Spiritual reading; Wayne Herschel responds to my article; when Germans were charming, gallant, chivalrous and wonderful

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Under Hitler, the Germans, previously quite reserved, revealed the charming and nice side of their nature. In conquered and allied countries, German soldiers and officers were very popular with the ladies.

A report to the Vatican by the Papal Nuncio to Germany and also a book by a British trade union official who spent a year in the Third Reich to see how the working class was actually faring under Hitler (his c.1936 book “My Year in Germany,” proving they were happy and flourishing, has disappeared off all bookshelves) noticed a remarkable, genuine friendliness.



….Spiritual reading for August 21

We will be brief today. This is because the thing we wish to convey is just a reminder, although it is one of paramount importance. There is no adornment or embellishment to drape over the central direction for the day.

This day is for love. Forget Valentine’s Day, or remember that it is all of a half year away. Today is here and if at all possible it should be devoted to love. It doesn’t matter much where you direct it, as long as you let it fly. It can all go to yourself (always an excellent and deeply generous choice) — yes, truly love and cherish YOU and remember all your progress! — or it can go to another, to animals, to plants, to asteroids, to the planet. Don’t let us limit you—you know what it is that you love today, so just give yourself over to it.

Let your heart overflow and try not to worry about looking a little loony. There may be much to do from an earthly perspective, it may be easy to get caught up in this or that, and in the end, you can occupy your mind and your body in whatever manner is most profitable.

But don’t forget your heart. Make yourself a sign or a note or do anything you know will help you remember to return to it and open it up so that its riches can be felt and known—over and over all day long.

Please revel in this. It is a day of the greatest potential joy. There is nothing higher to which you can aspire today. Fly. Be alight. Love. It is more important than you can know. Thank you.

We love you.


…..The great Wayne Herschel wrote me

Herschel, a white former Rhodesian of German heritage and married to a German woman, is now a South African. He has marshalled proofs that (most, though he says all) humans came here to earth long ago from the stars to this “Goldilocks” planet (which, like the porridge, is “not too warm, not too cold,but just right”).

Herschel also believes that Spain, now attached to Europe, was once an island, and that this was Atlantis, with the capital west of Cadiz, and northwest of Gibraltar.

Then the Younger Dryas comet struck.

A gigantic comet strike onto Greenland, he believes, transformed the earth, melted the ice cap, and shoved Spain into Europe (just as India, which is a geological certainty, drifted into Asia, creating the Himalayas as it crunched into it).
 In the same way, when the island now called Spain collided with France/the Continent, it piled up the Pyrenees.
The idea of tectonic plates — and continents — sliding over a fluid stratum shows how this is possible.

I blogged on Wayne Herschel back on July 8.

(From https://johndenugent.com/exclusive-spiritual-reading-atlantis-amazing-theory-pleiades-materialism-race-mixing-downfall/#comment-725324)

*** Wayne Herschel wrote this comment:


I dont mind when folks repost a lot of my work while it is under attack because it is due to the ufo content and first contact which powers that be want silenced

here is the free view documentary on youtube

… BUT…

Please remove the untrue nazi angle. I am a Catholic South African and absolutely insist ALL races of humanity … ALL races are tied to this star map human origin claim, starting at the Atlantis origin discovery claim.

I repeat … in my free view documentary this all race origin fact where ALL races are scared at least 5 times because all races have this star map pattern in their history.



I replied:

Hi, Wayne.

I am flattered and honored to read your comment on my article about you and your truly amazing and revolutionary discoveries. I am publishing herewith your correction and clarification.

You, Wayne Herschel, state that you do not advocate, endorse or entertain Nazi racial doctrines, and I will modify the text above to reflect this.

If I may, I wish to switch to another topic, and raise a small or perhaps not-so-small issue, that is, wording you use that sometimes is a bit confusing. For example, I am a bit puzzled by the meaning of this, where you write:

„ALL races are scared at least 5 times.“

And this is just one of many examples of puzzling wording. I literally have no idea to what this refers.

Though you were raised in English-speaking Rhodesia, it has struck me that you often express yourself with odd or foreign phrasing, often of a German sort, and I know your wife Birgit is from Germany and is German. (I say this as a person who speaks basically flawless German and with no American accent; this language was also my major at university. I was also married for 12 years to an Austrian and lived in that country. Often you express yourself in an almost German way, not like a native speaker of English.)

As for the „Nazi“ thing, I understand; believe me, I do. It is both that you may sincerely reject some of Hitler’s ideas or actions, especially if you believe the jewish narrative that Hitler committed the Holocaust, crushed personal freedom under his dictatorship, and wanted to conquer the world and establish a harsh ruling class of blond, blue-eyed Aryans.

And also — no one in America knows this more than I do — I understand just how dangerous and even dreadful life can be for all Whites (Afrikaners and those of British origin), including liberals and progressives, since 1994. I know about Julius Malema and others of his ilk. I grasp that Whites are now a tiny and often impoverished and weak minority of 7% in the „new“ and „post-racial“ (what a joke!) South Africa.

I interviewed a Simon Roche of South Africa, of Irish heritage going back to the 1890s, but basically he is assimilated to the Boers. And he said in an interview I did with him in 2018, full of horror and disgust, that (under black and ANC rule)

„rape is now the national sport of South Africa!“

I know also all about the Plaasmorde, the farmer murders.

I and my late wife hosted a Boer family — a mother with a classic Dutch name and her four nice blond children — in our home in 2008 for months until they found their own accomodations. I learned so much first-hand by conversing with her.

Well, Wayne, one can be or talk or write anti-Nazi all one wants, or even, like Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis, lick the jews‘ boots to curry their favor or at least avoid their opposition. But it is always totally in vain if you continue to say truths the jews hate.

The jewsmedia will continue to ignore you, and shadow-ban you, or, if your idea still stays popular, go on to ridicule you. Then, if you are still attracting growing interest and support, they will proceed to attack you online and in newspapers and on tv.

Or they will even find some ridiculous excuse to arrest you, imprison you, or kill you.

Look at Trump now, with 91 criminal charges filed against him!

And it was two jews, Norm Eisen and Mike Podhorzer, who organized the stealing of Trump’s huge 2020 landslide re-election, after the populist president had beaten the overtly senile and blatantly corrupt Joe Biden by eight million votes!

Trump is right: the FBI is out to illegally crush all resistance; why he is doomed to fail again; urgent fund drive

And Trump’s own (half-jewish) Attorney General Bill Barr (whose jewish father had promoted Jeffrey Epstein), lied shamelessly that the stolen election had been honest!

In fact, the American Deep State, at the top, IS literally composed of jews.

And jews openly run almost the entire Biden Administration, and it is jews who tell that senile, doddering old pedophile exactly what to do and say.

And it was jews who subverted the old white South Africa — and sadly found many, many white and even Boer traitors to do their bidding, with F.W. De Klerk being just the tip of the iceberg of Boer traitors. And it was jews who turned your once so impressive country into the semi-hell and Third World country it now has become, like all the rest of Black Africa.

Awww, how touching:


Mandela with Latvian Jew and communist Joe Slovo

With Jewish activist Helen Suzman of the libtard PFP party (“Progressive Freedom Party” which the race-realistic Boers sarcastically, prophetically, and accurately called the “Packed For Perth [Australia]” party. As soon as the Blacks took over in 1994, the Jews and white libtards began leaving the sinking ship which THEY had sunk!

The truth about the „Nazi“ era is very different from what we are told. Hitler was not against personal freedom, and he did not commit any Holocaust.

And if Hitler was harsh, it is because this world is harsh, and it will get even harsher, and the jewish plan for full white genocide will be revealed.

Then Adolf Hitler will be seen as having been far too kind and moderate.

Let us be clear: The jews wish to genocide 90% of this planet, and keep just 10% of us alive — to be their sex and work slaves, and so miserable they will wish they were dead.



……When German men were incredibly attractive

A German comrade read this comment I made:


and commented:


Dear John! I do not understand what you mean by „more charming.“

At least in the Second World War, many women from other European countries found German soldiers extremely charming. I remember an old woman from Finland who was very impressed by the charm the German soldiers had. She has never seen like this before. As a woman she has never been treated so well. The Germans, she dated treated her like a goddess compared to the harsh Finnish men.

The same was true in France. Many French women loved German soldiers. Not only their appearance, but also their galant behaviour. Millions of European women had an affair with German soldiers back then. They preferred them over their own men.

Compared to the Soviet soldiers who raped and tortured millions of women, the Germans were not only the most handsome, but the nicest guys to the European women.

In what way are other Europeans more charming?

Italian men are creepy according to some tourists:


Why Italian men can be creeps
Jan 2012
Posted by sarahnikolai

I’ve quickly realized that Italians act very differently than Americans, especially Italian men.
My first hint was when, as my roommate and I were walking to orientation, we noticed men reacted strangely when we made eye contact with them. A man once called something out to me in Italian that included the word “bella,” and an older man winked at Lauren.

I’m sure you’ve all heard about it. American women go to Italy expecting romantic Italian men to sweep them off their feet, but that rarely happens outside of the movies. In reality, Italian men tend to be very…well, I guess the best way to put it would be that they’re forward, aggressive, and many times straight-up creepy. But why?

Well, Lauren and I found out later that it wasn’t just the Italian men’s fault that day; apparently Lauren and I unintentionally egged them on by making eye contact and smiling at them!

Now, in America, making eye contact with strangers, smiling at them and saying “excuse me” is completely normal. In fact, we could be considered rude if we don’t do that. In Italy, however, it’s not considered normal for women to make eye contact with, or smile at, strangers; in fact, smiling at a stranger is suggestive of us wanting to get to know them better…oops!

I’m now trying to change my ways, but it’s harder than you’d think; avoiding eye contact with people means avoiding looking at people, and I’ve bumped into so many things just walking down the street because of that. I’ve even got the bruises to show it; I guess that’s nothing new, though.




Please write only positive things about German men and other Germanic men in order to increase their self-confidence.


I responded:

Dear comrade,

You are absolutely right about German men and soldiers during the Third Reich period.

To be a real man then meant to be chivalrous, gallant and respectful of women, and honor them and the vital feminine contribution to the nation. Motherhood was especially honored then, and the woman as homemaker. As I said then, men are destined to go out into the “große Welt” to work and struggle, into the bigger, outer world, but women are the key to the “kleine Welt,” the smaller world of the household, the world where we all start out as children, and these years are the “formative years.” A good woman, a good wife, a good mother, is a huge blessing and the foundation of a happy and strong nation. Every great male scientist, field marshall or political leader was once a little boy who felt boh a father’s discipline but also a mother’s adoration and love, and my mother Klara was the epitome of the loving, maternal, and feminine energy.

Also, yes, some Latins are real pests toward women. My own elder daughter, Ingrid, who was very attractive, attended the University of Vermont and often went on weekends up to Montréal, the dominant city of French-speaking Quebec.

She said the young guys (was she speaking of the French Canadians or of the many Arabs up there, or of both?) would not take “No” for an answer. As the saying goes, “NO means NO,” and men need to respect that. Yes, sometimes “no” means “maybe” 😉 but the tone and body language make this clear. And if the man persists, then he is just a boor and on an ego trip, out for a “conquest” so he can brag to other louts. “Yeah, I had her. Yeah, I got her drunk and I f—d her.” What an animal attitude!

Why would I even want a woman who does not want ME?

That is what Eckhart Tolle calls the egoic mind…. and this egoic spirit is what has long made our earth into a semi-hell, and now our world is becoming a complete hell.

This egoic mind is why the jew is winning, this flaw IN US. Under Hitler, however, the German was at his best.

Goethe once said “Ein ehrlicher Deutscher ist immer grob.” “An honest German is always blunt and gruff.” I have seen this myself. Beware an overly friendly German! He is up to something.

But under Adolf this gruff demeanor changed, and this was because he had the total power to remold the nation.

If one reads Table Talk: Conversations at Führer Headquarters, which IS basically accurate,

I was mourning the fact that when Germany annexed — took back! — the German-speaking parts of Alsace and Lorraine after 200 years under mild French rule, HUGE NUMBERS of Alsatians actually left immediately and moved into the rest of France.

(Some vintners even went down to French Algeria and grew excellent wine there.)

This is a very funny German meme:

“A true German dachshund does not run; he advances!”


Other Alsace-Lorraine ethnic Germans, of course, stayed and adjusted to not only German but also to the especially strict Prussian ways.

But they were not happy. And many rejoiced when France retook Alsace and Lorraine in 1918.

And we must remember that the peacetime Kaiserreich of 1870-1914 was in many ways wonderful, with soaring prosperity, prestige and progress! It was a land of symphonies, inventions (among them x-rays, absolutely vital for all modern medicine, and the gasoline and diesel engines!!!), spotless cities, sumptuous parks and breath-taking architectural beauty.


*** From



The archducal residence in Schwerin/Mecklenburg



A beach in Westerland


Castle Rheinstein near Trechtingshausen



dtld-um-1900- Rathaus-Wernigerode


Berlin:the Friedrichs Bridge and the Cathedral on the Spree river


A kitchen pantry at Neuschwanstein



Léon Degrelle was a French-speaking Walloon from Belgium, and a fanatic national socialist. He fought for five years on the dreaded Eastern Front against the Soviets, becoming the most highly decorated of the 400,000 non-Germans in the Waffen-SS!

The Allies considered him a traitor and he was condemned to death in absentia. So if Germany lost the war, he would be in huge trouble and have to flee, and he did, to Franco’s Spain, which granted him exile after much hesitation. (Eisenhower was demanding his extradition, and did get that of Pétain’s prime minister, Pierre Laval, who was SHOT.)

Yet, as Léon wrote in his autobiography, which Margi and I translated,

“Hitler For a Thousand Years”

….which I and Willis Carto retitled as :

….Degrelle noted with some irritation a certain German attitude, despite all the Hitlerian re-education, that “only we Germans can be trusted” and “only we Germans do things right.”

After Degrelle received from me personally on 27 August 1944 the Knight’s Cross with Oak Leaves….

…he went on leave back to Belgium to see his wife and children. And he settled an old score.

It had stung him that the SD, the Sicherheitsdienst, the Security Service, even in Year Four of his frontline combat service, was still opening and reading his letters to his wife.

He went to German headquarters in Brussels, his Knight’s Cross from the Führer all sparkling, and taunted the German SD officials:  “Now I know what ‘SD’ stands for — Surveillance of Degrelle!”    (Of course, they cringed, and the letter-opening ended. 😉 )

Actually, every great white nation and branch of our race also has its flaws.

Yes, Poles and Russians can be lazy drunks.

An incredible number of upper-class Brits are homosexuals (called “ponces”), and some have skin-crawling, high-pitched voices… and some are even pedophiles!

Americans can be staggeringly ignorant about their own history and other nations, and think they should lead the world without knowing anything whatsoever about it. (Just before we invaded Iraq, a poll found that 80% of Americans could not find Iraq on a world map!)

My French second wife and I were visited in Rhode Island at home by a Baptist clergyman. He asked her: “What was it like when you first came to America and saw [as he gestured around our kitchen] ALL THIS?”

Brigitte, puzzled, asked:”All what?”

The minister replied: “The tv, the electric range, the refrigerator, cars….”

Brigitte was baffled. “We have cars, and tv’s, and refrigerators in France!”    


Australians (I am quoting from one, Brendon O’Connell, to me about ten years ago) think a real man gets drunk and starts fistfights, but to really be a man and “stand up to a tyrannical government” — no way. 😉

Since many Aussies are Irish, ditto:

American Southerners usually raise polite, respectful kids who say “sir” and “ma’am,” and the adults are also usually super-friendly — that is, umm, to your face. 😉

This book, while couched in hostile language so it could get a major publisher, shows that Hitler sought total power because the Germans, for all their virtues, had faults in their national character that needed to be worked on as well as incredible strengths to develop to their highest level IF UNITED.

A young Otto von Bismarck: “If united, the Germans could boot the Devil himself out of hell!”

The German people were Hitler’s perfect piece of white marble, and he had the freedom and the tools to sculpt them into a masterpiece.

And without massive power to re-educate the masses, the very idea of actually changing the national character of any people on this earth is a complete pipe dream.

Edgar was right:

Rest assured; the Americans, after generations of jewish degeneracy, cultural marxism, destroyed families, drugs, booze, porn and an entitled, narcissistic, self-centered, materialistic and cowardly “culture,” will also need a radical reset by a great and powerful leader!





  1. It would be interesting to see if he responds again.
    I also don´t know what he means with “scared”? Of course I know what the word means, but scared=afraid races?
    I doubt he will change his mind about “nazis”, but let´s see.

    • He wrote me that it was just a typo for “sacred.”

      He can say all the anti-Nazi things he wants but he is living in a 93% black, and not just black but also black/communist/complete thug-ruled country where hundreds of thousands of white women have been RAPED, and probably 50,000 Whites murdered.

      Comprendre, c’est pardonner, say the French. “To understand is to forgive.” “Wer versteht, kann vergeben.”

      The poor Boers, who also are half-German, like their iconic leader Paul Krueger, are being massacred in their homes and farmhouses by the 93% negro majority.

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