Still NO evidence Trump started out as a fake nationalist and agent of the Jews; I see a man acting under threat, frame-up or blackmail

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This may be the shameful situation now, but I do not believe Trump started out this way, likes it, or very thought it would end up like this.

John De-Nugent

wow — shared! But Trump has a short and stubby nose, not a big, hooked one.

Henry Graves

John, he is working for the Jews so he deserves to be depicted with a hook nose anyways

John De-Nugent

John De-Nugent antwortete Henry
Henry, I understand your bitterness and keen disappointment, which I fully share.
However, if by “working for the Jews” you mean he is a clandestine undercover agent of jewry, only posing as a nationalist, I have blogged at least twenty time on my website why I see absolutely no evidence for that extremely grave accusation you seem to be making.
What I do suspect far more is that Trump, besides being an egomaniac who wanted to be president, also had very good intentions initially — BUT he is being threatened with assassination, Kennedy-style or via poisoning, and that he is also being blackmailed over some business or personal scandals he has likely been involved with.
The same was true of Woodrow Wilson, btw, who also promised “American First” and who also promised to keep America out of foreign wars.
But when the big Jew lawyer Samuel Untermyer got ahold of the erotic and adulterous letters the married Wilson had written to his mistress, the Jews “owned” him from that point on.
Remember, 1914 was not the permissive Bill Clinton era, but still an age dominated by the values of Queen Victoria and the sanctity of marriage vows.
And no, Trump’s daughter Ivanka marrying a jew was not the father’s fault or his choice.
And had Trump forbidden Ivanka to date Kushner on antisemitic grounds — remember, he WAS a “catch” by being very rich and sort-of decent-looking , after all —

….it would have made the rounds of NYC Jewry in 15 minutes that Trump was a Neo-Nazi who hated Jews and that his evil, rotten GERMAN ancestry was finally showing through. 😉
THAT phone campaign in turn would have quickly and totally ended his multi-billion-dollar New York real estate and casino empire — ….and also any possible political career as well, as you can imagine.

The main consideration for me is this, comrade Graves:
Vladimir Putin a former colonel in the KGB, and therefore hardly a “naif,”
clearly believed in 2016 that Trump was
–1) for real about “America First,” that is, the US ceasing to be the self-appointed world’s policeman, ceasing to fund pointless NATO and instead pursuing friendship with a Russia that WANTED to be friends, and
–2) that Trump was a closet antisemite the same as he was — and is.
Therefore the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, sent Trump a warning — using the number-one television network in Russia, Russia-1 television, a government-owned station, and using specifically its director, Dmitry Kiselyov, a Putin appointee who came out in person.
And Kiselyov’s segment suddenly featured MY WEBSITE,

MY article


urging Trump

to avoid being assassinated



And the segment was broadcast on SEPTEMBER 11 on the fifteenth anniversary of the WTC attacks that killed 3,000 Americans and got us plunged into wars against the enemies of Israel, a classic false-flag attack that Putin would instantly recognize.

And Putin would instantly mentally process said false-flag attack according to the Ancient Roman police principle of “Cui Bono?” 

WHOM did it benefit?




Kiselyov (or Putin himself?) had a special graphic in diagonal blue colors made — shown here — to highlight my name and website.



I would urge you, comrade, in proof hereof to read this article of mine:

To get ANY bill passed in the new Demoncrat House, Trump will have to get “even tougher” on Russia



Henry Graves

Henry Graves antwortete John
John, then you have sadly fallen under the terms of the white idiots who have believed the lies. If you do not stand up to the Jews, then you are working for Jewish interests, it’s that simple. Once people who claim to be in the cause can see this, then the Jewish problem will be more easily solved

John De-Nugent

Stand up to the jews, fine and dandy. Brave talk to post, but I have actually DONE that for 40 years.
What will happen when you do?
1) Almost no one on our side will back you, (as Henry Ford and Mel Gibson found out when they risked everything they had built up over a lifetime of sweat and work to finally speak out) and
2) the jews and their puppet governments and cops will, however, come, just as you dreaded, and they WILL destroy you.
Trump faced this dismal reality and, yes, like Ford and Gibson, he knuckled under.
All I can say at this point is Hillary would have been far, far worse.

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