Spiritual reading — you ARE love; what is God and WHO are you?

Spread the love

October 11

Soften, allow the armor to melt. Look around you at the unfathomable beauty and grace. The birds, the trees, the sky, the other beings with whom you share your planet.

Purple lupine and, in yellow, bird’s foot trefoil I photographed here in Ontonagon

It is a million times more blessed than words could ever fairly express. And realize that when you do shed layers of doing and achieving and proving and approving (or not), when you allow yourself to sink deep into the nectar of your own sweet nature, you will fnd it reflected everywhere. For it is truly at the center of all and everything.

The world brings you—at your request—lessons that are sometimes harsh and exacting. But when you feel into the actual nature of everything around you, you will fnd that it offers you nothing more nor less than a mirror. And you get to choose what it is that you see out there by choosing what it is that you allow your own offering to be.

At this time, there are nothing more than the empty shadows of old ideas, dusty things, to keep you from  understanding that you are not what you thought you were, thought you must be in order to make a good life. Those attainments and actions and commitments and beliefs—no matter how noble (and for most, the ignoble ones as well lie just under the surface) have been exposed and are crumbling. You do not need them anymore.

Well, of course, you still need your personality and your body to navigate the world…..as long as you are there. And face it, they can both be a lot of fun sometimes. Nothing wrong at all with enjoying them, playing with them.

But it is time to cease to identify yourself as a body, as persona. Only separation and grief arise from that, and you have suffered enough.

Time it is—right now—to look deep, deep. Look beneath the fear and the anger and the self-judgments, both positive and negative. It is a radical thing to look beneath your values and your ideals, but if you go that far, you will fnd that in yourself which is truly unassailable. You will find that you ARE love.

Brilliant, shining, radiating. Love—not something you do, not something you choose. This is who you are,
vibrationally. This is the essence. Not all that other stuff that has grown so weighty and tiresome to carry.

And this is who you can bring to the surface all the time now. Today. That is the invitation. Fear not, dear ones. You are angels and always have been. Time to take of those heavy costumes and fly.

With sweetest love and all blessings. — E. West



….In what sense is “you are love” literally true and not just New Agey nonsense?

As I have stated, Conversations with God by Neal Donald Walsch is a wonderful adjunct to The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. Tolle has a huge focus on getting a grip on your own mind so that it is no longer “egoic.” And you are halfway to happiness and success once you do that.

But he skirts around reincarnation, which is what happens when we die, and “God” is a non-topic for him.

Buddhism is the main inspiration for Tolle.

I will repeat that the Buddha was a real person, an Indo-Aryan prince with blue eyes. His real name was Siddhartha Gautama.

He was being prepared to rule when he saw a miserable beggar on the street outside the palace. That was it — he had to know why people must suffer so, why there is so much evil, and why evildoers often win — at least until they die and face the music! 😉

The Buddha himself was disgusted by the fact that India was full to bursting of temples, sacrifices, priests, gods and goddesses, rituals and what not, yet all this “religion” centered on worshipping gods was barely improving the behavior or the lives of the people.


Everyone was asking — BEGGING — some god to help them, not working on themselves, not helping themselves as the real solution to the problem!

As I have writte a good hundred times, we ourselves let this jew thing fester over many incarnations, alway expecting or just blindly hoping that someone else, NOT US, would take the sword up against the jews. We — due to all our precious obligations to our wives and kids, to our company, to our reputation, etc, etc, etc, etc. — of course had to stay “low profile,” could not be “openly antisemitic,” and  so, ya see, we just “had” to AVOID the risk.

And now look at the mess we are in due to our own cowardice over many, many lives!

We drove the car until we ran out of gas, and no one put more gas in it….. The car is our countries, the gas is the truth, and the truth is that you cannot let a BUNCH OF EVIL PSYCHOPATHS take over your country.

Nobody has added more truth fuel in a major way to the tank since 1945.

So many world-famous men have warned us in the past we must do something about the jews, but nope. 😉

Some guy named Jesus, for example. Ever heard of Him?


There was also a great king of France and saint named Louis IX. He burned 3500 Talmuds and threw the jews out of France. Ever heard of St. Louis, Missouri?  😉

Well, in an earlier life you did of King Louis IX, and everyone knew he expelled the jews. So why did the other kings not follow suit???

There was also some guy named Martin Luther, who founded Protestantism, and in 1544 wrote a book Against the Jews and Their Lies. He only said, after reading the Talmud in the original Hebrew and Aramaic, “We have no enemy more dangerous than a committed jew.”

Gee, whatever did he mean by THAT? 😉


And then there was some guy named Henry Ford, who started, umm, some car factory, I think.

Ford was worth about $180 billion in today’s money, and a household word.


Twenty years later, the most popular man in America was the aviator and Medal of Honor winner Charles Lindbergh, and he warned the jews were getting us into a war with Germany.

His plane, “The Spirit of Saint Louis ” – interesting choice of a name 😉 —  is now hanging at the most popular museum on earth, the National Air and Space Museum in Washington DC.

And he said — on September 11 of  1941 — in Kansas City — on nationwide radio

Now this more recent guy was the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, representing the top Army, Air Force and Marine generals and Navy Admirals in some little building called the Pentagon.

The Pentagon is near a city called Washington DC. 😉

Where he said all this was at Duke University, one of the top universities in the United States. (My daughter Ingrid has a master’s degree from there.)

And, oh, I almost forgot, this German guy was against the jews, too — forgot his name. I think he created the Volkswagen. 😉

So anyway, Tolle is absolutely right and the Buddha long before him:

We have no one to blame but ourselves.

So it is pointless to beg some god to do what we can do for ourselves. To quote Joe Biden for once without sarcasm, “Come on, man!” 😉

The Jews are 1/4 of 1% of the human race! And we, the other 99.75%, can’t beat these ugly slugs?

In your head, maybe.

I know I can!

But Walsch’s book DOES go into God, into love, into God as love incarnate, and into us as loving beings as well, but needing experience to apply it.

And free will is sacred to the true God. He will not force us to do the right thing. nor hand us a wonderful outcome we did not earn. No, He has no pity on cowards and slackers.

This is not the tyrannical god Yahweh of the jews. This is a god who creates, not rules.

Learn to rule yourselves!


Here Walsch talks about the huge reception his book has enjoyed, which spent 143 weeks (two and a half years) on the New York Times bestseller list.

You can get it for $11.95 new in paperback from Amazon:

A comrade recommended it to me, and I am so glad he did.


Because my mission is still racial, political — and of this world.

But between The Power of Now and Conversations with God,  you will finally understand why you are here, that you chose this time to reincarnate — to liberate yourself and then only our world —  and you can find peace inside, no matter what the world about us does.

What I have to do is apply this wisdom to our current, unbelievable crisis. Once you stop fearing death, and choose victory, we can win. And by winning the grand times, which were very real — I was there — will be back. 🙂







  1. Il Dio Creatore è qualcosa di unico.
    Il prete che ha denunciato la presenza di Satana in quella radio famosa?Ora viene deriso dal popolo “ateo”.Si, perché ora il Diavolo non esiste,non esistono gli Ebrei che dominano in tutte le cose e non esiste neanche la pedofilia.Ho mandato a quel paese un comico e presentatore TV per questo.
    Sono stata l’unica!Questo è grave John,vuol dire che tutte le persone vogliono andare verso la loro fine.
    Mio marito ha litigato con suo fratello per il suo egoismo!
    “Non sono problemi miei di quello che succede fuori”…vedi,tutti rispondono come sciocchi.Mio marito è cambiato grazie alla mia tenacia e perché si è reso conto che i nostri figli sono in pericolo!Avverto tanta indifferenza e,scusami se lo dico così,tanta gente stupida!Sul serio.
    Si,Satana ha conquistato tutti non solo con le Religioni deviate ma anche con lo scetticismo.Queste persone non avranno salvezza perché negheranno qualsiasi verità,anche quando saranno i Media a farlo.Io lo faccio per i miei figli,per tutti i bambini,per il pianeta,per tutti gli Esseri che vegliano su di me.Ho grande rispetto.

  2. https://youtu.be/HFBfitpBuPk
    Giovanni è anche laureato in filosofia con lode.
    Mi piacciono le persone di questo calibro,non sono accademiche e vanno oltre il pensiero di Regime,oltre il tempo stesso.
    Tirare fuori il vangelo di Maria Maddalena non è da tutti.
    Allora ti rendi conto che il suo pensiero ha davvero avuto un “peso” sul mondo,su alcune persone.
    Che strano..le persone “illuminate” hanno sempre avuto lei nel cuore,a parte il vero Gesù.
    Pensandoci anche Giovanni Gasparro.

  3. Über Emy’s obiger Angabe kam ich soeben zu folgendem Video, das beeindruckende Bilder von Luftschlachten wiedergibt, dessen Sprache ich jedoch leider nicht mächtig bin.

    Es sind mit weißen fünfzackigen Sternchen versehende viermotorige strategische Bomber zu sehen, wie sie in den VSA bereits in großer Zahl während der Dreißiger Jahre produziert wurden – Herr John de Nugent klärte darüber auf.

    Es scheint um einen besonderen Disput zweier Piloten zu gehen, in der Blüte ihres Lebens, der eine auf amerikanischer und der andere auf deutscher Seite. Jedenfalls scheinen sie sich die beiden im betagten Alter bestens zu verstehen.

    Hätten die Weißen Amerikas bloß damals den Verstand benutzt, anstatt sich von jüd. Propaganda arglistig sprichwörtlich hinters Licht führen zu lassen.

    Le pilote allemand qui a risqué sa vie pour sauver un bombardier américain (1943) – HDG #17


  4. – Nachtrag zu meinem vorherigen Beitrag –

    Zum Thema paßt ein Artikel des vitzli, den er heute zu besten gibt, ward in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland doch der über die deutsche Reichsregierung nebst Stab gebrachten Schrecken feierlich begannen:

    Wir feiern gerade den 75. Jahrestag des Beginns des berühmten Nürnberger Prozesses gegen die damalige politische Führung des Dritten Reiches.

    Ganz objektiv urteilten die Richter der Siegermächte, die jahrelang mit zehntausenden Bombern kriegsverbrecherisch gezielt viele Flächenbombardements gegen die deutsche Zivilbevölkerung, also deutsche Frauen und Kinder zu Hause, veranstaltete und schließlich auch 2 fette Atombomben über der japanischen Zivilbevölkerung (Frauen und Kinder) abwarf, auf Grund von ganz brandneuen und von ihnen nachträglich erfundenen Verbrechenstatbeständen über die Verlierer des Krieges und nannten das Gerechtigkeit.

    Die amerikanischen Atombombenabwerfer der US-Army hingegen erhielten nicht den Galgen, sondern besondere Orden. Das ist noch mehr Gerechtigkeit.
    Klappert da was im Gehirn? Gerechtigkeit?

    In Nürnberg hat man dem Siegergericht Schrumpfköpfe aus Südamerika zum Beweis vorgelegt. Und tapfer Seife neben Lampenschirmen präsentiert.

    Aber die Siegermächte wußten, wen sie mit dem Tod bestrafen mußten. Doch nicht die amerikanischen Atombombenabwerfer auf die Zivilbevölkerung! Das ist Haltung!

    Man könnte all das als nicht besonders aufregend bezeichnen. Sieger halt.

    Aber was zum Teufel treibt die heutigen „Haltungs-„Polit- und Medienschranzen (um das Wort „volksfeindliche schräge Vögel“ zu vermeiden) dazu, dieses fragwürdige „Jubiläum“ zu befeiern?

    Gehören die noch zum Deutschen Volk? Oder sind die schon auserwählt?



    Jubilar Nürnberger Prozeß (Überschrift des Artikels)


    Antoine Laurent de Lavoisier folgert:

    In Wahrheit wurden von Ribbentrop, Keitel, Jodl, Kaltenbrunner, Sauckel, Frank, Seyß-Inquart, Rosenberg, Frick und Streicher am eigens dafür manipulierten Galgen geschächtet – sowie unzählige „Probanden“ vor ihnen, um die Mordsmaschine derart perfekt zu justieren, daß das Sterben der vermeintlichen Delinquenten sich möglichst lange hinziehen solle.

    Die Demokratie hat den Terror als Mittel und den Totalitarismus als Zweck.
    (Dieses Zitat wird Nicolas Gomez Davila zugeschrieben)

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