammer “Thank you” for this “wonderful” information ?!

      What mothers … what a shame.

  2. Comunque si, lui sarà felicissimo di questo!

    Felice come me!! Come avrei potuto affrontare tutto questo senza il tuo Aiuto? E ora mi toccherà fare la Ribelle, giusto? Prendere in mano questa terribile situazione, perché quando si parla di Bambini..

    Quella frase che tuona sempre nella mia mente: ”Odiamo i vostri bambini”..

    E poi penso a te, al tuo amore per queste anime innocenti che vorrebbero fare un percorso evolutivo consapevole.

    • Transl:

      Anyway yes, he will be delighted with this!

      Happy like me !! How could I have gone through all this without your help? And now I’ll have to be the Rebel, right? Take this terrible situation in hand, because when it comes to children there is that phrase that always thunders in my mind: “We hate your children.”

      And then I think of you, of your love for these innocent souls who would like to make, who came here to make, a conscious, upward evolutionary path.

  3. Dear John de Nugent

    You have already written in several articles about the fact that the sometimes exaggerated emphasis on the personality of Adolf Hitler (the Fuehrer cult) in the 1930s found little resonance in the Anglosphere [just as little as the Fuehrer cult around Stalin], quite apart from the omnipresent propaganda of lies in the West then and now, only related to the perception of the little man in the street.

    According to Rudolf Steiner, I believe the Anglosphere is to explore individuality (ego-consciousness) as one of the present (> 100 years) main themes, in addition to economic success, both in the positive and negative sense, i.e. also the exaggerated forms of both (conquest mania and exploitative greed); the German peoples are to explore spirituality as one of the main themes; the Italians are to explore emphatically the (emotional) sensual life (food, music, visual arts, architecture, etc.). Every folk soul has certain tendencies, although there are always folk members with different main themes/characteristics.

    The address with “our Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler”, “our Adolf”, or “the great Adolf” (the latter was affectionately said 30 years ago by an elderly German professor of psychology, who was also a pilot in France during World War II and who protected an emergency landed US pilot with a mounted machine gun from the enraged French population), would have been perfectly sufficient to honor his merits.

    “My Führer”, “Excellency”, “Majesty”, etc. is just as implicitly self-humiliating as “Reverend”, “Hochwürden”, etc. among the clergy, or “Your Honor” in court in the Anglosphere.

    So consider in advance how you would like to be addressed and how not, when the great upheaval begins and you will appear as one of the philosophical key figures on the world stage. 🙂


    In German:

    Sehr geehrter John de Nugent,

    Sie schrieben bereits in mehreren Artikeln sinngemäß darüber, daß die teilweise übertriebene Betonung der Person Adolf Hitlers (Führerkult) in den 1930ern wenig Anklang in der Anglosphäre fand [genauso wenig wie der Führerkult um Stalin], also ganz abgesehen von der allgegenwärtigen Lügenpropaganda des Westens damals und heute, nur auf die Wahrnehmung des kleinen Mannes auf der Straße bezogen.

    Die Anglosphäre soll glaube ich laut Rudolf Steiner die Individualität (Ich-Bewußtsein) als eines der gegenwärtigen (> 100 Jahre) Hauptthemen erforschen, neben dem wirtschaftlichen Erfolg, beides im positiven wie im negativen Sinne, also auch die übertriebenen Formen von beiden (Eroberungswahn und ausbeuterische Gier); die deutschen Völker sollen Spiritualität als eines der Hauptthemen erforschen; die Italiener sollen betont das (gefühlsbetonte) Empfindungsleben erkunden (Essen, Musik, bildhafte Künste, Architektur usw.), jede Volksseele weist gewisse Tendenzen auf, wiewohl es natürlich immer Volksangehörige mit abweichenden Hauptthemen/Charaktereigenschaften gibt.

    Die Anrede mit „unser Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler“, „unser Adolf“, oder „der große Adolf“ (letzteres sagte mal ein älterer deutscher Psychologieprofessor liebevoll vor 30 Jahren im Gespräch, der im zweiten Weltkrieg auch Pilot in Frankreich war und einen notgelandeten US-Piloten mit aufgestelltem Maschinengewehr vor der aufgebrachten französischen Bevölkerung schützte], hätte vollkommen gereicht als Würdigung seiner Verdienste.

    „Mein Führer“, „Exzellenz“, „Majestät“ usw. ist, genauso implizit selbstdemütigend wie „Reverend“, „Hochwürden“ usw. bei den Pfaffen., oder „Euer Ehren“ vor Gericht in der Anglosphäre.

    Überlegen Sie sich also schon im voraus, wie sie angesprochen werden möchten und wie nicht, wenn der große Umbruch beginnt und Sie als eine der philosophischen Schlüsselfiguren auf der Weltenbühne erscheinen werden. 🙂

    • EN:

      Thanks for the advice.

      Well, I would prefer it if in every Aryan their own inner Hitler comes to the fore, and I become absolutely replaceable after completing the founding book of the new religion! It must not rise and fall with any one man!


      Danke der Ratschläge.

      Tja, mir ist lieber, wenn in jedem Arier der eigene innere Hitler zum Vorschein kommt, und ich nach Vollendung des Gründungsbuches der neuen Religion absolut ersetzlich werde!

      Die neue Glaubensgemeinschaft darf nicht wegen eines einzigen Menschen aufsteigen und niederfallen!

  4. E** ed io
    C’hanno spezzato il cuore i grandi.
    Come Africa e Brasile abbracciati.
    Ma c’è di mezzo il mare,fra noi.
    E** sola
    Col suo sguardo perduto,
    Una bambina annoiata d’estate.
    Io coi capelli lunghi, annodati dal sole,
    Come intrecciati dal sale.
    E** vide la mia barca arrivare:
    Fu …
    Per portare il tramonto al suo cuore.
    E** ride,
    Ride alla schiuma che
    S’alza nel Cielo.
    E** ride,
    Ride all’oro antico,
    Al mio tuffo nel mare.
    A quell’Amore bambino,
    A quel sogno perduto per noi,
    Che siamo grandi ormai
    E molto saggi.
    E** ed io insieme,
    Come la notte al cuore,
    Come favole dolci,
    Come il corallo è sangue,
    I pescatori ne fecero
    Collane rosse per Amore.
    E** ed io insieme,
    Tremando a una carezza che
    Svelava il mistero,
    Sdraiati in una notte azzurra
    Al mistero scoperto di
    Una fine d’estate.
    E** ed io,
    Smarriti all’inverno,
    Alla città ed alle foglie bagnate
    Con le sue mani fredde
    Nella stessa mia tasca,
    Per riscaldarci
    Il cuore e le dita.
    E** ed io,
    Al mare d’inverno
    Divenne notte l’Amore.
    E** rise,
    Rise alla schiuma
    Che s’alza al Cielo.
    E** ride,
    All’oro antico
    Al mio tuffo nel mare.
    A quell’amore bambino
    A quel sogno finito per noi,
    Che siamo grandi
    E molto saggi…
    PS: È una canzone scritta nel 1984 da Amedeo.
    Che sensazione tremenda leggere il mio nome!Con tanti più semplici,più comuni..
    Il mio viso ha cambiato colore.
    “Non può essere”..che colpo al Cuore.
    È solo una coincidenza stranissima?

  5. https://youtu.be/-B3nflRUb34
    Che bella,tranne il finale!:(
    Sto diventando una “romantica senza freni”..
    Peccato che la Realtà non è così oggi.
    Resteremo due Sognatori?
    Forse è anche per questo che ti scrivo così tanto..immagino.
    Forse sono anche preoccupata..molto.
    Ti voglio bene.

  6. Estratto dei Protocolli,Miguel Serrano.
    “Abbiamo visto che Mosè non era giudeo, neppure Giuseppe, un sacerdote egiziano di nome Touiya. Neppure lo fu Giosue, un generale filisteo, che fermo’ il sole, successore di Mosè. Salomone sarebbe stato un assiro, di nome Salmanazar, o un ariano amorita, iniziato ai Misteri egiziani di Hator. Anche il Re Davide e Saul(io aggiungerei Romano)Dall’Egitto i giudei prendono l’idea del Messia – di cui si può leggere sulle stele dei templi egiziani – anche dall’Iran.
    Lo stesso termine “ebreo” non appartiene ad essi. Durante alcune conversazioni nella Germania del Nord il pastore Jürgen Spanuth, instancabile investigatore della storia degli iperborei e delle loro invasioni nell’Asia Minore, fino in Egitto, mi conferma che il nome “ebreo” appare per la prima volta sulla stele di un tempio egizio, potendo significare gigante.
    Anche Spanuth afferma che l’idea del “popolo eletto” e nordico-ariana, arrivando in Asia Minore con gli iperborei, dall’Iran, dopo con i filistei, con gli iksos, con gli amoriti. I giudei se ne appropriarono.

    Si appropriarono anche di diversi segni runici, come il pentagono, la Stella a sei punte di Davide e il Sigillo di Salomone, che in verità e la Runa Hagal, del Dio Odino.
    Li adulterarono. Neppure Giacobbe è un nome giudeo e la sua lotta con l’Angelo è una prova iniziatica iperborea. Giacobbe era nipote di Abramo, che non era semita. Lo stesso nome Israel, che l’Angelo da a Giacobbe, vuol dire “colui che lotta con Dio” e si riferisce al Mistero del Gral iperboreo, che secoli dopo rivivrà nella leggenda di Parzival.
    Tutto questo veniva dal nord, come il Re Sacerdote del Centro Polare, Er, Irmin, Atlante, Poseidone, Apollo, Melchisedek. Come Salem – (pace) – Salomone.
    II simbolo si completa con la Regina di Saba, che vuol dire Sud, significando l’unione di entrambi i Poli, del Nord e del Sud, nel Cantico dei Cantici.

    E pensare che tutta questa meraviglia di simboli, di misteri, di leggende, di sapienza iperborea, è stata adulterata, al pari della Cabala Orfica, da una tribù di bastardi e di schiavi, posta al servizio di un terribile sentimento di peccato razziale, nella realizzazione dei fatidici disegni di un Archetipo Planetario, del Signore delle Tenebre e del Caos, del padrone delle Ombre, che hanno chiamato Jehova!…

    Alla formazione del popolo giudaico, che neppure era un popolo, concorrono agli inizi, molte tribù diverse, in mescolanza male assimilata: cananiti, edomiti, madianiti, aramaici, moabiti, amoriti, samaritani, galilei, fenici e filistei. Le tribù spariscono, lasciando alla fine come unica, per poter realizzare la grande falsificazione e distruzione di tutte le tracce, la tribù di Giuda, la più primitiva, con il minor coefficiente intellettuale, fanatica e razzialmente degenerata.

    Da li, a poco a poco, inizia il cammino con un intento di limpidezza genetica, di purificazione dei geni, pretendendo di fare sparire le prove della degradazione razziale delle origini (per questo, “la loro verità e la menzogna organica”, come diceva Rosenberg).
    I documenti antichi saranno adulterati con la menzogna e la falsificazione. In questo modo, e da li, si afferma sulla terra la cospirazione cosmica.
    Si cancellano tutte le tracce dei legami originari delle razze superiori con un altro Cosmo, distruggendo le prove della loro discendenza divina, extra universale. Comincia anche la distruzione sistematica delle razze superiori (che essendo le più nobili, sono le più fiduciose) e dei loro testimoni”
    Dio mio,Serrano aveva una lucidità di pensiero incredibile,il suo libro(cordone dorato)è fantastico.
    Devo assolutamente prenderlo.
    Ho letto solo alcuni estratti(purtroppo)e posso affermare che conosceva molte cose,tutto quello che io ho affrontato,anche a livello esoterico(per dirla in maniera breve).La tua battaglia in questo tempo,mentale-spirituale!
    Sono senza parole.
    È stato un grande Socialista Nazionale.
    Mi sarebbe piaciuto conoscerlo.

    • It is indeed intersting. I read it all.

      My only concern is with the danger of mental escapism…that we imagine that some other people will come and save us.

      If we adopt this mindset, then we have reverted to the same psychology that underlies Saul’s “Christianity”:

      Saul said, in effect, we must abandon our planet to Satan and to the jews, the same way that Jesus surrendered to the Temple priests, and then He let himself be arrested, tried, whipped and then crucified. We let them kill us, as Jesus let them kill Him, and then a special person, Jesus, takes us away to another world, to heaven….. a totally toxic delusion which serves the goal of the jews!


      È davvero interessante. Ho letto tutto.

      La mia unica preoccupazione è il pericolo di evasione mentale … che immaginiamo che altre persone verranno a salvarci.

      Se adottiamo questa mentalità, allora siamo tornati alla stessa psicologia che sta alla base del “cristianesimo” di Saul:

      Saul ha detto, in effetti, che dobbiamo abbandonare il nostro pianeta a Satana e agli ebrei, allo stesso modo in cui Gesù si è arreso ai sacerdoti del Tempio, e poi si è lasciato arrestare, processare, frustare e poi crocifisso. Lasciamo che ci uccidano, come Gesù lascia che lo uccidano, e poi una persona speciale, Gesù, ci porta via in un altro mondo, in paradiso ….. un’illusione totalmente tossica che serve l’obiettivo degli ebrei!

  7. In effetti si, è una concezione sbagliata!:)
    Dimmi che non sono loro!
    Sono i famosi Giganti,nemici degli Aesir.Appartenevano ai Vanir,che dopo due guerre si unirono agli Aesir.
    Un popolo agricolo,diciamo Matriarcale,poco evoluto che praticava l’incesto,stregoneria e anche rapporti omosessuali(ho trovato un bellissimo articolo)..in realtà una fazione di questi Vanir o Vanitru’ si fuse con gli Aesir grazie all’approccio diplomatico di Odino.L’altra fazione dei Vanir più controversa e demoniaca,non cambiò queste brutte abitudini e si distaccò da essa completamente.
    Non lo so,ma questo viso mi ricorda tanto i visi cattivi disegnati da Leonardo.
    Sono troll,sono giganti..non capisco.
    Ma sembrano loro..i Giudei o Jotnar.
    Alessandro parla proprio di questi popoli…che seguivano i Kurgan,Ariani indoeuropei.

    • Transl:

      Ásatrú and Vanatrú: the 4 improbabilities

      Speaking of heathenism, confusion often reigns supreme not only among the “non-experts”, but also among the followers of the heathen faiths.

      Particularly between Ásatrú and Vanatrú, where we see mixing of concepts, fields of relevance and symbols.

      What follows is an analysis that, starting from academic studies by accredited experts, allows us to advance reflections and opinions for a broader and perhaps even more correct evaluation, free from easy personal enthusiasm.

      I therefore suggest to approach this writing with the true desire of the researcher and not only as a follower of one or the other Faith.

      A few thousand years after the end of the last Ice Age, which dates back to about 12,000 years ago, men from present-day Germany went north up to Scandinavia to get food through hunting and fishing.

      Of these men there are only uncertain archaeological traces and “it is only in the Neolithic that the finds become more numerous and homogeneous and allow us to formulate more concrete hypotheses ” (Isnardi).

      Around 3000 BC a peasant culture with apparently matriarchal characteristics took root in Scandinavia. We can find analogies in the rites of some populations of northern Germany (referriong to the cult of Nerthus mentioned by Tacitus in his De Origine et situ Germanorum).

      This is a culture that developed from what is now called Russia (Snorri identifying the Vanen country as being near the Don River) in some areas of Scandinavia, the Baltic and Germany.

      However, around 2,500 BC, a migration of an Indo-European people arrived first in northern Germany and then migrated up into the Scandinavian peninsula, finally settling in the Swedish Uppland.

      They are the Ásen, a warrior aristocratic population coming from Asia and led by a mythical leader, Odin, who finally established his political and religious center in Fornu Sigtunir (ancient Sigtuna).

      It is said that a woman named Gullveig from the Vanen tribe then “entered the land of the Ásen to bring them corruption and greed. She was a sorceress and practiced that art called seiðr, considered very harmful by men, but much practiced by evil females ” (Isnardi).

      Because of this interference, a war broke out between the Asi and the Vani (the latter not being deities at the origin), a “founding war,” which ended with a lasting peace, aimed at integrating the two different cultures.

      It is only as a result of this that what we now call Norse Tradition and by extension, Nordic Tradition, is born. However, what is often omitted is that, in order for this fusion to take place and the three main Vanir figures to “maintain a position of prestige, they must undergo a consecration rite … Njörðr, once he joined the Asi, had to renounce the endogamous wedding with his sister, renouncing a custom of the Vani” (Isnardi).

      It is only through the renunciation of some of their own practices, including the seiðr considered inconvenient for the warrior ethic of the Æsir, that the main Vanir gods such as Njörðr, Freyr and Freyja, will be able to enter the ranks of the Nordic pantheon and become divinities themselves.

      This involved a profound transformation in the indigenous culture. The new Vanen were fully integrated only if they abandoned some of their uses and renounce the Jötnar (Giants).

      Odin was recognized as Allföðr (Father of All).

      Njörðr and Freyr were acquired by the Great Father as his sons and were destined to reign after him. As proof of what has been said, see the many stories that see Freyr and Freyja as opponents of the Jötnar.

      We find this inevitable passage of cultures in all Indo-European migrations, including the Germanic populations. An example of this can be the transformation of the name from Winnili to Lombards, given to them by Odin himself, in a story quoted by Paulus Diaconus in his Historia Langobardorum.

      Speaking of Vanen, it will therefore always be necessary to identify the “before and after,” because the distance that separates these two realities is considerable. The former are related to the Jötnar with a demonic connotation (the giants are defined as the demons of the north), while the latter are integrated with and are solar deities, opposite to the former.

      Then there is another element never highlighted: the Norse language has an Indo-European origin and was introduced by the Æsir during their colonization, as the ancient manuscripts affirm ( Uphaf allra frásagna , Saga of Bósi and Brot um fornar átrúnadh).

      The Indo-European root ANSU-NSU defines the semantic area indicating how the word “Ásen” itself has this derivation. The term Ásu in Sanskrit means “breath of life” and indicates the god as a principle and a verb (Isnardi) from which derive words such as Æsir, Ásen, Asi, Ansuz, and Áss (old Icelandic).

      It follows that the Vanen did not speak Old Norse, and we do not know which language they used before integration although logic suggests the use of a Finno-Ugric language. [The word “Van” resembles even the word “Finn.”]

      The same word “Vanir-Vanen-Vani” comes from the Sanskrit “vanas” (pleasure). If anything, it was necessary to underline the incongruity of using terms that are irrelevant to what is promulgated.

      In the same way, we can say with certainty that the [Vanic, pre-Indo-European] natives themselves did not know the runes, as they too are of Indo-European derivation.

      Runic elements are found in the Etruscan alphabet and in various archaeological finds from Italy where the Vanen never arrived, unlike the Indo-European migrations. Mario Polia tells us that there are two main etymologies for “rune”. The first draws on Pokorny (Dictionary of Indo-European Etymology by J. Pokorny) which brings to the root the IE word REU-, the meaning of which stands for “mooing, muttering between the teeth”.

      From this derives the Latin rūmor (noise), the ancient Icelandic ryna (whisper), the ancient Irish rūn (mystery), the Gothic rūna (also meaning mystery) and so on; all languages ​​having a common etymology.

      G. Dumézil (second etymology): « through a reconstructed form in * wrunā , it refers to IE UERU and the divine figures of the magicians-sovereigns “who are very reminiscent of Odin (!).”

      These further elements confirm that the runes were not in any way pertaining to the indigenous Vanen, but rather were introduced [to Scandinavia] by the Ásen. The runic inscriptions [we have found] in Scandinavia are all from after the year zero, that is when the merger between the two populations had already been completed for about 2000 years. All of the above leads me to define the following points:

      In Vanatrú the cult of the demons of the north (Jötnar-Giganti) is identified. In Nordic literature we often find them as enemies of the Gods and against them we will fight on Earth to establish a new order.

      There are no elements of any kind that lead us to believe that the indigenous peoples knew the Norse language (1st improbability), which they acquired from the Indo-European colonizers.

      The Vanatrú cult is of a sorcerous and necromantic [contacting-the-dead] type connected only to the demons of the north.

      But runic sorcery before merging with the Ásen never appears to have existed (2nd improbability).

      There are no data of any kind by which it can be said that the Vanic natives knew and used the runes. Lacking concrete elements, a contrary statement and disclosure is only the result of questionable personal formulations.

      The indigenous “Vanen” had contacts with the Finnish and Lapp populations from which they learned all or part of the art of magic. The etymology of the word seiðr derives from the IE seitu, whose meaning is “to bind.”

      It therefore indicates a practice with witchcraft (not shamanic) characteristics aimed mainly at ligaments and divination. This practice supported the Ergi (homosexuality as used for magical purposes), which was not well received by Nordic warriors, as it was considered shameful for a man.

      Shamanism, in its many facets, undoubtedly has witchcraft connotations, but for clarity it is necessary to say that witchcraft is not the same as shamanism. Beyond the disquisition that can be made about the functions of the shaman, it would be enough to remember that the task of the necromancer is to travel to the Underworld, while for the shaman, whether man or woman, it is essential to make the Journey to the Underworld only so as to then be able to climb towards the top world.

      On this point the studies and the comparisons of the various types of shamanism leave no doubts (M. Eliade).

      Vanatru witchcraft therefore cannot be defined as Shamanism (3rd improbability).

      The witchcraft of the indigenous trivù was certainly influenced by the Lapps who, in fact, practiced shamanism. But the Noai’de (Saami shaman) had tasks that were not limited only to the ligament or ecstatic journey, tasks that, after all, appear in other types of shamanism (M. Eliade). Objectively, its multiple functions cannot be defined simply as seiðr.

      There are no data of any kind that permit the argument that the indigenous Vanic populations ever expanded throughout Europe, and they do not appear to have ever reached Italy (4th improbability), a nation that already had anyway its own independent witchcraft heritage.

      Therefore, lacking these roots, there are no ancestors of the indigenous Vanen down in Italy.

      The concept of the Ancestors is particularly important for a religious faith. The Avi are honored and nourished from them.

      This atavistic element, for example, appears to be fundamental for the Ásatrú faith. Without it, contact with the basic “Blood Root” would be missing, thus becoming a universalistic faith that everyone could approach and that could be developed anywhere in the world even without Ancestors (as in the current New Age mentality).

      For the Vanatrú, therefore, the “Blood Root” develops credibly only in the areas where the native Vanen once resided.

      In the Ásatrú faith, devotion and ritualistic devotion to the deities of the post-merger Vanen are widely attested. On the contrary, in Vanatrú we focus on the demons of the north. There never really seems to be the same devotion to the Ásen deities as to the Giants.

      The Asatrú faith gives great importance to the Ancestors, to all the Gods, and to the Spirits. It tends to develop and revive ancient values ​​and principles, both individual and collective.

      The acquisition of power as an end in itself is a concept that does not belong to us as it is fallacious and therefore easily lost.

  8. Ancora più avanti leggiamo punto 5a: E prima che Óðinn venisse qui venerato come un dio, pose i suoi governatori così com’era stato fatto a Troja: nominò nella città dodici capi in funzione di giudici e così egli stabilì le leggi così come era stato fatto a Troja, secondo i costumi dei Tyrkir [turchi].

    Da tutto ciò si può ipotizzare che l’origine comune dei popoli dell’attuale Europa sia la stessa, pur con le relative differenze “familiari”, si evince anche che gli stessi troiani, da cui discese la stirpe romana, non fossero altro che gli Æsir come conferma la stessa Ynglinga Saga, in cui nuovamente si parla di dodici Sacerdoti Sacrificatori: Era la regola che dodici sacerdoti del tempio fossero i capi preminenti che prendevano le decisioni circa i sacrifici e i giudizi tra gli uomini; essi erano detti diar o drótnar. A loro tutto il popolo doveva tributare servizio e venerazione. (3)

    Il numero dodici è importante, in tutte le tradizioni iniziatiche antiche i sacerdoti erano sempre in numero di dodici, così come dovevano essere dodici gli iniziatori al culto, in modo da rappresentare simbolicamente le “moltiplicazioni solari” che scandivano l’anno, una secondo ogni mese, tre secondo ogni quadrante, per un totale di 12, queste divisioni astrologiche erano ben conosciute dagli antichi Caldei come dagli Indo/Arii, persino applicate dai romani e in seguito occultamente dai cristiani per cui i geni delle dodici costellazioni sono sostituiti dai dodici Apostoli ed anche i 360 geni dei giorni lasciano il posto ai santi, il che dimostra l’oggettiva infondatezza del monoteismo. Queste conoscenze sono d’indubbia matrice “Solare”, caratteristica peculiare dei popoli indoeuropei che colonizzarono l’Europa a più riprese, integrando le culture autoctone solo in alcune componenti essenziali, portando di fatto un nuovo modo di vivere e intendere il mondo e la natura anche da un punto di vista “spirituale”.

  9. https://pin.it/2QC3Y43
    I Vanir..Alberich che ruba l’oro alle tre Norne.
    Le Donne Vanir erano molto diverse,molto più belle(Freya,Frigga).
    Per me la questione di questi Giganti e di questi Nani rimane irrisolta,ma tutto mi porta alla Casta e alla Cultura degenerata dei Giudei.
    Addirittura Serrano ipotizza che i Maya e tutte quelle culture indigene americane fossero parte della cultura Giudaica..se calcoliamo tutti i Sacrifici Umani e la stregoneria.

  10. https://pin.it/6gQFYky
    Alberich è un Nano.
    Suo figlio Hagen no,questo spiega come sono cresciuti in Altezza probabilmente.
    Gli Ariani si distinguevano per l’altezza e la muscolatura.
    Questa può essere un’ipotesi e probabilmente l’Origine di questa Razza.E’ ovvio che hanno continuato a mescolarsi con gli Ari per nascondere la loro bruttezza!anche se oggi molti si riconoscono ancora(Neanderthal).
    La parola Goin o Goym è associata agli Ariani del Nord 🙂

  11. Ora posso dirlo…I vero giganti sono Ebrei con aplogruppo R1B,a differenza di questi Nani J2; perciò abbiamo anche la famosa Parola JUDEN-JOTUNN.
    Wiki:Jotunn probabilmente deriva dal proto-germanico *etunaz, nominativo di “mangiare”, ed aveva il significato originale di “ingordo” o di “mangiatore di uomini”.Risi è probabilmente apparentato con l’inglese “to rise” (ergersi) e significa “persona torreggiante”. La parola Jotunn compare per la prima volta nell’inglese antico come Yotun e diede vita a varianti come Geottin, Eottan e Eontann, da cui otteniamo rispettivamente Yettin, Ettin ed Ent.

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