Spirituality — an NDE involving time travel

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The Borg is a fearsome enemy of the Federation on Star Trek, and characteristically uses cube-shaped warships. This is code for a sinister reality –  the Jews and their semitic allies love cubes as symbols of a Saturnian power.


Reptilian cube forms the new US Embassy in London which Trump will not dedicate

The Jews reveal via films, tv, music and other public posturing, under a black-magickal rule, literally everything they really are up to, and also via interweaving overt absurdities into their official lies. Then it is “our fault” if we neither fight nor flee.

(Post on my FB page. Faceberg does not allow any posting of links to my site john de nugent com, not even in PMs. 

Suppose all this were true, but distorted and made hokey by Hollyweird so we laugh it off as mere fantasy and science fiction?
LOTR — “Lord of the Rings” of gold, as in Goldberg…. an overtly reptilian dogwhistle. The “eye of Sauron”… And remember, “Sauron” in Greek means “lizard.” (“Dinosaur” means “frightful lizard.”)
And suppose both “V” series and “They Live” (about reptilians) were along the same lines? “Hah-hah, you watch too many movies!”
Jewish media baron Donald Newhouse

Mr. Burns (burning hatred of goyim) on “The Simpsons” is clearly Jacob Rothschild. This show has “foretold” Trump’s presidency, 9/11, and the Corona virus.

(This blog is part of my religious and spiritual teaching, not current events.)

A comrade and major donor expressed skepticism about a Gosia video discussing time travel. Basically his attitude was, like my own probably five years go, “Oh come on. That is just too Star-Trekky.” 🙂

Actually, time travel is true for the reasons stated here:

Comrade doubts time-travel concept which Gosia says is real

It just so happens that I just saw today a video about a NDE involving an anesthesiologist from India, Rajiv Parti, M.D. He died during gastric surgery, and, faced with a life review which showed despicable behavior in his last two lives, went back and made amends.  Then only was he released from a hellish, though temporary place, and survived the operation, profoundly changed by the experience.

(Most of the NDE videos on this channel involve very sincere white Americans, btw, such as this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HTdyDCuY90.)


Dr. Rajiv Parti was the chief of anesthesiology at Bakersfield Heart Hospital in Bakersfield, California when his life was turned upside down by an illness that led to seven surgeries. The final surgery led to a profound near-death experience that changed his life. Since his Near Death Experience (NDE) included some objective evidence that his consciousness actually traveled out of his body, his NDE is included in our video database of Out of Body Experiences that have an evidential aspect.

Learn more at Dr. Parti’s site(link is external).

In this video he talks about realizing he had been a brutal prince and had beaten unarmed peasants without mercy. In the next video,  much longer, he talks about his own father beating him with a cricket bat and being laid up for three weeks…. What goes around comes around.


What made me chuckle is that Gosia said exactly this reaction — “It’s all fantasy/science fiction” — was precisely the goal for the Jews who were cranking out the several iterations of “Star Trek.” (Initially, it even starred two gatekeeping Jews, William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy, as Captain Kirk and Lieutenant Spock.)

The first series especially was designed to lay out many realities, but in such a slightly or overtly hokey way that we laugh them off as science-fiction.

(Side note: Gosia confirms that even among advanced humans:

1) the more cerebral subspecies dislike the more emotional ones — such as the Taygetans themselves, unlike other Nordics —  exactly as in the tense interactions between Spock and Dr. McCoy, and

2) diplomats are essential to maintain the peace even between allies.

There is NO multiculturalism, btw, between very dissimiliar groups. People visit, trade and do deals, but do not interbreed.)

In fact, Gosia said that Gene Roddenberry, the concept creator, was contacted by the actual Federation, which is its real name, that is, by Nordics who really lead it, in the 1950s — a period of intense attempts by Nordics to reach out to leading Americans, Britons and others.

Many of my readers have seen this 1954 Nordics video:

                                                                                                                                                      Roddenberry sincerely wanted the series to both entertain and actually reflect this reality — and thus encourage optimism, progress, the races getting along, and earthlings evolving to a higher technology and behavior, while things were definitely not perfect or free of conflict.

As anyone of my generation knows, the backdrop of the 1950s and 1960s was a period of terrifying Cold War and racial conflict. We came within a few hours of nuclear annihilation in the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, which few realize. (I knew as a seven-year-old that my father was called up to active duty as a Marine officer.)

Roddenberry, a starry-eyed idealist and white Aryan, had no idea that Hollywood Jews wanted the series for the sinister reason stated above — so we laugh realtiy off as science-fiction because that is how it was presented to us.

The same goes for “They Live,” the famous Los Angeles-based film about reptilians, or the TWO television series “V.”

“Hah-hah, you watch too much tv!” (Or “You read books by that flake, David Icke?” It hit  me after a while that letting Icke’s books circulate, and ridiculing them, was likewise part of this strategy.)

If Star Trek seems hokey, or time travel, well, it was meant to be that way to discredit many important things.

One could add to this list of truth-hidden-in-plain-sight Hollywood productions such as “The X-Files” (malevolent aliens infiltrate the US government), “Stargate” (aliens coming to earth via portals, a subject that Gosia does  an impressive video on) and the rather good 2016 movie “Gods of Egypt,” which was unfairly trashed by the p.c. crowd for showing Ancient Egyptians as white, which they were (that is, the middle and upper classes).

Reviews of “Frozen” and “Gods of Egypt”

The bottom line is that the entire multiverse is a kind of game or holograph for our growht via challenges, it seems very realistic, and when we incarnate into it, we accept the rules of the game.

Both time and space are game elements, and can change.

And so this anesthesiologist, seared by seeing the suffering he caused his peasants as a medieval feudal lord, went back and,  heartbroken, apologized to his victims. This was essential to the turn-around in his current life. 🙂


This is why prophecies can come true, or not. If we change, the dire ones do not happen. The timeline can change. The future can change, also the past. It is all a game, but a serious one. You can really die in this game. That is, you leave your body, see it there lying motionless or even mangled, and your soul moves forward. Then you are effectively leave the game, thinking about your wrong moves, and later you reenter the game.

My long-time readers have seen my writing on the awful Van Rensburg prophecy of World War III. I think about it every day, and averting it. And now, suppose my belief is correct that the US Deep State created the Coronavirus to cripple China, and we know how it is already tormenting China’s quasi-ally and fellow victim, Russia, and putting a hate on Putin.

And so we move also via Corona and Trump’s talk of a “Chines virus” — when it might be a CIA virus released in Wuhan, China (because Beijing has a bio lab there) against China — toward something really ominous, a deep, visceral hatred and fierce resentment of Jewmerica that can end up in something really serious. This might comprise both the Chinese releasing a retaliatory anti-white virus on America and eventually things escalating all the way to nuclear war.

And the Chinese defense minister boasted that China already does have a virus that can wipe whites out.

Coronavirus — rats, bats and bioweapons; Chinese general & defense minister called in 2005 for bio-war on White race

Here it is again,  y work on the chilling Van Rensburg prophecy. Just scroll here almost halfway down to “…..The 1917 Nicholas Van Rensburg prophecy of three world wars”

Especially important blogs



I would go back and add this about Star Trek and other things, especially series such as “V.”

As I have written many a time, black magick dictates that you may do anything to your victim if you first warn him and he neither fights or flees. The Hollywood jews and their cohorts worldwide therefore have laid out basically everything they are doing and planning to do to us.

Here is the latest example: a bizarre, horrifying statue of the ancient semitic god Moloch, to whom babies were once sacrificed. It is set up outside the main entrance to the Colosseum in Rome.

Its meaning: we are planning to kill your children.

Secondary meaning: You Italians will pay for Titus burning our Temple in 70 AD, and making jew slaves build this Colosseum, which was in fact the case. Jews who surrendered were used as construction laborers here.

Third meaning: to successfully offend Catholic and other Christians, in the city which hosts the Vatican, by means of the blatant promotion of this murderous semitic deity, since the Colosseum was a place where Christians were mass-murdered via burning live and lions eating them.

Note the Freemasonic-like watching eyeball in the center of his chest AND A STAR OF DAVID around it!


    • Right.

      I can think of no good reason to place the statue of such a demonic being there. And it is not in any way a part of Roman and Italian heritage.

      No part of ancient Italy was Semitic except the western tip of Sicily, under the rule of Carthage:

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