“Stubborn Dutchmen”

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Margi asked me in 2019 to take down my blog about the WN and revisionist who stiffed her for $20,000 as she was battling cancer,  the sociopath Fred Leuchter. (This blog originally came out in April 2019.)

She was insistent that reaching out to his friends was the right path to try.

Okayyyy….. 😉

(Leuchter never paid one dime back or apologized.)

I had a jarring vision in January involving Margi, not a dream, but a true vision, and many people have them but keep quiet about it except to their closest family and friends.

It was like an old, 1940s, family black-and-white photo…. And the woman was clearly Margi, presumably in her last life, but with platinum-blond hair, wearing a bathing suit and sitting on the beach.

As in many other such visions, it felt like an angel was grabbing me by the lapel and shaking me. At such moments, when a much higher and wiser power intervenes, you feel both loved and, well, intimidated. 😉 Any time someone can wake you up and make you see something they want you to see, you realize 1) we are “not alone” and 2) there are loving but stern beings who are far above us in wisdom and raw power.

I felt that the intent was to reveal to me things about Margi, among them that she was in a critical condition with her cancer. That turned out to be 100% true. I began spending lots more time on her care.

The other thing was that I somehow suddenly saw her as clearly having been an eastern German, one of the millions who perished in the Hellstorm. When I told her of my vision, she told me she felt absolutely that she had been in this “Hellstorm.”

Some say that as many as 13 million German civilians died in the war and the first two years of Allied occupation.

Hellstorm The Death of Nazi Germany 1944-1947 by Thomas Goodrich

Margi and I did six voices for the documentary film version of this book:

Btw, I am the person who found, scanned in, and published this photo of a German woman after a bombing raid, which subsequently went viral.

I found it in this book, Der Bombenkrieg in Deutschland:

Eastern German women in Koenigsberg, East Prussia in 1945

I have run these photos many times, which speak volumes.


Anyway, I fully subscribe to the view that our bad character traits, and our traumas in previous lives, unless they are processed in an enlightened way, can affect and harm us today.

I was appalled when Margi informed me by phone from Asheville, North Carolina, that she had lent $20,000 to the guy who has now, as I predicted, stiffed her.

But, yes, it was indeed her inheritance money, not mine and she earned it by lovingly caring for her folks for three years until they passed. ( I did not join her there, in Asheville, because they were hyper-liberals, in fact, FDR lovers (!), and I felt with certainty that there would be a meltdown with them over me.)

But while Margi had the right to dispose of her funds as she wished, I can also see in her action with the loan, and other things, all the signs of a “stubborn kraut.” 😉  Look at that jawline. 😉

And that is the trait, stubbornness, to which my dad would refer when he occasionally referred to someone as being a “stubborn Dutchman.”  

“Dutch” refers here to the old American usage where Dutch meant “deutsch,” that is, a German. The term “Pennsylvania Dutch” refers, of course, to a sect of pacifist Germans.

(Holland was a part of Germany, actually, as was Switzerland, and both these nations, separate from Germany since 1648, speak germanic dialects that are very close to German. The truth is that both nations do not like their German cousins very much, partly due to their arrogance, bluntness, and refusal to admit a mistake.)

In this scene from the Pennsylvania Dutch movie “Witness,” Margi is like the Amish man urging the peaceful approach, which I think is only further madness, and I am, with every fiber of my being, like the undercover cop, as played by Harrison Ford. 😉

Applying this to myself, the decision to invade Russia in order to occupy and enslave it (and NOT just to defeat communism!!!!) and to make Russia a part of Germany, was an act of colossal, German-style stubbornness, and a moral and strategic catastrophe.

Two thirds of our soldiers who died did so on the Eastern Front.

And by waging a war of naked conquest, I united both the communist and anti-communist Russians, who hated each other, against me.

Even after Stalingrad, when we lost the entire Sixth Army — 300,000 men —
and all hope of cutting off Soviet access to the oil fields of Baku, I still stubbornly nourished the mad dream of taking Russian land — what the Israelis have done with the Palestinians.

I even refused the offer of the captured Russian general Vlassov to create a FIVE-MILLION-MAN RUSSIAN NATIONAL LIBERATION ARMY to fight for the liberation of his homeland as our partner. But I did not want Russians as partners, but instead as slaves.

…..Hitler’s moral and strategic disaster in Russia:  the goal was to seize European Russia for Germany, not just destroy bolshevism

The trait of not admitting a mistake and not reversing course is very, very German.

It is also the negative, “flip” side of the outstanding German quality of determination.

It is just incredible how Germany rebounded by sheer willpower from utter devastation in both WWI and then again, even worse, after WWII, to become a leading and admired nation again.

When you think of the archetypical German, he has this powerful jaw and look that says: “Obstacles are made to overcome.”

But what I have learned through Eckhart Tolle, an enlightened German, is that you must get control of your mind, and not let your mind control you.

When Aryans do get control of their mind, they can beat their own ego, and thus both cowardice and excess belligerency, both arrogance and excessive guilt, and then — then only — can we beat the 1/4 of 1% of the human race who are the Jews.

For all their own faults, they always unite against us, and, above all else, they exploit our egoic weaknesses.

The future will be glorious when national socialism 2.0 comes!

I thank the important Washington DC comrade who knows me and Margi very well, and who pledged last night to send $1,000 to Margi for her cancer care. She can still beat this monster that is cancer, or at least live with it for many years while being productive, as is often the case with head and neck cancer. Fighting cancer is like fighting a long war.

And I warn the man who stiffed her that if she dies from lack of funds to pursue her healing, I will hold him responsible. National socialism is helping the good — AND crushing the shameless and wicked.

Her hero, with a high pile of washed dishes in her kitchen 😉

At a café in Marquette, where Margi just had another PET scan



As in the 1985 movie “Witness,” our race is capable of the highest cooperation and the most beautiful nobility when we eliminate the ego that blinds us to reality. This is still the best film that I have seen about the Amish to date. (The music score here by French composer Maurice Jarre is also amazing. 🙂 )
It portrays them in the truest light as a peaceful group of people who work hard day and night, hold firm to their beliefs, and are not corrupted by materialism and worldly things.
By the end of the film I was disappointed because Harrison Ford’s character, John Booke, and Kelly McGillis’s character, Rachel, couldn’t stay together, but it made sense because they were from two different worlds.






  1. You left out the fact that my own first Hochstetler ancestor on this continent embodied the pathological altruism you speak of (“stubborn Dutchman”) to a tee.

    When the Indians came to attack the family in their Pennsylvania home, Jakob Hochstetler told his sons to put down their rifles because they (Anabaptists) were pacifists. After the Indians had killed and scalped his wife and daughter and taken him and 2 sons captive, I guess he had plenty of time (three years of captivity) to reflect on his decision.


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