Sun Tzu on the art of war; Putin, win quickly (as we did in Poland in three weeks in 1939)

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For 2,500 years this ancient Chinese general has been acclaimed as a military genius.

….Putin’s press secretary Peskov mourns Russian dead to evil, unsympathetic Sky News shill



15 hours ago

@theduran Peskov is soft. For me, and apparently for Alex, that’s an issue. He seems to be the sort who still thinks in terms of appeasing the West and reconciliation. Thus he appears weak in the face of an aggressive interview by Sky designed to corner him. The correct way to deal with the question on casualties is to give the latest figures from the Russian Defense Department, not to lament about them. He also should have pointed out that NATO expansion into Eastern Europe was inherently confrontational and that one can attack with ones shield. Peskov is the one who needs to be more combative. They might cut him off, but taking a beating doesn’t serve Russia’s interests. He’s almost a liberal. Perhaps he will be replaced.

John de Nugent@JohndeNugent

14 hours ago

@theduran The Germans have two pithy expressions for when further talk is pointless: 1) “blood and iron” and 2) “now the weapons do the talking.” (“Jetzt sprechen die Waffen.” )
The rulers of the Controlled West have no honor, honesty or decency. So focus even more on making your weapons speak, dear Vlad. 🙂
You are IMO too nice a guy. And having a Peskov as your spokesman indicates this as well.



12 hours ago

@theduran@JohndeNugent Peskov is the perfect spokesman in this situation.


@theduran@Gracanica I have been a staunch Putin supporter online since 2006, a real admirer, but only time will tell if the soft approach was good.
A long conflict gives the Controlled West time to set up enough false flags and enough blaming of Russia for economic hardships to actually get the Americans and EU countries in the mood for a shooting war with a nuclear superpower. Right now, the masses still feel apprehensive. But over time, this reluctance can be overcome, and anger augmented, by constant atrocity lies and the economy tanking.
I remember when Turkey invaded northern Cyprus. Quick conquest, consolidation, and then it is a fait accompli. Boots on the ground create facts on the ground. We see this with Israel. “We took it; it’s ours.”
Every day this war continues gives the US Deep State more time to plot, lie, assassinate and to brainwash the masses until they actually think that war with Russia is a good thing, or at least something unavoidable, our noble duty….maybe a 300 Spartans thing (Leonidas/Thermopylae)
Today, no one thinks WWI was a good thing. But off the nations marched, fed lies by their media. And the masses are much stupider now. Their attention span is less, and the educated birth rate has been tiny for a hundred years. “Idiocracy” is upon us.
In fact, the Deep State is capable of doing a false-flag nuclear attack on some city in the West. Or they hire Israel to do it.
If you look deep into 9/11, it is one big false flag by the US government against 3,000 Americans with the aid of a foreign power. The goal: hate the Arabs and crush the enemies of Israel and the NWO.

As for these false flags, to truly be redpilled is to understand that almost everything we have been taught about history is just as false as this Buchta “news” is.
The lies did not start with the Donbass.
Our heads are full of lies, myths, invented crimes, and bad guys who actually were good guys, and good guys who were in reality monsters and traitors — working for the enemy of the West.

1 hour ago
@theduran, @JohndeNugent
Indeed. For example, we have the Red Army rape myth from WW II promulgated by MI6 and British historians.

0 Reply
John de Nugent@JohndeNugent
1 second ago
@theduran, @Baucis Sorry, but I see no reason to defend the Stalin-Bolshevik regime, and they were not Russians, anyway.

I could not disagree more about no mass rapes. Ilya Ehrenburg openly advocated rape and it did happen en masse. A late friend of mine. Fritz Stallmach, was raised in Germany as a communist, and his father was a shop steward (union official) at a town with a huge coal-fired power plant, with sixteen chimneys, called Zschornewitz.
At the end of the war, his father, who had become inactive as a communist during the Third Reich period, went to the Red Army commandant, and said “Your troops should not rape the women here. In this town, everyone is a communist and we hated Hitler.” His father was able to prove that the town had voted for the left before Hitler and that he himself had been a communist.
The commandant said: “Alright, then all the women under 60 in Zschornewitz must go into one building at the plant and stay in there for one week.” He then ordered soldiers to paint in blood-red paint on the outside of the building, in the Russian language: “If you enter here, you will die.”
Fritz, his son, had been drafted and was a POW of the Americans down in Italy. He began teaching the Internationale song (the communist world anthem) to the other Wehrmacht soldiers, and they began singing it. This was for a purpose. The apparent “communistization” of the troops so alarmed the American officers that they relented and let them receive Christmas presents in December 1945.
Fritz was no fan of Hitler, but he absolutely confirmed that the Red Army of the Georgian bolshevik Stalin raped en masse.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn got eleven years in the gulag for a private letter he wrote as a Red Army artillery captain about Soviet atrocities against German civilians in East Prussia.
A different topic would be the German war of conquest, not liberation, in the East. But one should not indulge in “what-about-ism.” Maybe we all should just admit that both sides did wrong things.

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