Stripe, PayPal, and other donation methods

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A European WN wrote me:
Hello, John.
I trust you are keeping well.  John, as you likely know, after just one year, PayPal closed our account. Obviously, we are looking for alternatives. Someone said your system seemed to be very good…. we checked it out on your home page; it is impressive and seems to tick all the boxes.  I wonder therefore if you could advise or help us to set something similar up?
I replied:
Hi, [].
I use Stripe, which has recently discontinued service for, the alt-right alternative to Twitter. They also discontinued or rejected DailyStormer.
But then again, the guy who (supposedly!!) shot 11 jews in Pittsburgh posted stuff to Gab, and posted a final message “Screw the optics. I’m going in” —  just before he did it.
So that “justified” both Stripe canceling Gab and also the webhost unhosting it.
DS, of course, is ultra-radical, uses ethnic epithets constantly (nigger, kike, gook, fag, etc.) , and also constantly does overt women-bashing, promotes “white sharia” [! — why would any white European like anything islamic?), literally glorifies rape, etc.
But since your writing, like mine, is much “tamer,” Stripe might work out for you, at least for a while. It has for me. I just got in a $110 donation from Oz that way.
My webmaster [] is very good at setting it up, btw.
I got an email from a South African WN, btw, with this relevant content:
Getting money from the USA is not that difficult. It just appears to me, after months of struggle, that the real problem is that donors only trust Paypal and only use Paypal and will not consider other alternatives. They also want it to be on a button on my website. This makes it extremely difficult, if not outright impossible. Jews will simply monitor my pages and report my donations page to the relevant company. So making donation methods public brings with it a huge risk of harassment. All the easy methods of doing donations, e.g. Paypal, Credit Cards with Stripe, etc – are very easy to monitor and stop if it is put out in public.
Bitcoin is the only easy method one can use in public. I had some Bitcoin donors for a short while but then everyone stopped. I don’t know why. Bitcoin works really well. Bitcoin is actually perfect. For money transfer, Bitcoin is excellent. I’ve never had a single problem with it. I just wouldn’t want to put my life savings into Bitcoin for 20 years. That I wouldn’t do. But for the pure transfer of money, it works great.
There are many money transfer companies that we can use, but it requires a person to go and create an account. For some reason, it seems my donors are not keen to try other methods, even ones that I’ve tested with a few people and which work perfectly. 

I would help anyone who wants to try other methods. I could either give them a PDF file with screen shots and instructions. Or, I would go and create the account in their name myself and then they change the password afterwards so I don’t have access and they then have total control.

I really have to try to stay away from Paypal. But it seems as if 90% of my donors aren’t willing to try any other alternatives. I’ve even offered to give my US Bank account details, and people just don’t show an interest. So I’m totally stumped. I will continue to run off my savings into next year and will have to explore other possibilities, because I don’t seem to be able to get to my original hope of monthly subscribers. That just doesn’t seem possible any more.

We whites need alternatives to PayPal and Stripe. Such things are possible, but one needs a lot of money for that. However, in the shorter term, one can function using methods that are less slick, and require more work, and are more tedious to use. But such things already exist. 

We could have a whites only bank/credit card: In fact, I’ve checked with friends of mine. It is possible to have an international bank of our own for $10 million. It is possible for us to have our own credit card too. We whites can actually control something of our own and nobody could stop it, if enough of us stuck together and did it. I’m sure the Alt-Right is getting big enough that we could set up our own international bank or our own international credit card. You can set these things up in ways that cannot be stopped legally. 

So there you have it, our spiritually retarded WNs refusing to use something that works perfectly well. They insist we either use the hostile, jew-run PayPal, which cancels us, and is The Enemy, or they will send nothing at all! 😉
Same goes for Faceberg. Absolute refusal to use the almost uncensored VK while being suspended.
They prefer to just mope and complain that a jew, Zuckerberg, censors antisemites!! (Imagine that!)

Gomer Pyle in The Big House

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Truly, as the French wrily observe,
“A man would rather die than change his habits.” 😉
Insane is what this is.
People are literally insane. They do insane things on a daily basis.
They knowingly harm themselves, their health, their loved ones, their country and their race.
I am talking WNs here who know what is at stake!
(Andrew Anglin of DS has ranted in almost the same way. All of us activists do, privately. I mean, really — you truly cannot send one dollar? 😉 )
This is why I am creating a new spiritual movement, because people now are such cowardly, selfish zombies that urgent facts, truths, extreme and imminent danger to body and health, and duty are all irrelevant to these people.
Margi and I lost everything in 2014 we had except what we could stuff in a car, and at 60 had to totally start over. With thousands of readers daily, we did not get one penny to move when facing homelessness.
So we had to abandon everything we had accumulated in nine years together: books, furniture, clothes, appliances, plates, knives, forks, you name it.
There is just no point carrying on with the old race-and-the-jews info. The white race, including or especially WNs, is subconsciously getting ready to die.
Only something truly, radically different can turn this situation around. That is my mission.
So in a way I am glad we lost almost everything in 2014. I lost my delusion that facts, truth and duty matter. When people are spiritually awake, they do. But when they are in a dream state, as Gurdjieff said, humans are actually lower than animals. Animals at least run or fight when there is danger. Whites either do nothing, or attack their own friends. 😉

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