Spiritual reading: what no longer works for you?

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…..Spiritual reading for April 3

Gather in and around you all that resonates with your essence today. If you were able to feel your own truth yesterday—never mind for now voicing it—then you will be able to ascertain what, of all that moves in your sphere (everything, everything), is of a resonant vibration. Draw these closer to you with your intent today.

We are hoping that doesn’t sound too vague or bewildering. It really isn’t so complicated. Know yourself and join with that which is like; that is a much simpler way to put it.

The reality is that you have already chosen much in your life—from the music you like to hear, to the people you love, to the work you do, to the beliefs you hold—which all reflect your core nature back to you.

But there are other forces at work.

Many of you have also pulled in things that are in reaction to your essence, or things that assist you in making your way in the world and yet are not in alignment with who you are, or things that are a result of your earnest exploration of Self but turn out to be dead ends for you.

*** Three dead ends for me, things that were stepping stones but became no longer useful

One was Jehovah’s Witnesses, 1970-75. There are profound truths and wonderful feelings, like love and compassion, which are generated by Christianity, even in a distorted form….and that is what the “Apostle” Paul (Saul of Tarsus, a Sanhedrin agent and Pharisee) made of the profound Aryan teachings of the Galilean named Jesus — he distorted it all into a vehicle for Gentiles to be sheep and worship his people, the jews.

Actually, it was from the get-go, from way back in 1970, when “Brother” Melvin King came to visit my mother and me, that I was shocked to see white people teaching other white people that we must become like sheep.

Sure, sheep can be gentle and un-dangerous, and give us good wool for sweaters 🙂 —  but they also follow the shepherd right into the slaughterhouse where they get their throats cut!

It hit me that Jesus with his sheep and shepherd teachings was trying — totally in vain! — to defang the Jews, not us!

In fact, this other teaching of Jesus resonated with me far, far more:

“Be innocent as doves, yet wise as serpents.”

In other words, be pure and kind when it is appropriate, but also sense the approach of evil men and fight them to the death, preferably THEIRS!

The other two things were postwar national socialism and American white nationalism.

For Americans and others, NS stands for a dictator who, unchecked, did not leave well enough alone (presiding over a prospering Germany) and started a huge and unwinnable war.

As an active member of the NSWPP, I saw basically good white people whom we wanted to reach react in total shock to our uniforms and message.


The whole idea of the Führer Principle seemed to Americans a step backward into the Middle Ages, and to one-man rule by that haughty and stupid man, King George III, against whom America’s finest minds rebelled.

As Barbara Tuchman’s bestselling book reveals,


….George III ignored endless appeals by the finest minds in Britain to be reasonable and listen to the Americans’ complaints.

And so his ludicrous ego drove the Americans to armed rebellion and a war which Britain absolutely could not win against a huge, armed country 3500 miles away.

Incredibly, for an entire decade, not one British official ever visited the thirteen British-American colonies!!!!

Not ONE! And yet North America was designed by its gigantic size, raw materials and growing white population to someday be a superpower, with or without England!

And even after warfare had broken out on April 19, 1775 in greater Boston, Massachusetts, the Americans still hesitated, that is, until the fabled July 4, 1776, to declare in Philadelphia their total independence and a final separation from their Mother Country.

The American viewpoint, quite understandable, is that of the British Lord Acton:

“All power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

So for Americans this photo looks simply terrifying, like a dangerous cult.


What white people want is FREEDOM, and what they SHOULD also want is to become morally and spiritually capable of handling that freedom.

No political system can do that — only a new religion.

And as for white nationalism, it does not improve white people at all. They are as vicious, as feuding, as argumentative, as atheistic, as envious, slanderous and jealous, and as blind to new truths which they dislike as anyone else.

I began saying the truth about 1) reincarnation and 2) aliens back in 2010, and what happened?

Though my articles — then as now — are painstakingly filled with FACTS from reliable experts, half my readers simply went away, shaking their heads!

It meant nothing to them that the University of Virginia Medical School, recipient of a million-dollar bequest in 1965 from the founder of the Xerox Corporation (Chester Carlson, the inventor of the photocopy machine), has studied in depth TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED cases of kids who, up to the age of around five, have highly detailed memories of their last life, and these details have all been verified.

But for half my readers, it was all “crazy talk.” And two webmasters quit on me over it!

The truth be damned! “I don’t wanna hear that stuff!” 😉

How is that denial any less toxic — rejecting obvious truth — from any negro who insists that the Blacks built the pyramids? ….

So the dumbest race built the most advanced structures….unh-hunh…

the pyramids as they actually looked


Or how is a WN scoffer at proven truths any better than a jew who deludes himself that his runty, ugly, nasty little race of thieves, rapists, liars and pedophiles, is “God’s Chosen People”?

Child actress Heather O’Rourke, who died suddenly and very suspiciously, with Steven Spielberg of pedophilic, luciferian Hollywood

This is one of the best reincarnation cases out there.

And on aliens, take a WN who dropped out of high school and yet types his snide comments while stone-drunk, knowing somehow that “talk about aliens is ridiculous” — and compare him to, for example, an Edgar Mitchell, with a science PhD  from MIT, an Apollo 14 astronaut, who says UFOs most certainly ARE real!

Edgar Dean Mitchell (September 17, 1930 – February 4, 2016) was a United States Navy officer and aviatortest pilotaeronautical engineerufologist, and NASA astronaut.

As the Lunar Module Pilot of Apollo 14 in 1971 he spent nine hours working on the lunar surface in the Fra Mauro Highlands region, and was the sixth person to walk on the Moon.

Before becoming an astronaut, Mitchell earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Management from Carnegie Institute of Technology [an outstanding university!]and entered the United States Navy in 1952. After being commissioned through the Officer Candidate School at Newport, Rhode Island, he served as a Naval Aviator.

In 1961, he received his second bachelor’s degree, in aeronautical engineering, from the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School and three years later earned his

doctorate in Aeronautics and Astronautics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

From 1965 to 1966, he attended the U.S. Air Force Aerospace Research Pilot School and graduated first in his class. During this period, he served as an instructor in advanced mathematics and navigation theory for astronaut candidates. [….]

Views on UFOs[edit]

Mitchell publicly expressed his opinions that he was “90 percent sure that many of the thousands of unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, recorded since the 1940s, belong to visitors from other planets”.[32]

Dateline NBC conducted an interview with Mitchell on April 19, 1996, during which he discussed meeting with officials from three countries who claimed to have had personal encounters with extraterrestrials. He offered his opinion that the evidence for such “alien” contact was “very strong” and “classified” by governments, who were covering up visitations and the existence of alien beings’ bodies in places such as Roswell, New Mexico.

He further claimed that UFOs had provided “sonic engineering secrets” that were helpful to the U.S. government. Mitchell’s 1996 book, The Way of the Explorer, discusses his journey into mysticism and space.[33]

In 2004, he told the St. Petersburg Times that a “cabal of insiders” in the U.S. government were studying recovered alien bodies, and that this group had stopped briefing U.S. Presidents after John F. Kennedy.[34]


*** President Kennedy demanded the truth about UFOs from the CIA, and was dead ten days later.


Mitchell said, “We all know that UFOs are real; now the question is where they come from.”[35]


Spanish painting from the 1400s…. so this was probably NOT a “US Air Force secret project” 😉

Italian medieval painting

Madonna and UFO
On July 23, 2008, Edgar Mitchell was interviewed on Kerrang Radio by Nick Margerrison. Mitchell claimed the Roswell crash was real and that aliens have contacted humans several times, but that governments have hidden the truth for 60 years, stating: “I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we’ve been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real.”
In reply, a spokesman for NASA stated: “NASA does not track UFOs. NASA is not involved in any sort of cover-up about alien life on this planet or anywhere in the universe. Dr Mitchell is a great American, but we do not share his opinions on this issue.”[36]

In an interview with Fox News on July 25, 2008, Mitchell clarified that his comments did not involve NASA, but quoted unnamed sources, since deceased, at Roswell who confided to him that the Roswell incident did involve an alien craft. Mitchell also claims to have subsequently received confirmation from an unnamed intelligence officer at the Pentagon.[37][38]

In an interview for AskMen published March 6, 2014, Mitchell said that he had never seen a UFO,[36] that no one had ever threatened him over his claims regarding UFOs, and that any statements about the covering up of UFOs being a worldwide cabal was “just speculation on my part”.[39]

*** I guess they seriously threatened him to water it way down…. They can cut your military pension to zero — or just go and kill you.


In 2015, Mitchell said in an interview with the Daily Mirror that extraterrestrials “had been attempting to keep us from going to war [with Russia] and help create peace on Earth.”

He also said that “White Sands was a testing ground for atomic weapons—and that’s what the extraterrestrials [at nearby Roswell] were interested in. They wanted to know about our military capabilities.”[40]


So, for me, Christianity as it is taught, German national socialism of the Hitler style, and white nationalism have all outlived their usefulness.

For all the great truths they do impart, they have all failed to make average whites into true Aryans:

noble, loyal, courageous, loving, wise, eager to learn new things and forever truthful.

Only a new religion can do that. And this is why you are here — to learn, grow and change, and see your own ego as the real problem.

The jew, negro and muslim are nothing to an AWAKENED WHITE RACE.

This is not awakened: a Ukrainian fighter for the jewish cokehead Zelensky:



In order to hold and carry the kind of power and light you are here to embody, you all need to be as clear as is possible. You know this. One way in which you can become less cluttered is to identify anything in your life which does not honestly represent you. It is fine, even good, to have diversity and difference in your sphere.

However, it is essential to know how you are meant to manifest as a human being and a soul if you are to enjoy and benefit from mixing and mingling with other manifestations that differ from yours.

If you believe yourself to be other than you are, then things can get very confusing.

It is so easy to be enticed down a path that actually leads you away from your purpose.

These detours or day trips have sometimes been good for you in the past, but it is time now to sharpen the focus on defining your work
and your reason for being here in this amazing era. To do that, you need to know yourself at the deepest levels.

And this is not accomplished, for most of you, through talking or reading or making to-do lists. There are no words for who you are. You may approximate, but take care, because words often tend to distract from the truth.

When you touch on your Self (and here, just to be clear, we are referring to the heart of who you are, to that which is eternal and yet specific to this lifetime, not to the trappings of your personality) it is likely that you will feel something unmistakable, you will feel whole, maybe exultant.

Often when you immerse yourself in your Self, there is no stopping the emanations. You just radiate.

You know this feeling, we think, and understand that it defies description.

So today, if you are inclined, dip into that place where your truth resides and again, allow the vibration to grow so that it fills and surrounds you, so that you are more and more You. From that position, begin to examine those things which make up your life. Put the energies together and feel for resonance. For instance, once you are immersed in the sense of your truth, bring up some aspect of your life—a friend, work, home, etc.– and feel how the two move or don’t move together.

Do they dance, or does the element you have drawn to you deflate your Self?

Take note. Welcome and acknowledge those things that seem really right. Draw them a little closer. There is no need for other action today.

It is primarily a time for learning, not doing.

Be careful not to judge. You are mapping. There is nothing good or bad, only knowing more clearly. If this is still too complicated, you can make use of the day’s energetic leanings by doing an inventory—mentally or on paper—of the important things that make up your life. A circle of choice and influence laid out around you, going everywhere you go. As you think of one aspect of your life and then another, pay attention to your body and it will tell you much about what is in fact helpful and aligned.

There is a third good choice for today: relax and zone out. That works too if you feel drawn in that direction. Something will move inside, even if you are not conscious of it.

As you can see, it is a day for inner work. External interactions should be unobtrusive, pleasant if possible, but relatively low-key.

Use your time and your energy for going deeper; leave farther for another day.

We send many blessings and great faith in your strength and wisdom.



Nordics landed here and interbred with Cro-Magnons starting around 10,000 BC.

This actual craft (photo!) crashed into the Baltic Sea.

(Photo) It bisected this huge hill of mud and skittered to a halt a mile away.

Another actual photo by a Swedish salvage team.

The highest percentage on earth of people with blond hair and blue eyes is found on either side of the crash site.

One can assume that other nordic-alien craft, escaping some disaster or lost battle, did land safely — perhaps on land nearby — and their occupants survived, emerging and spreading out to find food, water and shelter.

Eventually, of course, their ship batteries all died, and they had to “go native,” adopting the Stone Age lifestyle of the Cro-Magnons to whom they were related in order to live.

Earth is a Goldilocks planet, one of the 2% where surface life is ideal, and thus we all descend from aliens. 😉





    • Thanks.

      Well, so much could be said about this. My first wife was a North Tyrolean, and her father told me all about the outrageous fate of South Tyrol

      Italian behavior in WWI was absolutely treacherous, stupid and wicked. It declared war on its own allies, Austria and Germany, losing the lives of 650,000 soldiers, in order to seize purely German-speaking, ethnically German areas in the southern Alps…. while citing some fictitious “national security need” to have the Austro-Italian border run along the highest Alpine ridges for “protection”.. and with US president Woodrow Wilson spouting off hypocritically about “the self-determination of the peoples”!

      It sure did not apply to Germans!

      And the very notion that Austria would attack Italy was ludicrous, as if the teutonic Austrians wanted to have more Italians! NOPE 😉 The Austrians, especially back then, had a mostly negative view of Italians. I know this from many conversations with them. There are very big differences in the mindsets of Teutons and Latins.

      In the 1920s, under Mussolini and his Fascists, the occupied South Tyroleans suffered extreme persecution and attempts to force them to speak and become Italian, abandoning their entire proud heritage.

      Btw, the South Tyroleans were never conquered or beaten. AFTER the armistice, when the Austrians laid down their arms and went home, THEN, yes, THEN the Italian army invaded their area!

      It was called in the Italian parliament “the sacred betrayal.” ……………….. No comment. 😉

      The good thing, however, is that for decades now the situation is much better for the South Tyroleans. They can speak and work in their own language and the area has a lot of autonomy. And the overall spirit in Europe now is “enough war; no more killing, and no more hate among Europeans.”

      If only they would also see Russia as European, which it IS!

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