Spiritual reading: the warm inner fire; excellent video by Anonymous — ask questions and plant ideas

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….Spiritual reading for March 29

There are fires that rage and those that sputter and burn out. There is also a sort of fire which glows, which burns slowly and gently and consistently. Its warmth unobtrusively radiates rather than pulsing outward.

This latter has much in common with pure light, but it has a different energetic quality. It has a substance, something that you do not feel in light, and it has heat which is not generally present with light either. It is steady and comforting.

This is the fire that can burn in your core, in your heart, today if you invite it. As you know, fire is often a great cleanser, destroying and clearing out all that is rotten or dead. Sometimes it is an unparalleled energizer, moving action and emotion forward relentlessly. But these are not the forms of the element needed today. They are unpredictable and ofen uncontrollable.

We told you that all you need do yesterday was to see yourself clearly. If you have (and even if you haven’t), the quiet fire we are describing can begin the process of transmuting and transforming where you want it to. This process is slow and it is gentle and it arises utterly from a place of patience and love.

So if you can, envision this warmth and power taking form in the center of your being and give it permission to work its alchemy. Intend that anything you no longer wish to possess be given to feed this fire. Like its wilder cousins, it will consume what you offer it, but there can be no collateral damage. This is simply because its nature is love.

In addition, intend that the light and especially the warmth cast by this fire fill and heal any voids left as it carries off that which you no longer need or want. Be warned: this is not an instantaneous process. It will take time. But begin it today, and you will find that it continues to work on you, slowly but surely, over the next few weeks and months.

Practically, what we suggest is that you set aside a little time—15 minutes should be sufficient—to survey anything you noticed yesterday, to light the flame within and to feed it for a few minutes as you would any fledgling fire.

Then you can go about your business. Check in periodically when you think of it—you may even feel some warmth in your chest that reminds you of what it is you are doing.

Try to stay in tune with the fire’s energy today. Move without haste or abruptness in all situations. Radiate and do nothing precipitous. This is a mellow energy and you can make a very fine day today, one with both promise and pleasure, if you allow the fire to permeate your being.

We send love and many blessings.-




…….Excellent video from Anonymous

I found this on VK. Of course, it will not mention race or the jews…. but it is very good in depicting mindsets and moods.

I noted that to circumvent resistance it advocated just asking people questions, or planting a seed in peoples’ heads, not offering information that might contradict their current beliefs.

This is a good method and “fine and dandy” if we had another twenty years to gradually wake people up!

Far quicker is for an admired authority figure with credibility to proclaim the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth and wake people up fast.

Best of all is for HIM to pose the questions, and then offer the answers on his website.




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