Spiritual readings — where you get what only I provide to this movement

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September 10

You may find yourself feeling sad today. The agenda for the day has to do with disengaging. There is so much with which you are engaged—in fact it has been up to this point essential that you engage in them in order to give weight and ballast to your being on earth.

There remain, and always will, some elements of your life in form with which you need to stay engaged, but they are few and you will need discernment and a willingness to choose only those things that actually sustain and nourish the being you are becoming. The rest cannot come with you, and this is a good day for bidding them adieu.

What do we mean by this? We mean that you have surrounded yourselves, depending on who you are and the course your life has taken, with the things that make it worthwhile to be in form.

Without those, you would probably have disappeared long ago. Is it family? Is it beauty? Is it service? Is it integrity? Is it faith?

Just some possibilities. Each of you know how securely (or not) you are tethered to this plane of existence and with some contemplation will be able to ascertain of what your tethers are constructed.

When you think of cutting those ties, what happens? Does your body seize up in terror? If so, you are indeed held in form by that thing.

We are asking you to assess again today: is this (or that) what you wish to be attached to? If not, (and if you are honest with yourself, you will find things that, although they help you maintain a presence here, make it engaging and seemingly worthwhile, are not in line with your trajectory) then it is a very good day to gently let them go.

*** Letting go of seeing my friends at the local taverns

I am well-known and well-liked in this town by most, and part of it has been six years of socializing and putting very popular music on the jukebox when I go to the four “watering holes” here in town:

— Stubbs,

— Roxey’s (a bar and grill)

— The Shamrock

— and the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars).

Here I have found out who the rightwing conservatives are, the vets, the tradesmen (to either use or avoid 😉 and which mechanics do good work for less.)

In this way I got Margi’s roof for $3,000 instead of $7,000, for example, after learning that a certain temperamental tradesman with very low prices did great work mainly when his work-ethic brother joined him on the job. 😉

Those $4K in savings paid for six years of drinks. 🙂

But the main thing is that I am bound and determined to present my kinder, gentler and more “yin” face to the masses in this incarnation.

This is not 1930s Germany, but 2020’s America, and a country that is heavily keltic, where charm, a joke, a pat on the shoulder and a smile are better than a stern scowl. 😉

And how many times have I, sticking to my two drinks at a bodyweight of 185 pounds, driven local people home in their car, or truckers to their truck, who did not want to risk a DUI? Then I walked home from their house. People remember that. I feel the good will when I walk into a tavern and people wave and smile at me — the “nice Nazi.” 😉 .

But this must end. I cannot go into any bar once this religion begins. The demonization of me by the media will be intense and in full swing. Leftists, never-Trumper RINOS and WWII patriotards will be in high dudgeon and also inebriated, thus prone to violence.

And this town is full of vets, hunters and GUNS.

So this habit must be renounced. It has been successful and served its purpose. But I cannot be getting into bar fights.

If people want to see ME, they can contact me and come to me.

I must shed the taverns and, more importantly, my status as a mere blogger. I must become an Enemy of the System, declare war on it and see it aim all its guns of every kind on me:

law enforcement, economic, judicial, attempts to beat, poison or shoot me, and endless, vicious, rabid slander (nut, con man, fake Marine, coward, pedophile, homosexual, wife-beater, n—r-lover ….

…all things I have already been smeared with, and you ain’t seen nothing yet until the jew media machine gets really cranking 24/7 on what a despicable threat I am….

… and well-financed Antifa and BLM –with their $33 million from Soros — drive up hundreds of miles from the cities to threaten and attack me physically.


I must also confront my own fears of failure, and shed them.

Yes, the most evil man who ever lived (LOL) is back, and the vast majority have been profoundly brainwashed over the course of an entire lifetime against him.

The supposed enemy of freedom of speech and guns [sic!],

the murderer of six million innocent jews who were scapegoated for Germany’s problems, the starter of WWII….

You can see why I have waited until I was good and ready, ideology-, money-, roof- and especially gun-wise, and I have waited until AFTER Margi beat her dreadful throat cancer.

And now she is riding a bike, singing, has gone from a skeletal 72 to 90 pounds, and has gardened up, and cooked up, some amazing meals for a lucky guy. 🙂

Turkey with her home-baked, keto (low-carb) stuffing; brussel sprouts, and a salad from her own garden. 🙂

But once this thing starts, it will be total, savage, merciless war against me.

But this is why I incarnated again, and here, because if we can straighten the gigantic superpower America out, no matter what the cost in blood, toil, tears and sweat, the whole world will follow.

The jews will lose their huge goy hitman, Israel will disappear, and our race and all the others will again be free to be happy again.

…free to grow (spiritually, economically, scientifically, and culturally)…

…and to seek the higher path in each incarnation, not be the miserable slaves of a race of billionaire psychopaths.

We know what we achieved when we had little Germany.

“No one shall starve and no one freeze!”



But this time we will have the immense, unbeatable AMERICA,




Once we have America, and it is happy, free and rich again… we cannot lose, but advance to the stars.



All you really need to do is to recognize anything that you are clinging to which does not serve your long-term and higher goals. That is enough.

For there is a transformation which must take place: as you let go of those ties that bind you to the past and to a way of being you no longer can embrace, you will be reaching for other anchors.

You will, most of you, stay in form, and you cannot do that unless you are either still spiritually unconscious or you are delighted with life!

The delight will come. But first, you need to bring to consciousness anything that is weighing you down into body at this time.


we have noted, you all have done a good job of creating the necessary ties to keep yourselves here.

Now it is time to refine them, to choose those you want to keep and identify those that are now too old, habitual, maybe very comfortable, but discordant.

If you are sad, this may well be why. Feeling out of harmony with oneself and one’s purpose is irritating, and it cannot be tolerated consciously for very long. As your awareness rises, so does the irritation, and eventually it becomes necessary to address it.

Do it today. Tell yourself the truth.

That is all that you can do: it may hurt for a while, but it truly will set you free. For greater and more harmonious connections with other beings and your planet. Don’t doubt this—you have not refined yourself to the extent of your potential.

You are capable of so much more, and we are your cheerleaders, here to shout you on to the heights you agreed to scale when you took form [ = reincarnated] this time.

We love you and know that this day, although potentially painful, will help you open immensely for gifts that are just waiting to be bestowed. All our blessings. — E. West




…..To donate, with my sincerest thanks

Comrade Caffeine — my friend at 5 am




–9 September 2020 $200 via PP from T in Australia

–28 August 2020 101 euros from C in Germany

–19 August 2020 $88 by Amazon gift card from G in Cicero, Illinois

–15 August 2020 $88 by Amazon gift card from J in Nevada


–2 August 2020 50 Australian dollars and a note from J in southern Australia



To John and Margi:

Sorry, it has been a little while since my last correspondence and contribution.

Thinking of you both during your time at the Mayo [Clinic for Margi’s cancer]. I could only imagine the stresses you’ve both been under.

We are witnessing history right now and it’s not necessarily a good thing.

Now is the time, more than ever, for positive endeavour, not least spiritually.



Southern Australia

PS Hang in there. Keep up the good fight. People ARE realising!

–1 August 2020 50 euros and a letter from M in France

–17 July 2020 $70 in cash and a note from B in New Jersey

–14 July 2020 129 euros via PayPal from C in Germany

–11 July 2020 $50 Amazon gift card from F in Arizona

1 Comment

  1. Dear John de Nugent

    at the moment only few dare to link to your website.

    However, a few years ago, the Russian state television channel very consciously and purposefully selected your website to link to the article you republished. This means something, especially with regard to your critical self-analysis and self-revision of partial strategies of action in the context of a past incarnation, in which, despite everything, the proven conquest goals of the then (World War 2) Russian leadership (to the West) are mentioned, so Russia is not presented as an innocent lamb.

    Even an extra billboard was made by the Russian TV channel and played with slow motion so that the TV viewers could memorize the address johndenugent.com. An even clearer reading recommendation cannot be given, one pursues there in Russia your analyses thus already for many years, because such a web page recommendation wants to be well considered. 🙂

    To the self-protection measures: It is said that one should not concentrate on what one does not want, but of course one has to take certain precautions. But will a complete withdrawal from the public and barricading in your own castle be necessary? Of course there are systematically planned events to this effect, New York will probably become a second Detroit now, and other cities will be left behind, too, after the violent excesses of the Red Front BLM terror brigades. There are indeed violent transitional phases.

    You are, of course, in a particularly exposed position, since you expose the core problems head-on and place them in a holistic, i.e. spiritual context, do not deliver simplified messages, prepare the analyses in a sophisticated way, with suggestions for one’ s own self-development, these are food for thought for the reader: Due to this depth, your work is dangerous for the background powers, especially now, when more and more people are forced to turn away from superficial distractions (cinema, TV, sports, etc.), to question, to question, to open themselves to new topics and views.

    On the other hand, even ordinary people will no longer be able to survive without intuition; without cultivating contact with their personal guardian angel, nothing will work. How else will people protect themselves against the coming dangers, if not by activating holistic forces? How else can one know when one can go out of the house and when not (because gangs may be on the way) to fetch drinking water? People will have to think spiritually again if they want to survive, there will be no way around it.

    There are indeed the inner forces, even if the background powers publicly portrayed this as superstition, ridiculed it. In the context of human development (development between the polarities, players and opponents) the negative entities/entities have of course their right to exist, against which everyone has by default of course their own protective filters. However, some people specifically ally themselves with these negative energies/demons or whatever they might be called. But the energy of the positive entities/entities can be tapped just as purposefully, the universe will provide energy, help and protection if they are systematically and persistently requested.

    It has been said by various people that we live in a unique time of upheaval, with a high density of events, with accelerating events and the advent of a revolution of consciousness. No stone will remain upon another.

    Your inner self/your guardian angel will tell you when you can go out of the house and when better not, it will answer your prayers of protection for all areas and places of life.

    End of the sermon. 🙂


    In German:

    Sehr geehrter John de Nugent,

    momentan trauen sich nur wenige, auf Ihre Webseite zu verweisen.

    Der staatliche russische Fernsehkanal wählte jedoch vor ein paar Jahren sehr bewußt und gezielt Ihre Webseite aus, um auf den von Ihnen wiederveröffentlichten Artikel zu verweisen. Das will etwas heißen, insbesondere in Hinsicht auf Ihre kritische Selbstanalysen und Selbstrevisionen partieller Handlungsstrategien im Kontext einer vergangenen Inkarnation, in denen trotz allem auch das erwiesenermaßen nachgewiesene Eroberungsziele der damaligen (Weltkrieg 2) russischen Führung (gen Westen), erwähnt werden, Rußland also nicht als Unschuldslamm dargestellt wird.

    Sogar eine Extra-Werbetafel wurde vom russischen Fernsehkanal angefertigt und mit langsamer Bewegung abgespielt, damit sich die Fernsehzuschauer die Adresse johndenugent.com auch einprägen können. Eine noch deutlichere Leseempfehlung kann es nicht geben, man verfolgt dort in Rußland Ihre Analysen also bereits seit vielen Jahren, denn eine solche Webseiten-Empfehlung will wohlüberlegt sein. 🙂

    Zu den Selbstschutzmaßnahmen: Es heißt zwar, daß man sich nicht auf das konzentrieren soll, was man nicht möchte, aber natürlich muß man gewisse Vorsichtsmaßnahmen treffen. Ob jedoch ein völliger Rückzug aus der Öffentlichkeit und ein Verbarrikadieren in der eigenen Burg nötig sein wird? Natürlich gibt es entsprechende systematisch geplante Ereignisse, New York wird jetzt vermutlich zu einem zweiten Detroit werden, und auch andere Städte werden zurückgelassen werden, nach den Gewaltexzessen der Rotfront-BLM-Terrorbrigaden. Es gibt sehr wohl heftige Übergangsphasen.

    Sie sind natürlich in einer besonders exponierten Position, da sie frontal die Kernprobleme aufdecken und sie in einen ganzheitlichen, d.h. spirituellen Kontext stellen, keine vereinfachten Botschaften liefern, anspruchsvoll die Analysen aufbereiten, mit Anregungen für die eigene Selbstentwicklung, das sind Denkanstöße für den Leser: Durch diesen Tiefgang ist Ihr Wirken für die Hintergrundmächte gefährlich, besonders jetzt, wo sich immer mehr Menschen gezwungenermaßen von oberflächlichen Ablenkungen (Kino, TV, Sport usw.) abwenden, hinterfragen, sich für neue Themen und Ansichten öffnen.

    Andererseits werden auch die einfachen Leuten nicht mehr ohne Intuition überleben können, ohne Kultivierung des Kontakts zum persönlichen Schutzengel wird nichts mehr gehen. Wie sonst will man sich gegen die kommenden Gefahren schützen, wenn nicht durch die Aktivierung ganzheitlicher Kräfte? Wie sonst kann man wissen, wann man außer Haus gehen kann und wann nicht (weil eventuell Banden unterwegs sind), um Trinkwasser zu holen? Die Menschen werden wieder spirituell denken müssen, wenn sie überleben möchten, es wird kein Weg dran vorbeiführen.

    Es gibt tatsächlich die inneren Kräfte, auch wenn die Hintergrundmächte dies öffentlich als Aberglauben darstellten, lächerlich machten. Im Rahmen der Menschheitsentwicklung (Entwicklung zwischen den Polaritäten, Spieler und Gegenspieler) haben natürlich auch die negativen Entitäten/Wesenheiten ihre Existenzberechtigung, gegen die jeder standardmäßig natürlich eigene Schutzfilter hat. Jedoch verbünden sich manche Menschen gezielt mit diesen negativen Energien/Dämonen oder wie auch immer sie benannt werden mögen. Die Energie der positiven Entitäten/Wesenheiten kann jedoch genauso gezielt angezapft werden, das Universum wird Energie, Hilfe und Schutz zukommen lassen, wenn man sie systematisch und ausdauernd anfordert.

    Es wurde von verschiedenen Leuten gesagt, daß wir in einer einmaligen Umbruchzeit leben, mit einer hohen Ereignisdichte, mit sich beschleunigenden Ereignissen und dem Aufkommen einer Bewußtseinsrevolution. Kein Stein wird auf dem anderen bleiben.

    Ihr inneres Selbst/ihr Schutzengel wird Ihnen sagen, wann Sie außer Haus gehen können und wann besser nicht, es wird ihre Schutzgebete für alle Lebensbereiche und -Orte umsetzen.

    Ende der Predigt. 🙂

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