Sports; autobahns; the all-meat diet

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The goddess Nike (“Victory”) crowns a winning athlete. Note the “angel” wings 400 years before Jesus.

An Aussie comrade commented:

With the awful mess our countries are in, nobody cares about the Olympics anymore. The Zionist elite will probably stage a terrorist attack so they can turn France into a fully communist, anti-white police state.
I’ve never been big on sports, and I find it all primitive compared to the arts or designing and sculpting.
We used to exercise in the natural environment until we destroyed most of it and overpopulated our world. The suburbs were created by a jew as part of globalism.
We should look up to European inventors, explorers, pioneers, conquerors, artists, designers, not scumbag celebrities such as sports players, singers and actors.


I replied:

I sort of agree, especially since jews totally took over professional sports, brought in other races and nationalities, and it became all about the money.

The excellent movie “Jerry Maguire” with Tom Cruise, Renée Zellweger, and Cuba Gooding Jr sure shows it, and the owners and sports agents are depicted as the hook-nosed jews they are, and you pick up on the greed and dishonesty in the National Football League, jew-ridden as it is. (And all Americans remember with nausea the “take-the-knee” white-guilt thing at the beginning of each football game.)

It is amazing to me how taxpayers even PAY hundreds of millions of dollars to build these gigantic stadiums where they will enter to worship negroes who are getting paid $12 million a year or more as grown men to play with a ball while they themselves can barely pay their bills, and other negroes are raping, robbing, and even killing them.

Even worse when you realize that these stadiums are dual-use — being also transit camps for dissidents!

On the other hand, the Ancient Greeks, who basically founded our civilization, were big into athletics, and every Greek citizen was an athlete. This is also how the Greeks defeated the Persians time and again: not just brains but also brawn.

Sports is also the only way (except for a lucky lottery ticket) that the average Joe can become a millionaire.

And great athletes succeed because of a strong character. They are disciplined while training, they hone their positive attitude, and they suffer injuries, yet move forward.

If we just take the jews out of the equation, sports can be a good thing. 🙂

In the 1936 Olympics, Germany beat the previous nation winner, the USA. The movie “Olympia” by Leni Riefenstahl shows sports at their most noble.

“Olympia — Festival of Beauty” is a 1938 German documentary film written, directed and produced by Leni Riefenstahl, documenting the 1936 Summer Olympics, held in the Olympic Stadium in Berlin, Germany. Riefenstahl was a film-making genius. There is so much innovative camerawork in this movie, it’s hard to list them all. Just her use of tracking shots (pre Steadicam!) alone is amazing, plus the lighting, the circular panningm the high and low angles. It’s like a master class in cinema.

The film was released in two parts: Olympia 1. Teil — Fest der Völker (Festival of Nations) and Olympia 2. Teil — Fest der Schönheit (Festival of Beauty). It was the first documentary feature film of the Olympic Games ever made. Many advanced motion-picture techniques, which later became industry standards but which were groundbreaking at the time, were employed —including unusual camera angles, smash cuts, extreme close-ups, placing tracking shot rails within the bleachers, and the like.

The techniques employed are almost universally admired, but the film is controversial [with jews and their zombies] due to its political context. Nevertheless, the film appears on many lists of the greatest films of all time, including Time magazine’s “All-Time 100 Movies.”

Olympia set the precedent for future films documenting and glorifying the Olympic Games, particularly the Summer Games. The 1936 Summer Olympics torch relay was devised by the German sports official Dr. Carl Diem for these Olympic Games in Berlin. Riefenstahl later staged the torch relay for this film, with competitive events of the Games.



……Hitler’s safe autobahns 

In this life, and, of course, in my last one, I drove often along the German autobahns (our innovation!), and in many stretches we had guard rails for safety.

I was just watching a YT video short and it showed an American superhighway. A huge tractor-trailer truck veers out of control (maybe trying to avoid a stupid motorist who was crawling at 45 in the passing lane, or had even cut him off).

Because there was no guard rail separating the two directions (my autobahns most all had them), it barreled right over the grassy median strip, entered the opposite roadbed, and killed the person whose SUV dashcam was recording it all, with this monstrous coming right at her.

Poor gal….. 🙁

Our “Nazi” (LOL) guardrails were maybe ugly but they sure saved lives. The SUV in this case was going maybe 60 and the truck coming right at it probably 40 (trying to brake) so that is a 100-mph head-on collision! The woman died (who was not created in a test tube but was someone’s daughter, wife, gf, sister or mother) and the truck driver will also feel awful knowing that, even if it was not his fault, his truck killed her while she was driving along as a good motorist, following all the rules of the road.

A typical US superhighway (Route 24 in Virginia near Roanoke) in a rural area — no guard rail — a head-on collision! What a traqedy, and what pain, possible lifelong injuries, medical costs and disruptions, including traffic delays!



…..Do plants see us as enemy herbivores to poison? Are there 64 carcinogens in “healthy” broccoli? Medical doctor takes a bold position


This medical doctor (a neurologist) is certainly an iconoclast. He even might be right…. Does broccoli contain 60 carcinogens?


Another video, a video “short,” on the carnivore diet: .



Dr Anthony Chaffee, MD, Transforming Thousands of Lives without Expensive Medications

Dr Anthony Chaffee, a medical doctor and former professional rugby player, is giving a fresh lease on life to thousands of people around the World by professionally helping them shed weight and optimize health, without any medication, and helping to revitalize their lives and activity.

An MD in medical science, Dr Chaffee has conducted years of thorough research and study on devising ways to treat ailments differently and naturally, through dietary methods, physical exercise, and other lifestyle changes with scientifically supported methods.

Particularly known for his approach to treating “chronic diseases,” many of which Dr Chaffee contends occur due to lifestyle and diet, Dr Chaffee hosts of the Podcast “The Plant Free MD”, with an associated Instagram page, where he covers many of these topics and their supporting evidence, along with interviews of prominent figures in the international community. His YouTube channel, Anthony Chaffee MD, is doing a great service to hundreds of patients and others suffering from different ailments, many of whom originated in their unhealthy dietary habits.

Entering University early at the age of 16, Dr Chaffee was also an All American Rugby Player, and played Professionally in England, America, and Canada for 10 years before attending medical school.

Since then, he has made a reputation for himself as a medical practitioner who not only helps people through traditional Western medical practices, but has helped thousands enter a new healthy life by bidding adieu to their lifestyle-related conditions with his advice and guidance.

He hasn’t always stayed within the comforts of the hospital and clinic however, he has even volunteered in the refugee camps of Southern Bangladesh between 2017 and 2018 to help the more than 1 million Rohingya refugees escaping mass genocide in Myanmar in 2017. This was in spite of the fact that ISIS was known to have a strong presence in the region at the time, and was actively targeting and killing foreigners to the region; something that not many are willing or able to do.”

Currently a Neurosurgical resident in Perth (Australia), Dr Chaffee also works in a private Functional Medicine practice treating obesity and chronic disease patients in Perth and elsewhere through video consultations. He is credited with successfully reversing multiple illnesses and reducing or even eliminating the need for medications for many hundreds of people.

Dr Chaffee does this through the implementation of proven strategies and lifestyle changes incorporating the Carnivore diet, which goes against the precepts of traditional dietary understanding, but is gaining in popularity world-wide following its ongoing success in thousands of cases. Here, we see the need of popularising the Carnivore diet globally, or rather, furthering the Carnivore Diet movement for the benefit of mankind.

The Carnivore Diet is helpful for everyone, not just the unwell, Dr Chaffee says, including professional athletes who want to reach new peaks of physical condition to performance. Demonstrating that the Carnivore Diet holds the key to the solution of many physical problems for his patients and opening up new vistas for athletes, Dr Chaffee is poised to change the face of modern medicine, and fundamentally change the way that these illnesses are approached.

Dr Chaffee argues that, “The so-called ‘chronic diseases’ of modern day medicine are not actually diseases per se, but in fact toxicities and malnutrition: toxic build-up of a species inappropriate diet, and a lack of appropriate, species specific nutrition.  In other words, we’re eating too many plants, and not enough meat.”  Because of this, he feels that the medical community should not approach these ailments in the traditional fashion, “We as doctors approach diseases as having cures, so when we see a new disease, we look for its cure.  However when dealing with poisons we may give an antidote or chelating agent to support the patient’s recovery, but most importantly, we remove the source of poisoning such as lead pipes, or what have you. So, if we are treating the symptoms and ramifications of say heart disease or type 2 diabetes, but ignoring the underlying agents that are the root cause of these disease processes, then we are doing our patients a disservice.  We sort of tried this by recommending people stay away from saturated fats and cholesterol, which was the right approach, but it just happened to be horribly wrong.”  This is because, as Dr Chaffee explains, new evidence has emerged showing decisively that what we believed about fat and cholesterol is basically backward, and that saturated animal fats and cholesterol are actually vital for healthy bodies, brains, hormones, and yes, hearts.  This is a recurrent theme in his videos, interviews, and on his Podcast, The Plant Free MD, and he calls this his, “Poison Theory of Chronic Disease.

His expertise in the field of the Carnivore Diet, built through years of extensive research, has been shown again and again to immensely help people treat various diseases, including obesity and “chronic diseases” without the use of medicines.  Of course he doesn’t suggest that this will help every condition, just those caused by the wrong food, however he asserts that this list is far longer than people realize.  “And either way,”  Dr Chaffee says, “Whether or not you have a diagnosed condition, everyone will benefit from eating in a biologically appropriate way, as it will optimize their health and wellbeing in surprising ways.”

Dr Chaffee did not become internationally recognized for nothing; he has debated and debunked the proponents of the so-called “healthy” plant-based diet in person and on web-based debates, such as those hosted by The Australian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (ACNEM) in November, as well as appearing as a guest on over a dozen widely known Podcasts and radio programs.  These include multiple appearances with Dr Shawn Baker, renowned Carnivore diet expert and best-selling author, maker of Fat: A Documentary 1 & 2 and best selling author Vinnie Tortorich’s “Podcast Fitness Confidential,” and the “World About” radio program. This has allowed him to convince and even convert other doctors and experts who had previously argued for a plant-based, or even vegan diet.

The Carnivore Diet and the Poison Theory of Chronic Disease of Dr Chaffee has continued to gain ground with its ongoing successes in clinical practice, helping patients lose weight and improve their health naturally. His research and clinical work has made a strong case that a Carnivore diet, devoid of all fruits, grains, sugar, and vegetables, is a very healthy way of eating, and he argues, the healthiest.

John de Nugent
Add a comment…

1 year ago
I was vegan for over 10 years and recently started seeing these lectures on plants. I dropped the vegan stuff a year ago and went carnivore. To my surprise my health has done a 180 turn around. No one believes me when I tell them what I am doing. No vegetables now and I am IBS free, lost almost 40 lbs and now type II free. I have thrown away my juicer and no longer tell anyone to eat a salad. Thanks Dr Chaffee.



312 replies

1 year ago
As a nurse, one of my greatest frustrations is that doctors/healthcare in general completely ignore nutrition. All they know is pharmaceuticals. Problem = . If you even bring up looking at the patient’s diet, you get a blank stare.



50 replies

5 months ago
I was vegan for 7 years and saw a decline in health. I really felt like my life was over. I switched to Carnivore 7 months a go and wow. Still wow. 82 pnds weight loss. IBS gone. Bags under eyes gone. Best part is the lack of pain. All of it everywhere gone. Muscle tone that looks like I work out. Clear skin. My stomache hates veggies. I also went from being afraid of my large porch steps and being very slow to running and now leaping down them. Im looking forward to 2024 and more meat. Thank you carnivore community for helping me live again.



8 replies

1 year ago
Started strict carnivore April 13 2023. Got off bp meds 3 days later 9 days later did not need maintenance inhaler breo 200 mcg. May 2nd 2023 still no meds feel great sleep great no more chronic fatigue
No longer pre-diabetic. Life is great. This very doctor is one of the reasons i chose to go all in on strict carnivore. And never looked back. Weight has also gone down significantly. If you need that extra push i hope my testimony did it for you. If not keep reading the thousands of life changing before and after comments.



4 replies

1 year ago
I used to tell my husband to eat his greens……he’d say that the cows have already done that ! Gawd. He is right!



17 replies

1 year ago
I’ve been 99% carnivore for over 20 years and have perfect health. I’m 54 yes old and work 16 hrs a day in my ranch. I raise my own cattle, goats, turkeys, ducks and chickens! This was an amazing video! Thank you!!



39 replies

4 months ago
I knew Kale was trying to kill me! I fkn knew it!



2 replies

1 year ago (edited)
I studied horticulture after high school. I remember on a tour of a extensive walled garden estate here in Ireland and we asked the head gardener how he kept the walk ways so clear. He said walk past them daily brushing into the growing plants,trees etc and they will inevitably start to avoid the interaction and shoot off in different uninhibited directions. Plants are wired to avoid us.



15 replies

1 year ago
Thanks Dr. Chaffee! I’ve been strict carnivore for eight months. No cheating. I used to eat a lot of dark chocolate every day. A couple weeks ago I saw and bought a bar of 100-percent chocolate. No sugar, no dairy, no soy, nothing but chocolate. I ate two squares. Within an hour every joint in my body hurt and muscles felt sprained. This lasted for three days. That’s enough proof for me to never try this again! I’m 74 and have no time for aches and pains.



78 replies

1 year ago
12 days ago my eczema was so bad my shirt stuck to my weeping skin. 11 days on the carnivore diet and it is gone, completely gone!



16 replies

6 months ago (edited)
This is so interesting to me because I used to be a strict vegetarian back in the 90s and early 2000s, and after about three to five years of that I became extremely sick, and I think there are different reasons for it but when he said that some plants destroy your mitochondria that struck a nerve with me because I had severe chronic fatigue syndrome. And chronic fatigue syndrome is a mitochondrial problem! I literally wanted to die when I was sick with that illness because every system in my body was messed up. I was getting chronic infections, I could barely get out of bed every day and I was trying to work full time. I had hormone problems intestinal problems. You name it, and even neurologic symptoms that was suspect to be MS . Thank God I didn’t have that Illness but when I began to eat meat again I did a complete turn around within 2 weeks after a 10-year disastrous illness! However I’ve gone back to eating less meat and more plants and I am having more health issues. Thank you for posting this video because I’m seriously considering going full carnivore.



3 replies

8 months ago
Incredible that this video has almost 1M views in just a year. I’ve been strict carnivore for the last >2 months myself and Dr. Chaffee was my biggest inspiration for it.



3 replies

1 year ago
I was very skeptical about this diet. But then saw Dr. Chaffee and Dr Baker on YouTube and it changed it for me. If these huge handsome men can be healthy on diet why I can’t? It’s my 3rd week on pure carnivore. I never hungry, always happy, my asthma is gone (I went from 4 times per day inhaler usage to zero), my constipation is gone, I dropped few extra pounds I gained and couldn’t lose, I have more energy in the gym and at work. And I am happy. And I actually like to eat meet and don’t think about food anymore. I eat when I am hungry, but most of the time I actually not hungry at all

I love this way of eating. I hope I will remain on it till the end of my life. Thank you all people on the internet who continue to share this knowledge and your stories. ️ it helps others make the right decision for their health.



5 replies

1 year ago
I suffered from Chronos for 43 years. Awful disease. Decided to try carnivore 6 months ago and within a week my Crohn’s resolved. For me it’s a miracle. Sometimes I get scared I might wake up. Never going back. Meat and eggs for me.



11 replies

5 months ago
Absolutely wonderful lecture. Your body tells you what you need. As an Internist, I find myself becoming livid that I was never taught to follow my medical “gut” or intuition about basic dietary health and that I am, now, learning these truths post-education/clinical years. Thank you so much



1 reply

11 months ago
I am 52 year’s old, very active in martial arts and calisthenics. Always been on point with nutrition and Supplementation of essential vitamins and plant derived minerals. Me and my partner even set up a Organic Groceries business, so we could easily have the best fruit and vegetables available for our selves pluss friends and families.
In the last 5 years my health and training as been on the decline. I could not understand it im doing everything right. Or i thought i was been delving down the exact things this Dr is saying and it appears he’s 100% correct from what ive found. Ive been adapting gently into carnivore because my issue was oxalates creating all sorts of autoimmune issues and if you come off them to quickly it can be very dangerous because of oxalate dumping.
Its a slow journey but i feel like ive been duped. Vegetables are not our friends.
We definitely live in the upside down, everything is not as it seems.



9 replies

1 year ago
I was very ill for thirteen years from vegetables and when I asked my doctor if my sickness could be something I was eating, he laughed his head off.
An immunologist saw immediately what all my problems added up to and took me off almost everything except plain meat, white fish and eggs. Salt of course is absolutely necessary, you can’t live without that. My ills vanished in a few days.



37 replies

1 year ago
That’s why our ancestors fermented plant foods like grains to sourdough bread or vegetables like cabbage to sauerkraut to neutralize the toxic chemials and only eating them in moderation.



2 replies

1 year ago
Great presentation! Yoghurt was invented to prevent ppl from dying bc of eating plants.. in Turkey here, and in all EMEA, plants are eaten mostly with yoghurth .. its an ancient tradition, our ancerstors, in some point of the history, had to eat plants.. and yoghurt was an antidote for them.. thats what we are taught



13 replies

10 months ago
I think it’s the third time I watch this. It’s been instrumental in eliminating cravings and getting over my carb and sugar adictions. It was the video that finally tipped me over the edge and convinced me to go full, clean carnivore. Thank you for this one!



11 replies

1 year ago
Love this channel! I went vegan at the beginning of the year thinking it was the healthy thing to do….within 2 weeks I was aching all over and feeling very depressed. A PT told me about oxalates and Sally Norton. I watched…I learned….and went Carnivore. This has been one of the best years of my life. I am feeling like a new person! Down 3 dress sizes and becoming the person I remember I used to be. This channel so helped me to understand the science and I appreciate the doctors like Dr Chaffee and Paul Mason who are trying to shift the thinking about how we should eat and why. So grateful for all your knowledge and the time you take to share it.



2 replies

1 year ago
My mind has just been blown. I’ve been taught all my life that veggies are healthy. Unbelievable.



78 replies

1 year ago
All my life I have suffered from atopic dermatitis, but over the past 6 years it has significantly worsened, spread to new areas. I did 48 hours of fasting and 2 days on a carnivorous diet. My skin is magically treated from day to day. A real WOW effect. No moisturizers. The skin is treated by itself. I will definitely continue this diet.
All my life I’ve heard that you need to eat fresh vegetables to be healthy. And of course you need to respect bread, they said. If you suffer from eczema/dermatitis, just try to do the same.



3 replies

1 year ago
I would add that you do intermittent fasting while doing the carnivore diet. I eat two meals with an eating window of 12pm-6pm so I fast for 18 hours. I’m no longer craving carbs, sugars etc. that are toxic to our bodies. In those 18 hours of fasting I’m energized, focused and no longer “hangry.”



2 replies

1 year ago
I had immune issues, had skin problems, candida overgrowth, adrenal fatigue. All gone since carnivore diet. I’m not a doctor, but it’s been way beyond what I could of hopped for. Pretty crazy experience.



12 replies

1 year ago
This world is upside down…everything we think we know has been given to us through false knowledge and false science that the authorities “feed” us. Thank You, Dr. Anthony Chaffee! We need people like you! people who think outside the box.



14 replies

1 year ago
Soy and vegetarian diet caused my thyroid to stop working right over 25 years ago. As soon as I stopped soy and vegetarianism and eating meat, I got better.



1 reply

1 year ago (edited)
ok ok ok Now I am removing even more from my diet. Thank you so much Dr Chaffee. This is my first time to hear you speak. Over halfway through this presentation and have already shared it.. Thank you Lord Jesus



4 replies

1 year ago
I accidentally ran into this and so glad I listened. I agreed to go carnivore because I too was not processing food properly. Constipation and unhappy. None of my doctors are nutrition smart. I started taking classes and got educated. Meds were killing me. I had to make a change. My hubby gained a lot of weight and I can’t ignore this. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for the comments because they are real people with real experience. I am so grateful for y’all.



6 replies

1 year ago
I have been a vegetarian since I was 15. I am now 61 and I feel great. Very youthful in my body and mind. I actually could not imagine eating an animal,but I do eat a bit of cheese and eggs here and there.
I am not surprised to hear about the various plants having toxins. I have studied this in my various research on healthy eating. I am not effected by the various nightshades and think that everyone is different in their cellular makeup and their microbiome. Maybe some people can digest lots of different veggies and not get cancer and then some could be on a carnivore diet and get cancer. I am not so sure our bodies are so black and white. I think their is much room in between for diversity of our digestion.



48 replies

1 month ago (edited)
Thanks to you Dr Chaffee I’ve been eating carnivore for 8 months and I feel better than I’ve felt in the last 20 years. So many symptoms of ‘aging’ have vanished! I’m 69.
I wish I knew this when I was a kid! I HATED eating peas, broccoli, brussels sprouts, spinach….I would gag on them, honestly. I started filling my mouth and leaving the table on the premise that I was going to the bathroom and I’d spit it all out! I believe now that my body was rejecting them. My mom was patient and tolerant to a point, but like all moms she wanted me to be ‘healthy’ and based our meals on the new Food Guide that was in full swing by the late 1960’s. She was an advocate for REAL food though and only allowed us to have candy on Saturday which included all the sugary cereals that she called JUNK CEREAL as early as the 1960’s! Shopping with her in the 60’s and early 70’s was always an education too. She would pick up packages, examine the ingredients and proclaim “This is NOT real food. If you can’t pronounce what’s in it, don’t eat it.” Love ya Mom! Happy Mother’s Day 2024.



1 reply

2 months ago
Help me out here. I don’t doubt what he says has some validity to it, but I can’t help thinking that if fruits and vegetables have serious amounts of poisons and toxins then why does agriculture need so many pesticides to keep bugs from destroying their crop. Or even the home gardener. How much of any plant would a person have to eat to get ill or die. I’ve never heard of a person dying from eating fruits and vegetables. I personally know that the woodchucks and rabbits that get into my garden don’t die, they just come back for more. I’m sure that some people are more susceptible to the negative side effects of fruits and vegetables, I just don’t think that’s a general rule of thumb for most people. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe I’m also lucky that I can eat a salad for lunch every day and feel perfectly fine at the end of the week. I personally enjoy fresh pick cherry tomatoes or carrots or snap peas as much as I do a thick cut of ribeye over the charcoal. Just my thoughts on the whole matter, I will be looking into it more



1 reply

1 year ago
I started bodybuilding at 13 yrs old, the bodybuilder that ‘took me under his wing’ one of the subjects was nutrition and he told me 43yrs ago not to eat fruit and veg, I listened and sure pleased he knew his stuff to pass onto me.



4 replies

1 year ago
This makes sense to me, I’ve been vego fir over 12 years, I have cancer eat a lot if fruit veg and mushroom and can not understand why I feel sick all the time, I’m going to give this a go. Thank you



11 replies

3 weeks ago
This lecture is trying to kill me



1 year ago
It’s so hard to make the right choice with all this info, i changed my diet after reading Michael Greger book how not to die, and now I have recently been looking at the carnivore diet and it’s completely opposite ends of the spectrum, we all just want to be healthy and give our kids the best nutrition.



2 replies

1 year ago
Just discovered Dr Chaffee after watching him with Dr Berry. Brilliant talk and so informative!



1 reply

1 year ago (edited)
Brilliant presentation. Been carnivore for almost 2 years and these sorts of presentations are reassuring that only eating meat is the proper human diet (as Dr. Ken Berry would say ). I’m fortunate enough to be able to eat mostly beef which is grass fed from a farm 10 minutes away. Along with some bacon, eggs and butter.



25 replies

1 year ago
It’s so sad, my husband has had colitis for years and doctors telling him to stop meat 🙁 I’m hoping he will see me get well and inspire him as well.



2 replies

1 year ago (edited)
This is excellent! Starting the lion diet tomorrow, eliminating breads, grains sugars and greens. It’s going to be tough, going to take a lot of discipline. But it’s a must for me, being that i have two forms of arthritis and skin conditions, digestion issues… Going for it! ️



5 replies

1 year ago
I was taught that the more vegetables you eat, the healthier it is, for you.
I’ve always eaten lots of fruit and vegetables each day, thinking that was better for me.
I suffer from arthritis in all my joints, chronic swelling, constant pain and fatigue, problems with digestion, and terrible bloating – never considering that it could be linked to the vegetables and plants I eat.



5 replies

1 year ago
I will be 66 in early March. I am a modest smoker who has started eating just one good meal per day, keto style about a year and a half ago. I used to be overweight, and suffered from several different chronic health conditions for decades, including COPD.

After two months of my newer eating habits, i dropped about 60 pounds of excess fluids and body fat, and reversed pretty much every health problem that plagued me for decades, including the COPD symptoms. I feel healthier and stronger than i did 10 years ago. I have been doing pretty well with how i have been eating, and if i change anything from now on, it will be adding more animal fats and proteins, and less veggies / nuts and see how that goes.



1 reply

1 month ago
I am 67 years old and just changed to a carnivore diet. I feel better than I have felt in decades.



1 year ago
Date: 5/11/23, 11:34 AM

I really wanted to say that I do not want to start it all over again.

It is okay that I want
• companionship,
• to be good to my loved ones,
• and to be friendly.
I have to acknowledge that I was only able to have these thoughts as I was becoming better thanks to the meat and fat.

However, the first day I reintroduced carbs, such as oats, green beans, and dates, and I feel awful.

Let me put it this way – even if you told me that the destination ahead of this way of living is a slim me, I do not want it, period.

In the past few days, when I have been slowly introducing carbs in the form of fruits, such as berries, full wheat buns, soy milk, and veggies like lettuce or cucumber, I feel the bad things again:
• Dry skin
• Hindered sleep
• Sore muscles
• Negative thoughts: Yesterday when I went back home, it felt so strange that I just thought that maybe someone is hidden and is going to kill me. [These thoughts were released during the past 9 months when I was on the carnivore diet. ]
• Trembling hands
• Fatigue
• hopelessness
• Slowness in moving, physically and intellectually

So, my rule for the future is that whenever I think about a diet change, I’ll go back and read. People

I can seek support and education from are:
• Dr. Ken Berry
• MD Anthony Chaffee
• Dietitian Michelle Hurn



1 reply

1 year ago
Dr. Chaffee- When my daughter was young she was diagnosed with oral allergy syndrome. I learned that during some growing environments, plants were more defensive than under different conditions (temps, sunlight, dirt & water toxicity, pH, undesirable weather conditions.. ) These plant growing conditions affected plant “protein” behavioral defenses & had their effect on my daughter’s lips, skin, sometimes lasting up to 10 days. One of her worst offenders were combinations of exposure to high birch pollen in the air mixed with eating apples, pears, apple pie, applesauce, ice pops, made with those fruits. We were told that birch pollen “protein” was similar to that of apple & pear so they were in the same “family”. We were not eating organically back then but I can say she is a healthy young adult that “grew out of” that diagnosis. I appreciate this teaching.



1 year ago
I have noticed that the more I stop eating plants the better I feel. And lately in USA most of our plants and grains have been genetically altered to have more oxalates, phylates and chemicals in them and on them. I used to eat vegetables. I simply cannot eat most anymore. GMOs, roundup, pesticides, and our country has allowed triple the amount that was stopped just 5 years ago. I am no longer diabetic, lower blood pressure. I am off my medication too. Carnivore was a crazy idea to try . Now I am happily staying this way. Thank you Dr Chaffee



4 replies

9 months ago
I’ve now watched this video at least 10 times & it’s the key to why I began carnivore. My autoimmune issues, and more are improving. As a toddler all I wanted was steak & potatoes. But mostly steak. My body knew what it needed !



3 days ago
Day 27 of carnivore and no plantar fasciitis pain today! I also lost 7 lbs.



1 year ago
I did a 5 day juice detox last year and went on to a vegan diet. I have never ever felt as weak and sick in my entire life. I now eat meat, fish, eggs, cheese, kefir, blueberries and sometimes broccoli. But most meat, beef, pork chicken. I feel amazing.



3 replies

1 year ago
Finally, someone bold enough to state the truth about plants and not sugar coat it! Lol- but seriously, thank you Dr. Chaffee for speaking about this important topic. Now, time to go grill a ribeye! Meat heals !!!!



2 replies

9 months ago
This is fascinating. I was trying to follow a plant based diet but after a really bad fatigue and stomach episode I consulted a nutritionist and it turned out I had sensitivities to many vegetables and legumes – especially nightshades (due to high lectins) , lentils and beans. This started me on a reluctant path of thinking maybe plants are not the benign things that we think they are. I must say the people on Youtube who advocate the carnivore diet all seem to look healthier than the plant-based people. And it is interesting how children don’t tend to like vegetables – and children are more intuitive and more in touch with their instincts. I didnt like vegetables as a child either. So, if humans are not meant to eat these plants – just who, or what, is? Because something will be, as everything is here on this planet for a reason. Hmm, maybe salad really is just ‘rabbit food?’



3 replies

5 months ago
Cholesterol and statins have been completely debunked and yet they both are still the focus of 95% of MD’s



1 year ago
It’s insane that everything has to be from extreme to extreme. Either vegan or carnivore, nothing in between. I grew up on a farm eating natural foods and had zero issues. Moved to the US and no matter how “organic” I go, I have autoimmune response. 15 years of testing almost every diet out there (keto, carnivore, elimination, low cal with fasting being a big part of life), went back to my home country for 3 months and all issues went away. Even with the insane struggles in US, the balance between meat and veggies has been the only way I can sustain some sort of a “normal” life. In my experiments I found that our food is poisoned and the orders come down from FDA, USDA and other such organizations. Has nothing to do with the actual organic plant. We just simply don’t have anything organic in the west. Our meat is required to be washed and soaked in commercial citric and lactic acids which has been a big source of my autoimmune response. The only way to bypass that is to get the meat straight from a local farm that doesn’t sell to public. The second they process the meat they MUST use those chemicals and FSIS doesn’t require them to be labeled either. Everything we buy from even farmers markets are processed with chemicals. That’s the issue. I’d be curious as to where these test veggies and fruits were sourced from and whether if this was conducted in a 3rd world country using organic foods, the result would be the same.



9 replies

1 year ago
Thank you for featuring Dr. Anthony Chaffee on the channel! Among the pantheon of great doctors in the low carb arena, he has quickly emerged to be one of my favorites because of two reasons. First, he really embodies the efficacy of this way of eating. The guy looks like something out of a comic book. If the arguments for carnivore don’t convince you, this man’s impressive physique certainly will. Secondly, Dr. Chaffee has a talent for getting to – if you will excuse the play on words – the meat of the argument. He doesn’t overcomplicate things.



……NPR show 30 years ago on Old versus New Stone Age diets

Because I am creating the Eternal Solutreans, recalling our smart, brave and innovative ancestors in the Old Stone Age, I am always learning more about how life was for them and how they coped.

The Rock of Solutré (“Solustra” for the Romans) was the landmark of a rich hunting ground for wild horses. The Solutreans not only were artists, producing the amazing cave paintings of Lascaux, France, but also invented far better weapons than the Neanderthals out of flint.

There is no question that we  humans are actually omnivores (in Latin,  “everything-eaters”). We can eat both plants like herbivores do and animals as carnivores do (meaning consuming meat, plus butter and cream from cows) and survive.

Some of our teeth are sharp, like fangs,  and can tear into meat like a tiger. (Remember boxer Mike Tyson infamously biting off part of Larry Holmes’ ear? And still other human teeth can crush, chew and mash plants like a cow.

When I was over in France in 2004-05, I often visited the university library of Aix-en-Provence, a lovely old city near Marseilles, down in the far south of France and founded originally by the Romans as Aquae Sextiae (” the baths of Sextius”).

There were many serious books there about archeology, anthropology and the sciences. There was also a female employee there, an academic person, who could give good advice about the right books to buy to serious students.

Knowing how traumatic war is from my time in the Marines (the brutal, permanently stressful training is designed to make you not go to pieces when you must kill another human being, or see your friends killed, and yet keep on fighting). I asked her how much evidence there was of war human-versus-human in the Old Stone Age, the age of cavemen  and hunter-gatherers.

(The New Stone Age was when agriculture began, the growing and eating of plants instead of meat.

As it so happens, France (“Gaul” for the Romans) is incredibly old, and with its mild climate (midway between the Sahara and the North Pole) and its fertile soil, France has supported for hundreds of thousands of years both pre-humans and human, such as the Cro-Magnons, our ancestors, and the Neanderthals (the ancestors of the jews and other semites, who were mostly defeated and driven out of Europe and down into the Middle East by the Cro-Magnons).

In any case, there was very  little war back then, but the killing skill was used to hunt, kill, and carve up animal bodies for meat and other useful things, such as leather and horns.

In the Old Stone Age — the hunter-gatherer era — many Cro-Magnons stood as tall as Whites of northern European DNA today, 5’10” (178cm). But in the NEW Stone Age (of agriculture), the height dropped by five inches! And the teeth showed severe malnutrition!

Dr. Anthony Chaffee today,  a pure carnivore (just meat and water, not even coffee, and no alcohol):

Your truly at 70 on the carnivore diet:

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