Spiritual reading: what is worse than a lifetime of fear?

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….Spiritual reading for September 3

There is really nothing to fear, you know. All that stops and trips you up, all that keeps you back and constricts you—it is nothing but manipulation and illusion. What is the worst thing that the world could do to you? Imagine that thing–whatever it is for you–for a moment. Would it be worse than a lifetime of fear and withholding? Would it, if it indeed were to occur, be worse than a life led with your heart half-closed? Only you can know your own truth about this, but we suspect that you are ready at this time to cast off your fears in favor of a life of authenticity, expansion and love.
Now, that having been said, it is much harder to cast off fear than just about anything else. hTis you know well. Fear possesses a tenacity and a ruthlessness that is sometimes beyond comprehension. That is because it roots not only in the mind, but in the body as well, taking up residence and controlling you through your experience of the physical world.
Although this must be worked through, layer after layer, it begins when you see it for what it is. Fear can be a defense against danger, but these days it acts much more frequently as an enforcer for the Lords of Littleness. Your body, therefore, is the great truth-teller about your fears. Your body, as you know, is incapable of lying to you, so you can raise your consciousness very quickly simply by listening to the messages which are held and offered in form. You are aware of this, and most of you make use of this avenue to learn and to heal.
Today we want to talk most specifically about the way in which fear settles into your body and what you can do to challenge it and to free yourself from its sometimes deadly grip.
First, it is necessary to know what fear feels like when it inhabits your particular body. There are commonalities, things we could describe as being fear in form, but it is important for you to identify your body’s unique way of speaking to your consciousness. Once you know fear as it manifests physically (and you have plenty of experience so this shouldn’t be difficult at all) you can begin to talk with it. Fear is actually a force which can be seen as well as felt. It has substance and it can be touched. So, of course, it can be talked with.
It almost always lies, so start with that assumption. But even as you speak with a liar, you learn a great deal if you are paying attention.
Fear never comes unbidden. You always call it to yourself in order to cover something you cannot bear to see. Or to be in the presence of. Maybe you already know what it is, maybe it is a constant. Or perhaps it is different from time to time as you move through your process of healing, discovering wounds or messes that lie deeper and deeper. In all likelihood, you will call in fear to cover them at first, to give you time and to protect yourself from the very rawness of what you unearth.
This is really fine. But after a brief spell, if you are to continue with your healing, what lies beneath the fear must be seen.
If you are willing to talk with the fear, to sit in its unspeakable company, and if you do so with consciousness, you will eventually be able to know that which lies protected beneath it. What you have found, again and again, as you have gone through this process—and we know that you have, whether you know that or not—is that there is nothing within you, nothing that is of you which is so bad that you cannot bear it.
In fact, there is nothing within you so bad that you cannot love it. Sometimes this is most difficult, but it is always possible. How could it be that something made of light, some part of god—which you are–could hold within it anything other than that? Oh sure, we know all the things you love to whip yourself with, but come on. It is time to move on from that. You’ve done terrible things and thought even worse things.
You’ve done things you regret and not done things you know would have been better to do. But honestly, is it conceivable that there is anything within you worse than the murderous energy of fear? Anything so bad that you really prefer to let this dark force into your field?
These are some things to think about today. Fear is on the rise. There will be more and more of it free-floating. If you do not master your relationship with it, it may well master you. And that, potentially, and ironically, is death.
We love you and we see always the beauty and perfection of your being and your path. We are thus
unafraid for you, and wish you the same perspective, free and able to be all of who you are.
Many blessings.

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