Love yourself like your life depends on it because it does.
Loving yourself is hard when you were never taught how to love yourself.
Loving yourself is hard when you grew up emotionally starved.
Loving yourself is hard when you were abused at one point in your life leaving you with self esteem close to zero.
Loving yourself is hard when you have been ghosted for no reason at all as you wonder what’s wrong with you.
Ghosting, for those of you who haven’t yet experienced it, is having someone that you believe cares about you, whether it be a friend or someone you are dating, disappear from contact without any explanation at all. No phone call or email, not even a text.
That’s precisely why you need to love yourself.
When you expect love to come in from the outside to fill your cup on the inside it will never last.
When you expect someone to rescue you so you can be happy, your life will be filled with sadness, disappointments and illusions.
When you expect someone else to love you when in reality you don’t even love yourself you will never experience unconditional love.
Take the time and heal your wounds of your past.
Take some time and rediscover yourself all over again.
Take some time and redirect your energy inwards into the beautiful being you are inside.
Take some to connect with your inner child, embrace and hug them and love them with compassion and admiration.
Love yourself because you deserve unconditional love from within before you allow yourself to receive from the outside. —
All signs point to a truly lovely day today. Your job is to fnd your place in the center of it and be present. There is a quality of balance and stability that we urge you to reach for. Your space is in the middle, grounded deeply, connected to nature and the people around you and receiving the celestial light which pours down from above. This confguration can occur without much, if any, effort on your part.
You do not need to create it or manifest it—just sit quietly, look around you and you are likely to see that it is there already, awaiting your notice.
The divine qualities of the heart are
- bliss
- peace
- harmony
- love
- understanding
- empathy
- clarity
- purity
- unity
- compassion
- kindness
- forgiveness
In this energetic structure you will be protected and held. It will be a very safe place in which to open your heart. Not to any end. Not to send love to this or that. Even to yourself. Simply to open your heart because it feels so good to do that, without any attachment to the outcome.
See if in this construct you find it easier than usual to be open-hearted. If you do, it is because there need be no sense of risk or ridicule. It may feel like you are all alone, in the middle of your little energetic refuge. If you are able, keep your focus inward as much as you can. This is not about anyone else, although there is no doubt that if you can spend your day within this safe structure, you will be more loving, more effective and more radiant. People and animals may be drawn to you, even as you are going about your own business.
Follow the lead of your heart as best you can. It will guide you well today, particularly if it is fully engaged.
Try not to let your mind second-guess it or over-rule its wisdom and generosity. Enjoy the peace that flows from trusting, feeling safe, and living in a feld of love.
You may (or may not) get much else accomplished, but be sure that what you do is arising from the dictates of your heart, and that you feel the support which surrounds you all day. From there, you can hardly step wrong. Whatever you are shown, led to do, or understand will be blessed.
We send you blessings to accompany the universal blessings that fill this day. — E. West
Some right now are contemplating suicide.
They forget that they deliberately chose before birth to incarnate both here and at this time, knowing the daunting and thus glorious challenges that lie ahead.
Suicide is murdering yourself, taking a valuable warrior off the line. It is helping the jews.
It is treason to shoot one of our soldiers! That soldier is YOU!
No, this is a time to get deep. To be spiritual, grasping that you are a soul. And it is time to love yourself for your courage to be alive now.
80 million people with guns just voted for Trump. But everything is suddenly hopeless? 😉
Depression is your egoic mind beating up on you. Sadistically.
Love yourself and your courage! Just reading this spiritual reading is all the proof you need that you are growing! You are fulfilling your dharma, the spiritual tasks you assumed before you came back here.
These spiritual readings have helped Margi beat cancer and have the best relationship with me in fifteen years. Spirituality is inner peace, being tender to yourself, and then radiating that good vibe to others who need what you have. 🙂
Öffne dein Herz – so die obige Überschrift des Artikels.
Anbei ein Demonstrationsbericht mit viel Herz über Menschen mit viel Herz. 🙂
In Erfurt fand am 23. Januar 2021 eine Demonstration statt, an der etwa tausend Menschen teilnahmen – augenscheinlich sogar gänzlich Deutsche Menschen.
Der Volkslehrer hat eine Momentaufnahme festgehalten und auf seinem Kanal veröffentlicht, und zwar:
Für das Deutsche Volk! | DEMOBERICHT
Unter anderem halten zwei Ärzte eine Rede, nämlich als erstes Herr Dr. Heinrich Ekkehard Fiechtner aus Stuttgart, fraktionsloses Mitglied des Landtages Baden-Württemberg (MdL), und sodann Frau Dr. Carola Javid-Kistel aus Duderstadt.
Es sind gut gehaltene Reden, jedoch stimme ich grundsätzlich nicht überein hinsichtlich Vergleichen von politischen Zuständen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland mit denen des Deutschen Reiches von 1933 bis 1945.
Die Ärzte unserer Zeit baden meines Erachtens ihr Versäumnis nun bitterlich aus, daß sie die von den Aliens (=Alliierten) begangenen Morde an ihren Kollegen, die ihre Väter sind, nicht wenigstens angeprangert und mindestens verurteilt haben, die nämlich nach der Kapitulation des 8. Mai 1945 nach abgehaltenen Schauprozessen zuhauf qualvoll zu Tode stranguliert wurden.
Als ein Beispiel von vielen sei Herr Prof. Dr. Claus Karl Schilling genannt (1871 – 1946):
Der geneigte Leser betrachte das obige Photo genauestens, zum einen den angeblichen Delinquenten wie zum anderen die Soldaten der VSA.
Im übrigen studierte Herr Schilling unter dem Nobelpreisträger für Medizin Robert Koch – was aus dem nach ihm benannten ehemaligen Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut, dem nunmehrigen Robert-Koch-Institut (RKI), heuer geworden ist, vermag der geneigte Leser ebenfalls zu bestaunen.
Herr Dr. Fiechtner stellt in seiner Rede trefflich fest, daß das Robert-Koch-Institut nicht unabhängig ist, sondern weisungsgebunden unter der Knute der Bundesregierung – und demzufolge einer gewissen Angela Merkel als Bundeskanzler – steht.
Und Frau Merkel läßt offensichtlich die Puppen tanzen, ja i h r e Puppen, insbesondere das Püppchen Prof. Dr. Lothar Heinz Wieler – ein Tierarzt an der Spitze eines Instituts für Humanmedizin – denn bei ihren beinahe täglich bis einmal wöchentlich stattfindenden Corona-(Bundes)Pressekonferenzen.
Es ist nun höchste Eisenbahn, die Reichsärzteschaft zu rehabilitieren, auch wenn man dadurch keinen einzigen Justizmord en persona umkehren kann.