Stop moaning — get your butt up here & start rehabbing and flipping houses for $25K a MONTH (as I did)

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Sorry about the vulgar headline, but I am trying to grab your attention, and I mean every word in the true article below. I have lived the fact that you can buy, rehab and “flip” houses (buy low/sell high) and make a lot of money while helping the white cause!



As we edge close and closer to Biden-caused chaos, Whites are leaving the big cities, snapping up all the cheap houses that are ready to move into, but the UP is full to bursting with empty old houses that are not livable at the moment but can be bought cheap, fixed up with elbow grease, and flipped. 

I urge you to





….Spiritual reading for September 10

You may find yourself feeling sad today. The agenda for the day has to do with disengaging. There is so much with which you are engaged—in fact it has been up to this point essential that you engage in order to give weight and ballast to your being on earth.
There remain, and always will, some elements of your life in form with which you need to stay engaged, but they are few and you will need discernment and a willingness to choose only those things that actually sustain and nourish the being you are becoming.
The rest cannot come with you, and this is a good day for bidding them adieu.
What do we mean by this? We mean that you have surrounded yourselves, depending on who you are and the course your life has taken, with the things that make it worthwhile to be in form. Without those, you would probably have disappeared long ago. Is it family? Is it beauty? Is it service? Is it integrity? Is it faith? Just some possibilities.
Each of you know how securely (or not) you are tethered to this plane of existence and with some contemplation will be able to ascertain of what your tethers are constructed. When you think of cutting those ties, what happens? Does your body seize up in terror? If so, you are indeed held in
form by that thing.
We are asking you to assess again today: is this (or that) what you wish to be attached to? If not, (and if you are honest with yourself, you will find things that although they help you maintain a presence here, make it engaging and seemingly worthwhile, are not in line with your trajectory) then it is a very good day to gently let them go.
All you really need to do is to recognize anything that you are clinging to which does not serve your long-term and higher goals. That is enough. For there is a transformation which must take
place: as you let go of those ties that bind you to the past and to a way of being you no longer can embrace, you will be reaching for other anchors. You will, most of you, stay in form, and you cannot do that unless you are either unconscious or delighted.
The delight will come. But first, you need to bring to consciousness anything that is weighing you down into body at this time. As we have noted, you all have done a good job of creating the necessary ties to keep yourselves here. Now it is time to refine them, to choose those you want to keep and identify those that are now too old, habitual, maybe very comfortable, but discordant.

If you are sad, this may well be why. Feeling out of harmony with oneself and one’s purpose is irritating, and it cannot be tolerated consciously for very long.

*** Some lines I just bolded from the very beginning of “Rich Men North of Richmond” (now at 62 MILLION views)

Rich Men North of Richmond Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I‘ve been sellin’ my soul, workin’ all day
Overtime hours for bullshit pay
So I can sit out here and waste my life away
Drag back home and drown my troubles away

It’s a damn shame what the world’s gotten to
For people like me and people like you
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true
But it is, oh, it is

Livin’ in the new world
With an old soul
These rich men north of Richmond
Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don’t think you know, but I know that you do
‘Cause your dollar ain’t shit and it’s taxed to no end
‘Cause of rich men north of Richmond

[Verse 2]
I wish politicians would look out for miners
And not just minors on an island somewhere

Lord, we got folks in the street, ain’t got nothin’ to eat
And the obese milkin’ welfare
Well, God, if you’re five-foot-three and you’re three-hundred pounds
Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of Fudge Rounds
Young men are puttin’ themselves six feet in the ground
‘Cause all this damn country does is keep on kickin’ them down

*** I saw this t-shirt yesterday at the local Holiday, a convenience-store/gas-station chain here in town:

“Work like crazy to support the lazy”


Lord, it’s a damn shame what the world’s gotten to
For people like me and people like you
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true
But it is, oh, it is

Livin’ in the new world
With an old soul
These rich men north of Richmond [= the libtard/Demoncrat/RINO/MIC-warmonger/racial minority/militant-gay Washington DC crowd]

Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don’t think you know, but I know that you do
‘Cause your dollar ain’t shit and it’s taxed to no end
‘Cause of rich men north of Richmond

I’ve been sellin’ my soul, workin’ all day
Overtime hours for bullshit pay


Takes a Virginia man to tell the world the truth and they’re all listening. Not the first time. Virginians are proud again! Thank you, Chris.
I am 76 y.o. Your song reminds me of our protests in the ’60s. It is epic and I can only hope that it helps spark widespread protests against the political class and the enormous wealth disparity in this country. You go, Anthony, and thank you.
This guy is LITERALLY saying what we all are thinking right now in this world. Thank you so much, man.
I’m from the snowy countryside of Sweden and I understand every word you say. I can see myself in every word you sing. Thank you for an amazing song — the best song I ever heard, so keep it up, keep your soul, and don’t sell it.
This song gives me goosebumps, I’m a young, very hard-working 23-year-old mechanic who came in the trade expecting to make a good living and love what I do, making good money & working 100+ hours a week. But I find myself working myself to the bone and still struggling to make ends meet. When you make more, then they take more. “It’s a damn shame, what the world’s gotten to.”
I’m a 42 years old truck driver and have been working 70 hours a week plus side work for over 7 years straight. And this hit home. I take responsibility for not living a financially perfect younger life, but pair that with a divorce and a family tragedy, I feel buried and no matter how much I grind and stay positive, I see no light at the end of the tunnel.
Politicians are so out of touch with who they “represent”. It’s gotten so much harder just to stay afloat these past few years. I do not need or want any handouts. But stop making it so damn hard for hard-working Americans to get ahead or climb out of struggles, no matter how we got there.
For me, it’s not just the lyrics, it’s the performance. Oliver reminds me of a lone wolf howling at the moon in frustration. It’s just beautiful. Powerful.
42 year old Texan here. Your soul screams through the message. Keep fighting the good fight, brother.

As your awareness rises, so does the irritation, and eventually it becomes necessary to address. Do it today. Tell yourself the truth. That is all that you can do: it may hurt for a while, but it truly will set you free. For greater and more harmonious connections with other beings and your planet.

Don’t doubt this—you have not refined yourself to the extent of your potential. You are capable of so much more, and we are your cheerleaders, here to shout you on to the heights you agreed to scale when you took form this time.

We love you and know that this day, although potentially painful, will help you open immensely for gifts that are just waiting to be bestowed. All our blessings.



…..Comrade from deep behind “libtard enemy lines” in Massachusetts writes me:

(commenting on this article)

Life and Death in America’s Hottest City; climate change IS real but caused by HAARP and chemtrails

John, I was in line at a post office. I heard the clerk complain about the weather to the customer directly ahead of me. The heat and more so the humidity today were off the charts. Horrible. I kept the weather conversation going as I interacted with the clerk. I wrote down the website and gave it to him. He said something to the effect that he was a conspiracy theorist. I said I was also, but that I preferred the title “truther,” but that I really didn’t like that title either.

One subject led to another, and I mentioned the hundreds of hours of reading I had under my belt regarding Covid and the so-called “vaccines”. He told me his mother refused to hug him until he got the “vaccine”, so he relented. He looked under 45. He told me he had heart surgery that he blames on the “vaccine”. I asked, and he told me he’s always been healthy and that the heart problem came about one year after his second injection.

I was sorry to see someone who was awake injured from the death jab.

I meet, at most, an awake individual maybe once every six months.


And he also commented:

I didn’t have time to read the whole looooong article ;-), but thank you, thank you, thank you.

Yes, global warming is REAL, IMHO. And it’s the geoengineering doing it!

I get so pissed off at the right-wingers ALL claiming global warming is a hoax. But none of them ever, ever mention geoengineering. I stopped listening to Dr. Vernon Coleman altogether because he calls people like me “nutters” in every single video. It’s the heavy metals dumped into the atmosphere, stupid!

I think we’re all screwed (doomed) as a result, too. Got a bucket list of things you want to do in life? Do them ASAP! The weather is freaky, scary, science fiction-like bad. I have such a feeling of dread knowing this will take us all out in the coming years.
I replied:
Thank you very much for this comment.

One awake person every six months….aye-aye-aye. But I believe it in the People’s Republic of Massachusetts. Black governors, gay white governors, Chinese female mayors….it never ends. And just open your mouth and disagree, and they put a hating and a bullying on you. These are basically communists in their mindset.

Instead of hating everyone and everything, the drag queens, SJWs and libtards could do this, but naaah:

I remember in early 2008 when Margi and I were looking at housing in western Pennsylvania, north of Pittsburgh, and, being a very gregarious person, a “people person,” I engaged clerks in conversation, and also fellow diners, waitresses, barmaids, and even cops. What a refreshing difference from Obongo-adoring Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and the Washington DC area! It was so very right-wing in greater Pittsburgh.

But in Libtardia 1) every other person is a wog, and 2) even with the Whites, you have to “walk on eggshells” = watch what you say.



I just had two guests and major donors up here, and they saw in the diners and shops the truth of what I have said on this site for years:

You can converse so easily about what is going on in the world with UP-of-Michigan people. This area voted twice in 70% landslides for Trump and is 99% white. 🙂 The hard-core Trump voters are basically white, blue-collar Oliver Anthony types. Trump carried Michigan twice by white landslides, though in 2020 the blacks and jews, under jewish governor Gretchen Whitmer, did brazenly steal it for Biden:

They may not yet get it about Hitler and the jews. That is “a bridge too far.” But about race (especially the Blacks), the militant LGBTQ agenda, and Biden (Joe and Hunter both), Jeffrey Epstein, and the Covid clot-shot, they DO get that part.

The incredible success of the “Rich Men North of Richmond” song, now at 62 million views, speaks volumes.

And in pure-white, pro-Trump, rightwing areas like this you can leave your car unlocked and your house too.

The UP is a place to come and make great money rehabbing and flipping old houses, just exactly as I did with the house Margi bought for $27K in 2017. I put $6K into it and sold it in THREE DAYS for $100K.

This house in a perfect neighborhood right in the village of Ontonagon, a one-minute drive to Lake Superior, with a great garage, new roof, siding and windows, can be had for $12K, then you fix up the interior for another $10K. Total cost: $22K. Then you sell it for $75K!!!!!

There are two ways to become a millionaire with even just a 90 IQ: be six-foot-seven, black and play for the NBA…. 😉 but if you are not 6’7″, 21, and black 😉 , then the other way to become a millionaire — with no college or even a high school diploma — is buy, rehab and flip [= resell] old houses.

Or hire a tradesman to rehab it.

We have so many tradesmen up here who know how to do it all and work cheap: roofing, siding, flooring, plumbing, and wiring.

I did it myself!

White-flighters are pouring into the UP now looking for houses, fleeing from negro-ruined Chicago, Illinois; hispanic-and-jew-ruined Colorado; hispanic-jew-and-white-libtard-destroyed California; from Somali-wrecked Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota; from Milwaukee, Wisconsin; from negrified Detroit and Flint, in lower Michigan; but all the livable ones at low prices are GONE, snapped up after Biden stole the election and became prez in Jan. 2021.

In Milwaukee, Wisconsin: negro goes back into the kitchen and slugs white female cook in the head; white female co-worker draws on him. 


You never EVER get that up here.


Yes, there are drugs — they are everywhere — but the cops know who the dealers are, and eventually catch every single one. DUI, drugs and alcoholism, and some domestic violence (I know two cases here in town), not street crime and burglary, are the issues up here.

I was still down in the Pittsburgh area in 2011 when I heard a whole report on NPR (National Public Radio) about “flipping” houses. It was a young jewish couple in the Buffalo, upstate New York area. Both had college degrees but the economy was flat in year two of Obama’s Great Recession. So they watched YouTube videos about flipping houses! Now they were worth TWO MILLION DOLLARS!

I also got to know a landlord in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, a white German-American named Roderick S. He rehabbed an old, decrepit apartment building, then rented out the apartments. He did all the plumbing himself, the rewiring, changing light bulbs, and put in new toilets himself — you name it, he learned to do it. It is not rocket science. 😉

A gas-pump jockey at forty, Roderick was worth a million dollars at fifty! I know — because I helped him with his estate planning. I saw his bank account.

All it takes is this: get off your ass, stop reading shit online about how terrible everything is (and fear not — the jews and ngrs will still be there, jewing and ngring away at the end of the day for you to read all about for the one-millionth time 😉 ) and instead, roll up your sleeves and get to work.

All it takes is an average IQ, a work ethic, a good rapport with a clerk or assistant manager down at the hardware store or at Home Depot, diligence and common sense.

If you have that alone, you are good to go.

And you can see the tangible results of your work! The house looks visibly better and better every day. 🙂 It’s a whole lot better than posting a shadow-banned comment on JewTube 😉 or preaching to the choir of cranky incels on Daily Stormer 😉

And what is the risk?

Well, will decent housing in a friendly white neighborhood ever go out of style for white people?

Will the day come when people don’t need a watertight roof over their head? 😉

Is “white flight” a fad? Hell no — it has been going on nationwide since the big race riots of 1967!

In blue, US counties which are 40% or more racial minorities: Blax of all kinds, Hispanics,  Amerindians, Hindu Indians, East Asians, muslims, etc.

Now, if the price of any house is way low, either there is a problem with the house or with the neighborhood. If it is a black or barrio Hispanic neighborhood, or white junkies, obviously just forget it. (Such wog areas just do not exist up here.)

So the house needs fixing up: a roof, or new flooring, wiring, or plumbing…. Maybe junkies stole the copper pipes. The attic may have bat poop in it. 😉

So you buy the house for $5K, put on a hazmat suit or a very good face mask, a PP2, not the Covid joke mask, and clean it out. Do NOT breathe in any dried feces from a bat, pigeon, raccoon or any other critter. You can get god and sick cleaning out a gutter with dried pigeon poop in it; I know a woman, a tomboy and fixer-upper gal, and she had lung problems for years after cleaning out one single gutter with no mask. So buy a GOOD mask and wear it!! A no-brainer.

You buy the house for $5K, put on some good music or podcasts, you fix it up for two months (if you know how to focus your time and attention), and then you sell it for $50K.

You just paid yourself $25K a month.

And while you are making serious bucks, you are helping rightwing white families.

I see also in Ontonagon many older white couples, retired with a nest egg, driving around and looking for houses. They do not need to find a job up here; they are in their late sixties!

They have their house in africanized Chicago on the market for $200K. They can so easily afford a place up here for $50K!

So come on up here, rehab and flip houses, and at the same time enjoy normal political conversations, far, far away from the fire-breathing, insane white libtards, and the sullen blacks and sometimes hostile or dangerous Hispanics.

White folks up here are mostly very honest and friendly.

Life is not perfect anywhere, but I have loved it up here for nine years now. I and a local tradesman and friend (not NS but a pro-Trump conservative, and that is good enough for me) rehabbed the house Margi had bought — and I am no blue-collar guy — but even I flipped it in three days for triple.

This female US Army Iraq veteran and mother of a toddler flipped 19 houses in one year!

What the hell are you waiting for? Do you prefer whining and being broke? 😉

Afraid you’ll miss the jews?

Take monetary advantage of this racial chaos and crime wave. Buy, rehab and flip houses for white couples and families, lead a busy and useful life, and have some wealth!

And if you have no capital to buy anything, move up here and learn plumbing, wiring, painting, roofing and flooring from a local trademan on the job, as an apprentice! Make $12-15 an hour to start out even if you know nothing!

Contact me at and send me your phone number.


This great Founding Father, who had 200 negro slaves, saw it all coming, and now it is here:


…..Did Tucker Carlson cagely tip his hat to me in January 2022? 


Closet WN Tucker Carlson (biggest news show on television) apparently alludes to me and to Ontonagon

….Drone over Ontonagon

….Tucker Carlson alluded yesterday to a “depopulated Finnish settler town on Lake Superior”

There are thousands of run-down, depopulated white towns in the vast American Rust Belt, which encompasses half the United States.

But Tucker Carlson,who has the number-one news-commentary show on all of American television, chose to describe one yesterday (see the video below) that exactly matches the Ontonagon I live in and am urging people to move to before they are killed in a race war or forcibly death-vaxxed.

The jews are absolutely right that Carlson is a closet white nationalist, as Patrick Buchanan was before him.

And Tucker probably knows exactly who I am.

I have left him important messages on his news tip line, but there are other reasons for him as a very smart and with-it guy to know me, among them Putin using my site on September 11, 2016 to warn Trump against assassination by the jews. 

Now watch Carlson here — 12:12-18:

“At some point down the road you could imagine young people setting out for the all-but-abandoned interior of our continent.

Some might figure out that a

depopulated Finnish settler town on the banks of Lake Superior 

may be a better place to live and raise children [….]

[Where are these depopulated Finnish towns? In the western part of Upper Michigan! Ontonagon is all that, and its pop. is just 1400, once 3,500. This is why you can get a beautiful old house that an esteemed Congressman once raised his kids in for $40,000, two blocks from the lake.]

*** A commentator interjected that the video below amounted to only five seconds.

FYI – the Tucker Carlson YouTube video you linked to is only the first 5 seconds of his show. Where is the full video showing what you claimed he said about moving to the UP?

I replied:
As for the Carlson video being only five seconds, that is simply astounding, or then again, not. Margi and I watched it last night at this URL, and it was 27 minutes long. Now it is indeed five seconds long, which is, of course, absurd. No one would ever publish a 5-sec. news video.

So JewTube obviously cut it down.

I noticed the same thing now with THIS video of the same 1/4/22 Carlson Tonight broadcast as well, but it is an even more ludicrous four seconds long:

Maybe the jews saw my blog and changed it. They clearly hate me, as do some white nationalists. Is hatred the path forward, comrade?

And here is the video, which I found at another URL (at 12:04-10):

And here is just the snippet about the Finnish settler town, and, btw, there are almost no Finnish settler towns (with a thousand or more people, not a hamlet) except Ontonagon that are located ON Lake Superior, on the littoral.

After seven years here, in terms of actual towns, I know only of two such towns, my own Ontonagon, and maybe Copper Harbor.

EVERYone is white…. and many of these blondes are natural blondes.

In any case, I choose to take this as a sign to continue and  fulfill my task despite constant, incredible (and also very recent) acute discouragements.

Carlson has the biggest news/commentary show in all of American television.

Thank you, Tucker, or whatever angel is guiding you.

PS update (9/10/23): Tucker’s show aired the day Margi and I got the news that her cancer was back. I lost the love of my life 363 days ago. But, as Nietzsche said, tragedies either kill you or make you stronger.


  1. Well, to be honest we can agree that global warming caused by “normal” humans is a hoax, yes?
    I mean, they telling us nonsense for years now, like that driving cars, farting(yes, really! Mostly this of cattle) and such things cause global warming.
    I´m not denying geo-engineering at work. See my chemtrail comment on the other article.

    However I don´t agree that it´s necessarily warming, but the weather changing can work in all directions.

    Some weeks ago we had a cold period with rain and temperatures abnormal for this year. It felt more like November than July/August.
    The weather forecast said it was caused by the jetstream.

    Now we had the heat wave, also caused by the jetstream.

    Maybe this jetstream is now manipulated by humans? Remember, unfitting weather can be bad in all constellations. If it´s too wet and cold, plants can die and therefore harvest, mold can destroy it.
    If it´s too hot, it´s damaging the harvest, too.

  2. I found something very interesting. The doctor responsible for the learned helplessness experiment is Jewish.

    In the experiment a dog was placed in a place where he would receive electrical shocks from time to time but couldn’t escape. With time the dog would become more and more apathetic to the point that even when a very easy escape was offered, the dog wouldn’t have willpower to try to escape. It was necessary to grab the dog’s legs and teach him to walk off the experiment. This experiment was repeated many times, with different dogs. It is a real pattern.

    This happens with people too. Some suffer so much they don’t even try anymore do anything. It is very dangerous. It could be small aggressions, little by little. It destroys some people.
    And I am sure this is something used to control people’s behavior. We must always remember not to let be transformed into it.

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