Spiritual reading — you have a channel to higher realms

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July 8

Try to imagine that you know everything you need to know today. It is, in fact, the truth. But so often, you hold yourself back with a false belief in your own inadequacy.

You often think that there is someone somewhere who can answer your questions better than you can yourself. We have discussed this before. It is not something you have still to examine. And yet it persists.

So today, we invite you to do something different. Just allow yourself to suspend your disbelief for the day and see what happens. Give yourself permission—with total consciousness—to be master of your own path to wisdom. Try to imagine that you can access any knowledge or guidance that you need. There is nothing standing between you and your clear vision. Of even the most difficult and clouded issues.

*** I-Ching

This is a Chinese form of divination based entirely on the premise that, deep down, you already know the answer and should stop fighting it.

The great psychologist Carl Jung was a big fan of the I-Ching.

I asked myself a question about the success of the coming Aryan religion.

And so I persevere. 🙂  as do my loyal supporters…. Many thanks to them for quiet heroism!


Obviously, you understand that what we are proposing is a reality concurrent with the one you usually choose. The mystery is why you choose to stay limited. As many of you have discovered, limitations are easier to transcend when you keep the transcendence limited, or, in other words—no need for you to commit to being an “eternal sage.”

Just see what it feels like to have access to all the wisdom you need for one day.

Because of the situation we described yesterday—because things are so unstable at this time, because there is so little that is of an unchanging nature—it is especially important for you to learn to recognize and call upon that channel within yourself that opens to the highest realms.

And the only way to become adept at that is to practice listening to your higher self.

It is intent and grace which open the way; it is practice which makes the path traversable.

Yesterday we asked that you stay aware and willing to see what was before you with fresh eyes, without preconceptions. Today, we ask you to see yourself in that manner. This, you will find, is more of a challenge—at least in most cases. But you can do it, and if you are to be part of the transformation which is in process, you must be able first to envision a new world. Even before that, a new you. A you who is freed from the bonds that have kept humanity as a whole embittered and resentful and operating from a place of profound disempowerment.

So please, keep your eyes open today. Look for the ways in which you defer to some higher authority, the ways in which you denigrate or diminish your own native capacity. You were meant to see and know, you were meant to stand tall and reach for the stars. Just for today, let yourself be the extraordinary being you hold lying silently within.

All our love and blessings. — E. West


  1. i believe our forebears and future relatives are all in us forever and that we will win this fight ,-) Hail to the Gods and eternal Aryan future !

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