Stanford University professors in Wall Street Journal: death rate from Corona is ONE TENTH what the MSM are spouting

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Stanford, in California, is one of the finest universities — not only in America but on earth.


…..Stanford Professors for WSJ: Covid-19 Fatality Rate Estimates Too High by Orders of Magnitude

It could be as low as 0.01% — ten times less than flu. People don’t grasp how much Covid-19 is already out there, maybe many millions, but it is just not all that deadly.

Not now, anyway. Unless someone — ONCE AGAIN — “tinkers” with it….. ‘cuz the hated Trump is going stronger than ever, against their intentions.

Now to the article (from

I would remind my readers that I went WAY out on a limb with this Gosia/Cosmic Agency/Nordic alien material two months ago.

I said then that Gosia was relaying the supposed “Taygetans’ ” blanket assertion that Corona was bogus and fake hype to stampede gullible humans into what the Cabal wants — she also called this Cabal “the Khazarian Mafia” — a police state enforcing deadly vaccines (and over and over we are told ACCEPT NO VACCINE!!!!!) for the purpose of  human genocide.

I wrote then that if this prediction, which contradicts almost everyone else, came true, this would certainly tend to enhance the credibility of these claimed contacts with a supposedly very highly advanced and benevolent race of humans.

(Btw, they are not all blond and blue-eyed. In fact, the main Taygetan contact person, one of 13, a gal named Swaruu, is half-something else, from Taygeta’s sister planet, and because of her mother she has dark-brown hair and green eyes.)

As I said recently, the nordic Brad Pitt is now a total sellout, and the dark-haired, dark-eyed Robert E. Lee was, IMO, perhaps the noblest, brightest, bravest, most selfless American who ever lived.

More soon…. keep those shekels coming in, goyim. 😉 😉



  1. 12 Experts Question the COVID-19 Panic. Important – read this one carefully:

    From the article:

    “Dr Joel Kettner. a professor of Community Health Sciences and Surgery at Manitoba University, former Chief Public Health Officer for Manitoba Province[, Canada] and Medical Director of the International Centre for Infectious Diseases.

    What he says:

    I have never seen anything like this, anything anywhere near like this. I’m not talking about the pandemic, because I’ve seen 30 of them, one every year. It is called influenza. And other respiratory illness viruses, we don’t always know what they are. But I’ve never seen this reaction, and I’m trying to understand why.


    I worry about the message to the public, about the fear of coming into contact with people, being in the same space as people, shaking their hands, having meetings with people. I worry about many, many consequences related to that.


    In Hubei, in the province of Hubei, where there has been the most cases and deaths by far, the actual number of cases reported is 1 per 1000 people and the actual rate of deaths reported is 1 per 20,000. So maybe that would help to put things into perspective.”

    I actually worry for these experts speaking out, given that so many microbiologists have been assassinated in recent years. Here’s one list of them and their strange deaths:

  2. I said then that Gosia was relaying the supposed “Taygetans’ ” blanket assertion that Corona was bogus and fake hype to stampede gullible humans into what the Cabal wants

    And now she’s saying something else:

    Even in same videos she says contradictory things so it’s a hoax after all.

    • Explain in detail your factual justification for your grave accusation of “hoax.” And be warned I am about to block you, so make it good — or pipe down.

      In what words exactly (unless you are too exhausted from typing on your keyboard), from THAT link, did she say something different from her previous videos? Give me before-and-after quotes, with links and exact times on those videos. No winging it. No “she said.” You have to prove it. You are talking to a high-honors Georgetown graduate with a science degree.

      I see zero contradiction after watching about 30 videos. Gosia has said –and from the beginning, consistently and without any wavering — ‘it IS [the present tense, “IS”] semi-harmless, just SARS at this point.”

      Then she added in later videos, as more things were learned, and this has not changed one single bit (I am paraphrasing and using single quotation marks):

      ‘The Taygetan have figured out [they are not gods or angels, unlike you, O great comrade, just intelligent people trying to figure this huge conspiracy out] that it WAS initially deadly — the CIA did weaponize it [and probably released it during the World Military Games in Wuhan, where the US came in an astonishing 47th place because, IMO, half the US “soldier athletes” there were undercover CIA agents, out spreading the weaponized virus].

      And perhaps this is why so many in the Jew-hated Iranian government died.

      But modified viruses are not good bioweapons, and after a few weeks they revert to normal. So NOW it is harmless, BUT — BUT –BUT — it could be reweaponized.

      So Trump is right to take it seriously for the future, quarantine people (especially very old and very sick) and use hazmat suits. This attempt to kill millions is not over.’

      And now tell me this, before I block you, and state it clearly:

      1) Are you an aliens denier? Are we alone in a universe of billions of galaxies? And if you are a denier, why are you even on this website?

      2) If you admit aliens exist, then why would the good ones, the compassionate ones, not contact certain energetic earthling individuals, bypassing governments which are hopelessly infested by the Cabal, in an attempt to warn us and somehow get something going among us to prevent our enslavement and genocide?

      If you saw a woman crossing a street with a little child and not seeing an approaching bus, would you not call out a warning?

      If all these high-tech spaceships are indeed up there, and they are, why then is it so technically impossible for them to do what we do, namely, use the Internet, or phones, or appear in person and communicate? Hmm?

      Or are you of the opinion that if Nordic aliens exist, they “need” to save us? Do you think they have a moral duty to liberate cowardly assholes on this truth-hating planet?

      Are we “entitled” to be liberated by strangers?

      Icke has a superb video out, showing how perfectly this Corona panic coincides with NWO goals:


        In that video (published 31st January) at 3:28 she quotes these Taygetans:”We [Taygethans] didn’t find any decease like the one they say. We conclude they [Cabal] are messing with your heads, no more [than that]. Preliminarily, no evidence of such a virus is found.”

        In that video (published 10th March) at 2:33 she says: “Now, we are not saying there is no virus. This is very important to state. Actually I have never said there isn’t anything happening…They have actually isolated the virus — now I’m talking about the Taygetan crew –because they have had the access to the blood samples.”

        In the first video, she said that they already “beamed” the blood samples up to their ships.

        If that’s not changing the story, then what is???

        Answers to your questions:

        1)No, I’m not an alien denier. I do believe mostly the same things as you do, ie. that Earth has been more or less under reptilian control at least since ancient Egypt and that Jews are reptilian minions. I also believe in the existence of these human-like Pleiadians and countless of other alien species as well. My family members have even seen a ufo so for me it’s not exactly about believing anymore.

        2) I read all kinds of alien-related net sites and do think some of them are legit. I just don’t believe that this Gosia is one of them. I’m not necessarily saying that she is lying intentionally, but I think someone may be lying to her.

        And yes, in some sense I do think that these more advanced aliens should do at least something concrete to “save us.” The situation on Earth is not exactly fair to us, because the reptilians have apparently been doing this kind of thing for millions of years.

        Feel free to block me from further commenting. I will nevertheless keep reading your site.

        • No, I will not block you, since your comment is reasonable, but I have blocked many a blockhead who refuses to open his mind in the slightest. and many are simply agents.

          Btw, it is possible (and it would also be classic intel/counter-intel) that it is indeed the Deep State feeding Gosia and Robert good info, and 99% of it may be true for now, but then, once they have established solid “cred” with many truths, then they will end up with the poisonous Big Lie:
          –“Submit to vaccines,” and
          –“Comply with all government instructions and go to the FEMA bus.”

          As for the supposed battle of the quotes, sorry, I simply do not see any contradiction at all. Initially, in January, they saw no virus, because it had reverted to normal SARS. Now they see it HAD started off as genuinely genocidal (in both China and the jew-loathed Iran). And they warn of a new re-weaponization, because the global depopulation weapon faltered and failed, and they still intend to annihilate 90% of us, and blame it on China, the main victim.

          You write:

          And yes, in some sense I do think that these more advanced aliens should do at least something concrete to “save us.” The situation on Earth is not exactly fair to us, because the reptilians have apparently been doing this kind of thing for millions of years.

          My response:

          Okay, I understand your thinking, feelings, and expectations, which are normal.
          I might suggest you watch this entire video, the most recent one as of this writing, and then re-watch it:

          Then ponder my attitude in this article today:

          Then seek to evolve, in this searing crisis, and understand:

          — We are not entitled to be saved. This planet is full of souls with bad karma who hate the truth.

          — No one is a victim. We incarnated here knowing what kind of place this planet is.

          — The Federation, as this new Gosia video says (fourth scenario), MAY indeed intervene dramatically and openly.

          But you have to watch the video.

          Interfering is not what they want, when we can fight our own battles, and as Gosia has relayed on multiple occasions, compassionate Nordics [such as Krishna, Buddha and Jesus] have been intervening for millennia.

          And, in fact, Nordics (who look human and sort-of are] have on two occasions over the last 75 years prevented a nuclear war, both by posing as earthlings AND via overt demonstrations with spacecraft at ICBM bases, both at ours and the Soviets.’


          Larry King and guests – with Bill Nye, the “Science Guy,” and famed “debunker” who looks more idiotic each appearance.

          Larry King and guests talk about one of the MAJOR exopolitical meme’s: intelligently operated ET craft have been well documented shutting down missile bases and other such military communications systems.

          Many people are not aware that this is a WORLD-WIDE phenomenon, and it also occurred at the infamous English RAF/USAF Rendlesham case.

          Essentially, we are failing to learn the obvious, that nuclear weapons affect other species, not just terrestrial ones, or wE no give a shit. And thus we see the rapid increase in UFO/ET sightings since nuke testing began from the 1940s on (after millennia of occasional sightings, detailed by NASA scientist Jacques Vallée).

          We need to liaise with ethical ET groups in eradicating these weapons from the planet and saving the biosphere.

          ET groups have provided advanced technology for cleaning up the biosphere, but the above-government groups they traded with failed to live up to their agreements. If these agencies fail in their duty to the species – we need to do it ourselves. Exopolitics is the only field dealing with just this area.


          The Pleiadians’ attempts to spiritually uplift mankind have met with little result for millennia.

          The harsh truth is that cowardly assholes do not deserve to be saved, and that is 90% of this planet.

          If we deserve it, they will help a lot more. If not, we will reap what we have sown in many previous lives as pathetic rejectors of both obvious truth ….and of every visionary and heroic leader in the antisemitic struggle.

          Ask how grateful and receptive the masses and elites were (by séance, LOL) of such household names as Martin Luther, Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh (actually, both senior as well as junior), and Adolf Hitler — world-famous proclaimers of the truth about the jews — or ask lesser luminaries such as Rockwell, Pierce, and so forth.

          (Or ask me: 43 years of poverty, slander and unrelenting stress, with 1/10th of 1% sending any donations at all, not even a buck. I walked for three years here in Ontonagon DURING OUR SIX-MONTH WINTERS because I could not afford car insurance on my ever-rustier 1996 Crown Victoria. In fact, it is off the road now, yes, once again, for that very reason.)

          And if we all die, we will reincarnate and life will go on.

          Those who fight the jews to the end will, however, as individuals, in terms of their own soul, come out of this “smelling like a rose.”

          My advice to the others, as we say in Pittsburgh, is “Kwitcher whinin’.” 😉

          No, Taygetans are not obligated to save cowardly assholes. And they have plenty of their own problems in a war of life-and-death that is going on across the galaxy.

          Gosia relayed in a video about karma that many Pleiadians are afraid to get involved with saving earthlings because they fear getting bad karma from interactions with such treacherous ingrates.

          Helping earthlings is like entering a maximum-security prison to save souls. The movie “Dead Man Walking” shows, at the end, the sob-story crook on Death Row, played by Sean Penn, admitting just before his execution to the do-gooder liberal nun, played by Susan Sarandon, that he and his buddy DID rape and kill a young couple they had come upon in a lover’s lane.

          This admission came after he got her all involved in his “I’m innocent” bull, but then got the final word from the warden that the governor had rejected clemency.

          So he had used her the whole time.

          Now that is earthlings for ya.

          There was a very good, short line in “Saving Private Ryan” (yes, yes, I know, a Spielberg movie, good-Yanks/bad-Nazis, but anyways). As Captain John Miller dies, he says this to Private Ryan:

          “Earn this.”

          Or as Gosia (not just a pretty face) says:

          “Stop being children. Grow up.”

          Or this Marine will be blunter.

          “Eat shit and die.” 😉

          And that exactly is about to happen, the possible end of the human race and the white race on this sorry world — and rightly so for do-nothings who expect help from the do-everythings.

  3. Bill Gates wants everyone to have a certificate (papers) saying they either had the coronavirus and recovered, or were vaccinated for it, otherwise they won’t be allowed to travel (meaning, most likely, that they will be quarantined in their house or in a FEMA facility where they aren’t allowed to leave). He says this towards the end of the video:

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