Spiritual reading; Tucker fired for being spiritual; when juicy gossip is no longer fun; a true miracle

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…..Spiritual reading for April 27

We’d like you to consider spider webs for a minute or two today. They hang from rafters and get stuck in your hair when you pass under them, a kind of unpleasant nuisance. They harbor potential death (look to their creators) and are often used to represent a morass, that which, once entered, is almost impossible to exit. They festoon frightening displays at Halloween, and are often seen in the vicinity of
black cats, witches and the like.

Breathtaking in the morning when covered in silver dew, glinting diamond-like in the early light, spider webs can also recall the extraordinary intelligence and passion that is at work all around you.

And if you look with your heart, you will see an unprecedented illustration of the connectedness of all things in a spider web’s elegant design and execution.

So—it is all perception. Just imagine if you thought beyond human perception to that of the other beings that see and know spider webs. It is almost impossible to conceive of how many ways there are to understand this relatively common creation. This is what you might keep in mind today. It is all perspective. Yes, of course you know this, but it will help a lot if you can keep it in the upper ranges of
your consciousness.

Even if you clearly see something as extreme as death stalking you, try to remember that there are any number of equally valid and real ways of experiencing your life. Nice, if you can make the choice to see the universe and its manifestations in your sphere as benevolent and perfectly crafted to carry you where you need to go. Nice, but not always possible. You can’t force perspective. You can cultivate it, you can court it, you can seek it out. But you can’t command it.

However, you can practice holding the truth that there are always many ways of looking at and receiving that which the universe offers up. That recollection alone can give you enough space to create movement, can give you freedom to turn and see things anew. What indeed, if in the evening you met that basement web with the full knowledge that it was also the silver dew-spangled beauty spread across the juniper this morning? Or vice versa?

Always valuable, a willingness to stay aware of the absence of the absolute in the world of form will be invaluable today. Tere will be many instances when that tiny bit of extra space–generated when you remember that your experience arises out of perspective—will make a huge difference in your ability to live as you want to live, to make the choices that you truly want to make, to hold your center and bring forth your gifts for self and others in authenticity. Some pretty important things.

Remember also that there is no end to the light which is always with and around you. If you do not sense this viscerally, we encourage you to try to feel into it and to allow yourself to take in even a little of the vast love and support which is with you in every moment.

All of our love and blessings to all of you.




…….Murdoch also fired Tucker for being spiritual

Tucker said in this speech to the Heritage Foundation a few days before his firing we should pray for this country, and the battle now is truly good versus evil. 


….Yet again a trans advocates violence; gets banned

A transgender lawmaker was barred from the Montana House floor.
  • Why? Republicans yesterday voted to formally punish Rep. Zooey Zephyr (D) after she threatened them for wanting a ban on what libtards call “gender-affirming care for trans children.” [Note the cutesy words “affirming,” “care,” and “children.” we are talking about chopping breasts and penises off adolescents.]
  • What it means: Zephyr will be allowed to vote, but only remotely, for the rest of the legislative session. This comes during a wave of anti-trans bills across the country.



……Not fun to be slandered

A comrade wrote me:

John, you may recall a few years back, around 2017 or -18, when I and my closest friends, including you, were subjected to a horrific online slander campaign, by the so-called “heathen women” web page.

I don’t know how much it affected you, but many friends abandoned me. One of our mutual friends was nearly divorced over it, and his business suffered. On FB, slander campaigns went around accusing me of raping teenage girls, of threatening women online, and of being an ADL agent and the “jewiest jew.”

Close friends, especially women, blocked me suddenly and with no warning, including some whom I cared for very much and had been chatting with for months or years.

I’ve never fully recovered from that. I was never given a fair hearing.

It happened just about the time when I was sharing my revelations about past life memories in the Reich and was finding other people with memories as well, and we were just starting to come together, and now that’s been shattered. I’ve had to hide my shame even though I’ve never done anything shame-worthy. I’ve always spoken in truth and honor — as do you, and the other aforementioned friend in this comment. We did not deserve this to happen to us. It was initiated by an ADL agent using several sock profiles, and then gossiping WNs took the bait, hopped on the bandwagon and made it viral.

I appreciate your friendship for not abandoning me. It is absolutely vital that WNs be kind to each other online and not gossip.

It only sows discord and makes us all paranoid. At the same time, we must carefully consider every keystroke we make; our own words  could end up anywhere on the Internet, being mocked or turned against us.


I replied:

I am honored to be your friend and I know like no one else how wicked slander is.

Jesus made an energetic clarification once about loose or malevolent talk. The Pharisees were on a holier-than-thou ego trip, obsessing over ritual cleanness, kosher food laws, and about washing their hands right up to their elbows…. and they were denouncing Him for curing people of awful diseases on the Sabbath, which they said meant He was “working” on the day of rest….

Christ said: “It is not what goes into the mouth that makes you unclean, but what comes out of it.”

Yes, the majority has little or no attachment to the sanctity of the truth…not unless it is they who are being slandered.

What is the Holocaust if not slander?

And, being egoic, they simply do not care that they are committing a gigantic injustice by believing invented garbage with no attempt at verification.

Until the egoic mind is gone, this beautiful earth will continue to be a hell for its surface residents.

How the Jews must cackle at the ease with which they get the goyim to shred each other. They just sit there at their keyboards and type lies…just as, via the Federal Reserve, they literally type billions of dollars into their accounts.

Things that are not even remotely real become real if the goyim accept them as real.

This is the egoic mind.

And it is why “divide-and-conquer” works.

People do not care if something is not true. They say it anyway.

….and not just libtards and Deep State tools. Oh no, white nationalists are the same way.

And all of humanity. This is a wicked planet.

I remember watching the whole HBO series “Rome,” which is about the end of the Roman Republic, Pompey, Julius Caesar, Mark Antony, and Octavian/Augustus.

There is a scene where Julius Caesar, who by then is the dictator of Rome, conqueror of Gaul, and commander of the legions, is being carried on a dais through the streets of the capital city.

He passes by a big wall with a graffito on it. It is a drawing depicting his wife, Calpurnia, who is having sex “doggy style” with some other well-known Roman political figure, whose name is spelled out on the graffito.

The mighty Caesar instantly orders the dais to halt, and stares at it.

He takes it very, very seriously….as a direct threat to his power, and not at all because it is true, but because egoic people — 95% of humanity — will believe it with great pleasure, spread it, and make HIM into an object of ridicule…. “He thinks he is the Great Caesar, yet some other guy, hah-hah-hah, is doing his wife!”

…. and all this is being spread while not one bit of it is true.

The mighty Caesar can be brought down by a piece of chalk and a drawing that took two minutes to draw! And why?

Because people are egoic, and the truth only bores them.

If Calpurnia is as ever a faithful wife to her husband Julius, well, that is just B-O-R-I-N-G!

Now trashing someone else, now THAT is a moment of pure pleasure to an egoic and almost demonic mind.

How wicked the hearts of the masses, and how insane — to believe the gravest accusations with no proof whatsoever, and not taking even one second of effort to get some verification.

Btw, this HBO series “Rome” also has a rather scummy jewish character (with frizzy hair and a wide, negroid nose, like some jews do have, a remnant of negro blood). And there is an episode where he and two different groups of Roman jews engage in a literal fist fight inside the synagogue itself, arguing over whether the jews should accept or overthrow Roman rule of Palestine, and there are these jews, knocking menorahs and other stuff over in a disgraceful brawl, right in a supposed house of God.

If anyone understands the egoic mind, it is certainly the jews. And look at what the jews, the most egoic people of them all, put right at the grocery-store checkout counter for us goyim to lap up…. gossip magazines such as the National Enquirer….
…and you can also find at the counter Soap Opera Digest…. And what is that? That is a shiksa paying good money to read scandals and gossip about people who do not even exist!!
All this shows that people are functional atheists. If they really believed there is a God who sees all things, they would not embrace and spread vicious lies that can destroy a good and well-earned reputation that was built up over decades of good deeds for others.

In the movie I heartily recommend “Miracles from Heaven” (see further below), which is an only slightly modified retelling of actual events, a little girls gets an agonizing, fatal, incurable disease, and (spoiler alert), after the family spent vast amounts of time and money on her care (like me with Margi, for that matter), is sent home as a hopeless case by the doctor to die, does die, and then comes back to life after a Near-Death Experience and — astonishingly — in complete remission.

Suddenly all traces of this fatal disease — in a girl sent home to die by her Harvard doctor, who is the top authority on this disease in the whole world — are totally gone.

Two things struck me:

One, the story is absolutely true. I spend four hours online verifying the details. And I know Children’s Hospital in Boston; one of my American-accent clients was a doctor from Japan who worked there.

Two, the most obnoxious, toxic, unhelpful and actually harmful people in the movie were certain of their fellow churchgoers, gossiping up a storm about how the girl’s disease was completely fake, and how the little girl never had an NDE at all, and she was only “in remission” because she was never sick at all… See, this family was just wanting sympathy, doing a scam, a pity party, pulling a big con job on the congregation…..

And other “Christians” IN THEIR CHURCH said of this absolutely upright family with no known scandals “Well, maybe the disease IS real, and this family is being punished for certain terrible sins we just do not know about.”

The mother is deeply wounded by this wicked talk and totally stops going to church.

She becomes furious with God Himself, or even almost an atheist, over the physical agony which her daughter is suffering. “Why, Lord, why my daughter? Why is this happening to this sweet, harmless, good little girl who never harmed anyone? Are you even there, God??? Is anyone at all really listening up there???”

(Of course, the thirteen-year-old Mary Phagan was in the same boat….an innocent, sweet little girl…. so the grief and rage over her beating, rape and murder was intense.)

This is truly, as the expression goes, “when bad things happen to good people.”

There is one scene in the hospital where the girl says to her mother that she just wants to die; the pain is too much.


I defy anyone to remain dry-eyed at this scene, and yet, in both the movie and in reality, churchy types in THEIR church down in Bible-Belty Texas were slandering this perfectly decent family who were successful (the husband being a veterinary doctor and the wife an accomplished writer) as having made the disease up!

Defaming a little girl who is suffering and DYING!

Bashing a family in extreme grief!

Gossip may be naughty fun for young tongue-wagging souls ….until the day comes when they become the target of malicious talk themselves.

THEN they realize just how wicked, how unfair, how immoral and wrong false gossip is; then they begin to care about the truth — when it affects THEM.

As the Buddha said, the egoic mind causes suffering.

Earth is a hell because of the people in it. It is a planet full of liars.

In fact, earthlings are so crazy, they even lie to themselves.

Every single day humans lie to themselves…..

Actually, they especially lie to themselves.

And once you can lie to yourself, then you are on a roll, and you can lie to anyone else.

And then about anyone else.

And so voilà — behold this shithole we live in and that WE made….

“John, why doesn’t God save us? Or your nordic aliens? Or your Antarctic, South Pole, Operation Highjump Reich Germans?”

Save US? Why should any of them want to go out of their way to save US?

What is in it for them, and what would motivate them, to save a planet full of assholes?

This is when you realize the greatness, love and spirituality of the Buddha, of Jesus and of Hitler, to keep on loving people for the good that is latent in them, and see past their disgusting egoic minds that are ruining their own world.

Our Reich proved just how much goodness is hiding in even the most average member of the white race. Germany went from misery to happiness, from sickness, weakness and despair to a world of love, nobility and power!



….a true miracle



Miracles from Heaven is a 2016 drama based on the real-life experiences of a Texas family whose daughter suddenly develops a debilitating, mostly untreatable illness. Her mother (Jennifer Garner), who faces a crisis of faith over the situation, fights fiercely for her daughter’s survival; the movie focuses on the ways that such a situation can strain even the strongest family. Characters argue and get very emotional, and some of the scenes featuring very sick children could be unsettling for younger viewers. One child is also involved in a very serious accident late in the film. Even though the previews tell most of the storyline, the movie goes deep into the grieving which parents go through when their child is terminally ill.
This is one of the most heart-rending scenes I have EVER seen in the cinema, when a family that has undergone so much already, including also extreme financial stress (medical bills and flights for treatment to Boston), then experiences a final tragedy, and the mother understandably almost totally freaks out…. her child upside down inside this hollow, dead tree and silent as death itself after a 30-foot fall head-first.


As the hours drag on into evening, and a tv reporter looks at her in deep sympathy, she begins to panic more and more…Any loving parent can relate to this sickening, nauseating feeling of utter horror. Look at how her lips curl in a spastic, silent scream.  


The wife/mother has already lost her faith completely that any kind of loving God exists… Great performance by actress Jennifer Garner. This mother is truly at the very end of her tether, and having no more faith in any kind of loving God, she feels incredibly alone in a barren universe.


Very sensitive and we can all benefit from it.
I can say, watching Margi suffer from cancer, that this movie is about what it really, really feels like to either suffer constantly, or to watch someone you adore suffer.
When my religion begins, this honest, searing yet beautiful film will be required viewing, so you might as well watch it now.



  1. Dass dieser Abgeordnete von der AFD so mutig ist, ist letztlich auch der Verdienst von John de Nugent:


    Bitte mal ansehen, die Rede hat was 😉


    “Die USA von Epstein, Soros, Biden und Zuckerberg sind nicht unsere Freunde…”

    Und dann geht’s richtig ab 🙂

    Hammerhart. Da krakeelen natürlich wieder die Pädos im Bundestag und schreien nur noch dumm “Antisemitismus “. Haha, erbärmlich…aber sehenswert.

    Wir werden immer mutiger. Gut so.

    Und hier ein Bericht über die B’nai B’rith in Berlin. Auch ziemlich “böse”…


    Da ist ja auch noch ein Mord an einem Kind offen.

    Besonders der letzte Satz ist krass. “Alles was im Geheimen passiert, kommt irgendwann ans Licht.” Dazu das Gesicht der Reporterin beachten.

    Und da kommt noch was zu der Sache. Ich glaube es wird alles gut. Ich vertraue auf die Vorsehung.

    Es könnte auch sein, dass in Zukunft durchaus mal in Deutschland Richter, die sowas gedeckt haben, am Baum enden…so wie Leo Frank. Mit einem Schild um den Hals: Ich bin Richter/Polizist und habe Kindermörder geschützt…

    Moslems rennen durch deutsche Städte und skandieren “Tod den Juden”.

    Ich weiss nicht, ob es so gut war, soviele Moslems hier nach Deutschland zu bringen. Das könnte sich hier noch für bestimmte Leute zu einem Bumerang entwickeln.

    Hier ist schon gut was los 😉

    Und wir haben hier noch nichtmal richtig angefangen.

    Wir bekommen das alles hin. Ich habe keine Angst mehr.

    Halten Sie den Kurs. (Der Patriot)

    Ich freue mich über die Fortsetzung von “die Passion”. Ich hoffe, der Film kommt am 2025 zu Ostern raus. Mal schauen. Auf jeden Fall wird der Film schon vor der Premiere wieder für Kontroversen sorgen hehe…und ich liebe Kontroversen.

    2025 fällt das Osterdatum der Westkirchen mit denen der orthodoxen Ostkirchen mal wieder zusammen.

    Wäre der perfekte Tag. Fällt auf den 20.04.2025.

    Fakt ist, wir leben in krassen Zeiten, aber irgendwie bin ich froh, dabei zu sein, und mitzuhelfen, diese Satanen zu besiegen.

    Keine Angst vor dem Tod. Er ist nur eine Tür.

    • Danke, Kamerad. (Ich habe etwas von Ihrem Kommentar weggelassen, obwohl es scheinbar nur Zufälle waren.)

      Die Japaner mit ihren Kamikase-Piloten fügten gegen Kriegsende dem Feinde gewaltige Verluste zu, doch zu spät. Hätten sie den Krieg von Anfang an so geführt, wo ein Einziger ein großes Kriegsschiff versenken konnte, wäre die ganze US-Pazifik-Flotte am Meeresboden geblieben, und durch die heldenhafte Selbstaufopgerung einiger Hundertschaften beherzter Männer hätten Millionen Japaner, auch Frauen und Kinder, den Krieg überlebt. Es wäre nie zum Massenmord in Nagasaki und Hiroschima gekommen.

      Was vertrieb die Judmerikaner aus Irak und Afghanistan? Selbstgebastelte Bomben, Kamikasen, darunter auch Frauen, und Hass auf den brutalen Invasoren. Die Supermacht musste aufgeben. Eine israelische Studie ergab, dass palästinensische Kamikasen überwiegend Zivilisten waren, die durch die Mordtaten von Israels Polizei oder Streitkräften, waffenstarrend wie sie sind mit Bomben und Kugeln “Made in USA”, selbst einen Bruder oder Schwester, Cousin, Neffe, Nichte, Schwager oder Vater verloren hatten.

      Man stelle sich die Gesamtanzahl der deutschen Opfer des BRD-Verräterregimes vor…..wieviele Ströme wie Donau, Rhein oder Elbe da an Tränen und Blut Unschuldiger geflossen sind.

      Ich glaube an den Holocaust — den jüdischen an allen Weißen, der durch Impftod und Geburtenkollaps jetzt begangen wird.

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