“Student loans” — jewsury (compound interest) was designed to financially enslave our brightest Whites forever, and make having white kids unaffordable

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White America as I knew it when I was a boy seems like another universe now.

What a joke! Biden promises student loan relief, but taking away just $10K is nothing, a drop in the bucket! Read the tweets below. People have $100K or more in student debt! AND even forgiving $10K will balloon the federal deficit by $200 billion, stoking inflation further. And now even this paltry measure by Creepy Joe Brandon is blocked in the courts….


In 1948, when West Germany, under Allied control, introduced the Deutschmark, after the decision was made to let the West German economy take off, and unshackle the energies of the workaholic German people (though not out of any love for Germany!), there was a total, nationwide debt forgiveness.

Personal, corporate and government debts were simply wiped out. Everyone started out fresh and debt-free! No mortgages, no credit card debt, no nothing!

Result? The West German economy exploded!

Fact: ALL debts must be cancelled now, because

1) compound-interest debt strangles the economy of the nation, and

2) it is money owed to our psychopathic jew enemy!

How different my America was in the 1950s…. White America was basically intact and flourishing. Men were sexually normal, self-confident, most did military service, they got good-paying jobs once out of the service, and women were fulfilled as mothers of 4-6 kids, and very proud of it.

Divorce? Very little. Drugs — almost zilch (unless, of course, you counted booze. 😉 )   America was full of blue-eyed white people, many with light hair as well.

And every single thing you see in this graphic was MADE in the white USA: shoes, clothes, tires, and vehicles (made of steel, not plastic). NO ONE WAS OBESE. And Americans with average IQs did not waste time at college, but got decent-paying jobs in the trades, doing the nation’s vital work.
The younger generation has no idea or experience of what a white society is anymore, or real men, who served in the military, knew how to fight or shoot a rifle, and did not have a limp-wristed, faggoty voice, and they had no gigantic debts hanging over them. 

And now read these tweets about student debt today in terminal-stage Jewmerica:



…..A comment on VK


The student loan scheme in Australia ,was used by many people on the dole ,to at least briefly ,give them the illusion of social participation and a degree of status greater than being unemployed . Universities made millions offering meaningless degrees ,in mostly social sciences or art ,to lower middle class women . Previously free tuition was replaced by loans in the 1990’s because ,the idea of giving away anything for free ,was considered unethical by the Jews running academia.
John De Nugent Aufdeutsch
Jerry, Boy, this shows yet again how “the West” is ruled by one single group, the jews, as their empire, tolerating no disagreement, using, of course, the gigantic US as their massive hammer of enforcement.


  1. Also, to add, destroying the youth’s potential by wasting it in the school system by not learning anything useful, especially in our early years, is one of the greatest crimes ever.
    It is the wasting of our potential, time, and our spirit from rising to its greatest intensity. Modern culture has got to be the worst and dullest in our long history.

  2. This is the reason I still don’t have a 4-year degree. I’m already heavily in debt, and don’t want to add to it, even though I really want a 4-year degree. I guess the only solution is to take one night class at a time and try to pay cash for it, but that will take many years, by which time I’ll be too old.

  3. A few comments:

    1. it is, of course, pure madness that some print fiat money, produce unbacked money and lend it at interest in order to claim tangible assets from debtors in the long run.

    2. “And every single thing you see in this graphic was MADE in the white USA: shoes, clothes, tires, and vehicles (made of steel, not plastic).”
    Cubans still enjoy the quality of the cars made by the former U.S. automobile industry.[0] Just imagine how much stress and how many miles the bodies and the engines have already been exposed to, but the cars go on and on …

    At that time the American engineers were still allowed to invent and design quality products, but later completely different directives were set, later the profit maximizing managers stabbed the engineers in the back over and over again, put pressure on them to bring not yet fully developed products to the market and invented “planned obsolescence”. Profit maximization for the respective business quarter was in the foreground, everything else was of no interest.

    As far as I remember correctly, engineers at General Motors in the late 1970s asked for one more year for technical optimization of various passenger car diesel engine prototypes. But (if remembered correctly) managers put pressure on them to release the engines ahead of schedule. A mistake, as there were said to be aspects of technical immaturity.

    The U.S. auto industry has been so innovative and quality-oriented since its inception, but since the 1970s, profit-maximizing managers kept stabbing creative people in the back.[3][4] Of course, these tendencies prevail worldwide today, especially because of the compound interest system.

    “[…] The younger generation has no idea or experience of what a white society is anymore, […]”
    The USA was a second Europe, in its most original form. This unique synthesis of white peoples, with the Anglo-Saxon linguistic roof.

    In addition, there were also flat hierarchies in some companies, so that many people (even without academic degrees!) could rise in a company if they had the appropriate organizational or creative potential, which would never have been possible in Europe. Unfortunately, the same (academic) title mania followed as in Europe.

    Life in the USA was of course also labor intensive (the natives could not enter the social system, they did not get paid for everything) and there were no social insurances like in Europe. Of course, there were social hierarchies and classism from the beginning and also white(!) slaves in the fields.

    Culturally, however, much was possible later and if one did not like the psychological atmosphere of one part of the country, one could move to another where a different one prevailed.

    US computer servers are to this day the last bastion of freedom of expression, as you, John de Nugent, yourself once documented in detail in your article, Why the US Revolution Still Affects the Present.
    In the 1970s there was still a white Europe and white U.S., but since then these formerly white cultural areas disintegrated into globalist multicultural hells.

    The background powers know now in any case: With the today’s white peoples and with the today’s white race one can do literally everything! They do not defend themselves, they let themselves be plundered up to the last shirt, displaced by multiculti, exterminated, let themselves be injected to death etc. etc..
    But sometime the surviving debut people [= no or only little incarnation experiences] will awake, and then the chaos will be perfect, then first everything will fly apart, when the formerly ingnorant will suddenly awake and lash out wildly.

    Thank you for the tweets, they are extremely revealing and illustrative, regarding the debt enslavement of students.


    [0] “Why Cuba’s Streets Are Filled With Classic Cars”,

    [1] English: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planned_obsolescence
    German: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geplante_Obsoleszenz

    [2] “Why Oldsmobile’s Diesel V8 Failed”,

    [3] Another example, this ingenious product was simply taken off the market:
    “Why GM Cancelled The 1973-1978 GMC MotorHome”,

    Playlists, historic films, nicely demonstrates the past quality standards:
    “How Cars Work and Stuff Like that”,

    “Vintage “How Cars” Work Films”,


    In German: Danke für diesen Artikel + Warum ich die US-Kultur wertschätze

    Ein paar Anmerkungen:

    1. Es ist natürlich der pure Wahnsinn, daß die einen Fiat-Money drucken, ungedecktes Geld herstellen und es gegen Zinsen verleihen, um langfristig bei den Schuldnern Sachwerte einzufordern.

    2. “And every single thing you see in this graphic was MADE in the white USA: shoes, clothes, tires, and vehicles (made of steel, not plastic).”
    Die Kubaner erfreuen sich bis heute an der Qualität der Autos der ehemaligen US-amerikanischen Automobilindustrie.[0] Man muß sich das mal vorstellen,wieviel Belastung und wievielen Meilen die Karosserien und die Motoren bereits ausgesetzt sind, aber die Autos fahren und fahren weiter …

    Damals durften die amerikanischen Ingenieure noch Qualitätsprodukte erfinden und konstruieren, aber später wurden gänzlich andere Direktiven gesetzt, später fielen die Profitmaximierungs-Manager den Ingenieuren immer und immer wieder in den Rücken, machten Druck, noch nicht ganz ausgereifte Produkte auf den Markt zu bringen und erfanden “Planned obsolescence”. Profitmaximierung für das jeweilige Geschäftsquartal stand im Vordergrund, alles andere interessierte nicht.

    Sofern ich mich richtig erinnere forderten die Ingenieure bei General Motors Ende der 1970er Jahre noch ein Jahr Zeit für die technische Optimierung verschiedener PKW-Dieselmotor-Prototypen. Aber (sofern richtig erinnert) machten die Manager Druck, die Motoren bereits vorzeitig freizugeben. Ein Fehler, denn es soll Aspekte der technischen Unausgereiftheit gegeben haben.

    Die US-Autoindustrie war seit ihrem Bestehen so innovativ und qualitätsorientiert, aber seit den 1970er Jahren fielen die Profitmaximierungs-Manager den Kreativen immer wieder in den Rücken.[3][4] Natürlich herrschen diese Tendenzen heute weltweit vor, insbesondere auch wegen dem Zinseszinssystem.

    “[…] The younger generation has no idea or experience of what a white society is anymore, […]”
    Die USA waren ein zweites Europa, in ihrer ureigensten Ausprägung. Diese einmalige Synthese weißer Völker, mit dem anglosächsischen Sprachendach.

    Außerdem gab es in manchen Firmen auch flache Hierarchien, so daß viele Menschen (auch ohne akademische Grade!) in einer Firma aufsteigen konnten, wenn sie über entsprechendes organisatorisches oder kreatives Potential verfügten, was in Europa niemals möglich gewesen wären. Leider folgte dann derselbe (akademische) Titelwahn wie in Europa.

    Das Leben in den USA war natürlich auch arbeitsam (die Einheimischen konnten nicht in das Sozialsystem einwandern, sie bekamen nicht alles bezahlt) und es gab keine Sozialversicherungen wie in Europa. Natürlich gab es von anfang an soziale Hierarchien und Standesdünkel und auch weiße(!) Sklaven auf den Feldern.

    Kulturell war später jedoch vieles möglich und wenn einem die psychologische Atmosphäre eines Landesteiles nicht behagte, konnte man in einen anderen ziehen, in dem eine andere vorherrschte.

    US-Computerserver sind bis heute die letzte Bastion der Meinungsfreiheit, wie Sie, John de Nugent, selber einmal ausführlich dokumentierten, in Ihrem Artikel, warum sich die US-Revolution noch bis heute auf die Gegenwart auswirkt.
    In den 1970er Jahren gab es noch ein weißes Europa und weiße USA, aber seitdem zerfielen diese ehemals weißen Kulturräume in globalistische Multikultihöllen.

    Die Hintergrundmächte wissen jetzt jedenfalls: Mit den heutigen weißen Völkern und mit der heutigen weißen Rasse kann man wortwörtlich alles machen! Sie wehren sich nicht, sie lassen sich bis auf das letzte Hemd ausplündern, durch Multikulti verdrängen, ausrotten, sich lassen sich totspritzen usw. usf.
    Aber irgendwann werden die überlebenden Debütmenschen [= keine bzw. nur wenig Inkarnationserfahrungen] erwachen, und dann wird das Chaos perfekt sein, dann wird erst einmal alles auseinanderfliegen, wenn die ehemals ingnoranten plötzlich erwachen und wild um sich schlagen werden.

    Danke für die Tweets, sie sind äußerst aufschlußreich und illustrativ, hinsichtlich der Schuldversklavung von Studenten.


    [0] “Why Cuba’s Streets Are Filled With Classic Cars”,

    [1] English: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planned_obsolescence
    German: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geplante_Obsoleszenz

    [2] “Why Oldsmobile’s Diesel V8 Failed”,

    [3] Another example, this ingenious product was simply taken off the market:
    “Why GM Cancelled The 1973-1978 GMC MotorHome”,

    Playlists, historic films, nicely demonstrates the past quality standards:
    “How Cars Work and Stuff Like that”,

    “Vintage “How Cars” Work Films”,

  4. Debt is a saleable commodity, and debts are very valuable.

    Most uni students are thick as a brick.And they leave uni even thicker than when they started. Subjects have to be dumbed down to get more ethnics into uni and debt. Afterward, students get the shit knocked out of them when they leave uni and enter the real world.

    All the Reds goes to uni to give them a sense of superiority. They sported the woke, transgender crap.

    I heard the head of a British student union denying [BNP chairman and Cambridge graduate] Nick Griffin a debating session, saying ” We have to deny free speech to some people in order to defend free speech.”

    Now the curriculum is altered because it’s “too white.”

    Why live in a country if it’s too white?

    Why turn it into a shite hole like the one you emigrated from?

    I had some dumb Polish girl, an immigarnt to Britain, then a fellow EU country, saying she knew all about British history because she had a degree. Therefore she was right and I was wrong .

    Pity the dumb Pole didn’t study her own Polish history.

    • Carl Mason’s comment describes it perfectly: so many students are imagining things because of their academic title.

      In the field of apprenticeship, there are only meaningful apprenticeships. However, at universities and among degree programs, there are countless ideology courses without any market value, which are not of any use to the market. And formerly valuable courses of study have now degenerated into pure gossip sciences (“Laberwissenschaften”), also non-marketable.

      And then these people complain that they can’t find work, even though they would have academic qualifications.[1]

      There is a movie scene about a scholar who goes to the job fair and is publicly ridiculed because he does not realize that his studies are completely useless in the free market/economy:

      “Murdoch Murdoch – E34 – They Sleep, We Live” (4 minutes),

      When this Murdoch-Murdoch short was released a few years ago, even Andrew Anglin was shocked at the fierceness of its content.


      [1] https://at.wikimannia.org/Laberwissenschaft


      In German: Den Nagel auf den Kopf getroffen!

      Carl Mason’s Kommentar beschreibt es perfekt: So viele Studenten bilden sich etwas ein ob ihres akademischen Titels.

      Im Ausbildungsbereich gibt es nur sinnvolle Ausbildungen. An den Universitäten und unter den Studiengängen gibt es jedoch unzählige Ideologiestudiengänge ohne jeglichen Marktwert, die nicht marktfähig sind. Und früher wertvolle Studiengänge sind mittlerweile zu reinen Geschwatzwissenschaften (“Laberwissenschaften”) verkommen, ebenfalls nicht-marktfähig.

      Und dann beschweren sich diese Menschen, daß sie keine Arbeit finden, obwohl sie doch akademische Qualifikationen hätten.[1]

      Es gibt da eine Spielfilmszene über einen Geistswissenschaftler der zur Stellenbörse geht und öffentlich verlacht wird weil er nicht erkennt, daß sein Studium vollkommen nutzlos ist auf dem freien Markt/in der Wirtschaft:

      “Murdoch Murdoch – E34 – They Sleep, We Live”,

      Als dieser Murdoch-Murdoch-Kurzfilm vor ein paar Jahren veröffentlicht wurde, war selbst Andrew Anglin schockiert ob der Heftigkeit seines Inhaltes.


      [1] https://at.wikimannia.org/Laberwissenschaft

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