Still dorking that Putin is a puppet of the jews even AFTER he armed Israel’s enemy Syria and crushed its puppet, ISIS? Then watch this RT attack on Israel for war crimes!

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White Cuban-American Rick Sanchez was an CNN anchor until he made a justified antisemitic remark in 2019 about Jews controlling the media. Well, guess who hired the fired “antisemite”? 

Russia Today, “RT,” created in 2006 by Vladimir Putin!

Watch this hard-hitting exposé by RT of the war crime of using human shields done by Jewish State! The misuse of innocent civilians to protect military attacks is a war crime. 

Israel repeatedly has done it over Syria! Watch Sanchez explain this — and accuse Israel of a crime! 


Eveb the Israeli Supreme Court has ruled it illegal fo rthe Israeli  military to cowardly hide behind civilians!



……Wiki defaming RT:

Airing conspiracy theories

A 2013 article in Der Spiegel noted that RT “uses a chaotic mixture of conspiracy theories and crude propaganda”, pointing to a program that “mutated” the Boston Marathon bombings into a U.S. government conspiracy.[13]

The launch of RT UK was the subject of much comment in the British press. In The ObserverNick Cohenaccused the channel of spreading conspiracy theories and being a “prostitution of journalism” and in The TimesOliver Kamm called on broadcast regulator Ofcom to act against this “den of deceivers”.[215]

In 2015, Peter Pomerantsev in The Guardian accused RT of disinformation and of spreading conspiracy theories.[216]

Journalists at The Daily Beast and The Washington Post have noted that RT employs Tony Gosling, an exponent of long-discredited theories concerning the alleged control of the world by Illuminati and the Czarist antisemiticforgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.[217][218]

For example, Russia Today broadcast stories about microchips being implanted into office workers in EU to make them more “submissive”; about “majority” of Europeans supporting Russian annexation of Crimea; EU preparing “a form of genocide” against Russians; in Germany it falsely reported about a kidnapping of a Russian girl; that “NATO planned to store nuclear weapons in Eastern Europe”; that Hillary Clinton fell ill; it has also on many occasions misrepresented or invented statements from European leaders.[219][unreliable source?][220][unreliable source?][221][222][text–source integrity?] In response to accusations of spreading fake news RT started its own FakeCheck project. The Poynter Institute conducted a content analysis of FakeCheck and concluded it “mixes some legitimate debunks with other scantily sourced or dubiously framed ‘fact checks.'”[223]

A report by RAND called the RT strategy “a firehose of falsehood”, where fake stories are distributed in “high-volume and multichanneel, rapid, continuous, and repetitive” with no regard to consistency, where the high volume makes them difficult to counter.[224]

Israel–Palestine conflict

RT has been accused of being anti-Israel by Jewish and Israeli sources, describing its reporting as being unbalanced. Israeli foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman made a complaint to Putin at their official meeting in 2012.[225][226][227][228]




…..Israel seeks global gentile genocide

Israeli fetus in soldier uniform salutes in a blood-red graphic from the Lis Maternity ward, part of the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, featuring a caption in Hebrew, reading: “Received the Presidential Award of Excellence, 2038.” 

Racist Israel seeks global holocaust and enslavement





  1. Ganz egal was man für Argumente und Beweise bringt, die paranoiden Schizophreniker werden sagen: ”Es ist eine Strategie der Juden um uns zu täuschen!” 😉

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