Spiritual reading: What is right for YOU?…. & the mysterious death of Anne Heche

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The beautiful and gifted actress Anne Heche, of French ancestry, died in August following three bizarre car accidents in rapid sequence, just after completing a movie about sex trafficking and blasé cops who refuse to search for her abducted daughter….

Heche wrote in detail in her autobiography about being sexually abused by her own father, a Born-Again Christian and choir director with a double life as an incestuous pervert and homosexual. The Wiki article (link below) goes into great detail about both Anne Heche’s tv/movie career and also her grave allegations that her own father (who died of AIDS at 45) molested her “from 2 to 9″…….and how this abuse profoundly destabilized little Anne for her whole life: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_Heche

Family photo; Anne is lower-left


All early news reports said Heche was on illegal drugs when she (or whoever…) caused the three car accidents, but an autopsy refuted that smear, which also explains why her wish to be an organ donor after death was honored.

Still, Anne was driving crazy — or had the CIA put some drug in her food or drink to make her temporarily insane, and then remote-commandeered her car, a little late-model Mini Cooper from England, then “gunned” it and simultaneously turned off the brakes?

Most bizarrely of all, after driving her Mini-Cooper through an entire house (!), firefighters grabbed her, not EMTs, and put her in a body bag — but she “came back to life,” unzipped the body bag, sat up — and tried vigorously to climb off the gurney!  What the—?

And why does the reporter refer to this woman as “HE”? The round mop of blonde hair is in a female cut, and the back looks like that of a slender, smallish woman (5 ft 5 in/165 cm).

More on this below.


…..Spiritual reading 

December 28

When you look about you, we hope that you will be able to see that the energetic landscape has changed significantly. In fact, you are in the middle of a vast plain, energetically speaking, where the land is flat and the winds quiet. Instead of the endless hills, valleys, deserts, mountains, glaciers, all having to be traversed through howling winds and burning suns, to which you have grown so accustomed
these last few months and years….

You are, meteorologically speaking, in the eye. There is stillness; there is an absence of both beckoning and demanding from without. The cosmic forces are unusually silent. Yes, they will continue to move, but their movement affects all of you only as you seek it out.

This leaves you in a unique place of power and choice. We tell you:

you can meet this morning as if it were the very first one. You can begin your life today and you can make it the life you choose.

There are structures that you have built or which have been built around you that will likely want to continue standing and this is not so much about destroying or taking out that which already exists.

Instead, it is about not letting yourself be constrained by them. You can walk away from them if you want, but you don’t have to.

However, everything you do will be because you have chosen it. You can choose to heal, to drop old beliefs and patterns and leave them where they lie. Or, you can choose to continue to feed them.

Neither will be difficult unless you are choosing difficulty. You can choose to risk and open, or you can choose to contract and look
for your fear.

You can set out on adventure, or you can feather your nest. The thing is, there are no imperatives….no forces from beyond to exhort or entreat you to be the highest vibration you can be, to reach for the stars, and to live as if it mattered. No. Those voices are no longer speaking. Now it is time to listen within and do whatever it pleases you to do.

You actually like living in integrity all the time? Well, do it. No prizes will be awarded, but if it makes you happy, by all means. You really feel better when you hoard—things, emotions, favors? Then hoard. No demerits will be given out, so if it makes you safer, do it.

The space is wide open for you to actualize yourselves. Those narrow canyon walls that kept you in bounds—for good and seemingly against your will at times– have been passed. You might think this means that it is up to you to keep yourself in bounds, as it were. Not the case. There is no imperative, no ideal and no reason for you to strive for anything other than that which makes you whole and happy.

No external expectations or wishes. And so it will be for some time to come. You are in the middle of endless opportunity. And it is entirely up to you what you decide to do with it. In the long run, and in each moment.

So, if you are able to discard the notion that there is a better and a worse, that some great parental figure or all-knowing one has a route mapped out that is more beneficial to follow, then you will be able to take good advantage of this time. Set yourself free. In the deepest sense, though. We are not talking frivolity for its own sake.

But if frivolity calls you, and feels like the way of your own heart, then don’t judge it negatively. And above all, cease to judge others and their choices. It has nothing to do with you and you are responsible only for mapping your own course. That is work enough for anyone; there is no need for you to take on the work of others.

As always, we send much love to all of you and we wish you the wisdom to know what is right for you and the confidence to pursue it.



…..Remembering Anne Heche

This is a summary of her final movie (and was anything truly explosive cut out after she died?):

Inspired by actual events, “Girl in Room 13” examines the story of Grace (Larissa Dias), who was addicted to opioids after her doctor prescribed them for a sports injury at a very young age and after three stints in rehab, she is finally ready to turn her life around. Under the watchful eye of her mother, Janie (Anne Heche), Grace takes on a job at her family’s restaurant. But her past will not let her go and when her friend coerces her into meeting her former love interest and drug dealer, Richie (Max Montesi), she finds herself imprisoned in a hotel room with no way out.

Held captive, Richie repeatedly violates Grace, forces her to consume drugs and alcohol, and starves her — all to break her down so that she becomes compliant and can be sold into human trafficking. Refusing to give up on her daughter even when her husband and the local police believe Grace has returned to a life of using, Janie starts an all-out hunt to find Grace.

Stopping at nothing, Janie discovers the dark world of human trafficking and the shocking statistics about its widespread victims and its unexpected accomplices.

The “Law & Order” actress who directed the film is the German-born actress Elisabeth Röhm from Düsseldorf…..

(whose name has, yes, the same spelling as the SA commander who turned against Hitler and was executed in 1934. Btw, there is actually also a large Roehm family right here in Ontonagon; a Scott R. did excellent work on my car.)

The trailer:

Anne Heche was one of the brave actresses who came forward to accuse jew movie mogul Harvey Weinstein of sexual misconduct. (Weinstein is now serving 23 years.) Was Anne perhaps planning an even bolder exposé of Hollywood pedos?

This article lays out the full conspiracy theory, and especially the very strange gurney scene, which shocked reporters on the scene or up in newscopters. It is not often that a dead person crawls out of a body bag…. What strikes me also is how many videos embedded in this article were deleted by JewTube:


This blogger say Heche was a highly responsible actress, a reliable radio talkshow host, and was the star of the “Girl from Room 13” movie,  carrying a heavy work burden and acting perfectly stable….. …and how this abuse profoundly destabilized little Anne for her whole life: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_Heche

For all her flaws, Anne was fighting the evil system, and like my Margi, she is now in a better world, in a world without jews and other monsters.



…..a world without Bidens, too….





  1. Oops. An important typo John. “.. why does the reporter refer to this woman as “she”? ” It makes your question incomprehensible and erodes your credibility to new readers. In the accompanying video clip the reporter refers to her as “he” and “him.”

    Anne’s “accident” is quite moving. She burst out of that body bag, full of life. You are right to note that “.. firefighters grabbed her, not EMTs, ..”

    Just to reinforce your subtle message in case any readers miss the significance … Firefighters, in their earliest training, are emphatically not taught to turn up to an emergency and immediately collect up dead casualties for disposal. Well, not in my society. Rescue is actually the immediate priority, and body-bagging would be a good way to ensure a temporarilly disabled casualty becomes asphyxiated. (I assume body bags are as airtight as practical to contain the stink)

    I hope those firefighters become seen by their colleagues for what they are.

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