Superb Tucker Carlson from Brazil: how the vicious jew AG, Merritt Garland, terrorizes patriots with raids and arrests; Brazilian murder rate fell by a third when Bolsonaro legalized guns

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The jew Garland is all smiles as he raids and arrests goy patriots who have committed literally no crime except SAYING their opinion that the 2020  election was stolen.



Merrick Brian Garland was born in Chicago.[3] He was raised in the northern suburb of Lincolnwood[4] in the Chicago area.[5] His mother Shirley (née Horwitz)[6] was a director of volunteer services at Chicago’s Council for Jewish Elderly (now called CJE SeniorLife); his father, Cyril Garland, headed Garland Advertising, a small business run out of the family’s home.[5][7][8] Born to a Jewish family, Garland was raised in Conservative Judaism.[8] His grandparents left the Pale of Settlement within the Russian Empire in the early 20th century, fleeing antisemitic pogroms and seeking a better life for their children in the United States.[8][9]


Personal life

Garland and his wife, Lynn, have been married since 1987. Lynn Garland’s grandfather, Samuel Irving Rosenman, was a justice of the New York Supreme Court (a trial-level court) and a special counsel to presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman.[7]



As you watch this episode of Tucker (below), pls keep in mind that the ONLY two reasons that raids and arrest have not been MY fate as well (and it did happen to me in March 2009!!!!) is that 1) I deliberately have not yet launched my movement, wanting things to get very bad FIRST, and 2) I have made  it crystal-clear that there will be an all-out gun battle if they try to arrest me.

I do not recognize the legitimacy of the pedophilic, luciferian ZOG regime in any way, and  I also am not afraid to die, which all these soft-shell patriots Tucker brings up ARE.

My view is that of King Leonidas. This is war, and in war, warriors die, taking bad guys with them.

It is also very interesting in this video how the murder rate in Brazil went WAY down when innocent, law-abiding citizens were again allowed to be armed, thanks to President Bolsonaro, who, as he himself says to Tucker, came out of nowhere, just a minor legislator, but a fearless man speaking the truth.



1 Comment

  1. Who owns Fox?

    It was Rothschild stooge Rupert Murdoch. Now it’s Disney, founded by 33rd degree Free Mason Walt Disney…..

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