Stop calling every white bad guy a jew

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White scumbag Friedrich Engels was the co-founder of communism — and unlike Karl Marx was not a jew.

A Scandinavian comrade and donor sent me this:

John, what is your opinion on this: – i agree Jesus was an Aryan but the author can’t tell the (((lies))) from the truth about him.

I  replied:

It is mostly excellent, actually, though Ben Klassen was sometimes cavalier about factual accuracy. For example, he claims with zero proof that Friedrich Engels, the co-founder of communism, was jewish when he clearly was not a jew at all, but instead a white, Aryan, German scumbag, and a hardened atheist.

He did not look even slightly jewish, btw, but was a sort of good-looking German.

It is a spiritually highly dangerous obsession and, as well, an indicator of a tendency to lie, to try to claim that every single bad guy in Western history was a jew or part-jew.

William the Conqueror was not a jew, but he borrowed money from Rouen, Normandy jews to conquer England, and it was this pure white man who first brought the jews en masse into that poor country in AD 1066, where they quickly became a curse on the land until expelled in 1290.

The English Puritan leader and dictator Oliver Cromwell was not a jew, either, but got funding and arms from a jew. He wanted very much to bring the jews back into England, imagining he could there convert them to Christianity, but he was prevented from doing so, as E. Michael Jones points out in his magisterial The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit. The jews in fact began to trickle in, calling themselves Portuguese, AFTER Cromwell had died and his Puritan regime had been overthrown. The Stuart king and then William of Orange, the Dutchman who became king of England after him, allowed this trickle of jews into Britain to continue.

To give in to the ludicrous notion that all bad guys are jews is to not admit to our very own white mess, and this means as well as that we never clean it up.

And by never cleaning our own house, or as the Germans say, not “sweeping first our own doorstep,” (“vor der eigenen Tür kehren”), the jewish cockroach can come in and thrive.

But other than that goof, Klassen is mostly spot-on. 🙂

The problem is that Klassen goes on to “throw the baby out with the bathwater” and, in rejecting false religions that make us docile and submit to the jews, he wickedly calls God Himself “the jew in the sky.” (So I guess the universe just created itself….. though I do not know of anything else that created itself.)

As you may know, Klassen committed suicide as the police were moving in on him in connection with an allegation (which I assume was false) of being a child molester. In any case, his godless, soul-less, when-you-die-that’s-it “religion” of Creativity never took off.

Too bad, because he did say a lot of truth. When he died, I imagine he got a nice surprise. 🙂


  1. The Greeks did not see the world as a creation. They saw it as a fact — a fact that incited wonder, but a fact, not a creation.

    In my opinion the idea that the world is a creation of God is thoroughly Jewish.

    The White concept of the world contains the thought of a divine aspect to the world, I believe, but not the thought of a willful creation.

    • The Ancient Greek religion was very troubling, especially in the horrid behavior of its gods and the dismalness of its afterlife concept.

      In the Socratic dialogues of Plato, thinking Greeks were quite troubled by some of the stories, which involved jealousy, rape, murder, skinning alive and gods like Zeus punishing another god, Prometheus, for helping mankind….

      • Very interesting, John. The ancient Greek and Roman religions are so full of crazy, disgusting stuff I’ve always wondered whether any ancient Greeks or Romans ever recognized it as such. Excellent that Plato did.

        However I want you to reconsider Engels, William the Conqueror et alia. Having intensely studied jew behavior for decades (in many languages) I have had to conclude that anybody of European family background who’s notoriously deadly for white people has to be of partly or wholly kike.

        Engels is Dutch for “English” — surnames based on places or ethnicities are often jew (French, Amsterdam, Lichtenstein etc). He was German and a close associate of Marx, one of the most shockingly evil jews of all time. And he helped found communism — three strikes and he’s out of the white race in my studied opinion!

        This is based on many years of tallying who is and isn’t jew, who seems to be and ends up proving so and so forth including some of the unlikeliest cases. A fan of Green Acres by chance? Eddie Albert, Ava Gabor and even Eleanor Audley are in — the latter famous for portraying ultimate DAR-type high society matrons.

        • My concern is when we Whites do not look at ourselves in the mirror. Fredrick Toeben said it best:

          “Don’t just blame the jews — blame the gentiles who do their bidding.”

          Our current catastrophic situation is the result of generations of white men not throwing the jews out of their office but instead taking their bribes or looking the other way and saying nothing as the jews commit horrendous crimes….. businessmen, judges, police chiefs…. billions of individual acts of moral failure.

          My view has hardened over the course of my 67 (on July 14, 68) years of life. The jews, just 1/4 of 1% of humanity, would be powerless without gentile traitors.

          As for William the Bastard AKA the Conqueror, his father was a Norman noble, in effect, a French-speaking Viking, and his mother a beautiful commoner female whom the duke espied scrubbing clothes by a Normandy stream. I truly doubt that she was a jewish banker, nor is there the slightest indication that the Normans in France were marrying jews. 😉

          I have been betrayed in disastrous ways by several racially pure white men, white nationalists, in fact, whom I trusted because, silly me, knowing that I had done so much for them in their hour of need, I ludicrously assumed they would feel gratitude and loyalty.

          The greatest villain of our times was the Bavarian prime minister in 1923, Gustav von Kahr.

          Had he not scandalously betrayed the Munich putsch, which had a lot going for it (the Great Inflation of 1923, the outrageous French occupation of the Ruhr with negro troops!, the fear of the incipient USSR NEXT DOOR, and the active presence in the putsch of revered WWI war hero Ludendorff), we could have come to power in 1923, not in 1933.

          All the presidents of the US in the 1920s were conservative, anti-communist Republicans, and it was even the period of the so-called “Red Scare”: Harding, Coolidge and Hoover. These Republicans were the very opposite of the Demoncrat FDR, a part-jew himself, and his comm-symp and jewy “brain trust.” It was also the heyday of the second Ku Klux Klan and the period of the (Johnson) Immigration Act of 1923, restricting immigration de facto to Northern-European white countries, and it was also the era of automaker Henry Ford’s The International Jew!

          So the America of the 1920s (NOT the Rooseveltian 1930s) would have shown great understanding for national socialism, as extreme as it seemed — along the lines of “Hey, if they can stop communism and the jews, more power to them.” Look how many authoritarian regimes the US has supported over the generations because they were anti-communist!

          “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”!

          Francisco Franco, fascist dictator of Spain, and US President Eisenhower in 1959, his enemy in WWII; Franco let the US erect important naval and air bases in Spain to fight communism. At the same time, Franco was harboring exiled German National Socialists such as Waffen-SS general Léon Degrelle and SS commando Otto Skorczeny, plus others.

          As for the Soviet Union in 1923, (NOT 1933) it was just recovering from a four-year civil war (of the anto-communist Whites versus the Bolsheviks), and the Soviet Russian regime in Moscow that survived that civil war had no gigantic industrial country ot tap into to create an immense war machine.

          So the 1923 putsch had many promising aspects.

          But the narcissistic twerp Gustav von Kahr — whom no one ever at any time has accused of being a jew or a part-jew — wanted to be the savior of Germany himself, the Führer himself (yes, this utter dweeb with zero charisma, zero vision, zero plan and zero organization!!!) and so he betrayed a superb chance for NS to come to power in 1923 — THE PERFECT YEAR FOR A REVOLUTION.

          And when we did finally get power in January 1933, OVER NINE LONG YEARS LATER, at the price of a thousand dead SA stormtroopers and the horrors of Year Three of the US-caused Great Depression, the US and the Soviet Union had been transformed into very different, very dangerous, and very hostile countries that would collude with each other against our vibrant Third Reich.

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