Still cannot talk race in Rotherham, England despite massive Pakistani-on-white molestation wave; Trump and CGI blackmail

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Christopher Furlong/Getty


We have a right to rape infidels!

Rotherham: Child Services Boss Denies Race Was a Factor in Grooming Gang Scandal

The chief of children’s services in Rotherham has denied that there was a racial aspect to the city’s historic child abuse scandal which saw 1,400 underage, white, English girls groomed and raped by Pakistani-origin Muslim men over a 16-year period.

Ian Thomas, the strategic director of children’s services at Rotherham council, was speaking to BBC Radio 4’s Today programme after the once-failing department was rated as “good” by the education and child provisions watchdog Ofsted in a report published Monday.

Thomas was appointed following the damning findings of the 2014 Jay Report which noted that council staff were not able to speak about the common ethnic profile of the attackers for fear of being called racists.

Radio host Sarah Montague pointed to the Jay Report which she noted “flagged that social workers were being lent on not to talk about race ¦ Are social workers now free to talk about race if they think it’s relevant?”

Attempting to deflect by discussing the range of workers involved in child services, Montague pressed: “But the conversation on race is open now?”

“There’s no monopoly on CSE [Child Sexual Exploitation],” Thomas said.

Police told the 13 year old Rotherham grooming gang victim not to mention the ethnicity of her rapists.  ¦

Rotherham Child Rape Victim: ‘Authorities Did Nothing’, Was Told Not to Mention Ethnicity of…

A survivor of a Muslim grooming gang in Rotherham said authorities did nothing and told her not to mention the ethnicity of the attackers.

“We focus on what children tell us ¦ They will lead us to their abusers and that requires excellent relationship based practice so we’ve proven, given the profile of the perpetrators over the past 20 months, that race is not an issue for us,” he continued.

Attempting again to get clarity on the race issue, Montague said: “The reason why I raise race is because what became apparent was that there was a pattern [and] people were not allowed to talk about race ¦ In this case, you needed to [see the race].”

“No,” Thomas said. “We needed to see the abuse. In terms of CSE, and the race dimension around CSE no race has the monopoly on CSE.”

“Indeed, but when you have a pattern of mainly Pakistani-originated men targeting mainly white English girls then surely you do need to take account of race?” asked Montague.

“No. We take account of abuse. We put the child at the centre and take account of the abuse,” said the director of children’s services.

Last year, a victim of a Rotherham Muslim grooming gang revealed she was told, as a 13-year-old, “numerous times” by police and social workers not to mention race.

Rotherham’s director of children’s services also confirmed in the BBC interview that 75 per cent of the council services staff who were employed during the child exploitation scandal are still employed at Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council.

In November, Breitbart London reported that Rotherham Council had been nominated for “social work employer of the year”.

In the same month, rape gang survivors told Channel 4 that groomers are still abusing young girls in the city.




…..It’s really quite simple — we live under a PAEDOPHILOCRACY!


April 20, 2015 video on the pedophile Leo Frank and modern VIP child molesters in the US and UK

Prince Andrew chats with convicted child molester Jeffrey Epstein shortly after the Jew’s release from a two-year “slap-on-the-wrist” day-prison



…..So far, I do NOT  believe Trump is a pedophile, but his palling around with Epstein is somehow being “used” to control him

We must recall that President Woodrow Wilson was being blackmailed by the powerful Jewish lawyer Samuel Untermeyer (who bought very erotic and adulterous letters from Wilson’s ex-mistress).

This is why Wilson broke his solemn promise that, if re-elected in 1916, he would “keep us out of war.” Instead, facing disgrace and resignation from the highest office in America, this selfish narcissist got the US into the carnage and folly of World War One, the (LOL) “war to end all wars” that was for “a peace without victors.” Tell the Germans that who were forced to sign the Versailles Treaty, designed to cripple their economy forever! And 97,000 Americans were killed! (But hey, main thing is that Wilson got to stay on as president and hear the band play “Hail to the Chief.” But the real chief was Untermeyer!)

Ironic, eh? 

…..”Apocalypse WWI”

This is a powerful series using WWI film footage and colorizing it and adding sound and music.


Let us be clear that the Jews caused WWI to 1) make fortunes and 2) kill off the best Gentiles.

And by controlling the newspapers, they ensured that any politician in Britain, France, Russia or America who called for an end to the war would be committing political suicide. “What, you callous traitor, you want to stop fighting until our victory? Then our boys who died already, have died in vain!”


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