Stop Kamala, stop Trump, and PREVENT WWIII

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An Australian comrade commented:

I don’t see many similarities between George Patton and Trump. George Patton was not a deep thinker and he screwed up majorly with his large ego, and not admitting his ignorance and careless approach, which is what caused the deaths of 11 to 16 million innocent Germans, and 25 million Russians, and millions of more innocent men women and children.
But Donald Trump is much more stupid and braindead then George Patton was. Donald Trump’s intelligence is much lower even then George Patton’s.

I replied:

I hear you, but, actually, you also make a pretty strong case here for MY view. 😉
There are so many close similarities in the Trump-Patton appearance, height, hair color (Patton was actually very blond), high-pitched and raspy voice ego, vanity, aggressiveness, the big mouth, and the showmanship….

Patton in Los Angeles in June  1945 in his high, scratchy voice, gloating disgustingly over the devastation of German cites by US bombers:


AND it is notable that General Patton developed a passionate germanophilia, an admiration for the German people (NOT for “the Nazis” or for Hitler, and he never said “we fought the wrong enemy”). Patton learned to respect the Germans both as a soldier fighting them and later as the military-occupation governor of the especially beautiful Bavaria.
After this Germanophile was murdered in December 1945, he came back as a German-American in June 1946. (His father, Fred, who grew up in America speaking German, had two German immigrant parents, and Fred was both extremely hard-working and also very clever, typically German. Germans are never “just” hard-working.)
In this 1986 photo of an aging Fred Trump and his son Donald, note Donald’s nose:

Now note General Patton’s nose in this photo, wearing all his many medals (from multiple countries) at the insistence of his wife for a photo:

But yes, Trump seems less intelligent than Patton and to have a limited vocabulary. In all seriousness, decades ago, after his older brother drank himself to death and Donald became a teetotaller (which is not uncommon as a reaction), he began guzzling Diet Pepsi — and this aspartame has terrible effects on the brain.

If you look at Donald Trump on Oprah Winfrey and other shows in 1988,  36 years ago, he is vain, just as he is now, but much smoother, glibber, and also never obnoxious. His sentences back then were actually longer than the current length of three words. 😉
……Trump, the soft white nationalist (like Nixon and Reagan) who always caves in


I have run these positive Trump qotations before, but they are very noteworthy statements. The impetuous Trump, like the explosive Patton, blurts out his true feelings on many occasions, alarming the jews, and all his subsequent a—kissing of them is fruitless. 🙂

In  fact,  he knows it,  and has even said:

“So many jews do not support me, though as president I was the best friend Israel ever had. I support ISRAEL BECAUSE OF THE EVANGELICALS.” The jews get this, that Trump is only solidifying his hold on the Evangelical-Christian vote, and it certainly does not cause them to revise their opinion of Trump as a closet antisemite.

Trump in 2013:


Trump in 2015, and quite defiant to a jewish audience!

Neither Nixon nor Reagan ever dared say such thinga in public, nor Eisenhower. Their soft-WN views only came out in private phone conversations and letters.

Same with Thomas Jefferson…. he let the jews have it — in PRIVATE LETTERS:

Created with GIMP


Same thing with Eisenhower…..

Truman wrote antisemitic stuff in his diary….but he allowed the Nuremberg  “War Crimes trials” (a travesty of justice denounced by the US  Supreme Court Chief Justice Harlan Stone), permitted the hangings of top NS leaders, and supported the founding of IsraHell, all to get jew  campaign donations!

Woodrow Wilson did write a major book in 1913, The New Freedom, denouncing “a power”:

Btw, the great guitarist Eric Clapton just denounced this power, although in a resigned, pessimistic tone:

At the end of this interview clip:

But Patton then, like Trump today, came right out and said what he was thinking.

The Trumps also saw right through the shiftless Blacks (from the Wikipedia article on his father Fred (

Federal civil rights lawsuit
Minority applicants turned away from renting apartments complained to the New York City Commission on Human Rights and the Urban League, leading these groups to send test applicants to Trump-owned complexes in July 1972. They found that white people were offered apartments, while black people were generally turned away (by being told there were no vacancies);[m] according to the superintendent of Beach Haven Apartments, this was at the direction of his boss.[106] Both of the aforementioned advocacy organizations then raised the issue with the Justice Department.[91] In October 1973, the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) filed a civil rights lawsuit against the Trump Organization (Fred Trump, chair, and Donald Trump, president) for infringing the Fair Housing Act of 1968.[91]



[JdN:This was under President Nixon, mind you,who himself despised the Blacks but felt they had to be accommodated — or they would turn communist, fall under Soviet or Chinese influence, and there would be a racial civil war in the end, with communists training and arming the Blacks. This was a realistic fear. The ANC regime which took over white South Africa 21 years later was literally composed of black communists.



 In response, Trump attorney Roy Cohn countersued for $100 million in damages, accusing the DoJ of false accusations.[91][107]

Some three dozen former Trump employees were interviewed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).[107] Some testified that they had no knowledge of any racial profiling practices, and that a small percentage of their apartments were rented to blacks or Puerto Ricans.[n] A former doorman testified that his supervisor had instructed him to tell prospective black tenants that the rent was double its actual amount.[108] Four landlords or rental agents confirmed that applications sent to the Trump organization’s head office for approval were coded by the race of the applicant.[109] One former employee testified that a code – which he believed was used throughout the Brooklyn branch of the company – referred to “low lifes” such as “blacks, Puerto Ricans, apparent drug users, or any other type of undesirable applicant”, and nine times out of ten it meant the applicant was black; blacks were also falsely told there were no vacancies.[107] A rental agent who had worked with the company for two weeks said that when he asked Fred Trump if he should rent to blacks, he was told that it was “absolutely against the law to discriminate”,[110] but after asking again, he was instructed “not to rent to blacks”, and was further advised to:[111]get rid of the blacks that were in the building by telling them cheap housing was available for them at only $500 down payment, which Trump would offer to pay himself. Trump didn’t tell me where this housing was located. He advised me not to rent to persons on welfare.”

Meanwhile, Trump acquired up to 20% of Brooklyn’s Starrett City, a large, federally subsidized housing complex which opened in 1974 with the stated desegregation goal of renting 70% of its units to white people and the rest to minorities.[112][113]

A consent decree between the DoJ and the Trump Organization was signed on June 10, 1975, with both sides claiming victory – the Trump Organization because the settlement did not require them “to accept persons on welfare as tenants”, and the head of DoJ’s housing division for the decree being “one of the most far-reaching ever negotiated”.[91][109] It personally and corporately prohibited the Trumps from “discriminating against any person in the … sale or rental of a dwelling”, and “required Trump to advertise vacancies in minority papers [for two years], promote minorities to professional jobs, and list vacancies on a preferential basis”.[109] Finally, it ordered the Trumps to “thoroughly acquaint themselves personally on a detailed basis with … the Fair Housing Act of 1968”.[91][114]


And so Trump can be the most dangerous man on this planet, because he says the right stuff to get white support but then does the jews’ bidding and even seems to be in total denial that, no matter how much he licks their boots, they still hate him with a passion.
Finally, whether you accept it or not, both Trump and I were once notable people in our last lives and adversaries in WWII.

As I wrote on November 9, 2016 (

….My final word now to my readers, my words for President-Elect Donald Trump, which will go completely over most of your heads, as usual 🙂

”George, we met in 1946, after the Jews murdered you.

I told you then, “General Patton, you killed 250,000 of my men in North Africa, Italy and Germany, and you made the world safe for American, British and Soviet Jewry.


As your reward from those monstrous ingrates, they murdered you when you woke up to your folly.”


He said nothing. I continued:

”It was not just the German people you were wrong about and woke up too late…..



It is about national socialism and me that you were wrong.” He said nothing and left, miffed. He did not take criticism well.

But our mission is to grow, listen, learn more,  and all humbly take the advice of the wise who care.




The battle has only just begun. It will end in our extermination or crushing victory. It is us or them.






I waited then for three reasons:

1) I needed Trump to flop as president and prove he was a false Messiah

2) Margi stood to inherit some decent money by caring for her two very aged and sick parents in Asheville, North Carolina, and I did not want to rock that boat

3) The week before she returned to Ontonagon, she was diagnosed with throat cancer, and this ate up most of her inheritance, plus, out of the kindness of her heart, she lent $20,000 to revisionist Fred Leuchter, who defaulted without apology. She could have gone to a private cancer clinic in Mexico or Germany with those funds to beat her cancer.


Because Margi did NOT get to go to a private cancer clinic, no longer having the financial wherewithall for this, we had to rely on those nasty mainstays of standard cancer treatment, surgery, chemo and radiation, though it was all from the wonderful Mayo Clinic.The cancer disappared, but then, as feared, the cancer returned.

My DREAD then was that, WITH THE CANCER BACK, if I started my openly NS and neo-Hitlerian movement WHILE Margi was battling this lethal disease, the nurses and doctors would give her terrible care, or even find a way to kill her by either criminal neglect or an overdose of something.

And two different people told me: Most nurses are total liberals.

And, as it turned out, Margi’s oncologist, despite his English-sounding name, and not really very semitic appearance, was himself jewish! (There is a very tiny —  and some would say bad — selection of cancer doctors in the UP.)

If you can put yourself in my position, this is how I saw things:

1) The longer I wait, the worse off Whites in all countries (except Russia) will get, and suffering is the ONLY thing that can shake them awake

2) If my deathly sick wife and I go into a hospital and, instead of the usual warmth (the nurses loved Margi! as did many others, both women and men) she got hostile stares, it would have been not just unpleasant but also TERRIFYING.

This is how Patton was murderedby the doctors at a US Army hospital! He was recovering when they injected him with something, possibly an air bubble.

So, given my justified fears in 2) I fell back on 1) letting things get EVEN worse for Whites worldwide.

And remember, the economy in Weimar Germany was fairly good in May 1928, so our NSDAP party (despite eight years of hard work) got creamed in the Reichstag election: just 2.6% of the vote!


Then came housing debacles due to betrayals. I smell the FBI, which dogged me and Margi from 2009-17 under Obama-Biden and resumed this under Biden-Harris.

At one point this spring, instead of starting my movement (now that Margi was gone), my stuff in storage (for furnishing a headquarters) was literally on the street in the snow.

I really thank those who reneged on promises to help me get a place.

Now, however, I must launch come hell or high water.

And I need donations urgently right now to do so.

What concerns me is not failure. The world is ready for my full message as Hitler, American.

It was after October 7 of last year, when IsraHell began its savage massacre of the Gazans, but now the situation is even “better”  for a radical and uncompromising voice.

  1. The near-assassination of Trump in effect by the Deep State, with the tumbling M-16 rifle bullet missing his head by just a 1/4 inch, showed that Trump may never become president again, even if he should win the election
  2. Trump is still not seizing the bull by the horns of mail-in ballots in the important (and, btw, very German) Midwestern or quasi-Midwestern states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin and Minnesota, and people know this, so again the America-First people are nervous
  3. Kamala and Walz terrify and repel people
  4. The economy is sagging, and many stores are closing
  5. There is a great fear of WWIII, and though JD Vance is against any further US aid to Ukraine,  he — and Trump — are also in the jewish lobby’s pocket. And  both are militantly anti-Iran (with Trump assassinating a top Iranian general in 2020). This hatred of  Iran could lead to encouraging Israel to go devastate that country with tacit US permission or even to the US doing so itself, and this may trigger a reaction by Russia and China, Iran’s fellow BRICS members. In addition, it was Trump who first sent offensive arms to Ukraine (anti-tank Javelin missiles) in 2018. In 2014, Barack Obama had rejected a request by Ukraine for those weapons.
  6. And it was Trump who withdrew the US in 2019 from the last US-Russian nuclear treaty, which had been in effect since 1988! This was an act of dangerous playing with nuclear fire.  The problem with these medium-range nuclear missiles is how fast they can hit the enemy country — within five minutes. In a time of tension a false launch signal could yet lead toa real nuclear war,  and the Russians fear a US surprise first strike.

My housing situation:

I simply cannot keep waiting any longer. Those who could have helped me did not, except for one, but it was just not enough.

Now almost a year has gone by. I could have had a mighty organization by now.

And more than ever, Trump is on schedule to blow up the world for the jews in WWIII, exactly as per the Nicholas van Rensburg prophesy.

Now, some wonder why I  talk so much about Jesus, Christianity and the sinister, self-appointed “Apostle” Paul  who commandeered the faith preached by Jesus and made it pro-jewish.

I do so because the religion I am preaching is not only about important  spiritual truths, such as

— why are we here?

— what happens when we die?

—  Is there a God, does He really love us, and why does He tolerate horrible evils like childsex trafficking?

But it is also, on a strategic level, about freeing the white Evangelicals and  other Christians from bondage to the jews. They are not God’s Chosen  People and they never were. Nor is their god Yahweh the loving Heavenly Father preached by Jesus, but a demonic alien whose goal  is human genocide.

This cartoon seems silly but it is not.

The jews descend from neanderthals, from a roving band of thieves called Habiru, and from savage Huns AKA Khazars.

And I stand boldly by MY two discoveries here, one of which I share with a David Litwa:

And John 8:44 is mistranslated about the jews being from their father, the Devil.

It is actually Jesus denouncing the jewish god Yahweh!


Wow — Is the NT verse John 8:44 actually saying that Jesus saw Yahweh as EVIL? — yup! And on the huge Vatican audience hall with REPTILIAN décor

This David Litwa, PhD is the latest person (Bishop  Marcion in the second century being one of the first) to state the truth that the god of the jews and the God of Love, the “Heavenly Father” whom Jesus worshipped, are two very different Beings. (
I watched this video Litwa did: “Early Christians: YAHWEH is Actually the DEVIL” – YouTube


And I must admit Litwa was right — after ME — about the famous verse John 8:44, which disturbed  me when i FIRST READ IT IN THE ORIGINAL GREEK  in 1975.

I studied Ancient Greek (both Classical and Koiné) at Georgetown (and maybe I should add that I got A’s in both semesters and did not flunk ).

Unlike Barack Hussein Obama, who refused to release his college transcripts from all three universities he supposedly attended, I released 14 years ago on this website my transcript. See “Fall 1980” and “Spring 1981”:


And based on this, I can confirm by reading the Greek original that it does have Jesus saying to the Jewish officials (in word-for-word literal translation):

“You (pl.) from father of the Devil are!“ In the Roman alphabet the Greek words are: “Humeis ek patros tou Diabolou este!”

And who exactly is “the father of the Devil”?


This would also mean that Jesus was saying to His jew enemies:

“You and the Devil have the same father;  you and Satan are brothers.”

Thus the Devil is not their FATHER — that would be a mistranslation, and I always wondered about it — but their brother.

Both were fathered by another Being.

Equally ominously, Jesus is implying that there exists above the Devil yet another Evil Being…. Yahweh.

In English: “Ye from the father of the Devil are.”

(In German: “Ihr vom Vater des Teufels seid” In French: “Vous du père du Diable êtes.”)
Laurent Guyénot, a graduate of the Sorbonne in Paris, and one of us, did a whole book — “From Yahweh to Zion” on how evil the god (with a small “g”), the tribal deity, of the jews was, but how many Christians have read the Old Testament???



The Roman Catholic Church banned the reading of the Old Testament by the laity. It contained too many disturbing things!



Finally, why does the Vatican have a giant assembly hall with reptilian décor?

by Joe Martino
November 17, 2017
from Collective-Evolution Website



When I first realized the true magnitude of what the Pope’s Audience Hall design reveals, I was shocked. Despite 10 years of research into the elite, occult, Illuminati, consciousness, and more, this stuck out as something I just HAD to write about.

Have you heard of the Pope’s Audience Hall…?

Also known as the Paul VI Audience Hall or the Hall of the Pontifical Audiences, it lies partially in Vatican City and partially in Rome, Italy.

Named after Pope Paul VI and built in 1971 by Italian architect Pier Luigi Nervi, it  seats 6,300 and contains a bronze statue called La Resurrezione, designed by Pericle Fazzini, within.

***JdN: It is now named after Pope Paul VI, born Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini, a Jesuit pupil, presider and enforcer over the decisions of the sinister, Jew-friendly, anti-Semitism-forbidding, Jewish ritual murder unjustly denying Second Vatican Council. He ruled in 1963 until his death in 1978 and is said to have been a secret Jew.

When he was still Cardinal Montini in 1956


The Second Vatican Council (short name Vatican II) began on 11 October 1962 under Pope John XXIII and ended on 8 December 1965 under Pope Paul VI. Its goal was the fundamental reform of [Roman Catholic] church life (the liturgy –no longer in Latin], the role of bishops and position of the laity) in the spirit of Aggiornamento (in English: “bring to the [current] day”, “updating”), combined with the “opening-up” of the Church to the modern-day world and the redefinition of its relationship to the other Christian churches (ecumenism) and the non-Christian religions, especially to the Jews and Islam. (→ Nostra Aetate)


This all sounds pretty straightforward so far, but let’s dive into what makes this building so strange. We’ll start with the less weird, and get progressively weirder as we go.

Building Method and Design

The building was designed, using steel-reinforced concrete, by well-known architect Pier Luigi Nervi.

Nervi is known for simple yet practical designs that are strong and made to last.

The simple curvature of the building might seem unassuming from the outside, but this is part one of what we will begin to explore about this building, and I promise you, by the time we get to the end, you will see what I’m getting at.

Have a look at the image below and compare its shape to the image of a snake beside it.

Note the overall shape:

wide back, narrow, rounded front, eyes in the middle, nostril at the front, and curved top.



As you can already begin to see in the image above, there are two windows on either side of the building that resemble eyes.


They are made of stained glass and sit about halfway through the building’s length on either side. In the centre of the eye shape, you begin to see a slit that could resemble a reptile eye.


If you’re not convinced yet, which is understandable, keep reading.

Maybe looking at one window on its own isn’t the most clear, so let’s have a look at both of them together now.

All of a sudden we begin to see things taking shape here:

two reptilian eyes, staring at you as you observe the stage.

Scales and Fangs

Have a look again at the image above – what do you notice down the centre?

There stands what looks to be a statue in the middle and then on either side, two sharp, pointed fangs. The building’s roof and sides also resemble scales.

Here are two more images to give you a sense of the scales.

Now let’s pull it together a bit more so we can really see what we are looking at.

In the image below, really pay attention to the whole building and stage layout next to the image of a snake.

The eyes, the shape, the scales, the fangs, the look and feel of the reptile ¦ it’s all there.

The La Resurrezione Statue

[JdN: Here is the asinine Wikipedeia article on this sculpture group, offering no explanation why Jesus needs the head of a reptile to survive nuclear war, and of course avoiding the subject of the reptiloid features of the entire building:]

The founder and head of Wikipedia is the crypto-Jew Jimmy Wales (who, btw, majored in finance, not journalism or IT).

Wikipedia in 2011 deleted the entire article on me, making me the only person with over 3,000,000 search results on his name with no Wiki article.  (But hey, I only ran and nearly won for US Congress as a white nationalist, my assistant was seized by Homeland Security using three squad cars, I was live on national evening news, I was attacked for an hour in a Discovery Channel documentary, and was directly threatened by the White House. But that happens to most people. Nothing to see here, people — keep moving.    )


In the middle of the stage sits a statue of Christ rising from an atomic apocalypse. It was designed by Pericle Fazzini and put in place by 1977.

Have a look at it below.

Do you notice anything about Jesus‘ head?


Right side

Left side

It’s difficult to see from the front, but when you view the statue from the sides, where patrons would sit, it becomes strikingly clear from both sides that the head of Jesus is meant to look like that of a snake.


Think about it for a moment:

If just one side of the statue gave the impression of a snake’s head, we could brush this off as coincidence, but when it looks this way from all angles, and the entire building resembles a snake as well, it becomes much more difficult to ignore.

One must begin to realize that this was purposefully designed to appear this way. The thought and planning that went into this would have to have been immense.

The reality is, there is an obvious reason for this imagery.

The Big Question

You may be asking what that reason is,

Why was this building built in such a way that the Pope appears to be speaking from the mouth of a reptile?

If you aren’t asking that question, you’re simply turning a blind eye.

It’s not that the evidence isn’t present, it’s that you are choosing not to see it. There are seven separate pieces that comprise the snake or reptile symbol. If it were one or two I would understand your skepticism – even three.

But when seven pieces come together so beautifully, so perfectly, you know beyond any shadow of a doubt that it was intentional.

Regardless, I know what I’m saying may be difficult to accept, but all tough truths go through phases – laughter and ridicule, partial acceptance, and then, eventually, they appear self-evident to the population.

I believe we are getting closer to the third stage when it comes to understanding who truly runs and has influence over our world, which is why this snake symbolism exists here.

Research demonstrates there is a Deep State that largely governs our world:

a group of people that aren’t American, European, Russian, Canadian, etc., but beyond national identity, and they control our entire world.

It has been said for a long time that there is an extraterrestrial influence there as well. Not from all races of ETs, but from one in particular, the reptilians.

Not all reptilians are defectors of the heart, but a group, just like a group of humans, that has worked to influence this planet. I understand this sounds ‘out there,’ but really think about it.

There is more evidence for the reality of ETs than anyone could possibly imagine. There is a ton of evidence for a Deep State controlling things.

Is it at all possible that these two realities are linked?

Again, I’m not saying all ETs or even all reptilians are ‘bad,’ but rather that perhaps a few are, and they are working with our governments. Even our own government officials have stated they are well aware of ETs but simply haven’t told the public.

As revealed by former Defense Minister of Canada Paul Hellyer:

“So they decided to do an investigation, and they investigated for three years, and they decided that, with absolute certainty, that four species, four different species, at least, have been visiting this planet for thousands of years.”

The knowledge governments have of ETs is immense, and whistleblowers have revealed this many times, with plenty of documentation behind them.

You can watch the film Unacknowledged on Netflix to learn more about this.

The reptilian influence over the Deep State theory is not new, and can be found in many traditions and cultures. But it has been popularized by the work of David Icke who, understandably, has received a lot of ridicule for it.

Regardless of that, millions follow and believe in his work.

I highly suggest read “The Biggest Secret” and more about this theory.

Why This Symbolism Is Used

In an interview, it was mentioned that the Elite/Illuminati believe they must convey their intentions to humanity in order to, in essence, get permission from us to enact them.

This manifests as rituals during mass sports events and symbolism found around society and in various popular industries like film and music.

When you begin to consider what the Pope’s Audience Hall is truly saying, it becomes clear he is speaking from the mouth of the snake.

He stands in front of the mouth and speaks the words of the Elite to all those listening. The Elite are telling humanity via symbolism that this is what’s happening.

It has been said and proposed by many researchers that Christianity, among most other religions, is used to control the masses.

While religious stories may hold some truth and convey helpful messages, their overall purpose is to lead people into a relationship with spirit that is disempowering.

The guilt, judgment, and wrath that exist within religions are designed to control us, to take away our power. We must also realize that these religions are impure and that we have been turning a blind eye to this for some time.

Look what happened with the cover-up of Vatican child sex abuse scandals, for example.

In the end, I’m not asking you to believe everything being said here, but I’m also not suggesting you laugh it off. There are facts here that can be explored, but one has to go through the research.

There is clearly something very intentional going on here and one doesn’t spend many millions to design and build a very obvious snake within Vatican-owned buildings for no reason.

Do your own research on the topic of,

  • reptilians
  • the Elite bloodline
  • what symbolism like this means

See how it feels for you.

Allow your mind to be open to connect the dots as opposed to being closed and dismissive on something that doesn’t sound like ‘everyday life’…


……Only Virtus can save us now by Almighty God blessing our struggle 

God is love — tough love! I thank God that the once confusing situation is now so clear! It is God versus Satan, as the Aryan Zoroaster said 2,500 years ago, and God’s people against Satan’s.



  1. I have also wondered about the Trump/Patton reincarnation theory. For Patton to become Trump despite the millions of Aryan deaths he was partly accountable for how bad must all those dead peoples karma have been ? And about aspartame in soda -yes it’s bad but I believe sugar soda is even worse or just as bad.

    • This whole planet has bad karma, which is why aliens, including human ones, almost never interact with us. We are shunned.

      High-fructose corn syrup in these sodas sure is VERY toxic. The Trump brain of today and the Trump brain of 1988 are different.

  2. Dio è con te.
    Margi al tuo fianco.
    È il 2024 l’anno della Religione Virtus..?!
    Ricordo quando siamo stati ingannati da Trump nel 2021..
    Tutti si aspettavano qualcosa..
    Eppure sono stata l’unica a notare il suo balletto con i pugni, che poi ho trovato “Casualmente” su internet.
    Hitler 😉
    Trump sta recitando una parte.
    E Putin lo sa bene.
    Sembra un film.
    Ci auguriamo davvero un lieto fine.
    Immagino solo la tua stanchezza…

    • Translation from Italian:

      God is with you.
      Margi by your side.
      Is 2024 the year of Religion Virtus..?!
      I remember when we were deceived by Trump in 2021..
      Everyone expected something..
      And yet I was the only one who noticed his fist dance, which I then found “coincidentally” on the internet.
      Trump is playing a part.
      And Putin knows it well.
      It seems like a movie.
      We really hope for a happy ending.


      Yes, 2024 is the year. I AM READY AND SO IS THE WORLD.

      As Tolle says, when people are sick and tired of suffering, then they are ready to receive the truth.


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