Spiritual reading; Whitney Webb, part 2: “The Enterprise”: jews & Mafia & FBI & CIA & pedophiles; Margi; Hoover; Dan Marino; Rockwell-killer Patler; truth about my Georgetown sign “against faggots”

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Investigators Whitney Webb, author, and Natalie Brunell, former tv reporter, appear (see below) in part two of their interview on Webb’s book One Nation Under Blackmail, which is 900 pages of hard and fascinating facts — and 90% a litany of vile jewish crimes.



…..Please do not be deceived

I still desperately need donations. Though I have reduced website costs by half, down to $1,080 monthly only via harsh measures on the salary of a wonderful employee who has a child, I am barely getting that amount in.

I am back on food stamps, and I sold off an excellent, large, safe and powerful Crown Vic car at a heavy loss to keep this site going for you.

I do not know how to pay my $45 phone bill in two days.

$11,543 (plus 8 excellent books and two great pistol holsters) since December first


….Spiritual reading for September 19

It is absolutely essential to stay centered today. Let nothing, let no one distract you from this one
responsibility. Ground yourself. Do it again and again as necessary. Remember those central values you hold (and if you are a little vague on them, do a quick check-in right now) and be guided by them without wavering.

Pandora’s box is wide open and the most subversive of energies could be circulating freely. In order to avoid endorsing them, accidentally or with intent, bring your focus back to your center. If you
believe in love, return to your heart and kindle love a thousand times today. If you believe in peace, slow your breathing and inhale and exhale peace two thousand times. Or more.

If you believe in the intrinsic goodness of nature, go into it in reality or in your mind three thousand times. This is the one and only job you have today. Do not add to panic; do not feed fear. Hold strong and stay clear. You have been preparing for this for many lifetimes, and in this one, for many years.


*** JdN: Yes…..in my case since 1978….

The newspaper wickedly cropped this photo below at the bottom. My sign did not say “Get The Faggots!” (which sounds like advocating random violence against gays) but instead “Get the Faggots OUT!” — meaning expel the MILITANT homosexuals (not the quiet gays, some of whom are even committed national socialists) out of the Georgetown Student Council and out of the school.

Why was a Catholic, Christian university endorsing a homosexual group (and it was also simultaneously banning an ANTI-abortion group!!!!) when “sodomy” was condemned in the Old Testament (with the death penalty, and with homosexual Sodom and Gomorrah being INCINERATED by God), but also in the New Testament — AND sodomy (the act, not the inclination) was excoriated in Church teachings?


Understand that it matters greatly and that without your energies holding, the anchors of life on your planet grow dangerously light.

We send you many, many blessings and all our love.





…..Part two of Whitney Webb’s interview by beautiful investigator (and Bitcoin advisor) Natalie Brunell

(Part one: https://johndenugent.com/spiritual-reading-whitney-webb-on-the-jewish-spider-web/) Brunell is an investigative reporter herself (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natalie_Brunell)

It should not be necessary to say this, but, with Brunell being on JewTube, and Whitney herself being perhaps basically mentally incapable as a former liberal of being antisemitic —  Whitney is not going to go full-Hitler  ever! 😉 —  she still goes out and denounces and exposes (in great and shocking factual detail) several dozen wicked jew plutocrats AND PEDOPHILES without ever once highlighting the screamingly obvious Jewishness of the Deep-State takeover of America….  which she calls “the Enterprise,” or says that this was…. “the 1980s word.”

She does use the word “Jewish”  a dozen times, or she  MENTIONS “Israel,” or “the Mossad” — briefly, hurriedly, and in an oh-so-even, neutral tone of voice — because she is no fool and knows about the “red lines” on YouTube. (Scott Ritter, a major figure on YouTube, a former UN Chief fWeapons Inspector in Iraq, and US Marene Corps major, was just banned for exposing Ukraine truth — without any warning.)

Even if 90% of the psychopathic mega-villains she rips into are jews, she pretends (I suspect between gritted teeth) that they “just happen to all be jewish.” 😉

But “comprendre, c’est pardonner” — to comprehend (the situation a person is in) means often to pardon them, or at least cut them some slack.

And Whitney, 32, seems to be, when you boil it down, a petite little female, not some 5’10” warrior Amazon chick, and a mom who has three kids.

Who can expect this sweet little lady to refound the Waffen-SS?  😉

Is Whitney Webb going to put up minefields and machine-gun towers around her farm in Peru? 😉


….My Margi was absolutely militant, but

Margi 1) never had kids to worry about and what the jews could do to them, and 2) she had an assured monthly Social Security Administration income for decades of over $900 from disability because of her ADD.

Her ADD was actually quite a real, legitimate handicap, believe me. The house was always a mess, to my embarrassment as a former US Marine, and dear Margaret forgot every appointment, including important ones, and every bill, too,UNTIL she began, to her credit, to write daily notebooks with detailed, written to-do lists.

Then things got better, and I was less burdened. She knew she had ADD,  she never hid it, and she did her best to overcome it. For that I salute my late wife.


Anyway, the point is that it was “much easier” for childless, state-financed Margi to be fearless about the JQ than for a Whitney Webb.

But I agree with two comrades who knew Margi and said to me: “You are so lucky to have a woman like Margi in your life.” (The price of this true love was just the most intense grief and literally nearly a stroke — a BP of 230/113 — when she passed.)

Classy, brilliant, charming, sophisticated, a true lady 🙂 — and a wonderful cook, a tireless researcher, a skilled gardener, a scrupulous writer of accurate facts, and, for all her little, forgivable imperfections, a fine dresser, a total woman, and a noble Aryan in every way…



Returning to Whitney, you will see her reveal just how many goy whistleblowers (LIKE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) the Deep State has MURDERED!

Here is now part two of this powerful video:

Webb says that the intel community’s dirty tactics were justified first to stop “the Nazis,” then to stop “the Soviets,” but with both long gone, the dirty, ruthless, and even appalling tactics –” the end justifies the means” — they ontinued merrily along with the naked goal of keeping Deep-State power over America and making insane amounts of money off war.

The height of corruption was Deep State sell-outs actually aiding Red China — a supposed potential enemy that was not to be trusted — in ways that have severely harmed the US economy, US industries, and US jobs, and damaged the whole West, all for the rawly selfish purpose of lining jewish and shabbaz-goy pockets.

RINO Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell, friend of Jewkraine, supporter of its war on Russia, and thus an advocate of a thermonuclear WWIII, with his Chinese wife, Elaine Chao


Whitney lays out how San Bankman-Fried was just one of many [jewish] financial mega-crooks, with Jeffrey Epstein too starting out himself first with outrageous, jewy Ponzi schemeslong before he got into sex trafficking with (((Ghislaine Maxwell))).

She says we are seeing the rise of a new feudal system, comprising rich, powerful lords and a majority of poor, struggling peasants.

She points out that J. Edgar Hoover himself, the head of the FBI for four decades, was the target of sexual blackmail at a time when homosexuality was not only very unpopular but the acts themselves were also illegal, and furnished grounds for firing a person from sensitive government and military positions.

…..IMO Hoover was a closet jew as well as closet homosexual  and a cross-dresser.

The homo-transvestite thing was a theme in the movie “J. Edgar” — starring Leonardo Di Caprio as Hoover.

Hoover withheld his own birth certificate from his own agency and the US Congress until the year 1940, and it came out that even that tardy document was bogus.

Furthermore, Hoover lived with another man for all his adult life, Assistant FBI director Clyde Tolson. A close friend of mine renovated Hoover’s house, which was surprisingly small. It is not as if Tolson lived on the other side of a giant mansion, like Trump’s Mar-a-Largo, from Hoover.

Tolson and Hoover; when Hoover died, President Nixon ordered:”Get that goddamn faggot’s [dirt] files!” But Tolson had immediately shredded and burned them all. The whole thing was so typical of Washington, with everyone collecting actionable dirt on everyone else to ruin their career or put them in prison.

J. Edgar Hoover was deeply involved in the murders of President John F. Kennedy; of US Senator and leading presidential candidate Robert Kennedy; and of Martin Luther King (after King had denounced the Vietnam War as a Wall Street enrichment scheme). I suspect he also instigated the hits on Malcolm X and on George Lincoln Rockwell.


…..FBI eggs the disgruntled on to commit murder

The FBI would find out by wiretapping, bugging, and opening mail just who hates the guy they want OPUT. Then they meet with him,m and feed him fake info to increase his hatred of someone the FBI too hates, and they keep at it until the hateful nerd goes out and HE does the killing for them.

I know for a fact that the FBI spread monstrous rumors that George Lincoln Rockwell, of all people, was a traitor working for the jews, and that the whole “Nazi” approach was proof thereof; see, Rockwell designed it to alienate the average White…..

Rockwell, a successful high-ranking officer in the US Navy, married to a beautiful Icelandic woman….

….gave it all up to be a hated Nazi…. bribed, yah see, by the FBI…. which is why Millionaire Rockwell he was picking up his own laundry at the laundromat in his used jalopy on the day he was killed.


And a resentful, sulking creep like John Patler, whom Rockwell had expelled from the Party, would “gobble something like this up” — Rockwell works for the jews –then go shoot the unarmed Rockwell as he settled into his car from a laundromat roof.


I think that only by hiding his FBI involvement did Patler escape the death penalty in arch-conservative Virginia for a blatantly premeditated murder. And he kept his mouth shut while in prison also out of fear of the FBI.

A bribed DA can “ask” a jury for the death penalty, but do so in a deliberately ineffective way, just as a bribed quarterback can play well all game but then “overthrow the pass” in the decisive play.

This  is exactly what a brilliant Italian-American lawyer and West Point graduate told me that Dolphins quarterback Dan Marino supposedly did for his whole American-football career.

Perhaps the greatest quarterback ever until Tom Brady, Marino, owner of dozens of NFL records, somehow succeeded mysteriously in never winning a Superbowl.


Marino held or currently holds dozens of NFL records associated with the quarterback position, and despite never being on a Super Bowl-winning team, he is recognized among the greatest quarterbacks in American football history.[1][2][3][4][5]

 In 2019, Marino was named to the NFL 100th Anniversary All-Time Team as one of the 10 greatest quarterbacks in NFL history, as determined by a panel of coaches and media members.[10]


…Hoover the harasser and entrapper

Going back to Hoover, he ran the FBI as his personal property, as a murder and blackmail kingdom and from 1924 to 1972.

He also crushed the noble Marcus Garvey, a major black leader in the 1920s who opposed integration and race-mixing and wanted to move all Blacks OUT of America!

And with every possible dirty trick — and entrapment — the illegal encouragement to commit a crime — he harassed and railroaded American “Nazis ” during WWII and again in the Rockwell 1960s.

They tried in 2010, at a chain-restaurant diner in Sarver, Pennsylvania, to entrap ME into ordering a hit on my slanderous, degenerate, lying enemy, WN MK-ULTRA David Duke! They sent a beak-nosed jew posing as an Italian mobster!

AND Hoover targeted and crippled the Ku Klux Klan as well in the 1960s, which had been lynching Blacks from the 1860s through the 1960s for vile rapes and/or murders of white women.

The FBI headquarters, significantly, is still named after this villainous, anti-American, law-breaking fiend. A hundred statues have been hauled down of great white Americans, and a hundred college-building or public-school names have been changed by Antifa, BLM, and the other leftists, but the murderous tyrant Hoover’s name is still right there on the front entrance of the FBI Building, in its style an ugly egg crate.

That name staying on there after even years of MSM coverage of Hoover’s decades of criminality and threatening even presidents and congressmen represents One Big Finger by the FBI to the American people.


That egotistical smirk — the dark, wavy hair — IMO a Jew with some black blood admixed 



….An FBI SCANDAL not to forget!

Clint Eastwood’s superb movie “Richard Jewell” is the true-life story of a security guard who became the true hero of the 1996 Atlanta Olympics bombing, but the jewsmedia and the FBI turned on him.

After Jewell had discovered a sinister, abandoned green backpack, sounded the alarm, and cleared the area as much as possible, the backpack IED — 40 pounds of explosive, three iron pipe lengths and masonry nails — went off, killing “only” two and injuring 111.

The ruthless and long out-of-control FBI, out for a conviction at any cost and good headlines, had no problem framing the HEROIC Jewell, and breaking his heart as a SINCERE believer in the FBI and in American justice.

The FBI viciously leaked to the arch-liberal Atlanta Journal-Constitution that Jewell, an oh-so-evil Southern white male and sometime law-enforcement person, was the likely perpetrator of this cowardly attempt at mass murder.

The slander campaign, all based illegally on “leaks” to the press of unproven garbage — destroyed the innocent Jewell, a genuine hero who saved many lives — and Richard died at just age 44.


Later, Eric Rudolph, a quasi-WN, onetime Christian Identity, and anti-gay and anti-abortion fanatic, was correctly arrested, confessed, and was convicted of this crime and others, and got four consecutive life sentences at the horrible Super-Max federal prison in Florence, Colorado: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Rudolph)

(Question:  why does one try to kill 50 or more innocent white American Olympics fans — in order to oppose abortion — if you are into “the sanctity of life“?….) Why not, fou feel that way, take out fifty jewish abortion doctors, hmmm?

JEWELL PASSED A LIE-DETECTOR TEST WITH FLYING COLORS, but the narcissistic FBI AND MEDIA kept on hounding and framing him.



On October 26, 1996, the US Attorney in Atlanta, Kent Alexander, sent Jewell a letter saying “based on the evidence developed to date … Richard Jewell is not considered a target of the federal criminal investigation into the bombing on July 27, 1996, at Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta”. The letter did not include an apology, but in a separate statement issued by Alexander, the U.S. Justice Department regretted the leaking of the investigation.[11][14]

The separately issued statement said that Jewell “endured highly unusual and intense publicity that was neither designed nor desired by the FBI [bullshit –it was to get a  jury to convict on zero evidence] , and in fact interfered with the investigation,” and that “The public should bear in mind that Richard Jewell has at no time been charged with any crime in connection with the bombing, and the property that was seized pursuant to court-authorized search warrants has been returned.” The New York Times reported that the statement was “highly unusual” because “it was a tacit admission by Federal officials that they had been wrong in their suspicion of Mr. Jewell”.[11]

At a press conference in July 1997, U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno expressed personal regret concerning the [FBI!!!!!!!!!!] leak that resulted in intense media scrutiny of Jewell. She said, “I’m very sorry it happened. I think we owe him an apology. I regret the leak.”[15]

In 1998, Eric Rudolph was named as a suspect in the Centennial Park bombing and the bombings of abortion clinics.

Rudolph, of German heritage and former Army airborne. In an effort at fairness, I should add that he did call in the bomb himself, and that (thanks to Jewell) it “only” killed one person directly. (Another, a Turk, rushing to aid bomb-blast victims, died of a heart attack.)  

Rodolph was arrested in 2003 after a lengthy manhunt.[16] Rudolph later agreed, in April 2005, to plead guilty to the Centennial Park bombing and other attacks on an abortion clinic and a lesbian nightclub, as part of a plea bargain to avoid the death penalty.[17]

In 2006, Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue honored Richard Jewell for his rescue efforts during the attack, and publicly thanked him for saving people’s lives. Perdue said Jewell “deserves to be remembered as a hero”.[3][18][19]


A good summary of the case:


The very Aryan Clint Eastwood, a conservative Republican, has morphed smoothly from action movie star to truly one of the finest film directors ever. (He is legendary for coming in on-time and under-budget, demanding his actors know their lines and get the feel down perfectly for each scene — and on the very first take.) His movies constantly develop the theme of genuine (white) masculinity and denounce a corrupt liberal Establishment that hates all white men who are real men.


Trailer: (very moving performance by the suitably heavy-set German-American Paul Walter Hauser as the railroaded Richard Jewell, and by Kathy Bates as his shocked yet loyal, loving, supportive mother)


……Back now to brave Whitney Webb

She reveals that the homosexual jew Roy Marcus Cohn, the homosexual Hoover at the FBI, and the OSS, forerunner of the wicked CIA, was throwing wild parties at the luxurious Plaza Hotel in Manhattan in the arly 1940s in order to get sexual blackmail on people by entrapping them, Entrapment is coaxing people to do something criminal —  which was and is illegal.

Cohn much later on, in 2006, with a new protegé, Whoozits

Starting in the 1940s, the OSS and the ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence) cooperated with the Mafia on matters involving the dockworker unions in Brooklyn, and by the 1950s they were hiring Mafiosi to murder people who knew too much. 

The Mob (which was mostly Italian but also jewish — think Meyer Lansky and Bugsy Siegel, the founder of Las Vegas —  and actually called itself by the name “the National Crime Syndicate” ) and the CIA also worked together to develop offshore bank accounts to hide money, and pay for illegal activities.

Another spoke in this nasty heel was what Whitney calls “American oligarchs”: the super-rich families such as Morgan, Mellon, and Rockefeller, who supposedly are not jewish, but many Rockefellers do look very jewish.

And so did J.P. Morgan, the oligarch who invested in and then cut off Nikola Tesla when he discovered almost free energy via his Wardenclyffe Tower and even destroyed the tower.

Prescott Bush (r) with young Congressman Richard Nixon — nice nose for a supposed “WASP”


Hoover had a big relationship with two jewish organized-crime figures, Lewis Rosenstiel and Roy Cohn:


Lewis Solon Rosenstiel (July 21, 1891 – January 21, 1976) was the founder of Schenley Industries, an American liquor company, and a (((philanthropist))).[1][2] The Lewis S. Rosenstiel Award is named after him and the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science at the University of Miami is named after him and his wife.

(Original Caption) Lewis S. Rosenstiel (right), Chairman of the Board of Schenley Industries, Inc., receives the annual Gold Award of the George Washington Carver Memorial Institute for 1950’s Outstanding Contribution for Race Relations, at the park Sheraton Hotel, January 5th. Presenting the medal is Jackie Robinson, star second baseman of the Brooklyn Dodgers and 1949 winner of the award.

Early life and career[edit]

Rosenstiel was born to a Jewish family[3] in CincinnatiOhio, the son of Elizabeth (née Johnson) and Solon Rosenstiel.[4] He attended University School and Franklin Prep. He then went to work at his uncle’s business, Susquemac Distilling Company in Milton, Kentucky. Rosenstiel organized Schenley Products Company in the 1920s. The company bought numerous distillers, including one in Schenley, Pennsylvania, that had licenses to produce medicinal whisky. In 1933, when Prohibition ended, Schenley Distillers Company was formed as a publicly owned company. (The name was changed to Schenley Industries in 1949.) Schenley became one of the largest liquor companies in the United States. It was one of the “Big Four”, which dominated liquor sales, and included SeagramNational Distillers, and Hiram Walker. Rosenstiel retired from Schenley in 1968 and it was acquired by Israeli financier Meshulam Riklis. The company was sold to Guinness in 1987.[4] In February 1971, a Congressional investigator testified Lewis Rosenstiel participated in a bootlegging “consortium”.[5]

Relationship with Roy Cohn and J Edgar Hoover[edit]

Rosenstiel was a friend of attorney Roy Cohn, and together they formed the organization American Jewish League Against Communism. Cohn was eventually disbarred based on his attempt to fraudulently name himself co-executor of Rosenstiel’s will by forcing a dying, semicomatose Rosenstiel to sign a codicil that Cohn falsely claimed was related to Rosenstiel’s divorce.[6]

The incident happened in 1975, and Cohn [photo] was disbarred shortly before his death [from AIDS] in 1986.

Rosenstiel was also friends with Federal Bureau of Investigation director J. Edgar Hoover, and was the primary contributor to the J. Edgar Hoover Foundation.[7][8]

Personal life[edit]

Rosenstiel was married five times: to Dorothy Heller, Leonore Cohn (niece of Harry Cohn, founder of Columbia Pictures), Louise Rosenstiel, Susan Kaufman and Blanka Wdowiak. His daughter, Louise, married Sidney Frank, who well after her death in 1973, became a billionaire creating the vodka Grey Goose and through guerilla marketing of the German cordial, Jägermeister. His second wife. Lee, married Walter Annenberg, was on the board of the Metropolitan Opera, and led the influential Annenberg Foundation. His divorce from his fourth wife changed the divorce laws in the U.S. His fifth wife, Blanka A. Rosenstiel, took over the Rosenstiel Foundation following his death in 1976.[9]

His first wife, Dorothy Heller, contributed the funds which Rosenstiel used to start Schenley Industries. Rosenstiel’s mother’s family were Disraelis; when they bought the Johnson trading post in Ohio, they changed their name to Johnson. Rosenstiel died in early 1976, in Miami Beach.[10]


Both the Rosenstiels and the Bronfmanns, Canadian liquor jews, were deeply involved in booze-smuggling into the US during Prohibition using the Mob. (Bronfmann later became head of the World Jewish Congress.)

Lewis Rosenstiel was a bisexual, was called behind his back “Rosie,” and was “close” to his gay lawyer, Roy Cohn.

Then Cohn joined the Justice Department and became Chief Counsel to US Senator Joseph McCarthy during the famous hearings about communists (mostly jews) infiltrating Hollywood and the US State Department, pushing out investigator and lawyer Robert Kennedy, whom both Cohn and Hoover hated.

Rosie and Hoover would set up orgies at the Plaza Hotel, with the famous Roman Catholic Cardinal Francis Spellman of New York (a closet gay: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/cardinal-mary-francis-spellman-gay-frederic-martel/) “present.” Rosie used (yes) his own fourth wife, Susan Kaufman, as bait!!!

In one room, the “Blue Suite,” VIPs got to engage in child molestation (as the hidden cameras rolled).

Again, it is as per my prescient April 20, 2015 video “VIP Pedophiles — Kill Them All” which came out four years BEFORE Epstein’s second and more serious arrest, when he supposedly committed suicide.

Our ruling class consists of jewish billionaire pedophiles and their goy pedo lackeys.


James Rothsteen, the head of the NYPD Vice Division, got Roy Cohn in the 1980s, dying of AIDs, to admit that he had been “running boys” for pedo blackmail to ensure that bigwigs complied fully with “the Plan,” as Cohn put it.

Rothsteen in the 1990s said all this also to John DeKamp, the heroic Nebraska state senator who investigated the infamous pedo “Franklin Coverup,” and he also told it in the 2000s to Whitney Webb herself.

J. Edgar Hoover was also involved in a pedo extortion ring called “The Chickens and Bulls,” along with a pal named (((Sherman Kaminsky))) but when it all came out, all photos of Hoover had been expunged.



[This was] a massive gay extortion ring whose viciousness and criminal flair was without precedent. Impersonating corrupt vice-squad detectives, members of this ring, known in police parlance as bulls, had used young, often underage men known as chickens to successfully blackmail closeted pillars of the establishment, among them a Navy admiral, two generals, a U.S. Congressman, a prominent surgeon, an Ivy League professor, a prep school headmaster, and several well-known actors, singers, and television personalities. The ring had operated for almost a decade, had victimized thousands, and had taken in at least $2 million [=$10 mio today].

[….] Underscoring the emotional delicacy of the situation was the suicide of Admiral William Church, cousin of the powerful Democratic Senator from Idaho, Frank Church, who’d been shaken down several months after being robbed of his credentials by a chicken at the Astor Hotel. 

Sherman Kaminsky, convicted of extortion, then “somehow” escaped the courthouse during his sentencing, and was not found for eleven years!…. Maybe he had some “friends in high places”?….


In October 1929 came the Crash (of the New York Stock Market),and one interesting story Whitney relates is about the “Bank of the United States,” founded by Roy Cohn’s mother’s family, specifically by Roy’s uncle, Bernie Marcus.

Despite its majestic name, the bank was not federal at all, and it actually defrauded hundreds of Jewish families of their life savings. Then Bernie screamed that it was “antisemitism” that had caused the bank to fail, as Whitney relates.

Wiki (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank_of_United_States)

The Bank of United States, founded by Joseph S. Marcus in 1913 at 77 Delancey Street in New York City,[1][2][3] was a New York City bank that failed in 1931. The bank run on its Bronx branch is said to have started the collapse of banking during the Great Depression.

Jews protest outside the jewish-run bank.Wiki:”On December 10, 1930, a large crowd gathered at the Southern Boulevard branch in the Bronx seeking to withdraw their money, and started what is usually considered the bank run that started the Great Depression. People flocked to withdraw their money from other banks. In turn, the banks called in loans and sold assets in order to stay liquid. In that month alone, over 300 banks around the country failed.[25]


JdN: Similarly, Bernie Madoff stole fifty BILLION dollars mostly from his fellow jews, underscoring the fact that most jews are, in fact, atheists. Wikipedia says in fact that half are. If jews really believed in Yahweh, and that His people were “the apple of His eye,” as the Old Testament claims, then no pious jew would ever rip both his own and Almighty God’s own people off — but they sure do. 😉


…..BCCI scandal

This huge, international bank collapsed in 1991 after it came out that it was involved in drug trafficking, terrorism, secret arms deals, and other criminal activities etc.


William von Raab, a former U.S. Commissioner of Customs, also told the Kerry Committee that the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency held “several” accounts at BCCI. According to a 1991 article in Time magazine, the National Security Council also had accounts at BCCI, which were used for a variety of covert operations, including transfers of money and weapons during the Iran–Contra affair.[25] 

Whitney reveals that the bank procured children (meaning prepubescent, little kids!!!) for wealthy Arabs and trained them in various sex techniques,which however sometimes resulted in physical injuries to the children.

I could say more but will leave it at this.

Jew raping and penetrating a boy’s rectum after stabbing him — at the Wewelsburg in 2000 –under an inverted Cross



…..Jew AG William Barr

Webb say that BCCI’s activities were covered up for years by the then US Attorney General, William Barr, jewish on his father’s side, the same AG who would later betray Donald Trump. His jew father Donald, an old OSS and then CIA man, got Jeffrey Epstein his first job, as a math teacher at the elite Dalton School in Manhattan.

Webb says that “Barr was CIA way back in the 1970s and stonewalled the Church Committee investigating the CIA.”

This “Church Committee” was a very important investigation by US Senator Frank Church D-Iowa (whose brother was the admiral who committed suicide when outed as a gay) and his “US Senate Committee Investigation of Abuses by the CIA”, including the horrors of MK-ULTRA.

It shows the utter lunacy of Donald Trump that he kept on hiring people for his Cabinet who were extremely sinister Deep State types such as the half-jew Barr, all of whom, just like Barr, hated Trump and betrayed him.

Whitney then goes into the Clintons, the nuclear codes from the NSA sold by Hillary to IsraHell, her Swiss bank account which she shared with White House Chief Counsel Vince Foster (I visited the exact spot where Foster’s corpse was found after his, ahem, “suicide” in a Virginia park situated above the Potomac River ), and Jeffrey Epstein’s involvement in a shady fundraiser to redecorate the White House and skim off money!

It is almost comical how totally crooked everyone was. 😉

Ghislaine, Jeffrey and Slick Willy

A Forbes senior editor, James Norman, alleged in a major articles entitled “Fostergate” (which got him FIRED) that….drumroll…..

Israel was selling the US nuclear codes

it got from Hillary

to Red China.


Whitney also says that Henry Kissinger was deeply involved with betraying US nuclear secrets to Israel.

Kissinger, to go on a side topic, played an interesting game as a jew of pretending to be antisemitic and a good-old patriotic Republican.

I have run this photo before; Kissinger was at our house a number of times.

Kissinger photographing the daughter of the mayor of Providence, Rhode Island (center); his daughter and only child, Nicole, died of a heroin overdose in her thirties; my father


I remember once when Henry Kissinger was interviewed by tv host Charlie Rose, and the topic was Israel.

Kissinger referred to the Israelis as “we” — before he corrected himself and said “umm, they.” 😉

The jew Kissinger told the jew and Israeli Mossad asset Robert Maxwell ( Jan Hyman Benjamin Hoch), the father of Ghislaine Maxwell (and who committed incest on her, Webb believes) that he should go and bribe US Senator John Tower (R-Texas),then the Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, so that Israel would get access to the Los Alamos Laboratory and top American nuclear secrets……

You just can’t make this stuff up. 😉

Robert Maxwell — again, Ghislaine’s father — also sold an Israeli version of computer software which had been stolen by the US government with the help of US Attorney General Edwin Meese and which was called “PROMIS.”

It was created to track people and their money, and was sold by Maxwell to the very worst Latin American dictators so they could track and kill dissidents.

Excerpt from Whitney’s book One Nation Under Blackmail:

Both Tower and Maxwell died in 1991, btw, Tower in a suspicious plane crash, and Maxwell in a boating “accident.”

Investigative journalist Danny Casolaro, who was delving into PROMIS, also died in 1991, in a staged “suicide.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danny_Casolaro


His main source at the NSA, US Army lieutenant Alan Standorf, was likewise found beaten to death in the trunk of a car parked at Ronald Reagan National Airport, near Washington DC.

And jew AG William Barr, CIA man like his jew father, prevented serious investigations of these deaths, and of the pedo and other criminal activities of BCCI, PROMIS, and Iran-Contra.

Whitney says that PROMIS (now succeeded by Palantir: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palantir_Technologies) is used now to track all Americans (and their money) who might criticize “the Enterprise,” that is, the Deep State agenda.

They are on a list called “Main Core,” which bothered NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden so much.

From https://historyheist.com/lt-alan-standorf-one-of-the-first-nsa-whistleblowers-on-mass-surveillance-found-dead-in-the-back-of-a-car-at-reagan-airport/

[MAIN CORE dated] back to the 1980s and known to government insiders as “Main Core,” the database reportedly collects and stores — without warrants or court orders — the names and detailed data of Americans considered to be threats to national security. 

According to several former U.S. government officials with extensive knowledge of intelligence operations, Main Core in its current incarnation apparently contains a vast amount of personal data on Americans, including NSA intercepts of bank and credit card transactions and the results of surveillance efforts by the FBI, the CIA and other agencies.

One former intelligence official described Main Core as “an emergency internal security database system” designed for use by the US military in the event of a national catastrophe, a suspension of the Constitution or the imposition of martial law.



…..Honor Roll


I– 13 September 2023 $208 (163 British pounds) via PayPal from M in la douce France

Rennes in Brittany, France has half-timbered houses, a hallmark of northern Europe possibly going back to germanic runes

— 13 September 2023 $57 (400 Danish crowns) from B in Denmark

— 9 September 2023 Aus$40 (= US$30) and an INTERESTING LETTER from P in Australia

I would agree with this Australian comrade’s suggestion in this letter (he is very “up” on ET issues) that nordic aliens might indeed allow a nuclear war — an armageddon which would 100% be OUR fault through our own sins over many generations of both commission and omission, but then also help those who survive to rebuild the world.

The Nordics hate the idea of them having to fight our battles for us when we ourselves could oppose evil right now, yet generations of us in earlier lives have tolerated and enabled the jews to conquer us via a million selfish, individual decisions to cave in and say nothing, a million quiet surrenders that revealed the disgusting cowardice of earthlings and also the sickening infighting that is endemic even amongst the resistants.

— 8 September 2023 $50 cash from K in California

I profoundly thank my major donors for years of serious financial sacrifices. One is a California writer and offspring of a top scientist at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. These quiet financial heroes are the reason my mission goes forward to a dramatic launch despite two huge betrayals this summer by white men regarding my housing situation.

The serious donors also grasp that while they open their wallet, I open my chest to an assassin’s bullet every time I open my front door, or I face the blinding flash of a car bomb whenever I get into my 20-year-old Hyundai Sonata and turn the ignition…. the real possibility of assassination, either now, or soon.

— 7 September 2023 $100 cash from a local supporter

— 6 September 2023 $100 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts

— 5 September 2023 165 British pounds (US$208) via PayPal from M in France


— 2 September 2023 165 British pounds (US$208) via PayPal from M in France

French girl Joan of Arc, a 19-year-old peasant who listened to an angel and changed the world. Seven hundred years later she is still world-famous. Though a normal female who wanted to marry and have chihldren, she bravely challenged her king to fight the English invader, and faced death on the battlefield alongside rough male soldiers. Upon her capture, she endured the vilest slander (as a “witch”!) at her “trial” and chose being burned at the stake over renouncing her cause, while refusing to be locked up for life as a nun in a cloister. Tenacious England, in the Hundred Years War, had conquered two-thirds of France when this phenomenal girl appeared. What man could be a coward when this girl raised her sword?


— 2 September 2023 135 euros (= about the same in US$) from C in Germany and two wonderful books. (Well — in full disclosure — one of them I actually co-wrote with Dietrich Eckart in 1923. 😉 )

“The Ethnic Cleansing that Cost Millions of Germans Their Lives” and “Bolshevism from Its Beginnings to Lenin. Conversation between Adolf Hitler and Me” by Dietrich Eckart


— 1 September 2023 $500 cash from B, a local donor

— 26 August 2023 US$1,000 in cash from a local supporter

— 25 August 2023 US$208 (162 British pounds sterling) from M in France

— 23 August 2023 $115 via CashApp from long-time generous donor K in Massachusetts

— 17 August 2023 $150 via Western Union from B in Georgia

— 15 August 2023 $150 via GabPay from B in Georgia

— 14 August 2023 $210 (163 British pounds) via PayPal from M in France

Created with GIMP

— 12 August 2023 $50 in cash, wrapped prudently in aluminum foil, from K in California

K asked me in her accompanying note:

“Could the jews be behind your loss of donations?”

My answer is No, I think the mails are honest, and donations did go down because I never pled a financial emergency because there was no dire financial emergency from November 2021 until now.

From around November 2021 to July 2023, I had 1) my own Social Security retirement check for $800 income, plus I was Margi’s paid, full-time (more than full-time) cancer caregiver, meal preparer, driver, etc.

That came to $1,800 a month, plus Margi got $900/monthly in Disability (“SSHI”) and also $200 in food stamps.

Of course, all that ($1,800 + $900 + $200 = $2,900) ceased instantly when my wife passed on, on that dreadful 12th of September, 2022.

I really wanted Margi to make it for so many powerful reasons: my love for her, and she was beautiful to me;

….her intellect and personality; her wonderful companionship and NS comradeship with me; her delicious organic cooking;

her charm and popularity in this town; ….and, yes, also her survival for 4 1/3rd years with cancer (thanks also to supplements) also kept my cancer-caretaker pay flowing and her being alive kept her Social Security income flowing as well. All of this helped keep this website afloat as the jewish hacking increased and I had to pay two people to preotect the site.

Margi also read and critiqued my articles, appeared on many videos on this site, and became a real fixture.

Also, people donated so generously to buy her anti-cancer supplements.

Her passing then forced me to make a huge decision, because of the enormous, pressing monthly bills associated with this hacked and also very elaborate, huge website, with 13 years of articles and THIRTY-EIGHT THOUSAND PHOTOS.

I sold our snug, sweet, paid-off house and extensive garden, located a block from Lake Superior.

This sale is what enabled me to fund this site for almost ten more months.

Donations did taper off — because I never screamed bloody murder, for I was not in a financial jam.

But now I am. From me you get the truth, as you know.

As I am blogging, being an active white nationalist has been mostly hell since 1978. There were about 20 months of financial stability in all that time, one year and three quarters out of 45 years. I am happy to suffer further for our race and glorious national-socialist cause, with my wife now free of her (suspicious) cancer and giving her blessing from heaven to us fighters.


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