Spiritual reading; Whitney Webb on the jewish spider web

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…..Spiritual reading for September 15

It is time to walk away from that which gives you no joy. You must be decisive at this time. For quite a while you have had the opportunity to straddle a number of realities, to keep one foot firmly planted in the old while you dipped the toes of the other into the future. You have been given the chance to maintain a comfortable coherence with all that has come before while you explore realms that promise great departures from what has been.

Oh, dear ones, such hard moments. We wish we could show you–as clearly as we can see it–what the
future holds for you. It will not be the same as it has been. It will not look like many of you imagined your future to look. Yet once you are there, once you have released and demanded release from those things which anchor and imprison you in current conditions, you will be astounded by the great joy and relief you will experience.

Here is the thing: you are being asked to make a choice. Will you choose to embrace that which gives
you security and comfort, or will you choose that which gives you joy? You can only choose that which is correct for you. But we want to urge you to give the possibility of choosing joy a really good think before you decide to cling to what makes you safe.

For some of you, safety and joy go hand in hand, and we cannot deny or undermine that. It is your reality and if it is so, you must adhere to it. But for many of you, there is a habit of clinging, and there is also a reliance on collective values which often leads you to make decisions which are not truly your own.

The time has come. It is so close at hand. Anyone who can live in freedom from that which is being
disassembled right now will be at an advantage. We imagine that you can see this. Things are coming apart, and desperate attempts to salvage a few more years of what once was from the mess will cost a lot and yield little.

What will really matter in the future, what really maters right now, is your ability to follow that which kindles joy within you. Nothing external, no matter how solid it might seem at this time, will compare to your capacity to rejoice. In yourself, in one another, in the very light of consciousness all around.

You have entered into a very intense and important time, and it is our work and our great joy to try to help you understand how much is at stake and how great are the gifts you have been given to use in service of the light. Your attachments are, for the most part, not worthy of your energies. They sap you and take from you much that you need right now.

Think on our words today, if you will, and see if there are places where, in honesty with yourself, you are relinquishing joy in favor of something soon to be obsolete.

We love you so much and we wish we could make this easy for you, but it is inherently a passage, from one form of being into another, and thus it requires from you your very best.

All our blessings.



……Whitney Webb on the murdering, blackmailed, filthy rich judeo-pedophil-ocracy and intel-controlled political parties


Everything in this interview confirms with hard facts my April 20, 2015 video: “VIP Pedophiles, kill them all” — except, of course, Whitney never calls them what they obviously are, jews (or goy lackeys of jews). It is an endless parade of jews: Epstein, Robert Maxwell (Hoch), his daughter Ghislaine Maxwell (and Whitney implies this jew committed incest on his daughter); the Israeli AI supremacist Yuval Harari (who, she says, wants to “chip” us against our will); the hideous-looking gay jewish lawyer Roy Cohn (who mentored a young Donald Trump), and who was a go-between between organized crime and the “intel community”;

Henry Kissinger; and on and on and on. She emphasizes that organized crime  and the intel people had a working alliance going back to WWII. (Mussolini had crushed the Italian Mafia; the US Army in 1943 released the Mafia criminals!)

But Whitney saying the whole bunch is jews would be “a bridge too far.”

She takes the threat of a CBDC (central-bank digital currency) VERY seriously, predicting that “the bankers” have a strategy all worked out to get us to sigh and glumly go along with it, such as literally banning the “old” dollar, or devaluing it by half or more.

She says that Julian Assange revealed in the “Vault 7” documents that the CIA has software to make anyone they oppose look like a hacker — Russia, Iran, China or Zimbabwe — and that the best way to crash the economy in order to introduce the digital dollar would be a false-flag cyber-attack — actually carried out by the CIA — against banks, the electric power grid, the water supply, etc.

An expert on Jeffrey Epstein, she says he is the one who triggered deliberately the run on Bear Stearns in 2007 which caused the Great Recession, and lists all sorts of suicided people around Epstein who “hanged themselves” AFTER shooting themselves — with a shotgun, no less — in the chest! Don’t even ask how this is possible. The point is it was not possible; it was a blatant hit.

Whitney says: We are not talking about a few rotten apples; the whole barrel is rotten, and it is both political parties, which are both almost totally controlled.

…all of which I said in 2015.

So she and her kids live off the grid down in Peru. How is that practical for US?

The only solution is the one that is coming.






    • Very good question, comrade. I think many wonder about it but you are the first to come out and ask it.

      To accept the answer, first I will post this for you from “A Few Good Men,” a 1992 film abouthe Marine Corps, in which both I and my father served:

      The answer is in several parts.

      1) This galaxy is full of intelligent life on many planets, comprising about a handful of major species, including humans and others who are “humanoid” (coming in different colors and sizes, but all having two arms, two legs, one head and mouth, etc.)

      2) Reincarnation is reality. We incarnate on certain planets for reasons.

      3) This particular planet, Terra, is full of people, including the members of the white race who live here, who mostly have mediocre or even bad karma. They do not particularly like the truth, and their egos cause endless, insane quarreling and idiotic, genocidal, and dysgenic wars. Their egos also trigger a high percentage of divorces, which is when egoic humans start off loving each other, and end up, in half of all marriages, hating each other, and harming their children with their bad example, and so they grow up dysfunctional too, and they raise their own dysfunctional kids.

      (Whites on other planets are far more evolved. This is, sadly, the trailer park planet, mostly beautiful in terms of natural beauty but full of human misfits. And this is why highly evolved souls like Buddha, Jesus and Hitler failed to make a large dent in things.)

      3) In came the jews millennia ago from THEIR planet to take full advantage of these deeply flawed earth people.

      It is like a floozy in a bar — if it is closing time and you get her drunk enough, she might go home with almost anyone because her character is pretty loose; she is not a lady, just a very flawed female. And you are also in the wrong for taking advantage of her. The jews are wicked by studying and exploiting our flaws to the max.

      4) I will now let a renowned rabbi, Michael Laitman, give the answer to your question, and, remember, HE said it, not me:

      We jews were sent here by our god to conquer, enslave and mostly exterminate you earthlings.


      Over many incarnations, and many millennia, Whites have not heeded warnings to stop the jews before it is too late.

      So now we either awaken and shed our egoic spirit, embracing truth, duty, love and heroism, or the jews will exterminate us, exactly as their prophets openly predicted in the Old Testament and the Talmud.It is a fate which we, by not fighting back, and by scoffing at those who would enlighten and inspire us, would richly deserve.

      In this article I go into four scenarios besides WWIII: https://johndenugent.com/spiritual-reading-four-different-possible-futures-ahead-for-earthlings-free-advice-and-the-secret-person-of-the-heart/

    • Transl:

      Xenix,from the word “xenos,” meaning “Stranger.”
      The Israelites were called so, the red of Saturn. The Egyptians hated this color.
      „The Future of the Israelites is in the New World Order,“ I’d say…

  1. In addition to Jews, who are hell bent on destroying us, I think the blacks were made to try to interbreed with us to dumb us down and kill us. It seems like a tower of babbel prison planet sort of thing in that when some human civilization gets really good, as in Nat’l Socialist Germany, it is DELIBERATELY destroyed. I think some of us are here on Earth because our vehicles crashed, but I think many have been sent here because Earth is a penitentiary.

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