Superb video on the aliens coverup — but they never go far enough

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Neil Armstrong: “We were being watched the whole time on the moon, and by gigantic ships.”

I wrote to the comrade, family man and donor (CD) who sent it to me:


JdN: Watching it – thanks! very well done!

I have now seen the whole video. Tons of truth, making me actually wonder why ? 😉

Of course, they kinda play the reptilian thing and the jews-as-aliens way, way down. 😉

–The Hebrews of the Bible  (called Habirus by the Ancient Egyptians and Hittites) were roaming criminal hordes 

of semitic neo-neanderthals, who for their criminal traits were selected by the demonic alien Yahweh to be “his people” and rule the world — if they obeyed his plan. When Abraham agreed to human-sacrifice his own son Isaac to get the rewards Yahweh promised, that proved he had the “right stuff.”

But they do twice bring up, discussing the evil ruling class that hides the truth,  the name “Rothschild.”

–CD: Yes.

I can get the Gaia channel on my Roku box. Makes me think I’ll look into what it costs. Well, they’ll never go as far as you do.

JdN: It is all a classic case of what is called a “limited hangout,” à la Alex Jones, promoting oneself with this breathless. “Look how courageous we are, exposing THE TRUTH” (while hiding the really juicy, dangerous stuff). 😉

The J-Team is truly professional liars. I agree with Samuel Roth that we goyim just play around.

But of course the Jews, for all their egomaniacal swaggering, are being run themselves by an ancient and sophisticated reptilian race that studies humans, and literally eats humans for lunch.

Via proven, tried-and-true subversion techniques that work well on unenlightened humans, these reptilians, using humans such as jews,  have already destroyed millions of humans on other planets before.

This is why the Englishwoman (photo) in the 1954 Staffordshire video encounter with Nordics (the year I was born) was so struck by how “sympathetically” (see video below at 3:08-09) they gazed at her.


…as if to say

“God, what you poor people are in for. If ONLY you would listen and wake up.”

But, all alien races having nukes, the nordics CANNOT just rush in and save us.

It is up to us. Either we unite and fight — through a new spiritual revolution —  or we will be enslaved and exterminated.

As I wrote yesterday:






Especially important blogs



Edvard Tyrrell hoax me all the way to the moon
John de Nugent I am aware of both schools of thought on this. The Van Allen Belt issue, if solved, would have made it possible. But without a doubt, the film we were shown is a Hollywood fake.

Did white Americans (with help from amazing Germans) get around the Van Allen Belt and land on the moon?

I think we DID go to the moon, and are there now — not via NASA but via the Secret Space Program which hacker Gary McKinnon revealed.

Edvard Tyrrell I know a guy who knew Gary McKinnon and he says that he is legit. I don’t know what I can say on this forum or what I should say but the known world presented to us is a forgery, flat or not. The non-planetary entities exists outside the shown map which is the borders of a secret empire ruling us with higher developed technology. There are secret lands that exists on the world map hidden to us, personnel placed on these lands would be called non planetary since the word planet or earth refers to either a continent or piece of land.
Holly Bell Do they work with the Rothschild’s?
Holly Bell John de Nugent there is a group on here on the “fake Paul” I was a member, Haven’ t been there for awhile. This messed up Lennon who NEVER got along with the usurper. Also the fake Paul dumped his cute little red haired girlfriend, and married joo Linds

Did white Americans (with help from amazing Germans) get around the Van Allen Belt and land on the moon?

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