A successful incarnation; THE AMA JEW THAT WANTED US TO DIE OF CANCER, Morris Fishbein, while JEW DOCTORS and Big Pharma got RICH

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For generations, Khazar MD Morris Fishbein and his successors have slowly killed MILLIONS of white people with agonizing cancers to increase jewish wealth.

Is your current life, your incarnation that you chose, turning out a success?

This is how you can tell.  Ask yourself this — how many people will miss you so much that they will cry for weeks and months after you die?

If, realistically, no one will miss you very much, then, sorry, but you are failing this incarnation.

You are just one more self-centered and forgettable person that no one will miss very long.

As for Margaret, losing her and missing her presence were,frankly, devastating, because she was a good, loving person who cared. Though very strong-willed, and we did have our tiffs like any couple, she was, in fact, my best friend for 17 years.

She went from this….. Margi and I in 2018 on Ontonagon Beach, and she weighed her normal 115 pounds….and, for an older lady, she was still a babe.

We bought farmer eggs every week from a local lady.

….and then we see her this way, emaciated, and down to 72 pounds. After radiation (which we had tried for months to avoid with natural-type cures) for her Stage III throat cancer, this gourmet chef and opera singer could neither eat by mouth nor sing.
Morris Fishbein had sentenced her and other Whites like her to a slow death by cancer.  My temples begin to thump when I see this photo, and believe me, I suffered too the whole time to see her suffer.

It was a battle of 4 1/3rd years — 2018-22 — that consumed our time and our money (some of it from wonderful and generous donation by my readers), including eating up her inheritance, so richly deserved by her for three years of caring, night and day, for her parents in Asheville, North Carolina. (Since they were hyper-liberals, I dared not accompany her to live with them…and her loving care for them actually prolonged their lives into their nineties….while I sat up here alone in Ontonagon, 1,200 miles away, for three years without my mate.)

Margaret was in constant PAIN — and the morphine only dulled it


And now I see from the video embedded in this article that Morris Fishbein of the AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION set out to DESTROY every brilliant and idealistic Gentile who had developed a cancer cure that WORKED. 



and after (at the Mayo Clinic), with pain written all over her face. Always she dressed beautifully, no matter how she felt. She never let herself go. Frankly, I feel rage. She did not deserve this.

Of course Time magazine glorified this Fishbein jew, who labelled any doctor who did NOT use surgery, chemo or radiation a “quack”and “charlatan” who deserved to go to jail and lose his medical license. And this is exactly what Fishbein did to anyone who disagreed with his lucrative methodology:he ruined and jailed them, ruling American medicine by terror.

Pls now do watch this video from the almost always excellent “Why Files” on YouTube on the “great” Morris Fishbein, MD, the jew head of JAMA, the Journal of the AMA (American Medical Association).

Yes, “trust the science” as defined by money-grubbing jews….back in the 1930s already, long before the Covid jew-jab, the clot-shot of 2020.

This Khazar “doctor,” the graduate of a mediocre, Podunk medical school, actually never practiced medicine (despite the lying puff piece on him in Wikipedia).  But what he did do was viciously persecute all doctors or scientists who sought or even FOUND cancer cures without surgery, chemo or radiation.



THIS VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!



How many MILLIONS of white people have died —  and in SLOW AGONY — since the 1930s, ninety years ago, and with sometimes devastating financial effects to the family (as happened in my case), because of the jew Morris Fishbein? 

Because of this wicked Khazar, Margi is no longer working for our race and accompanying me in my work. He body that once held me and the hands that once stroked my hair, the body of my beloved soulmate, are now ashes.

My blood pressure was at stroke level for months. Thanks, Morris, and I am more eager than ever now to repay you and your whole tribe for your atrocities. This house I was sitting in is long gone, because Margi’s death triggered a financial crisis. Monetarily as well as emotionally, I had really needed her to beat the cancer. (Just as an aside, you can see from this photo how my very DARK-blue eyes, just like Adolf’s, in indoor shots sometimes appeared as an unusual grayish-brown.)


So in what ways did spirituality help me?

As all my readers know, I am certain that life goes on after physical death. So, yes, it was a huge consolation to me to know that Margaret was now in a much better place than the hell-like America of the Biden era.

But it shocked me how much grief I then began feeling.

Tolle helped me to accept that I was grieving…. that grief was the flip side of love….. I was able to witness my pain and tears….and consciously accept the grieving process.


…..On Facebook

I am publishing this to show how many people who knew Margi loved her.

My wife and life partner of 17 years, Margaret, on 12 September 2022, after a 4-yr battle together against her throat cancer, passed on — missed by everyone who knew her, even by libtards. 😉

June 25

In Margi’s honor (she loved the Italian language and sang opera professionally in Washington DC) I offer herewith a BEAUTIFUL version in that melodious tongue of Sting’s huge hit “Fields of Gold”: I get tears all over again when I play it, tears of love and appreciation.

I thank an Italian comrade for sending me this. 🙂 🙂

Joe Williamson

Sorry to hear that John, may she rest in peace 

John De Nugent

Joe Williamson Thanks, I believe strongly in life after death and that we will see each other again. The NDE movie “Miracles from Heaven” is a true story of a fatal disease, then a fatal accident, a near-death experience and a miraculous cure…. A fully documented case, set at a Harvard hospital and also in Texas, and I loved this movie and watched it five times because it is all a true story.

God IS real and so is His love.


Joe Williamson

John De Nugent did your wife do traditional treatment?

John De Nugent

Joe Williamson She did all kinds of natural things. but they did not work, and she went to Stage III. Then we went to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota and did chemo and proton-beam radiation (lots). She was cancer-free (seemingly) for about a year, then it returned. And we continued with natural and alternative things, including fenbenzadol, which has been used to treat dogs and horses with cancer and also humans. We tried everything — and at great expense.

Mark Hastings

I remember that I was friends with your wife also a lovely lady, cancer is what brought me to our way of thinking, to the truth

Sue Lockhart

So very sorry for your loss… Grief comes like waves and some days you feel as if your drowning…

John De Nugent

Sue Lockhart Thank you,Yes, the grief was worse than I imagined. The price of true love is true grief. And before she died, caring for her in the final two months was an 80-hour a week thing that nearly killed me. My BP went to 231/113.

Sue Lockhart

John De Nugent My oldest son pasted away very unexpectedly and I can honestly say I will never be the same person…

John De Nugent

Sue Lockhart Ohhh, sorry to hear that! I have to be spiritual about this. And I know she wants me to be okay.

Sue Lockhart

John De Nugent The loss of a loved one is horrific

John De Nugent

Sue Lockhart Yes, though it would have been worse if I had not believed that the soul goes on after death, and that God is real. It is a wicked planet full of poisons and evil leaders. I am happy for Margi, whom I loved so much, that she is no longer here in what used to be a good country.

Leigh Davenport

John De Nugent When my Nanny passed away, hospice had her home with us, she had lost her memory at the hospital and didn’t know me anymore — but right at the end she suddenly came back so I could tell her she was home, and that I loved her, and she seemed very happy.

About midnight before the morning she passed, the apartment started to be surrounded by birds in the middle of the night. We couldn’t understand it. They don’t chirp like that at night and especially this crazy many that surrounded the place. I wasn’t really a believer until that night. They were taking her spirit home. There is no doubt in my mind that we go on. That’s the gift my Nanny left me.

Julieanne Currie

Life can be so cruel. Do you see her in your dreams? I often see my Auntie in my dreams who died from stomach cancer. She always looks well and happy. I never have a dream where I see her looking sick and thin. Maybe they communicate with us in some other realm.

John De Nugent

Julieanne Currie I saw her actual ghost, but it totally startled me and I screamed. She disappeared. Still, it was wonderful.

Julieanne Currie

John De Nugent I was in the bath, and I got the smell of my Auntie’s favourite Estée Lauder perfume. My daughter was about 11 and she ran in to me terrified, and yelled,

“Mum, I can smell Auntie Jean all over the house!”

John De Nugent

Julieanne Currie Wow, but that is actually a well-known phenomenon…. Our loved ones do communicate in such ways, and in others as well.

Julieanne Currie

John De Nugent My ex-partner woke up one night saying he felt like somebody was choking him. She must have known he was a bad apple.

John De Nugent

Julieanne Currie Wow!!!

Sharon Bailey

Condolences, John.

John De Nugent

Sharon Bailey Thank you.

Bijaya K. Shrestha


John De Nugent

Bijaya K. Shrestha Namaste She had good karma and is with God now.

Johnny Francis

My condolences for your loss ♡

John De Nugent

Johnny Francis Thanks. I am mostly over it now…I no longer cry. And she is where the good people go.

Robert Smalley

You have my prayers.

John De Nugent

Robert Smalley I appreciate that. Prayers have power.

Lynn Jensen

So very sorry she suffered so . And that you lost a precious woman & wife. Peace to your soul, John

John De Nugent

Lynn Jensen I am grateful for your kind thought. I hate cancer, which is growing by leaps and bounds. Margi died of throat cancer, as stated above, but she had never smoked, drunk alcohol, not even a candy bar or any junk food, and never was overweight. She ate only organic food (much from her own garden)

……and got lots of good exercise gardening and rock-hunting on the beach.


Her mother smoked like a chimney and made it to 92!

Lynn Jensen

John De Nugent I know of a young man in his 40’s who was extremely healthy and didn’t get vaccines. He was diagnosed with cancer 6 weeks ago and just died today. He leaves a wife with two teen girls!

My father also died of cancer. It is brutal.

John De Nugent

Lynn Jensen Oh, no! This cancer thing is out of control!

Lynn Jensen

John De Nugent It comes mostly from the vaccines. Next is the food industry. The air we breath. The meds people take hurt the filtering organs. The meat industry is toxic. God help us….

John De Nugent

Lynn Jensen You mean we can’t gulp down poisons and be healthy? OMG! LOL

Kathy Nappi

So sorry for your loss.:-(

John De Nugent

Kathy Nappi Thanks, Kathy. I’m grateful for 17 good years.

Raychyl Whyte John, the 2011 film, “Tree Of Life” is profoundly moving to see after the loss of a much-cherished loved one. It is abstract and non-linear, but magnificent and deep. Highly recommended viewing — as long as a few uninterrupted hours can be set aside to fully appreciate the film’s spiritual symbolism.

John De Nugent

Raychyl Whyte Looks impressive! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tree_of_Life_(film) Thanks


The Tree of Life (film) – Wikipedia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Tree of Life
A series of images from the film arranged like mosaic tiles around the title.

Theatrical release poster
Directed by Terrence Malick
Written by Terrence Malick
Produced by
Cinematography Emmanuel Lubezki
Edited by
Music by Alexandre Desplat

Alexandre Michel Gérard Desplat (French: [alɛksɑ̃dʁdɛpla];[1] born 23 August 1961)[2] is a French film composer and conductor. He has received numerous accolades throughout his career spanning over four decades, including, two Academy Awards, three British Academy Film Awards, three César Awards, two Golden Globe Awards, and two Grammy Awards. Desplat was made an Officer of the Ordre national du Mérite and a Commander of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres both in 2016.

Desplat has received two Academy Awards for Best Original Score for The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) and The Shape of Water (2017). He also received nominations for his work on The Queen (2006), The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008), Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009), The King’s Speech (2010), Argo (2012), Philomena (2013), The Imitation Game (2014), Isle of Dogs (2018), and Little Women (2019).

Desplat has composed scores for a wide range of films, including low-budget independent productions and large-scale blockbusters

Distributed by
Release dates
  • May 16, 2011 (Cannes)
  • May 27, 2011 (United States)
Running time
  • 139 minutes[2]
Country United States
Language English
Budget $32 million[3]
Box office $61.7 million[4]

The Tree of Life is a 2011 American epic experimental coming-of-age drama film written and directed by Terrence Malick. Its main cast includes Brad PittSean Penn, Hunter McCracken, Laramie Eppler, Jessica Chastain, and Tye Sheridan in his debut feature film role. The film chronicles the origins and meaning of life by way of a middle-aged man’s childhood memories of his family living in 1950s Texas, interspersed with imagery of the origins of the universe and the inception of life on Earth.

After several years in development and missing its planned 2009 and 2010 release dates, The Tree of Life premiered in competition at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival,[5] where it was awarded the Palme d’Or. It ranked number one on review aggregator Metacritic‘s “Film Critic Top Ten List of 2011”,[6] and made more critics’ year-end lists for 2011 than any other film.[7] It has since been ranked by some publications as one of the greatest films of the 2010s,[8] of the 21st century,[9] and of all time.[10] The Tree of Life received three Oscar nominations: Best PictureBest Director and Best Cinematography.


“Where were you when I laid the foundations of the Earth?… When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?”

The film begins with a quote from the Book of Job 38:4-7, before a mysterious, flame-like light flickers in the darkness.

Around the 1960s,[11] Mrs. and Mr. O’Brien are informed of the death of their 19-year-old son, R.L., throwing the family into turmoil. In 2010, eldest son Jack is adrift in his modern life in Dallas, Texas as an architect, disillusioned by his life full of disappointments. Meanwhile, voiceovers from Mrs. O’Brien ask God why R.L. had to die. Then, visuals depict the birth of the universe, followed by the creation of Earth and the beginning of life. At one point, a dinosaur chooses not to kill another dinosaur that is injured and lying on the side of a river bed. Finally, an asteroid strikes the Earth. [….]


The Tree of Life is a symbol in many major religions.


Raychyl Whyte

John De Nugent : Yes, it is most extraordinary. It was released 2 years after my father’s passing. It resonated with my anguish and existential questions.

Mein Kampfer

Mark Pountney

My uncle had a 4-year battle with pancreatic cancer. It developed after he took stem-cell therapy for his heart. Did Margaret take chemotherapy, I presume ?

Yes. So maybe the stem cell therapy triggered it in your uncle?

Margi did all kinds of natural things. but they did not work, or not well enough, though she lasted over four years…. so anyway, she went to Stage III. Then we went to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota (a seven-hour drive) for two months (and did chemo and proton-beam radiation (32 sessions!). She became cancer-free (seemingly) for about a year, and then, dreadfully, it returned. This was when I really cried.

But we also continued with the natural and alternative things, including fenbendazol, which has been used to treat dogs and horses with cancer and also humans. We tried everything — and at great expense out-of-pocket.

Mark Pountney

John De Nugent Yeah. My uncle went on cannabis oil, which bought him a bit more time. He was a multi millionaire and had private health care. He had stents in every artery in his heart, a pace maker, had bowel cancer before that, and had a bag on his side. They tricked him into thinking they could perform miracles at a cost, and he went along with it.

The medical system killed my dad at 42 with a radioactive tracer drug that gave him too much. He was ill after that, then died in his sleep 2 wks after when I was only 18. Yeah, I’ve watched allopathic medicine destroy countless people over my life.

John De Nugent

Oh boyyyy…… and you were just eighteen. Sheesh…. Pls watch this video from the almost always excellent “Why Files” on YouTube on the great Morris Fishbein, MD (sarcasm), the jew head of JAMA, the Journal of the AMA (American Medical Association).

This Khazar never practiced medicine (despite the lying puff piece on him in Wikipedia), but what he did do was viciously persecute all doctors or scientists who sought or even FOUND cancer cures without surgery, chemo or radiation.



Rae Cat

I remember I was friends with your wife. She was a very nice lady and spoke the truth.

Christophe Borsella

Sorry for your loss, John. I know you guys really loved each other. R.I.P. Margie.

John De Nugent

Christophe Borsella Thanks! We still do.

Bepis Schultz

I’m sorry, John, May she rest in peace, m8.

John De Nugent

Bepis Schultz Thanks so much. But she ain’t resting. She is preparing her comeback!

Marycatherine Barton

will watch. ty we all miss her!!

John De Nugent

Marycatherine Barton Thank you.

Scott Jackson

Sorry for your loss

John De Nugent

Scott Jackson Thanks. My loss, God’s gain!

Scott Jackson

John De Nugent roger that

Frederick Fromm

She was a multi-talented and wonderful woman. I met her several times. I grieve your loss, John.

Frederick has been a brave and key person for decades in the Canadian struggle for white civil rights. 

Me, second from the left, next to Frederick

John De Nugent

Frederick Fromm Thank you so much, brother. We were like two swans… But I believe in life after death, and she surely is “in a better place” than the United States of the year 2024.

William Joyce

Condolences, we were FB friends and communicated some here, mainly Deutsch issues. my wife of 50 years passed of 50 years in 2021.

John De Nugent

William Joyce Sorry to hear that, brother Joyce. I know how that must have felt.

Jane Weir

Very sorry for you, John. I did not even know this.

John De Nugent

Jane Weir Thanks. We were like two swans. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCft1UimeqQ

“Magical” reunion of Toronto swan pair goes viral

Little Margi


Raised liberal but she evolved


I want retribution for her murder!

and for all white cancer victims!

Two months before Margi died of cancer, her very sweet cat Princess also died of this horrible disease! It was a dreadful omen.

This after we had this beautiful kitty euthanized to end her suffering…. 🙁


Margi had quite a brain, a very high IQ, and a vast knowledge of history, languages, and culture.


Her final phone call, September 11, 2022:



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