SS Einsatz Group — table of contents –Verbeke

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A 1939 photo of Einsatz [ = “Action”] Group soldiers (in this case, an SD “Security Service” unit, called “our police in the east, during a pause in marching.” This photo was used by the Winter Help Works, an NS organization that collected food and clothing from the German civilian population for the needy, which, when the war began, also included soldiers.

This is the continuation of this article:

As I stated there, as the homicidal gas chambers have been debunked (by the heroic Faurisson, Leuchter, Zündel, Toeben, Mattogno and Germar Rudolf, among others, and at huge cost to themselves), the magical six-million figure, which is needed in Jewish mysticism about the advent of the Messiah, has been contra-factually maintained.

You see, now it is the SS Action Groups that killed the six million…. a “Shoah by bullets.”

The main thing is that the cash cow and white guilt trip for Israel and Jewry continue.

And no matter that the US slaughtered communist partisans and their sympathizers in both Korea and Vietnam, ‘cuz we were the good guys, and the commies were bad.

UNSPECIFIED – CIRCA 1754: The My Lai Massacre, the mass murder of 347 to 504 unarmed citizens of the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam), almost entirely civilians and the majority of them women and children, perpetrated by US Army forces on March 16 1968. Bodies of some of the victims lying along a road. (Photo by Universal History Archive/Getty Images)

….Yes, some were prosecuted for this ONE incident, but then President Nixon pardoned them. The “Phoenix Program” in Vietnam and the “free-fire” zones meant the US tortured, sometimes raped, and /or killed everything that moved: old men, old women, young men and women, and children…..

This is not to condone or overly condemn US  troops. …..The very nature of guerrilla warfare is that it always, ALWAYS gets very, very brutal once civilians start illegally attacking troops in uniform.

To simplify it: You never know who exactly attacked you, so [horribly] you just slaughter them all to 1) get the guilty and 2) by harsh punishment, try somehow to deter future attacks.

(But it does not work, because the communists just order more attacks, and the poor civilians have to obey. The Reds want the civilians to hate you, so every partisan attack that provokes a massacre of civilians by troops is “good” — and it leads to juicy atrocity photos.)





The Einsatzgruppen 

By [persecuted, prosecuted, imprisoned revisionist]

Siegfried Verbeke, Belgium

Table of Contents

Foreword (1-2) 1

Chapter  1. Proponents of the official thesis (1-37) 37

1. Ronald Headland, “Messages of Murder”

2. Helmut Krausnick, “Hitlers Einsatzgruppen. Die Truppe des Weltanschauungskrieges 1938-1942”

3. Eberhard Jäckel, “Der Mord an den Juden im 2. Weltkrieg”

4. Alex J. Kay. “The Making of an SS Killer (Colonel Filbert)”

5. Arad Yitzak “The EG Reports”

6. Hilary Earl. “The Nuremberg SS EG-Trial”

7. Christopher Browning. “Ordinary Men”

chapter 2. National socialism and the Jewish Question (1-12) 12

chapter 3. Command channels (1-36) 36

chapter 4. The war in the East (1-22) 22

1. Polen (Generalgouvernement). Hans Frank ‘Tagebuch’ [Poland, the General Government, and Hans Frank’s diary]

2. “Russia’s War”

3. “The Soviet Partisan Movement”

4. Interrogations of von dem Bach- Zelewski

chapter 5. Excerpts from ‘USSR Event Reports’ and ‘Reports from the Occupied Eastern Territories’ (1-68) 68

chapter 6. Summary table of shootings(1-13) 13



chapter 7. Statements (1-58) 58

chapter 8. Documents (1-56) 56

chapter 9. Case IX

chapter 10. Various items (1-9)

chapter 11. Service calendar of Himmler

chapter 12. Conclusions 

chapter 13. Abbreviations

chapter 14. Sources


[to be continued]

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