Spiritual reading; vanquishing our inner Norman

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Bernard Baruch and two of his lackeys

Evelyn de Rothschild pokes a servant in the chest



…..spiritual reading for March 6

It is a good day to deal with things that are concrete. Tend to tasks that must be done, that will produce outcomes you can see.

These may be things you have put off doing for a while, or they may be what is in front of you just today. In any case, it would be good to keep your focus on the tangible and the manageable.

Take things one step at a time, keep the scale of your vision human, and don’t let yourself become overwhelmed with that which you cannot change today.

Allow the small successes to be significant, and try not to give your energy or attention to those things which you cannot tackle right now.

If it is possible to work with the earth, do it today.


If conditions don’t support that, work at the next level up: spend some time preparing food that will feed you and your loved ones, body and soul.

Try to notice and rejoice in your part in the grand scheme of things. Although you will probably not spend the day fying on spiritual wings, honor the extraordinary role you are privileged to play in the amazing dream of your world.

And play it with devotion and reverence. Each action, no matter how small, is a prayer.

Tend to your own body and be aware of moving with pleasure and dignity within it. Let your consciousness fll your physical being and then allow your body to be an instrument, performing necessary tasks in a state of grace.

If you encounter any powerful emotional states today, our suggestion is that you release the feelings without investigation. Some days are made for delving, digging and examining what you fnd. Today you’ll be beter of just letting go; processing your emotions won’t be all that helpful.

You can dip into your feelings, but the likelihood is that the result will be more like picking at a scab than healing a wound. If you can, set aside any strong feelings; if they are worth looking into, they will keep for another day.

As is usually the case when you are called to aytend to the earthly plane, nature will be a great blessing and resource.

Turn to Her for support, inspiration and guidance.

We send you all our love

…..Comrade and major donor on the UK

England has been screwing over other Whites long before Rothschild came on the scene.

I replied

This is so true, as any Irishman or Scot can say…. but much more than that must be said. I am going to re-issue my Normans essay….

Actually, the jewish Rothschilds of Frankfurt, Gernany in the 1700s were johnny-come-latelies in the long and sickening history of British jewry.

The Rouen, Normandy jews were a pestilence in England, usurious money-lenders and ritual murderers, from back in AD 1066 up until 1290, when King Edward II, “Longshanks,” after decades of shameful delay, finally expelled them.



The jews began sneaking back in the late 1600s, secretly backing in 1692 the PRIVATE Bank of Englad.

Isaac Disraeli, father of Benjamin, boasted that by 1720 they again controlled the country.

By the time of Lord Byron, who wrote a powerful poem against jewry, the early 1800s, their domination of Britain was massive.

When I read Barbara Tuchman’s book, with its long chapters on Britain, the oil portraits in it showed every other British lord looking part-jewish! Dark hair plus hooked nose!

PM William Pitt the Elder was not originally a lord, but was made one and was of Norman ancestry.


The Judeo-Norman aristocracy has committed innumerable ghastly crimes against everyone. It is composed of a mix of jews and ruthless, raping, pillaging Viking nobles (“Northmen” = Normans) who had picked up some French in Normandy, France in 900-1066 AD.

Then one of them, William the Bastard, borrowed massive sums of money from Norman jews in Rouen to go and conquer the Kelto-Anglo-Saxons of England!

(These were my own ancestors, mind you, to my sorrow!!!!!!!!!!)

And this rotten bunch has been screwing the English people (including literally, and especially young boys!!!!) since 1066!

Under the rule of those psychopaths, a mostly peaceful, agricultural people who were gifted with both keltic and germanic DNA (the best combination there can be, both fun and poetic yet also hard-working and precise) and who were bothering and invading nobody turned into a nation that found some justification, by sheerest cant, to attack nearly every country on this earth!

I have to laugh at the British phrase in the 1500s of “privateer.” It was simply London-approved, open piracy. (The Romans, such as Julius Caesar, crucified pirates, btw.)

Privateering, a euphemism if there ever was one, came up in one of the two excellent movies on Queen Elizabeth I by an Indian director.

As long as the Queen got her “cut,” she was perfectly okay with private, wealthy British citizens and shipowners  attacking Spanish ships on the high seas and robbing them or murdering the crew!

No wonder the Spanish sent their Armada! It was not just the Catholic-Protestant thing!

The more I have learned of “English” (=Judeo-Norman-English!!) history since 1066, and read carefully the Shakespeare plays (= the Edward de Vere plays, and the brilliant Earl of Oxford himself was a snobbish Norman,) the more I understood why George Washington rose up ..

…and why my own grandfather (here with my grandmother) left Goole, Yorkshire, England for good to emigrate to New England as a boy with his parents in the late 1890s.


It was hell for many centuries for the white English working class — poverty, alcoholism, their common lands for agriculture and hunting “fenced in” and off-limits, the death penalty for 200 different crimes, and the endless wars of conquest for the sole benefit of the aristocrats.

The English people were brutalized first themselves until many of them became brutal as well.

When I read the heart-rending novels of Charles Dickens as a boy, it struck me how harsh and cruel slum life was for little English children.

‘Be seen, not heard,” and work yourself to the point of collapse at age six for a crust of bread.

Where was the natural love and adoration that white people in all ages once felt for our wee ones? 🙁


Reincarnationism is sorely needed. We as parents did not make our kids. God did! And He only lent them to us for incarnations of their spiriual growth!

They are not ultimately “ours” at all.

In fact, we have no idea who our little ones were in another life. Of course, they are to respect us — but also we them!

So kids are not small, wayward adults to be despised, resented and punished until they obey all our orders

In Barbara Tuchman’s book, The March of Folly, she goes into how aghast prosperous colonial Americans became when, all curious as well as proud about their mother country, they actually visited England

They saw first-hand the poverty of the desperately poor … and the sadism, sexual perversion, gambling, indolence, boozing (with port and French wines) and the heartless, callous arrogance of the filthy rich, who often did little or nothing.

It got to the point that the originally very pro-British and very anti-independence Benjamin Franklin came to the conclusion that there was no reasoning with such wicked, psychopathic aristocrats….. among them the Norman Spencers…. the ancestors of one Winston Spencer Churchill.

By 1783, after George Washington had won the Revolution militarily in 1781 at Yorktown, Virginia (with the massive help of the French and of a key German officer, Baron von Steuben!), there was a suggestion (which was being promoted by London) that America and Britain should now form some sort of loose union and stay together.

America would be self-governing but still technically under the king, thus becoming a “Dominion.” This is using a later word for the other WHITE colonies of Australia, Canada and New Zealand which would in fact become “self-giverning” in the next century.

But Franklin, having seen for years with growing revulsuon the British ruling class up-close, then published shocking wartime accounts of British officers paying Amerindians cash for each white scalp — of murdered white frontier families — which they had brought in.

Some “MOTHER country”!!

And so America insisted on total independence feom Britain with no political connection at all.

What folly of the Judeo-Normans to so appall a people who had once been proud to be British, and were clearly destined in every way to become a superpower!

But madness is normal on this specific, sinful, ego-mad planet called Terra or Earth.

To a lesser extent, I hasten to add, life was harsh for the working class in every other white country, too, just as it had been 2,000 years ago for most white Europeans under the brutal sword of Rome.

WHITE psychopaths, with their ruthless drive, greed, lust and passionate lover of lies and treachery, an art form for them, tend to take over everything:

every religion, every large company, every political party, every media outlet and even many marriages.

I know very well a woman in this 99% white town whose mother murdered her father and a sibling for the insurance money!

And when a white psychopath is on the make, a Dwight Eisenhower type, or, decades later, a Bill Clinton, then in rush the jews, a whole RACE of psychopaths, in the form of a financier like Bernard Baruch to identify and groom such young white psychopaths.

They “show them a good time,” and you see this with Charlie Sheen’s character in “Wall Street” and, in a Sicilian-American context, in the character played by Ray Liotta, the half-Irish “Henry Hill,” in “Goodfellas.”

They rope them in with a taste of the high life, the sex and the big money, and the jews form binding alliances with them.

(And never forget that the jews were an integral part of the so-called Italian Mafia in America!!! Jews were the doctors for wounded Mafia gunmen, the lawyers and the money-launderers of what is better called “the Mob.”)

And the granite bedrock, the hard, solid foundation of the relationship, is always the blackmail — the jews having serious, criminal dirt, sexual and/or financial — on the goy psychopath they have reeled in.

Jeffrey Epstein was there for just that function, one of hundreds of jews who specialize in sucking white scumbags who have smarts and charisma into their web of sin.


I can just imagine William the Bastard in AD 106-5 meeting with the jew money-lenders of Rouen, Normandy!

And soon adter the “Norman” Conquest, the jews were raping and ritually murdering white English children with impunity under the Viking Normans, and thwn bribing the Lord High Sheriffs in every town where an English boy’s body was found, drained of its blood, so that tthe sheriff  “looked the other way.”

The vile-looking, scrawny little neander-jew is nothing without the WHITE psychopath — the Eisenhower, Clinton, Bill Gates, Gavin Newsome in California or Justin Trudeau — who wants to get rich and famous quick, then, as a reward, get to f–k crying little boys.

I was one of those boys, and yes, it happens to upper-class white boys, too, in the Manchurian Candidate program.

Knowing what I know, I cannot ever be reconcile or strike my sails. Our world is full of unimaginable pain from these devils whom we permit to exist.

I am no different from General Maximus: I will have my vengeance, for all good whites who have ever suffered under these wild two-legged beasts, and now also for the recent death of my wife Margi as well, whom I miss keenly each and every day.


  1. The Scots, Irish, Welsh and Brits have been fighting each other long before the Romans or Normans. The English became the dominant power. Sections of Scots, Irish and Welsh were only too happy to fight each other for money or power. The Scots, Irish, and Welsh sided, when convenient, gladly with the dominant England for opportunities and a share of power.

    Basically it was about money, greed and survival.

    The social system yhat has prevailed has been the survival of the most violent and the richest.

    The Jewish involvement in British politics united the four powers for global conquest. This allowed the Jews to collect taxes and get opportunities for position and power.

    Certain Jewish money lenders were richer than English kings, such as Aaron of York.

    Cromwell’s funding for an Irish invasion was paid for via rich merchants, who avoided taxes.

    Some were Jewish. Jews funded the opium trade, slave trade, and money lending for foreign wars. And they infiltrated British trade, commerce and politics.

    Today our banks fund tanks.

    • Thanks for this excellent comment.

      The Irish, Welsh, and Scots, being typical of all us egoic earthlings, were slaughtering each other non-stop before the Normans.

      Various Scots singing about the battle in 1689 at Killecrankie of Scot against Scot:




      Great soft-rock version:


      ..as nuts as were the Vikings, as many a saga from Iceland reveals…Poet Egil was burned alive in his house with his family.

      And let us not forget the Ancient Greeks and their insane Pelopponnese War that wiped out, over decades, both the blond Athenians and the even more nordic Spartans.

      Euripides even did a play about the Athenian and Spartan women going on a sex strike to stop it! 😉

      This is exactly how the true Greek race died out, by killing each other, yielding us the swarthy and often crooked “Greeks” of today who look like Arabs and have done little of genius since 300 BC. 🙁

      And Rome..50 years of civil wars before Augustus ended the chaotic Republic ….and the Japanese strife before the great shogun Tokugawa….

      This is all madness. War kills off the best and the bravest, for militaries want the best men, not the misfits.

      But if we really want a war, how about killing off our real enemies instead, just once! 😉

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