Superb intro full-length video about NWO; best short video — “Jesus monkey” crucified by gloating lsraeli

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…..Surfing up here on the Great Lakes (the biggest in the world)

Surfing on Lake Huron (just east of the UP, a video taken on the Canadian side — German subtitles)

… “NWO: Communism By The Backdoor”

It has some great images too, of which I have made screenshots:

Uncle Joe, as FDR called him, and “that man in the White House”


Rothschild’s actual palace near London


How the logo of the Trilateral Commisison actually does form three sixes


(This corresponds perfectly with what I discovered three years ago and first published online — that the latitude and longitude of Jerusalem add up precisely to 666)


The Jewish-owned “energy drink” called “Monster” appropriately has a logo of three Hebrew letters which also mean numbers, namely 6-6-6. (Roman numerals — I, V, X, M, L, C, etc. — are also just letters, if you think about it. 😉 )


In my blog on the powerful US Army pedophile officer Michael Aquino, this blog showed how some of his child victims did drawings with sixes – three sixes joined at the center and spiraling out


Going back to “NWO: Communism by the Back Door”… This is just amazing_ the EU openly proclaims it is fulfilling the Tower of Babel, an anti-God project, and it has 11 stars (11 being a powerful cabalistic number used for dates of mass murder, such as 9/11 of 2001 or the John Kennedy murder on 11/22 of 1963). The baphomet stars (where the star points downward) honors Satan the goat god.





A Mason laid out the street grid of Washington DC, with the White House at the bottom of the star. Above it exactly on 1733 16th Street Northwest is the 33rd-Degree Scottish Masonic temple (gray square).





The Great Seal of the US says on this side “Our plan has succeeded/New World Order” in Latin, right on the money.

The Jew view is “If we warn them and they are too stupid or cowardly to lift a finger to stop us, it is their own fault.” 

As a psychopathic hitchhiker and serial killer said to police when asked why he kept killing kindly motorists who stopped and picked him up while hitchhiking,

“Serves them right for trusting me.”


Roosevelt was a 33rd-degree Mason



My religious book has to finally declare the blunt truth to the masses — why they truly are “sheeple” and not as a sarcastic term of contempt, but instead as a statement of literal reality. 

This IS how reincarnation works on this specific planet. It is time to set some things straight once and for all, because coming to power democratically, kissing the ass of the mass, is now impossible anyway.

The elite dine as their thugs guard them.


Reincarnation teaches clearly that young souls fresh out of the animal stage come here and have always been the majority of humanity in all races.


The majority literally were recently sheep that went baaaaah and cattle that said mooooo. 😉



In the American Revolution, to the amazement of Washingotn, other Founding Father and the Marquis de Lafayette, who risked his neck to come to America from France( in violation of a royal order) in order to help us, only ten percent of Murrikins supported the bloody, dangerous seven-year struggle for their freedom. We won because, to be blunt, as brave as our boys were, it was about France hating England.

The French royal navy beat the British royal navy at the Battle of the Chesapeake painting below], cutting the British commander, General Cornwallis, off at Yorktown. The French also sent troops and millions in currency.


Germany’s Baron von Steuben [painting] came and taught American troops Prussian discipline, pride, hygiene and close combat, especially with the bayonet. Washington was a sincere but mediocre general who won only three of his seven major battles. And Congress never got him nearly enough money, preferring to squabble. Most Americans refused to pay taxes while the Continental Army was starving, freezing, sick and out of bullets.


Washington and Lafayette question a sentry at Valley Forge.


The Founding Fathers wrote private letters to each other cursing the American people out.


Whereas the majority have always been animalistic in all races, peoples and epochs of human history, INCLUDING WHITES, these tendencies have been immeasurably worsened by the docilizing effect of chemtrails, bisphenol-A in food packinging, estrogen in the drinking water and cell-phone refrequencies.


See  Testosterone is now 22% lower than three decades ago!


Reincarnation evidence: It is a proven scientific fact, and the fundamental, original Aryan and Indo-European religious doctrine, that humans reincarnate upward from the animal stage and there must be a caste system to reflect the higher, middle and lower natures of mankind.

Most young-soul humans look and act animal-like for this reason.










Eric Holder, US Attorney General under Obama  2009-2014


NATO puppet German foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier


Jewish media baron Sy Nyhouse


Abraham Foxman, director of the ADL 1987-2015


A weasel


Jewish billionaires and Google owners Larry Page (with the weasel face) and Sergei Brin


Two elite US military with huge chins and jaws: 1) Army Ranger Pat Tillman (infamously murdered in 2004 after reporting US troops in Afghanistan were protecting opium producers)


2) A US Marine Corps drill instructor



Christine Lagarde, director of the International Monetary fund


Legendary US Marine general  Chesty Puller (most decorated man in Marine history)


Almost no conscience — this soldier basically resents being made to feel guilty. “Kid, you are ruining my day.”

This is what Hitler referred to over and over in Mein Kampf. He got it from Gustave Le Bon’s The Psychology of the Masses. (Le Bon was from my ancestral Nogent-le-Rotrou.) Hitler memorized the teaching of Le Bon.)


Hitler read it in German translation and many passages in Mein Kampf directly reflect it.


On the “Big Lie” [p.134] []

All this was inspired by the principle – which is quite true in itself – that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.

It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.

Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation.


For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.

These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes. From time immemorial, however, the Jews have known better than any others how falsehood and calumny can be exploited. Is not their very existence founded on one great lie, namely, that they are a religious community, where as in reality they are a race? And what a race!

One of the greatest thinkers that mankind has produced has branded the Jews for all time with a statement which is profoundly and exactly true. Schopenhauer called the Jew “The Great Master of Lies”. Those who do not realize the truth of that statement, or do not wish to believe it, will never be able to lend a hand in helping Truth to prevail.

On the Use of Propaganda [Chapter 6]

The function of propaganda does not lie in the scientific training of the individual, but in calling the masses’ attention to certain facts, processes, necessities, etc., whose significance is thus for the first time placed within their field of vision …

All propaganda must be popular and its intellectual level must be adjusted to the most limited intelligence among those it is addressed to. Consequently, the greater the mass it is intended to reach, the lower its purely intellectual level will have to be. But if, as in propaganda for sticking out a war, the aim is to influence a whole people, we must avoid excessive intellectual demands on our public, and too much caution cannot be extended in this direction.

The more modest its intellectual ballast, the more exclusively it takes into consideration the emotions of the masses, the more effective it will be. And this is the best proof of the soundness or unsoundness of a propaganda campaign, and not success pleasing a few scholars or young aesthetes.

The art of propaganda lies in understanding the emotional ideas of the great masses and finding, through a psychologically correct form, the way to the attention and thence to the heart of the broad masses. The fact that our bright boys do not understand this merely shows how mentally lazy and conceited they are.

Once understood how necessary it is for propaganda in be adjusted to the broad mass, the following rule results:

It is a mistake to make propaganda many-sided, like scientific instruction, for instance.

The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous.


In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan. As soon as you sacrifice this slogan and try to be many-sided, the effect will piddle away, for the crowd can neither digest nor retain the material offered. In this way the result is weakened and in the end entirely cancelled out.

Thus we see that propaganda must follow a simple line and correspondingly the basic tactics must be psychologically sound …

What, for example, would we say about a poster that was supposed to advertise a new soap and that described other soaps as ‘good’?

We would only shake our heads.

Exactly the same applies to political advertising.

The function of propaganda is, for example, not to weigh and ponder the rights of different people, but exclusively to emphasize the one right which it has set out to argue for. Its task is not to make an objective study of the truth, in so far as it favors the enemy, and then set it before the masses with academic fairness; its task is to serve our own right, always and unflinchingly.


And it is NOT a question of low IQ. It is a question of wilful gullibility, not wanting to hear truths that might require drastic changes in one’s priorities, and bring suffering, ostracism, poverty, prison or death...or divorce by the wife, or at the least she goes on a sex strike. 😉

It is a lack of anby STRONG moral sense, and intuition, higher ideals and wisdom. “People are animals.”


Cowardly Republican sheeple grieve as Romney loses on Election Night in 2012. “We want to save America while avoiding the Jew and race issues.” 😉 Romney got 59% of the white vote, yet still lost, because whites are now a minority, NOW —  not in 20 years, but NOW, NOW,  NOW. Proven here on my blog and in one of my videos based on the info revealed by Virgina Abernethy, PhD, professor emerita of Vanderbilt University and the leading demographer in the world. There is a 40-million undercount of Mexicans by the US Census Bureau. Look at these sheeple. What did you Republicans expect with an ocean of brown, black and yellow faces everywhere you look???  Pat Buchanan was warning clearly about this Democrat power via minorities 20 years ago, and now we are a minority today!

Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney Holds Election Night Gathering In Boston

Anyone can do the immigrant math but it takes moral courage to realize that what this math means is this: we must fight and sacrifice everything we have and are to STOP at any  price “the browning of America.” A coffee-colored America means we lose political power, free speech, guns, property and our future as a people.

It means that we lose our lives. It means that, exactly as in the movie Hellstorm, we hear the scream of our women being raped and our children having their throats cut.

A friend of mine in Oregon who travels for a living called me and said there is a black guy with the NAACP (he knows a hotel owner who knows him) who is traveling all around the country, designating for Obongo lily-white small towns for “Section Eight” (subsidized and minority-dominated) housing.

And now the sheeple are getting all excited about Donald Trump. He is th newest versionb of George Wallace and Ronald Reagan, the judas goat, who implies and hints to white voters he is “secretly a white nationalist” when he is not. “Just get me in the White House, and I will take care of these Jew and brownies.”

Yeah, yeah…

My dad thought so too. Then Reagan signed Martin Luther King Day into federal law and sanctions on white South Africa, but told my dad ‘his hands were tied and there was nothing he could do.’


Look at this vile Israeli smirking. “The goy will do anything for our money and power.”



George Wallace, before Reagan the False Hope of the gullible white goyim, with his strange friends


“Segregation, now segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!”


All resolute and then, seconds after the feds come, he steps aside and lets the black kids into the white school.


This LACK OF MORAL SENSE and any intuition about the world is why the majority must therefore never rule. The are genitals-and-belly obsessed, primitive cowards who will only fight if other do.


“We are all running away, several hundreds of us, from a pair of wolves!”

If thse deer bucks would just stand and gore the wolves with their antlers and stomp them with their hooves, some of them would die but the herd would be safe. But no…. The solution is “we all run, every deer for himself.” Just like average people.



So Freud and Bernays were sort of right… and any advertizing man or politician also knows this…  Or just date any typical woman and see she wants a man with money, power and a big car, house & cock… 😉 )

And she wants “peace and love.”

Look carefully at those faces. Women as a rule are young souls, even more so than most men. Their gullibility is amazing.


Not all women are this way, of course. In the lower-left image, the girl on the right looks pretty skeptical.


The jews are “right” about most people being animal-like, and calling them goyim, that is, cattle, because the majority are literally former sheep and cattle.

This, but their goal is not to lift people ABOVE this level, but to keep them down at the lowest level!

This is why they are race-mixing us now, to get an even more animalistic coffee-colored mass with a 90 IQ, smart enough to labor for them, but not to question things or want justice, freedom and truth,  the aspirations the white race alone has some tendency to crave.

Face it, the Jews rule us using animal psychology, because most of us are just animals with large brains. Don’t tell me it’s not true!  It is why advertizing works! Why women date ugly but rich Jews!

Billy Joel gets Christie Brinkley


“Putin is a jew because I read so on a website!”


“John de Nugent is a homosexual because a website says he has had young male assistants!”


“Hitler was a Rothschild because he had dark hair and all Germans have blond hair and blue eyes!”


In Germany now they put the word “Tolerance ” on the package of “Fisherman’s Friend” cough lozenges!  Because sheeple obey orders. “Tolerance. More diversitx for Germany. If they [“refugees”] are too diverse, you are too brown [Nazi].”


I was saying to Margi the other day that even as a small child I spotted the Star of David on the back of the one-dollar bill and thought this was wrong. (I attended private schools such as St. Dunstan’s and Moses Brown in Providence, Rhode Island with many Jews…


moses-brown-Middle-House-Entry-Circle- providence-ri


…and had seen synagogues with the Star of David.)

And yet every week I meet people who have carried one-dollar bills in their wallets for decades and never once sat down and looked at the frigging Great Seal of the United States on the back of this bill, as redrawn by presidential order of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

It used to have thirteen stars at the top in random order, like real stars.


They neve asked themselves once why the f—k a Star of David is above the American eagle on our money.

1934 one-dollar bill on the back



1935 bill as ordered by Roosevelt


I commented below this video on YouTube:

“Truly great video, and thank you very much, Excellent to show new people as an intro… One flaw; Patton did not die in Berlin (5:39), but in Heidelberg.

Also, I might have worked in more for young people at the first mention who the heck Aaron Russo really was, a VIP, and that he was Jewish. When a Benjamin Freedman, Aaron Russo, Gilad Atzmon or Noam Chomsky says it as a Jew, it has a lot more credibility that way;

Russo with Nick Rockefeller, who told him the goal was to RFID-chip everyone for total monitoring 24/7


…because they are not Jewish loners, weirdos or self-hating Jews, but men of great achievements and with impressive personalities.

But again, this is overall a really wonderful film and a great contribution to our cause.”

I would add that this extremely short video below is guaranteed to drop jaws. Even if one is not a Christian at all, this video shocks people to the core — depicting Jesus as a whining, ridiculous, cry-baby monkey and then calling Him a Nazi, ridiculing His miracles (“I turned crickets into cake” — WTF? — no, He healed the sick and blind, raised the dead, taught people for free about God, and courageously, publicly, challenged evil Jewish leaders), and crucifying Him for sadistic fun.

I have watched the faces of neophytes watching it — and they are literally stunned. Mentally it has them reeling.

Like most Goyim, they assume that while the Jews may reject Jesus as the Messiah,  they do not hate Him, just viewing him as a great teacher who was mistaken about being the Messiah and who did criticze their leaders of the day very harshly.

They assume the jews are “over” Jesus, and after 2,000 years have cooled-down about Him…..  But this video shows a pathological hatred, even twenty centuries later, and a heedlessness about ridiculing what is sacred for one billion believing Christians.

Obviously, it goes without saying that for a believing Christian, this video represents extreme blasphemy.

And even if one thinks Jesus never existed, or was just a kindly, deluded peacenik hippie, still, how can anyone HATE Jesus — a powerful preacher of love, humility, forgiveness and peace, and a man who went to His death true to his beliefs?






Even most hard-core pagan antisemites and “Nazis” like Him (Hitler did!) because despite the turn-the-other-cheek image, with a whip and his boot, kicking over tables, He threw the Jewish moneychangers (the same types we have today…)  right out of the Temple!




So I would have to say that as short videos go, this one of vicious Jesus-bashing on Israeli tv  is right up there as a must-see and must-show to begin to awaken people rapidly.

As they say, and it is sure true here, “Warning: disturbing images.” 😉

Another image from “NWO: Backdoor to Communism”

Mussolini and jhis mistress, Clara Petacci, after being killed and hung upside down. (Rumor has it communist thugs raped them both first.)


Inexperienced young souls spout that Hitler should have surrendered in May 1945, not shot himself, and then explained himself and defended his Reich at Nuremberg. Now why would the Jews allow him to do any  of that? They would have beaten and kicked him to death long before trial, as they did with Himmler, or literally skinned him alive.  Both H’s (Himmler and Hitler) would have utterly shredded the Holocaust myth and thus the planned new goy-guilt religion on the witness stand, and whose word would have been more authoritiative than the word of Hitler and that of Heinrich Himmler, head of the SS that ran the concentration camps?  Being a sheeple means you cannot imagine what the mind of a sadistic predator is like.


Hitler, the “coward” with two Iron Crosses! (Only one German soldier in a thousand got the Iron Cross First Class in WWI as he did!) Who stood up in his slow-moving Mercedes and exposed himself ten thousand times to assassin bullets! Pimple.faced punks who have never incurred any danger except a sore dick from too much masturbating call Hitler a coward??



…..When Whites become men again…., and the prayer Hitler will return (not that we deserve it!)


…..ADOLF HITLER – in feeling his continuing presence “MY HEART WILL GO ON”

As they say, and it is sure true here, “Warning: disturbing images.” 😉

Another image from “NWO: Backdoor to Communism”

Mussolini and jhis mistress, Clara Petacci, after being killed and hung upside down. (Rumor has it communist thugs raped them both first.)


Inexperienced young souls spout that Hitler should have surrendered in May 1945, not shot himself, and then explained himself and defended his Reich at Nuremberg. Now why would the Jews allow him to do any of that? They would have beaten and kicked him to death long before trial, as they did with Himmler, or literally skinned him alive. Both H’s (Himmler and Hitler) would have utterly shredded the Holocaust myth and thus the planned new goy-guilt religion on the witness stand, and whose word would have been more authoritiative than the word of Hitler and that of Heinrich Himmler, head of the SS that ran the concentration camps? Being a sheeple means you cannot imagine what the mind of a sadistic predator is like.


Hitler, the “coward” with two Iron Crosses! (Only one German soldier in a thousand got the Iron Cross First Class in WWI as he did!) Who stood up in his slow-moving Mercedes and exposed himself ten thousand times to assassin bullets! Pimple.faced punks who have never incurred any danger except a sore dick from too much masturbating call Hitler a coward??



…..When Whites becoime men again, and the prayer Hitler will return (not that we deserve it!)


…..ADOLF HITLER – in feeling his continuing presence “MY HEART WILL GO ON”



“Excellent read!”

I replied:

Thank you…. as I said to Margi, I cannot possibly win by going to the “Idiocracy”-zombie level the people are at now.

They have to eat some humble pie and, like an alcoholic at an AA meeting, admit “I screwed up.” I am not going to flatter a Hitler hater, Obama lover or person who thinks whites should date blacks and gay marriage is fine.  Those who still believe the lies at this point are to be made an object of scorn. We must be the ones attacking, ridiculing and denigrating the fool majority!

They KNOW the government and media lie, as every poll shows, so they are the fools for believing the very next lie they churn out! “Fool me once, shame on YOU. Fool me twice, shame on ME!”




Donations have been near-zero this month. I think everyone is in a serious funk and, frankly, defeatism-mode ever since the Charleston SC shooting massaacre by a blond, supposed white nationalist (a hoax, IMO, btw.)

Child actor John Christian Graas on Star Trek and Dylan Storm Roof (this research was done by Margaret Huffstickler)


exact ear match too; after long research, I conclude that no blacks were killed in the church and it was all an op to help kindle a race war — and ban the Confederate flag as a beautiful and dangerously powerful, inspiring symbol of white valor



“I love the Confederacy and murder old black church ladies studying the Bible peacefully with their pastor in a house of worship.”


“As a racist, I hate America. My eyes are full of zombie hate because i read racist websites.”


Since Charleston we have had a huge new flare-up in black-on-white violence in America. Among them:

Yes , this shooting was real, as my blog has proved, unlike the many hoaxes.


The media hysteria died off extremely fast on this incident.



And then came the gigantic african-muslim-“refugee” crisis in Europe.


Migrants walk on the platform after arriving by train at the main railway station in Munich, Germany September 13, 2015. REUTERS/Michaela Rehle
Migrants walk on the platform after arriving by train at the main railway station in Munich, Germany September 13, 2015. REUTERS/Michaela Rehle

I have been doing audiobooks to survive for money, and they are helping the Cause.


But I am on a financial treadmill, and have been for years, just barely subsisting.

Hitler, when he wrote Mein Kampf, at least had a solid roof over his head and three square meals a day, being in prison. 😉

December 1924: Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945) receives visitors, including Rudolf Hess (1894 - 1987), (second from right), during his imprisonment in Landsberg jail. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
December 1924: Adolf Hitler (1889 – 1945) receives visitors, including Rudolf Hess (1894 – 1987), (second from right), during his imprisonment in Landsberg jail. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)

I need to write my sacred book, focus only on it, and get off the treadmill of blogging and audiobooks. You can help. I am risking my life and am out there with my real name, real address, photos of my house, phone number and everything. Duke is not; none of the others are. Think about it.

Staring at doom-and-gloom videos, comrades, is not helping. It is deer-in-the-headlights.

“Holy sh–! We are so f—-d!” 😉


Brothers, it is now or never for our race. This fall of 2015 is like the fall of 1939, and represents the final world war by the Jews against the white race.

Financial transaction certified by and SSL certificate. Pls donate $5 or more. Thank you!

[spt_paybutton text=”Donate Now” comment=”false” service=”false” amount=”5.00″ design=”40″ lightbox=”true”]



This log is to confirm to those who send me useful items “cash, valuable coins, checks, money orders, books or other gifts ” that I did receive them. (I formerly listed all donations by amount, but this has proven unwise for a number of reasons, and I changed my policy in March of 2015.)

If you sent a donation and I did not get it, please let me know at the email address, at, or by calling me at (906) 884-6689, or writing me (see below) on Skype or Facebook!


John de Nugent

306 S. Steel Street

Ontanagon MI 49953

(906) 884-6689 ;-)

Facebook: John D. Nugent

Skype: John de Nugent (Ontonagon)



Twitter at John de Nugent @johndenugentESA



I had to take this springtime pic before I cut the lawn. 😉


2 MILLION hits on Google



checks to “John de Nugent”

cash in a greeting card (or aluminum foil)


US postal money order (or Canadian postal money order in US dollars)





even with a fake return address (no risk there!)

IF YOU SEND CASH OR COINS, WRAP THEM IN ALUMINUM FOIL! aluminum-foil us-20-dollars-aluminum-envelope-2 50-euros-germany-aluminum

Amazon gift card

Send an Amazon gift card by email to

First, go to (not or or any other Amazon site)
Then click on “Gift Card” on the top of the page, followed by a click on “Email” at the “Ways to Send” menu.
Finally, choose a card and amount. That’s it!




Many supporters have contacted me asking if there is a quicker and easier way to donate to my work. The good news is, yes there is.

If you already have a Paypal account, you can get a PayPal reload card, and then send me by email or phone call the numbers off the back and amount.

(Ask me then for the proper email address for Paypal ” they banned me — and Andrew Anglin and others — BUT I have several friends with PP………….. 😉 )



Or get a PayPal account yourself and send funds that way. Rather than filling out forms and re-inputting your card details over and over again, you can donate simply by providing your email and password.

Yes, it really is that simple. The solution is to set up a personal PayPal account. You will only have to input your details once and then attach your credit/debit card to your account. When making a donation in the future, you only need your email and password and it is all done automatically.

It’s quick, easy and hassle-free – no more filling out endless forms. Please set up a personal PayPal account here:

Once your account is set up, please go to the “Wallet” section and add your credit/debit card and then enjoy the ease and speed of contributing to my Solutrean work in the future.

–(2) sending valuable jewelry or gold coins

Greendot debit card available at any dollar store, Seven-Eleven, Rite Aid or CVS pharmacy.


Put cash money on it at the checkout counter, go home, set up your account online, then send me money from your card to mine via email to

(Every Mexican in America and every poor White person with no bank account knows how this works. 😉 )

Greendot is found in every RiteAid, CVS, dollar store, Kmart, Walmart, 7-Eleven, Walgreens, and Radioshack in America 60,000 locations across the USA since the year 2000..
You just buy one for $4.95 and take it to the cashier with the cash you wish to PUT on that card. (The minimum to put on is $20.)
The cashier takes the cash, puts it electronically on the card (like a temporary debit card) and hands it back to you.
“Moneygram or Western Union outside the US (also pls send an email with the number and AMOUNT)
-Want to communicate with me secretly? Start a Hushmail account (takes 30 seconds!) and then write me at with the secret name of your Hushmail account. I will theN contact you at your Hushmail account. :-)(


I need your financial help to WRITE MY SACRED ARYAN SCRIPTURE FOR US AND OUR TIMES. Others have been making big sacrifices. How about you?

What is my religion based on?






–September 22, 2014 three books and a video DVD from anonymous


–September 18, 2015 gift of recent book in French by Martin Peltier (

“Twenty good reasons to be anti-American” (due to Zionist control of America)


–September 14, 2014 via Stripe from AM in Pennsylvania

–September 14, 2014 via Stripe from AM  in Pennsylvania

–August 31 via Stripe from GM in Canada

–August 19, 2015 via PayPal from M in Germany

–August 14, 2015 via check by KF in Ohio

–August 11, 2015 donation from JD in New York State

–August 7, 2015 donation via Stripe from JA in North Carolina

–August 2, 2015 donation via Stripe from M in Canada

–August 2, 2015 donation via Stripe from M in Canada

–July 28, 2015 US postal money order from D. in Florida

–July 25, 2015 cash from a German comrade in Pennsylvania

–July 24, 2015 via PayPal to from G in South Carolina

–July 23, 2015 cash from a lady comrade in Massachusetts

–July 14 2015 from BS in Connecticut and from AM in Pennsylvania

–July 13, 2015 from a comrade and fellow former Marine in Florida, and a history magazine about the Norman Conquest and Iwo Jima

–July 11, 2015 from a comrade Ian in Connecticut

–July 10, 2015 from a comrade B. in Holland

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