Staggering beauty that recalls the afterlife of the good; the half-reality we experience

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Nave of Ely Cathedral, founded by Anglo-Saxons and gloriously rebuilt by my Norman ancestors with many gorgeous French influences:

My thoughts:

— I was struck, the very first time I read it, by this line from French poet ALPHONSE DE LAMARTINE.

For the majority, who are relatively good people, whatever their fault and misdeeds, when you die, you go to a beautiful reception center.

Then they (angels, working for God) show you a life-review video. And how you react to that determines what they decide next about your case. You might go to:

  1. a beautiful place with other nice people,
  2. to an okay place, or
  3. to a horrible place with other jerks.

Your own reaction to the life-review video sentences or rewards you with what you need or deserve next, before you eventually must reincarnate from that higher reality to this lower reality, this nitty-gritty place of “no pain, no gain.”

This temporary heaven is what we first experience at death unless we are total psychopaths, who are intercepted and taken directly to a hellish place by other dead psychopaths, and then we see heaven getting more and more distant, and then become finally just a tiny, tiny point of light.

Heaven, which, again, is temporary, is so gorgeous (and loving!) that the great art, the cathedrals such as Ely Cathedral, and the glories of Christmas — especially the marvelous lights,  music and kindness —  lift us up powerfully. Why?

Because they remind us of what we experienced there, in the reception center of the afterlife where we live — between having our new, learning-opportunity reincarnations.

Christianity is about 70% true, and so I regard it and such amazing churches and music as an early step in the right direction, based on this one great truth: we are souls, not bodies, and here to grow, learn and love.

The next step is coming soon, which is the HOW of all that — HOW to grow in love, self-mastery, success and joy, and thus to overcome our ridiculous fear and defeatism, and beat these jews and their religion with our own. They are just a microscopic 1/4 of 1% of humanity!


……Gosia about the half-reality of “reality”

This is this pretty Polish girl, speaking in perfect Spanish (as she lives in Barcelona, Spain, where she was an English teacher). Just click, lower-right,on “CC” to start subtitles in English.

It is my judgment as a former interrogator that IF this is a scam, and it might not be, at least she is unaware of it and is very sincere. The content itself is accurate and excellent.



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