Spiritual reading — walk on the highwire

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July 15

There is so little that you do not already know, at least in theory. And we are here, not to teach you that which you do not know, but to remind you to heed that which is already there within you. We are here to invite you to allow it to flower.

*** Sounds like fluff but is not

We are higher beings who are learning to apply what we know to real-world situations. And after every one of our lives, we have an interlife and see a life-review video.

Having a romantic partner is also a life-review video. 😉 Your loved one will give you feedback on what you did right and what hurt them.

Margi had the greatness of heart to apologize to me for something yesterday. And it is truly spiritual to say “I was wrong, and I am sorry.”

I found this note this morning. I have scanned in only the ending.

turned around:

Margi is a hot-tempered redhead, a Kelt but also Germanic, and a Scorpion. And she has ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder. She says whatever comes to mind. 😉

So we had a silly tiff about where the lemons are located in the supermarket. 😉 And she is always in pain, 5 out of 10 on the pain scale these days, and gets morphine thrice daily.

But someone kind-of important here locally saw it.

And I, as a public figure, an extremely controversial person and a national socialist, cannot afford public disputes, which are discrediting, can be used by the enemy, and can lead to negative gossip. So I took serious umbrage. In politics, religion or any public role, perception is reality.  

Anyway, with Margi it can take a few hours….  but then she does apologize. 🙂 I usually apologize more quickly.

I swear Margi was some sort of East Prussian aristocrat who had many servants, and was highly educated, and a fierce national socialist. Look at Margi’s very “Kraut” jawline. 😉 But mine is pretty strong too. 😉 Fact is, we both are determined.

Ruins of Castle Schaaken in East Prussia, now part of the Kaliningrad exclave which is Russian territory


What is funny in our relationship is that for her, Hitler could do not wrong, but as for me, I can. 😉

Women can be far more loyal than men are; Margi is still, like then, a Hitlermädchen.

Sadly, I speculate, her last life came to a horrible end in 1945, like that of six million other eastern Germans.

There is an awful passage in Hellstorm…..

Hellstorm The Death of Nazi Germany 1944-1947 by Thomas Goodrich

….where the Soviet Army is approaching, raping, torturing and killing.

The mongol troops (and the released criminals) were the worst


Soviet and Germans tanks and machine guns fire away. Buildings collapse, and German soldiers fight Russians hand-to-hand.

Waffen-SS soldiers go on the offensive and invade a Soviet trench in East Prussia held by the Second Guards Division; chillingly, a Soviet officer (commissar??) grins satanically in the background. Both from knowing their own fate as SS men if captured alive, and hearing the German women scream, the SS men fought with fury.


As German women shriek, a mother pulls her kids into the river with her in order to drown them so as to spare them a horrible death.

(One must read Hellstorm to understand why the Goebbels euthanized their own beautiful kids, even if one does not approve.)

One boy, however, escapes his mother, his survival instinct prevailing, and watches in open-mouthed horror as his mom and little sister are swept away by the river and their heads go under.  🙁 🙁  (An adult German feels pity for the boy and takes him along.)

Anyway, Margi shows signs of reincarnational PTSD. Anything involving torture and suffering makes her turn off the video instantly, or close the book.

Having been through MK-ULTRA, I know how that is. Even if you have repressed the details, some things are just chilling, and give you a black and awful feeling.

If I see anyone even run barefoot over asphalt, or see anyone dragged by their legs, and see human skin being scraped by a roadbed,  by asphalt or concrete, I feel something very terrible inside, like seeing children being dragged away to their death.  I thank God it is firmly repressed. But the chicken macerator thing set me off a few months ago, and I think I saw live white children, tied up, being torn to shreds by one.

Anyway, I salute Margi for apologizing; this shows she is a learning, growing, loving woman.

Swami Rama, under whose disciples I studied meditation, and I met him once, was once asked what the purpose of our life here is.

He said, instantly: “To have relationships.”

To apply what you learned to the real world — to living and working patiently and lovingly with others, to learning to be both yin and yang, both gentle and firm.



Today, it is advisable to think as little as possible. If you can, let go of any agendas that include accomplishing things, at least in a material manner. Thinking, analyzing, moving matter around—these are not going to be highly favored activities.

Try to let the birds guide you: they sleep in the trees and walk on the earth in order to tend to their biological needs, but they are often to be found soaring, floating, gliding through the air. This will be an effective strategy for everyone today. Spend all the time you can above the mundane. Allow yourself to live as much as is possible in the realms of heart and spirit.

You may find that affairs of the earth call, but remember that your ability to deal with them efficiently and wisely will not be at its greatest, so put off all that you can reasonably put off. Defer anything that does not require immediate attention.

As you lift yourself above the worldly, make sure that you are choosing the currents you wish to ride. This is important. There are many waves of fear and loss and contraction that are marketing themselves as real and worthwhile, that hold a certain seductiveness for many of you. And they are real if you embrace them as such. But…this is the moment when will, when personal will and the capacity to exercise it for the good of all is essential. And this is the moment when it is as critical as it has ever been for you to live that which you have been ‘practicing’ or studying or discussing or even hoping.

Listen: everything is fine. There are no mistakes. Your heart is perfect, as are you. As are you all. Choose love and don’t think about it. Start with yourself and let it expand. There is nothing more, really. That is all there is. The rest is distraction.

Imagine walking a high wire over a deep canyon and from either side there are people shouting—your name, directions, the dire consequences of a fall — utter inanities. If you are to reach the other side, your focus must be complete and the noise and energies of those catcallers not allowed to penetrate your consciousness.

That is what it seems like on your planet at this moment. The stakes are high. But…the truth is that there is no high wire, no drop to avoid and no danger if you recognize that you are always in the hands of the divine and the comedy plays itself out with the most profound love and reverence for each of us. How could it be otherwise, since we are all one?

So if you feel pulled to look down, or to listen to the disturbances around you, remember to stay focused on your heart, on loving, and try to keep close to you the awareness that everything is already perfect. There is really nothing to do but to allow yourself to know that.

We send you much, much love and many blessings. May you dance upon the high wire in joyous celebration of the love that you always are.


Faith Dickey, 26, from Austin, Texas performed the walk during the Highgirls Brazil Festival. The terrifying highline she crossed was at Pedro da Gávea in Rio de Janeiro – one of the country’s most famous highlines. https://www.thesun.co.uk/archives/news/731641/this-woman-just-walked-a-840m-high-wire-in-high-heels/

So kwitcher whinin’! 🙂

Someone once asked actress-dancer Ginger Rogers what it was like to dance with the great Fred Astaire.

She replied: “I did every move Fred did, but backwards and in high heels!”

Everyone who incarnates on this beautiful-terrible planet is brave; I salute them!



  1. Oh,dolce Margi…
    Credo di comprendere cosa prova.
    Ho cominciato ad avere questi sintomi verso i dieci anni(magari prima,solo che nessuno lo ha capito)ricordo che la mia maestra di musica si lamentava di questa mia disattenzione.”E’ molto distratta!”
    O mio Dio,sono sempre stata molto emotiva,rallentata!
    Ovviamente questa cosa è peggiorata nel tempo,incubi,fallimenti di ogni tipo,depressione,perdita di memoria,bassa autostima.
    Non ci posso credere..
    Come faccio ad esserne sicura?

    • Transl:

      Oh, sweet Margi …

      I think I understand how she feels [from ADD, or perhaps also PTSD from another life].

      I started having these symptoms around the age of ten (or maybe beforethat, only that nobody understood it back then). I remember that my music teacher complained that I was careless. “She is very distracted!”

      Oh my God, I’ve always been very emotional, and slowed down by this!

      Obviously this thing has worsened over time, triggering nightmares, failures of all kinds, depression, memory loss, and low self-esteem. I can not believe it. How can I be sure of anything [with these self-doubts]?


      I feel deeply for you. And I wonder if vaccines from the jews did not cause this. A huge percentage of whites today who were vaccinated have some disability, especially those under 40.

      The new religion must teach and train people to heal their brains and nervous systems, and to accept with serenity what cannot be completely fixed.

      Above all, we must love ourselves, and congratulate ourselves every single day on our courage to be here — at this time — as activists, as parents, as spouses — on this very daunting world!

      A world, however, where one can grow 30 times faster than on relatively perfect planets! 🙂

  2. Lieber John DeNugent,

    kannst du das bitte teilen, damit immer mehr mitmachen:



    Am 13.07.2014 machten es sich einige Aktivisten zur Aufgabe an die Tausende, durch Ausländer getöteten Deutschen – seit 1990 zu erinnern. Leider stieg diese Zahl in den letzten Jahren weiter nach oben. Die genaue Zahl lässt sich nur noch schwer nachvollziehen, da eine falsche Zahl in diesem Land leicht als eine Straftat ausgelegt werden könnte und die Dunkelziffer bekanntlich höher liegt.

    Sie zogen mit der Hilfe vieler Freunde und Unterstützer aus allen Bundesländern durch das Land und stellten dabei hunderte schwarzer Kreuze, im Gedenken an unsere deutschen Opfer, auf.

    Auch im siebten Jahr möchten wir den unzähligen deutschen Opfern ausländischer Gewalttaten gedenken. Wir rufen wieder alle Aktivisten, ob Partei- oder Kameradschaftsgebunden oder freie Aktivisten spielt keine Rolle, dazu auf am 13.07.2020 ein Zeichen zu setzen.
    Der Phantasie sind wie immer keine Grenzen gesetzt. Natürlich steht nach wie vor das Anfertigen und Aufstellen der schwarze Kreuze im Vordergrund. Transparent- oder Flugblattaktionen haben aber auch einen positiven Effekt auf die Bevölkerung und auch sie zeigen das die Opfer der Gewalttaten nicht vergessen sind.

    Wir verändern die Strategie

    Antifa, Polizei und Systempresse schmeißen sich Jahr für Jahr ins Zeug die Aktion Schwarze Kreuze zu relativieren und für den Bürger unsichtbar zu machen. Es gelingt ihnen leider auch recht gut. Kaum stehen oder hängen die Kreuze an einem Ortseingangsschild, ist auch schon die Polizei da und entfernt sie wieder.

    Wir haben uns zusammengesetzt und für dieses Jahr beschlossen die Strategie ein wenig abzuändern. Weiterhin kann und soll in jeder Stadt und in jedem Dorf ein schwarzes Kreuz am Ortseingangsschild hängen. Davon könnt ihr uns natürlich auch wieder jede Menge Bilder zukommen lassen.
    Aber, wir bitten euch es bei einem einzigen Kreuz pro Ortseingang zu belassen und alle anderen schwarzen Kreuze, komplett ohne Aufschrift oder Markierung in der Stadt, dem Dorf, auf der Landstraße, oder einfach im umliegenden Landkreis zu platzieren. Der Hintergrund ist folgender, die Polizei kann vielleicht das von euch beschriftete Kreuz am Ortseingang sicherstellen aber sie werden nicht durch den ganzen Landkreis fahren um am Straßenrand ein Kreuz zu suchen. So besteht die Möglichkeit, dass Kreuze länger stehen und hängen als nur den einen Tag.

    Bilder einsenden

    Wir freuen uns natürlich wie jedes Jahr über die von euch eingereichten Bilder. Ab diesem Jahr habt ihr die Möglichkeit uns die Bilder neben der eMail-Adresse: schwarzekreuze@protonmail.com auch in einer Telegram Gruppe zukommen zu lassen. Jeder kann dieser Gruppe beitreten, jedoch wird bis zum 13.07. niemand in dieser Gruppe schreiben können. Ab dem Tag der Schwarzen Kreuze könnt ihr eure Bilder in diese Gruppe setzen. Wir werden sie dann auf unserer Netzseite veröffentlichen. Am 13.07. um 23:59 Uhr wird das schreiben in dieser Gruppe dann wieder für ein Jahr eingeschränkt.

    Was wir veröffentlichen

    Wie oben bereits beschrieben wollen wir die schwarzen Kreuze überall wissen, ob in den Dörfern oder um die Dörfer, in den Städten oder um die Städte herum, auf dem Marktplatz, vor dem Rathaus, an den Bundesstraßen, um die Felder, auf Wanderwegen, überall sollen sie stehen. ABER, wir möchten euch bitten, uns ausschließlich Bilder von dem Kreuz an dem Ortseingangsschild zu senden. Gerne könnt ihr uns mitteilen wie viele schwarze Kreuze ihr „in der Region“ aufgestellt habt, wir werden von diesen jedoch keine Bilder veröffentlichen um die Standorte für die Feinde der Aktion nicht zu verraten. Natürlich gelten weiterhin die unter –Rechtliches- genannten Hinweise für eure Einsendungen.

    Für eure Anregungen und Gedanken haben wir stets ein offenes Ohr. Meldet euch unter der bekannten eMail-Adresse oder via Telegram (Admin der Gruppe anschreiben).

    In diesem Sinne, auf ein gutes Gelingen auch im Jahr 2020.

  3. Per fortuna tutto è passato.Mi ha aiutata molto la musica,il disegno,la scrittura e la Natura.Tutte queste qualità le ha riconosciute la mia cara maestra dell’asilo…”una bambina davvero allegra che vuole fare le cose dei bambini più grandi”,anche se avevo il mio Mondo,isolata da tutti gli altri bambini,con il muso sempre sulla tastiera che lei suonava spesso in classe!Sono ancora molto legata a lei!Si John,a nove anni pensavo cose che non appartenevano alla mia età,ero Fissata per l’Austria e per Mozart ma come una vera Donna!
    Tutte cose che ho tenuto dentro,fantasie e Incubi.
    Tanto chi mi poteva comprendere…
    Sono colpita dal carattere di Margi.
    Sei davvero premuroso con lei,mi riempie di orgoglio!
    Vi completate ed è meraviglioso.
    So che non ti lascerebbe mai;è una questione di Anima,dove la troveresti una Donna come lei?
    Non ci sono persone della vostra età così affiatate,così innamorate.

    Per tutti ero solo molto lenta,timida..timorosa.
    Non ho mai tirato me stessa fuori completamente,ero sempre immersa nei pensieri,distratta,o forse semplicemente innamorata delle cose impossibili.
    Questo è sempre stato un riparo per questa dura realtà.
    Reincarnazione,vaccinazioni,legami particolari e qualità ereditate.

    • Transl:

      Luckily everything bad has passed. Music, drawing, writing and Nature have helped me a lot. All these qualities were recognized by my dear kindergarten teacher … writing “a really cheerful girl who wants to do over children’s things”, even though I had my on little world, isolated from all the other children, with the muzzle always on the keyboard that she often played in class!

      I am still very attached to her!

      Yes, John, at nine years old I thought things that did not belong to the my age, I was all set for Austria and Mozart but as a real adult woman!

      All things that I kept inside, fantasies and nightmares.

      So many who could not understand me …

      I am struck by Margi’s character.

      You are really kind to her, and she fills me with pride!


      You complete each other and it’s wonderful. 🙂

      I know you would never leave her; it’s a question of Soul. Where would you find a woman like her?

      There are no people of your age still so close-knit, so in love.

      For everyone I was just very slow, shy .. fearful.

      I never completely pulled myself out of my reveries. I was always immersed in thoughts, distracted, or perhaps simply in love with impossible things.

      This has always been a shelter for this harsh reality.

      Reincarnation, vaccinations, special bonds and inherited qualities.

      Who knew! 🙂


  4. https://www.astrologiarchetipica.it/segno/scorpione
    Si,sono riuscita a confermare che ha tanto in comune con il mio segno zodiacale(Ariete).
    Quello che mi stupisce è che siete entrambi due segni d’acqua,non opposti.
    Non dovrei meravigliarmi perché ho sposato un segno di fuoco(ariete).
    Eppure ci sono delle differenze,nonostante abbiamo lo stesso ascendente(Vergine).
    Ora vedo il segno dello Scorpione con un’altra mentalità…mi affascina terribilmente.
    Puoi dirmi il suo ascendente…?
    È molto gelosa vero?
    Ti ama follemente 🙂 🙂
    Ho letto poche righe…ma ho capito immediatamente.
    E’ così bello.
    Sono davvero emozionata.
    Puoi darle un abbraccio da parte mia?puoi dirle che le voglio tanto bene e che ci penso a lei?! 🙂

  5. Le persone con Plutone in Scorpione hanno un appassionata sete di mistero. A loro piace usare gli intrighi e hanno una grande predisposizione per la trasformazione personale che può accadere specialmente attraverso i loro desideri.
    Sono prolifici, universali e capaci. Irradiano poteri occulti.
    La loro sessualità si sta anche trasformando per loro, ma allo stesso tempo possono sentirsi limitati da essa.
    Plutone in Terza casa
    Plutone nella terza casa suggerisce la possibilità di interruzioni nell’istruzione,nelle relazioni familiari o in altri eventi nell’infanzia di queste persone. Plutone crea pensatori profondi e consente loro di comprendere il significato più profondo che può rimanere nascosto quando si tratta di altri.
    Queste persone hanno opinioni forti, ma spesso controverse, che esprimeranno liberamente o tacciono su di loro. Probabilmente sono interessati a problemi complessi e profondi che studieranno con grande interesse.
    È tratto dal mio tema Natale.
    Non posso rimuginare sul mio passato,non posso permettere che qualcuno me lo faccia “pesare” ancora.
    È tutto scritto..il mio carattere,la mia vita familiare,le mie predisposizioni.
    Fa parte del mio Karma;dal segno della Bilancia a quello dell’Ariete.
    Non puoi immaginare che senso di Pace!
    Vi voglio troppo bene 🙂

  6. https://youtu.be/IfUD5D7INcU
    Te lo lascio qui…dove mi sembra più ovvio 🙂
    Altra cosa,ho sbagliato una data importante;l’incidente della concordia è avvenuto nel 2012 come per il Titanic(1912);ricordo che il quadro dopo si è completamente inclinato su di un lato(Magia nera).
    Si,John…ci siamo spaventati!
    Se non ricordo male,purtroppo non ricordo se è successo per questa grande nave ma una coppia di anziani disse di essere stata guidata fin sopra e tratta in salvo da due persone sconosciute di bell’aspetto,queste persone non erano presenti nella lista dei passeggeri perciò non sono riusciti a ringraziarli.
    In ogni caso si trattava di Angeli 🙂 🙂

  7. https://www.quotidiano.net/esteri/trump-schettino-cnn-coronavirus-1.5278906
    Se l’America viene paragonata alla Concordia…stiamo messi male!
    È Tutto un bluff…
    Trump sta “smontando” la CNN 🙂
    Solo un Cretino non può capire che questi Idioti si stanno dando la zappa sui loro piedini.
    Sono dei poveri disperati, LOL 🙂 🙂
    E quanto mi piace mandare in palla le persone per questo fatto di Trump 😉
    Si sta vendicando per il semplice fatto che i Giudei lo hanno preso per i Fondelli nella sua ultima Vita?
    Non ce la faccio ad essere pessimista.
    La Vendetta va gustata piano piano..
    Concedimi questo piatto.

    • Transl:

      If America is compared to [the crashed cruise liner] Concordia … it’s in bad shape! It’s all a bluff …
      Trump is “dismantling” CNN

      Only an idiot cannot understand that these idiots are hoeing down on their own feet.
      They are poor desperados – LOL

      And how much I like to get people on the ball about this side of Trump.

      Is he taking revenge for the simple fact that the Jews took him for the Fondelli in his last Life?

      Oh, John. I can’t be pessimistic. Vendetta should be enjoyed slowly .. Give me this dish. 😉

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