My recent supernatural occurrence; more on Gosia videos, supposedly with Pleiadian content; Churchill, Hitler and Eisenhower on aliens; pre-Keltic Irish dark-haired beauties

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Dolores O’Riordan of “The Cranberries” was typical of the pre-keltic population of the entire British Isles. According to the supposed contactee Gosia, many such dark-haired, brown- or green-eyed whites descend from refugees from the inhabited planet near the star Antares, in the Pleiades cluster, which is found within the constellation Taurus. 

See more below on the original, dark-haired whites of Europe.

This is a long and important article.

….Letter from a reader and onetime VK user

I sent her my article on the VK purge:

VK — its purge of white nationalists, promised the Jews in June 2019, took seven months to happen

She replied [edited]:
Thank for this, John. That explained the sudden VK purge.  Hoping everybody wiggles their way back onto Facebook, and can work around the algorithm to wake the masses!
Was thinking about you and reincarnation, as my baby had a bad dream last night, and was crying and scared in his sleep. He’s been doing this since he was three months. He gets the royal treatment around here, so it’s not us. Our kids are probably more spoiled than they should be. 😉
Anyways good to hear from you again. Anyways can’t wait till you’re back on Facebook again — missing you over there. VK isn’t the same at all.
I replied:
Hi, W.
Nice to hear from you!
Hmm, baby crying for three months now…. reminds me a bit of that famous James Leininger case.

Did a big, long blog on some extraordinary things today…. 🙂

….. Again, a “sign”?

We returned on the 5th of this month from a long, two-day trip back down to the Mayo Clinic, where Margi had some tests (with good results!) . We took Margi’s 2003 Hyundai Sonata, which runs great, is front-wheel drive (good on snow) and very thrifty on gas. (My 1996 Crown Vic is partly buried under snow. I love that car, made in North America to boot, but we cannot afford to insure both of them.)

Anyway, we had really good test results for Margi at the Mayo, and both her doctors act pleasantly surprised she is still alive. 🙂

We thank here again all who donated and prayed  for her. It worked!

We then had a nice drive from Rochester, Minnesota 370 miles back up to the UP.

As Margi went in the house — she is still a frail 87 pounds, and on a feeding tube —  I began unloading the car.

I had my smartphone in my left pocket. No videos or anything was playing……

Now, a little intro to what happened next:

To while away the ten hours up and back to the Mayo, we often listen to audiobooks, some of them by Margi herself (or by me) and often dealing with the case of the 1913 Jewish rapist-strangler Leo Frank, whom brave white men lynched in 1915 just as a crooked governor prepared to get him off. Many of these audiobooks by us are found on


To listen to them without straining, I could turn the volume on my smartphone way, way up, but it is still a bit too soft, given highway trucks, wind at 60 mph, and road noise. So I bought for $49.99 at a Verizon store in Houghton, Michigan a pretty good, round Bluetooth speaker of the “Braven” brand. (Thank you, donors! 🙂 )

Bluetooth is basically a wireless speaker.

It does not record anything; the “mother ship” does that, your main device: your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Like a tv set, it simply plays whatever you sent it.

I was at the Houghton, Michigan Walmart the other day, in the electronics section, and a very helpful young man there, “Ryan,” told me exactly what I just now wrote: Bluetooth does not record or store any files, just as a tv set does not. A $49 Bluetooth is not a computer. It is just a wireless speaker with good sound and loud volume. 

So anyway, to start to wrap up my story (and I am always giving you all the facts, even if boring, in order to credibilize my admittedly sometimes pretty astounding claims in order to make it a bit easier for you to “lend me your ears” — so I can “blow your mind.” 😉

So I was lugging suitcases and an ice chest (with cooled syringe tubes full of feeding formula for Margi) in from the Hyundai to her house.

Now “it so happens” that I had read just a week before in Harvard brain surgeon Eben Alexander MD’s second book….

…about how more and more, higher beings are using the new electronic devices, which run on pure energy, not on “channeling,” “automatic writing,” or “psychics” (both systems using flawed humans — remember the psychic played by Whoopi Goldberg in “Ghost”? LOL!) to communicate directly with us.

It is actually much easier to use electronic energy than any human being, who may distort the wording, or charge money, etc. And it is instantaneous. Now that humans have the Internet, obviously it can be used by anyone, especially a higher person.

This can be both discarnate beings, such as deceased loved ones, and also higher beings living their lives in our universe.

One case Dr. Alexander cites is of a woman and mother of two whose husband died of cancer and was grieving.

She suddenly started getting, out of the blue, year-old text messages from him, expressing how much he loved and appreciated her, sent back then to her smartphone from his — a phone which is now long since switched off.


Well, here now are pages 74-82 from Living in a Mindful Universe, containing two anecdotes of electronic communication, the latter involving the great electronics genius Nikola Tesla.


the reality of the spiritual world; witnessing his father’s experience convinced him of the falsehood of the model “brain creates consciousness.”

For me, of course, my NDE experience fell into the third category~extremely hidden phenomena—because I experienced it directly. But for others, they must choose to decide if my testimony is trustworthy. Unless you’ve had the experience yourself, you can’t know with certainty that it actually took place.

“When we touch upon the third category of phenomena—which is really extremely hidden and obscure—then for the time being, for the other people, there’s no real access, direct or inferential. So the only method that is left is to really rely on the testimony of the first-person experience of the person himself or herself,” His Holiness explained, with the help of his translator. “With respect to science and its scope for discovering knowledge, we need to make a distinction about the fact that there might be certain types of phenomena which are beyond the scope of scientific inquiry.”

Pointing at me, he finished, “At a deeper level, there [are] still more mysterious things.”

His Holiness acknowledged that my experience (and others like it) are not possible to fully explain using traditional scientific methods. But firsthand experiences are vital to our personal understanding. We can trust the experiences of others, or we can cultivate and trust our own.

And that is what I’m interested in: the mysteries of how consciousness interacts with the physical world and how each of us plays a role in that process. Mysterious phenomena are around every corner—we just need to pay attention to our experience. That sounds simple, but I’ve come to learn it’s easier said than done.

I first met [(((Michael Shermer]]]], publisher of Skeptic magazine, when we were both guests on Larry King Live in December 2013. Shermer posed as the “token skeptic” on a panel discussing my NDE. The panel also included spiritual activist Marianne Williamson and Rabbi Marvin Hier.

Shermer’s main role was to present the materialist argument in which he stated that I must have had a dream or hallucination. At the end of the discussion, he said he hoped I was right about the afterlife, but still maintained his posture of disbelieving and denying the medical evidence in my case. As we parted after the taping, he kindly gave me a personalized copy of his book, The Believing Brain. In it, he attempts to explain how


the brain forms beliefs by assigning meaning to patterns perceived in our surroundings.

Given his stance, I was impressed when a few months later, in October 2014, he wrote an article in his monthly column for Scientific American concerning a rather unusual and seemingly inexplicable personal story.

He and his wife, Jennifer, had gotten married in June of that year. Jennifer seemed a bit sad in the days leading up to the wedding and expressed her wish that her grandfather, who had served as a father figure to her until his passing when she was 16, could be there on her most special day.

All she had from him were a few inherited personal items, many of which had been damaged over the years. A few months before the wedding, Michael had tried to fix a broken radio, Jennifer’s grandfather’s prized 1978 Philips 070 [photo], with fresh batteries and some coaxing with a screwdriver, but alas, his efforts were to no avail—the radio refused to function at all and was relegated to the back of a desk drawer with other broken effects.

After exchanging vows at home in the presence of family members, the newlyweds stepped away for a private moment and soon realized there was unfamiliar music coming from their bedroom.

Following the sounds of a romantic love song, they discovered to their shock that the music was coming from that abandoned broken radio in the back of the desk drawer.

They were stunned to silence, until Jennifer, as much a skeptic as Michael about “paranormal and supernatural” phenomena, spoke up.

“My grandfather is here with us. I’m not alone,” Jennifer claimed through tears.

The music was heard by other family members and continued playing into the night. But by the next morning, it stopped. They could never get radio to work again. Shermer closed his article stating that the scientific credo is “to keep an open mind and remain agnostic when the evidence is indecisive or the riddle unsolved.”

l admired Michael’s courage in sharing a story of possible after-death communication in Scientific American, a bastion of materialist thinking. I was excited to talk to him about the article the next time we met, in August 2015, when we were interviewed together on the Ask Dr. Nandi television show. As he arrived with Jennifer, we greeted each other and I

 “Well, we ended up understanding it had a perfectly natural explanation,” he replied, as Jennifer nodded in agreement.

“Oh, really? I’d love to hear about it,” I responded. “What happened?”

“Well, it obviously wasn’t a real communication from her grandfather’s ghost. It has a perfectly rational explanation.”

“Which is . . .?” I queried, surprised by this turnaround.

“Well, it could not have been supernatural, so there must be some logical explanation.”

I stared at them both, awaiting the “scientific” explanation.

“We don’t really know, but it must have some rational explanation,” Michael finished.

Hundreds have told me similar stories, many of whom had never considered after-death communication to be possible before their encounter.

Most of them have been forever changed by such an event and awakened to the spiritual nature of the universe. When a door opens, our free will allows us to walk through it—or to close it and retreat.

As I see it now, the rational explanation would be that Jennifer’s grandfather’s soul was offering his support and love from “the other side.”

Before my coma, I had heard many tales from my patients suggestive of after-death Communication, but I had always filed them away as fantasies or wishful thinking. I had even had my own quite stunning personal encounter in 1994, although, like Michael and Jennifer, I had convinced myself over time that it was just some inexplicable fluke.

Stuart Massich (not his real name) was a close friend and colleague who followed a life path eerily similar to mine. Common features
included (though five years behind me throughout) all of the following: Stuart grew up in Winston-Salem, attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, attended Duke University School of Medicine, served his neurosurgical residency years based at Duke, but with two
years spent in the laboratory at Harvard Medical School, then went on to join the neurosurgical staff at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, a flagship among Harvard Medical School’s teaching hospitals. We had clearly shared many similar life experiences, more than most people.

Stuart was a close friend and confidant from our first meeting, when he started his surgical internship in 1985, destined for the neurosurgical resident training program at Duke. We enjoyed several overlaps in our


training, when we were on the same team. Stuart was my junior resident when I was chief resident at the Durham Veterans Administration hospital in late 1986.

I’ll never forget when he taught me how to tie a bow tie, a skill I was advised to learn after I had secured a job offer from Harvard Medical School. I had worn bow ties as a child, but always the clip-0n style. Stuart stood behind me, arms over my shoulders, as we stood in front of a mirror
and he passed that sacred knowledge on to me, given that bow ties were considered signature items for many of the academic doctors at Harvard.

Almost exclusively, I now prefer bow ties (or butterfly ties, as they are
known in the Netherlands) to neckties.

When Stuart spent his two research years at Harvard, he was working closely with me in my research efforts evaluating receptor populations
in the blood vessels that supply the brain, ultimately trying to treat a
condition known as cerebral vasospasm, a very lethal and common com
plication of bleeding into the brain from aneurysms (discussed in Chap
ter 5). After he finished his Duke residency training in 1992, Stuart headed up to Boston to join our neurosurgical team at Brigham and
Women’s Hospital as the main spine surgeon.


Stuart’s son was just a bit older than my oldest son, Eben IV, and we often spoke of the joys of fatherhood and shared some of the antics of our boys. Stuart had introduced me (for the benefit of Eben IV, obviously) to a computer game called Maelstrom that his son enjoyed. The player is a small cartoon spaceship shooting at passing rockets, asteroids, and comets. The space debris comes mostly in ones and twos, but the really fun part involves occasional small groups of comets that fly across the screen, briefly offering an opportunity for scoring significant points by shooting them out of the black sky.

When this happens, the game sound effects let out a big “yippee!” Our young boys spent hours playing Maelstrom, and we spent hours together playing with them and catching up with each other. I can still hear that silly “yippee!” 😉

Stuart took his oral neurosurgical board examination in November 1994. He and his wife, Wendy, had been planning a celebratory trip with
their three young children to Florida in mid-November, immediately following that grueling trial by fire (as those examinations tend to be).

That’s when our similar life paths tragically diverged.

The morning of November 18 found me deeply involved in one of my


favorite kinds of neurosurgical cases. I was performing a retromastoid craniectomy for microvascular decompression of the trigeminal nerve, that is, opening a hole smaller than a 50 cent piece through the bone behind the patient’s ear, then, using an operating microscope, very carefully working my way down to her brain stem and dissecting an errant artery from pulsating against the main cranial nerve carrying sensory information from the face. Such patients present with severe facial pain, or tic douloureux, which can often be so severe as to induce them to commit suicide~hence such aggressive and major surgical management is warranted in patients who fail to respond to appropriate pain medications.

The most challenging part of such cases occurs in the dark because the operating room lights are off when the surgeon is using the operating microscope (which has its own very bright light source), a 7-foot-tall behemoth weighing more than 800 pounds, but so delicately balanced that the surgeon can move it into any desired position with the light touch of a finger.

During that part of the operation, the room is usually filled with the quiet background whispers of the ten or so people supporting the surgeon in the OR. I was deeply focused on the arduous dissection of delicate blood vessels and nerves tangled around the brain stem when I noticed, just barely, the main OR door opening as someone stepped in and whispered to one of the nurses circulating in the room. The soft whispers spread through the room over the next minute or so, followed by a deafening silence. I remained so focused on the task at hand that I barely noticed the silence, although it did register at some deep level.

“Hmm. I wonder …” curiosity flitted through my mind, but I continued my delicate work under the microscope until the offending artery had been carefully moved away behind a Teflon sponge blanket, protecting the injured nerve from further pain—inducing damage. Ten minutes after the dome of silence had invaded the room, I was satisfied with my surgical efforts and pulled the scope away from the operative field, declaring, “Lights up. It’s closing time.”

Only then did the main pod nurse explain the mysterious silence.

“Wendy Massich is on the phone. She needs to talk with you.”

I knew this had to be extremely important. I had never in my sixteen years spent in operating rooms been exposed to such a request in the middle of surgery.

“What in the world about?” I asked with some trepidation.

“It’s Dr. Massich,” she managed. Tears filled her eyes, and as I looked around the room, I saw that several other people were crying, too. They
had heard the news while I was under the microscope, and they had wisely elected not to involve me until I had finished the toughest part of
the operation.

I asked my resident to start closing the operative field as I removed my scrub gown and exited the OR for the adjacent head nurse’s office.
Another nurse, her eyes brimming with tears, handed me the telephone.

“I lost him,” uttered Wendy’s voice over the line. “Stuart’s gone,” she said, simply.

My head was swimming, trying to make any sense of it. She proceeded to explain how a hurricane had come through the Ft. Lauderdale area the day before, and how the weather had cleared that morning and
they had taken the kids down to the beach. The water was still roiling after the passing storm, so there were red flags up to signal people away from the deceptively calm waters. Dangerous undercurrents still loomed.

Their 8-year-old son had picked up a boogie board from one of the unmanned stands at the beach and taken it down to jump in the ocean.

By the time Stuart and Wendy noticed him, he was 50 feet out and being drawn seaward. Stuart raced down the beach and into the water to retrieve him. As he swam out, his son chucked the boogie board and
hugged his arms around Stuart’s head.

Wendy soon noticed that Stuart’s head was no longer above the water. She cried out for help, at which point two men swam out 100 feet or so to where the son was crouched on the water, supported by his father’s
floating body. They rescued the son unharmed and brought Stuart’s lifeless body back to the beach, where an unsuccessful attempt at resuscitation followed.

Our small neurosurgical family at Brigham and Women’s and Children’s Hospitals was crushed by the loss. Everyone loved Stuart. We arranged for the staff neurosurgeons and residents, all but a skeleton crew, to fly to Winston—Salem, North Carolina, for Stuart’s funeral.

Wendy and the kids would fly directly to North Carolina from Florida, and she asked me to go by their home just off Route 9 outside of Boston to pick up a few items to bring to the funeral.

My eyes were misting with tears as I pulled into their driveway and entered their home. Sadness overwhelmed me as I gathered the items Wendy had requested, and I thought back on the wonderful times I had shared with Stuart. It was such a tragic loss of a brilliant surgeon, colleague, and great friend.

As I was preparing to leave, I noticed that Stuart’s desktop Macintosh computer was still on. There on the screen was the welcome to play Maelstrom. Somehow, it felt like an invitation. I sat down at his desk.

“Okay, Stuart. One last game. Just for you,” I muttered softly.

I started to play, shooting at passing objects and racking up points. I was almost in a trance, overwhelmed by the ugly finality of Stuart’s absence and the list of practical tasks I had to do to help Wendy get through the next few days. I was just mindlessly playing along, with some vague sense of honoring his memory and our wonderful times together.

Just as I was feeling the depths of tragedy around losing Stuart, a steadily growing storm of comets flew by on the computer screen. The accompanying “yippee!” sound of the comets grew rapidly into a cacophony of sounds far beyond anything I had ever experienced in previous

The largest group of comets I had ever scored on before was around ten, yet what I saw on the screen now was a blizzard of thousands of comets, with their joint “yippee!” sounds coming out of the speakers in a storm of points that rapidly built to twenty times the highest score I had ever seen in the game.

What in the world just happened? The software seemed to have totally violated all its prior rules. What had changed? Why had it happened in this moment?

Some part of me—the same part that had felt a wordless invitation to sit down and play—knew the answer. I felt that such an extraordinary
display must have been instigated by Stuart’s still-present spirit. It gave me some sense of relief, feeling that somehow it was Stuart’s spirit show-
ing me he wasn’t gone. But the rational neurosurgeon in me had no room for such thinking. I sternly admonished myself for feeling anything like
comfort from the experience and refiled this event away under “unknown,” mentioning it to no one. It was just too weird, and it made

   me feel too vulnerable. The professional side of me was not ready to admit the possible reality of communication from the spirit world.

This is a perfect example of how “the other side” can contact us through the world of microelectronics.

From those who study after-death communications, it is quite common to hear about contact made through
electronic devices. For example, the night that Karen’s stepfather died, her mother reported that all the ceiling fans in the house came on by themselves. I’ve heard many similar stories about house lights or televisions turning on or off, or even inexplicable phone calls and text messages related to their communication with departed loved ones.

It is the very ephemeral nature of conscious awareness itself interacting with the physical world that allows for such obvious examples of physical effects due to spiritual influence. The 1987 book Margins of
Reality by Robert Jahn and Brenda Dunne from the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) laboratory reveals the commonality of psychic influence on microelectronics.

They have amassed an extensive body of data correlating human influence of a specialized microelectronic
random-number generator, a device that generates sequences of zeros and ones. In these experiments, participants have shown that their minds can significantly influence what numbers will appear. In a metaanalysis performed by Dean Radin, citing 490 studies, he identified odds against chance for such results were 3,050 to 1.

These data clearly demonstrate the active participation of consciousness to be affecting the behavior of physical systems. Although this example is one of living minds influencing the quantum realm of microelectronics, the broader implications include interactions of minds who are no longer entangled with physical brains (i.e., the deceased) in our earthly realm.

Brilliant minds wrestling with some of the deepest mysteries of science are often challenged to reckon with unexpected anomalies in their
personal lives. Nikola Tesla is widely regarded as one of the most brilliant scientific  thinkers of the 20th century. Much of our modern electrically powered world is thanks to his brilliant scientific insights, and some of his more advanced ideas concerning the “harnessing of free cosmic energy” might still indicate ideas destined for fruition in the future.

Pulitzer Prize—winning biographer John J. O’Neill’s beautifully wrought biography of Tesla‘ is all the more valuable owing to the very

Tesla had DARK-blue eyes, btw (see below)

close personal relationship that O’Neill and Tesla shared. In that biography, O’Neill Writes that Tesla professed to having endeavored to solve the enigma of death, but that he could claim only one event in his life that he interpreted as a supernatural experience.

This event was deeply personal, and concerned an awareness that occurred around the time of his moth-
er’s death.

A few months before, Tesla had visited his friend Sir William Crookes, whose “epochal work on radiant matter” had engendered Tesla’s embrace of a career steeped in the study of electricity. However, during that recent visit to London, it was Crookes’s interest in spiritualism that had dominated their conversation. Those discussions were much on his mind when Tesla was called back to New York due to his mother‘s failing health. He was intermittently present at her bedside during her last days, but became so exhausted during the prolonged vigilance that he had to be physically carried to his home one particular evening. As much as he regretted having to be away from his mother during that critical phase in her potentially leaving this world, he sensed all would be okay.

Early the next morning he dreamed a fantastic vision in which he saw

“a cloud carrying angelic figures of marvelous beauty, one of whom gazed upon me lovingly and gradually assumed the features of my mother. The apparition slowly floated across the room and vanished and l was awakened by an indescribably sweet song of many voices. In that instant a certitude, which no words can express, came upon me that my mother had just died. And that was true.”

In the months after he recovered from that loss, Tesla tended to default to his “rational beliefs,” in some effort to explain his extraordinary knowing, of his mother’s passing, and attributed his vision to a painting he had seen before her death. But his biographer calls him out
on his most unscientific attempts to be “scientific” in his explanation, reminding us of the “certitude” that Tesla felt at the time, and the fact
that his extraordinary vision occurred at the same time his mother actually died.

Personal experiences outside the “normal” range are often dismissed when they can’t be fully integrated into our current understanding or
belief system. I thought my experience with Stuart’s computer would sound crazy to others and never shared it with anyone until after my coma. I have become much more open to accepting such after—death  [end of passage]



Okay, so now to bring it home.

As  I was unloading the car (and focusing on my footing as well in the snow and ice), suddenly a podcast came on on my Bluetooth speaker, booming! It was my friends, the famous Nick Griffin (right), BNP chairman back in the glory years, and also an EU MP, and Jack Sen (left), over in England, discussing Brexit and Boris Johnson, back in early January, on the sixth!

Here is Nick’s excellent article, btw, on Boris and Brexit:

Latest recordings

I was not aware they had done such a podcast. So I had not tuned into it.  Plus, it is only by paid subscription that you can hear it, and I had none.

Plus Bluetooths do not record shows!

HOW did this

old podcast,

which I had not gone to,

or paid for,

and of which I was unaware —

and was not overly interested in anyways as an American (Brexit and Boris),

especially not while tussling with heavy bags on UP snow and ice —

— ever start to play on my Bluetooth which cannot store podcasts?





Well, here is another doozie.

After visiting said electronics department at the Houghton, Michigan Walmart, where Ryan told me Bluetooth speakers do not store audiofiles, my head was spinning a bit from this latest of many seemingly supernatural occurrences I have experienced. I then went to check out some items at the front of the store.

And this was the slip.


Thank you, whoever did that! 😉



…..Notes and comments by me on two Gosia videos:

First, as with all UFOlogists, this woman (who is Polish, nota bene, and many Poles — a good point of theirs — are fiercely antisemitic) knows who is running the “Cabal.”

Note “Khazarian Mafia”…..

It is not “the Jews” at the top. They are tools themselves, and over the millenia countless Little Jews have been massacred for the deeds of the Big Jews. As the Germans say, “die Kleinen knüpft man auf, die Großen läßt man laufen” ( = “the little guys get hanged; the big boys they let go”)

In her interview with a supposed Reshell of Temmer, said to be an ambassador of Taygeta to earth, and who tried in vain in 1952 to get Eisenhower on their side, Gosia asked her directly: (17:14-18)

“According to your negotiations with the U.S. government, who is above the pyramid?” and her answer was indeed a diplomatic one:

17:17-22: “I do not see fit to publish that at this time.”

I can only assume that if she just said outright:

“the BIG JEWS, sent by and serving a malevolent, intelligent, evolved reptilian species. These Big Jews, as humans with reptilian DNA, are needed to go out, subvert, win the suupprt of, and betray the other humans and turn them over, defenseless, to this reptiloid species which hates, enslaves, genocides and also literally eats humans”…..

….her YT channel of course would be closed.

David Cole, brave Jewish revisionist in the 1990s, on Irv Rubin, infamous jewish terrorists who harassed him for debunking the Holofraud: Note Rubin’s manner of ingesting food…..


Robert Sepher did an excellent video recently, blasting the Jews, but YT banned it and sent him a warning it could close his channel. So he redid the entire video without the word “Jew” and then it was accepted. 😉

(Sepehr on the Fourth Reich: the NS Reich in the Antarctic and Andes: .

First, let us be clear:

Both the NS Germans and their enemies, the Cabal-ruled Allies, knew about and were in touch with aliens, before and during WWII.


*** Los Angeles, California stunned in 1942 by nighttime visit from giant flying saucer; Army anti-aircraft guns open up in vain



Sir Winston Churchill was accused of covering up a close encounter between an RAF aircraft and a UFO during the Second World War, newly-released files reveal today.

The former prime minister allegedly ordered that the unexplained incident over the east coast of England should be kept secret for at least 50 years because it would provoke ‘mass panic’.

The claim, made by a scientist who said his grandfather was one of Churchill’s bodyguards, is recounted in declassified Ministry of Defence UFO files made available online by the National Archives.

Allegations of the cover-up emerged when the man, from Leicester, wrote to the government in 1999 seeking to find out more about the incident.

He described how his grandfather, who served with the RAF in the war, was present when Churchill and US General Dwight Eisenhower discussed how to deal with the UFO encounter.

The man, who is not named in the files, said Churchill was reported to have exclaimed:

‘This event should be immediately classified since it would create mass panic amongst the general population and destroy one’s belief in the Church.’

The incident allegedly involved an RAF reconnaissance plane returning from a mission in France or Germany towards the end of the war.

It was over or near the English coastline when it was suddenly intercepted by a strange metallic object which matched the aircraft’s course and speed for a time before accelerating away and disappearing.

The scientist said: ‘This event was discussed by Mr Churchill and General Eisenhower, neither of whom knew what had been observed.


But the claims from Mr [Timothy] Good, a former U.S. Congress and Pentagon consultant, are the first to be made publicly by a prominent academic.

Speaking on Frank Skinner’s BBC2 current affairs show “Opinionated,” he said that governments around the world have been in regular contact with aliens for many decades.

‘Aliens have made both formal and informal contact with thousands of people throughout the world from all walks of life,’ he added. [….]

*** Puzzled over my own appearance

I am much more “Nordic-looking” than my parents (though they both were attractive) with a very high forehead and a large skull, which is exceptionally long, front-to-back. My face goes way, way forward from the ears. This is all typical of certain Pleiadians, who are humans like us, just eugenically improved over many generations.

With Margi in a waiting room at the Mayo Clinic —  extremely high forehead. (Boy, was I tired that day…. Margi was vomiting half the night 🙁  but she still looked pretty chipper 🙂 )

Typical is also dark-blue eyes, which photograph as brown in indoor lighting. Hitler had this unusual color, and his eyes looked dark in photos — unless they were taken outdoors, or with him facing directly at a window.

His eye color (from film footage showing him peering out a military plane’s window in flight)


Same color as the Barrington River in my town of Barrington, Rhode Island 😉

His again:

In this two-part “Cosmic Agency” series, Gosia claims to be revealing conversations with a Taygetan fighter pilot named Dhor Káal’el

At 12:32 he describes himself physically, and note the eye color, which he himself does very specifically, adding “as in a sea.”

I would add also that my beard (now silver) was blond with a touch of red, like a partly red goatee. My gf from Allen Park, Michigan and I traveled to Florida one Christmas in the 1990s to see my father. K loved the Atlantic, and said to me one day, as we drove from Miami up to Vero Beach: “Your eyes, John, are the exact color of the Atlantic here on this side of Florida.”


Asked what his pass-times are, this Taygetan said lifting weights, running, and reading all the time to get more knowledge. Boy, all of that really hit home.

I remember how, as a junior-high-school student in Barrington, Rhode Island (at the then Peck JHS, now converted to a senior living center due to the huge drop in the white birth rate 🙁  ) ….

….I used to skip taking the school bus home, and go right across the teachers parking lot to the Barrington Town Library,

(the front was in the Norman style, part-stone, part-half-timber, with often conical cupolas)

And out I would come a few hours later with five or six books under my arm, which I would read in two or three days. This was also a strong trait of mine in my last life as well: reading to gain more and more knowledge about everything important.

Long after the war, Hitler’s maids said his private bedroom contained, besides a simple bed, of just 1) a table with always, always books on it, 2) a jug of water and a glass, and 3) a photo of his mother.

Hitler was a Spartan, though to impress the people and foreign visitors he built a beautiful Reich Chancellery and the Berghof in the Alps.

I also read obsessively in Barrington about the rise and fall of Rome, and Hitler said in (I believe) Table Talk that the only foreign language he would  recommend was Latin, since “every lesson we need to learn from history can be seen in the rise and fall of Rome.”

This second video, Part Two of Two, one goes into this supposed Taygetan’s work as a fighter pilot — Nordics,  Grays and Reptilians having many violent skirmishes for centuries now — and he gives details about simulating a Bombardier Challenger 350 private business jet (, registered in the UK — a plane that he does not fly and does not exist as such, but which appears to be real to US control tower radar —  so as to travel incognito, avoid intercepts by US fighter jets,  access US media and, simply enough, the Internet.;


(The US has brutally shot down dozens of alien craft using scalar weapons so as to harvest their technology. Gosia agrees totally that the US government is under what she calls “Cabal control,” and that General (and later) President Dwight Eisenhower was an active Cabal partner, although his final speech as president was seemingly very much against the dangers posed by said network.

Just click on the play button on the left — and then the video itself of “Ike” speaking will appear. It is a strange “glitch” that this video does not want to display on my website…. the only one like that.

Well, the word “cabal” comes from the word “Kabbalah.” Gosia also agrees totally with the consensus that reptilians and Grays are at its core.)

Both my grandmothers were blond with blue eyes….One, on my father’s side, was the granddaughter of a German immigrant with the very, very unusual maiden name “Berlin.”

The other one, my mother’s mother, was a closet NS, I am now convinced by the evidence, such as a lovingly framed Hitler stamp, hidden under many National Geographic magazines. Also, she hated Roosevelt and had majored in German at the Ivy League’s Brown University.)

Just not sure, though, how I got so Pleiadian-looking — Did someone “arrange” in 1953 for my parents to meet for a higher purpose??? Did someone ensure the nordic genes came out in me?

I was born exactly nine months after my parents’ honeymoon on the isolated British island and colony in the Northern Atlantic of Bermuda (to which, coincidentally, the Duke of Windsor, the former King Edward VIII, had been banished during the war for being pro-Hitler).

This woman, Jenny Roestenberg (her husband being apparently of Danish backgrund), said the Nordics’ foreheads were higher than ours. The incident happened in October of 1954, a few months after my birth (on July 14), over in Staffordshire, England.

“They had beautiful faces… The color of their hair was golden….. Their foreheads seemed to be a bit larger than the bottom of their faces, as with normal people.”



Asked why the aliens don’t go to somebody ‘important’ like Barack Obama, he said: ‘Well, certainly I can tell you that in 1954, President Eisenhower had three encounters, set up meetings with aliens, which took place at certain Air Force bases, including Holloman Air Force base in New Mexico.’

*** Winston Churchill both wrote about, and KNEW about, alien life being real

Winston Churchill Wrote of Alien Life in a Lost Essay

Credit…Topical Press Agency, via Getty Images

LONDON — Even as he was preparing for the biggest struggle of his life, leading Britain in its fight against Nazi Germany, Winston Churchill had something else on his mind: extraterrestrials.

In a newly unearthed essay sent to his publisher on Oct. 16, 1939 — just weeks after Britain entered World War II and Churchill became part of the wartime cabinet — and later revised, he was pondering the likelihood of life on other planets.

Churchill, who went on to become prime minister during much of World War II and again from 1951 to 1955, was so enthralled by the subject that he even ordered a suspected sighting of an unidentified flying object by the Royal Air Force to be kept a secret for 50 years to avoid “mass panic.”

In an 11-page essay titled “Are We Alone in the Universe?” the statesman showed powers of reason “like a scientist,” said Mario Livio, an astrophysicist who read the rarely seen draft and wrote about it in an article published on Wednesday in Nature magazine.

Churchill first defines what life is, then details the requirements for life to exist and progressively expands his reasoning to the existence of life in other solar systems, Mr. Livio said. “He’s really thinking about this,’’ Mr. Livio said, “and though he didn’t have all the knowledge at hand, he thinks about this with the logic of a scientist.”

Churchill’s interest in science stemmed from his early years as an army officer in British-ruled India, where he had crates of books, including Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species,” shipped to him by his mother.

He later became friends, at least for a time, with the writer H.G. Wells, whose novel “The War of the Worlds,” about Martians invading Britain, had been adapted by Orson Welles for a famous CBS radio broadcast in 1938 — a year before Churchill wrote his article. (Churchill once said Wells’s “The Time Machine” was one of the books he would like to take with him to Purgatory.)

*** attack scenes from the 2005 movie adaptation with Tom Cruise (who, btw, is also of dark-haired, dark-eyed Irish heritage)

What is realistic about this is the savage hatred for humans by reptilians, and the utter coldness of the Tall Grays, their creations, when abducting humans for experiments. Humans are merely paralyzed, not anesthetized, during these outrageous procedures, and often suffer terrible PTSD as a result — if they even survive and are returned, not eaten.


Churchill argued that it was probable that extraterrestrial life existed somewhere in the universe. This was years before Frank Drake, the American astronomer and astrophysicist, presented in 1961 his theory about the number of communicative civilizations in the cosmos. “It is astonishing that Churchill wasn’t a scientist and yet he showed such an interest in science,” Mr. Livio said.

The manuscript was passed on to the National Churchill Museum in Fulton, Mo., the site of Churchill’s famed 1946 Iron Curtain speech, in the 1980s by Wendy Reves, the wife of Churchill’s publisher, Emery Reves. It had been overlooked for years until Timothy Riley, who became the museum’s director last year, stumbled upon it recently. Soon after news of the discovery, two other copies were found in a separate archive in Britain.

Although the article was sent to Mr. Reves in 1939, it was not published. Churchill had revised it a number of times in the 1950s.

In his article, Churchill wrote: “I am not sufficiently conceited to think that my sun is the only one with a family of planets.”

“I, for one, am not so immensely impressed by the success we are making of our civilization here that I am prepared to think we are the only spot in this immense universe which contains living, thinking creatures,” he wrote, “or that we are the highest type of mental and physical development which has ever appeared in the vast compass of space and time.”

Largely self-educated in the sciences, Churchill had boundless curiosity for practically anything, an attitude he once described as “picking up a few things as I went along.”

He wrote about 30 million words in his lifetime, including wartime speeches, an African travelogue, a book on oil painting, a lengthy memoir, and even an essay on an imagined invasion of Russia when he was just 15. For his body of work, he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953.

Welding an active imagination with scientific thought, Churchill produced a few madcap ideas — which he called “funnies” — that he actually championed while he was prime minister, as a means to defeat Nazi Germany.

There was Operation Habakkuk, an imagined fleet of aircraft carriers made from wood pulp and ice to fight German U-boats in the mid-Atlantic. Then there was the Great Panjandrum, an enormous, rocket-propelled wheel packed with explosives. Churchill even invented a green velvet “siren suit” to be put on in a hurry during air raids.

While none of these ideas came into being (the giant wheel having run amok in the testing stage), science was not just a hobby for Churchill.

He was the first prime minister to hire a science adviser. (((Frederick Lindemann))), a physicist, became Churchill’s “on tap” expert and once described him as a “scientist who had missed his vocation,” said (((Andrew Nahum))), who organized an exhibition on Churchill and science at the Science Museum in London. He found a separate copy of the essay in the Churchill Archives Center at the University of Cambridge.

Churchill also met regularly with scientists such as Bernard Lovell, the father of radio astronomy and the Lovell telescope.

“Churchill presided over a culture that encouraged technological development,” Mr. Nahum said. Churchill had such a genuine interest in science, he added, that as chancellor of the Exchequer in prewar Britain, he complained to a friend of having to draft the budget instead of reading a book on quantum physics.

During World War I, when he was lord of the admiralty and later secretary of state for air and war, he encouraged military aviation, chemical warfare and tanks. During World War II, which he called in his memoirs “The Wizard War,” he supported the development of radar, rockets and Britain’s nuclear program.

Churchill founded in 1958 the British equivalent of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at Cambridge — Churchill College — which has since produced 32 Nobel Prize winners.

In the interwar period, Churchill wrote numerous scientific articles, including one called “Death Rays” and another titled “Are There Men on the Moon?”

In 1924, he published a text asking readers “Shall We All Commit Suicide?” in which he speculated that technological advances could lead to the creation of a small bomb that was powerful enough to destroy an entire town.

Churchill’s recently unearthed article on extraterrestrial life was probably written in the same vein and was probably intended to be published as a popular science piece for a newspaper.

Two other scientific essays — one on cell division in the body and another on evolution — are stored in the museum’s archives in Fulton, Mr. Riley, the museum director, said in an interview.

Churchill had a “natural curiosity and general optimism about life,” Mr. Riley said. He had “a willingness to see technical and scientific advances improve not only his immediate world or his country, but the world.”


An earlier version of a picture caption with this article described Chartwell incorrectly. It was Winston Churchill’s home in Kent, England, not the location of the home.


In fact, many (though perhaps not all) blond, blue-eyed surface earthlings (and let me emphasize, SURFACE earthlings, not people living far down IN the earth in perfect and protected enviroments) descend DNA-wise in large measure from crashed, blond, advanced human ET refugees who landed in the Baltic area and the Baltic Sea itself from around 8-10,000 BC:

Crashed UFO found 87 meters down on seabed of northern Baltic — near highest concentration on earth of blond, blue-eyed people

All the stories of “gods” ?  Based on reality as misinterpreted by us in our Stone-Age primitivity.

Plato and Socrates expressed disgust as some of the behavior of their gods, who were clearly ruthless, advanced humans exploiting their relatives, including rape.

In the Roman legend of Chione, recorded in Ovid‘s Metamorphoses the name Chione means “Snow” in Greek, In the story, she is described as the most beautiful woman in the land, so beautiful that the gods Apollo and Mercury both fell in love with her.

Mercury put her to sleep with the touch of his caduceus and raped her in her sleep. [like a date-rape drug! Also, note the use of a kind of “wand.” This is something the Grays also use, a wand that paralyzes the human victim.]

Mercury (“Hermes” for their Aryan cousins,  the Greeks) was honored from 1916-45 on the US dime (ten-cent piece)   

Then Apollo, disguised as an old crone, approached her — and raped her again.

Note the hair color of Apollo. Ancient Greco-Roman statues and temples were painted,  not blinding white marble ..  and often showed gods with blond hair, though NOT Jupiter/Zeus, ruler of the gods, who had dark hair.

These affections [by “the gods”] led Chione to openly boast that she was more beautiful than the goddess Diana herself, resulting in Diana shooting her through the tongue with an arrow.[8][9]

[….] By Apollo she bore Philammon, a man famed both for his voice and skill with a lyre.[4]


The attentions of not one but two gods led Chione to boast that her beauty exceeded even that of Artemis. To avenge this personal slight, not to mention blasphemy, Artemis struck Chione down by shooting an arrow straight through her tongue.[6] 

Her father, Daedalion, was overcome with grief despite his brother’s best efforts to console him. At his daughter’s funeral Daedalion tried to throw himself onto the pyre three times but was restrained.

After a fourth unsuccessful attempt, he ran at an impossible speed through the fields and the forests, climbed to the summit of Mount Parnassus and jumped.[6]

Apollo, though, took pity on the grieving father, transforming him into a hawk before he could hit the ground.

[Here we are talking “shapeshifting,” which, btw, also the ancient Irish believed strongly in. The gods were not totally evil, per se, as we can see from Apollo’s compassion, just selfish, and they were, in effect, “slumming.”

This term refers to rich young British lords who would seduce Cockney girls, all impressed with their money, get them pregnant, but, of course, never marry the girls, just sexually use them.]

“Irish” comes from the word “Aryan.” The blond or red-haired Irish conquered the dark-haired original white people of the Emerald Isle.

Former BNP chairman and EU MP Nick  Griffin represents the dark-haired original British Isles population — before the much blonder conquerors came: Kelts, Romans, Germans (Saxons) and Normans (my ancestors).

An Irish-American WN friend of mine,  Bob Hoy, whom I have often mentioned, visited once all of Ireland and when he was in the western coastal area, with all the beautiful cliffs and mountains,

And he heard the dark-haired locals on the west coast talking about “When the Kelts came.” That referred to the blond or red-haired invaders, the Kelts, and not to their own ancestors. (He also said the Irish police viewed militant IRA members as being usually of the dark-haired and dark-eyed sort.)

Enya, the Irish singer, is typical of these first people:

(I loved her famous song “Only Time,” which was played a great deal after September 11, 2001:

(A German comrade did this video, and it has an excellent message running left-to- right across it, like a ticker tape, about the repeated use of the number “11” in connection with this awful crime)

Just as dark-haired and dark-eyed was the Irish cutie Dolores O’Riordan, tragic lead singer of “The Cranberries”


Why were the Sumerians, Egypt and Greece so far ahead of everyone else? They were crashed Nordics — escaping war and natural catastrophes, and making it barely to this faraway “Goldilocks planet” (not too warm, not too cold, just right” for living on the surface of a planet, if that is what you have to do, initially at least)….

…..Gosia on the Vril Society

Both sides, NS Germany and the Allies, wanted help from ETs to develop high-tech weapons so as to defeat the other side. Of course, they would prefer to defeat them quickly, and without an enormous loss of life on their side, such as when the White Americans defeated the Amerindians — with their spears, tomahawks, brain-bashing clubs (photo) and bows and arrows — using their own muskets, pistols and rifles.

In a situation like WWII, with two comparatively primitive sides going to war — with their lead, steel and dynamite — this is where a ruthless galactic arms dealer smells his chance to get involved — and motivated entirely by his own benefit.

Gosia claims the Vril Society girls were all Taygetans, blending in perfectly and welcomed as beautiful, blond/brunette human females, and their goal was to

1) help the Reich but

2) not permit nuclear weapons, which can not only destroy this earth but also affect many other civilizations.

As my article here shows, in the famous BBC incident in 1977, an alien voice interrupted the broadcast to denounce in the clearest terms any use of nuclear energy, period — whether for weapons or for energy. Whether splitting or fusing atoms, anything nuclear is the great taboo of the galaxy, causing huge resentment toward surface earthlings.

We are like the white-trash family with constant drugs, booze, theft and domestic-violence issues, a trailer-park planet where the cops are always being called out to deal with trouble. (Gosia offers a reasonable-sounding explanation why this is so, btw, which I may go into in another article.)

Disgusting — Homosexual and top candidate for president of the Demoncrat Party Pete Buttigieg, a semitic Maltese to boot, poses smiling with this painting by a friend of his, depicting a black demon biting white children in half. Buttigieg’s father was a militant communist, and a professor with tenure at the supposedly Christian Notre Dame University!:

There are many other weapons (of great precision) and forms of energy which, if used, do not inconsiderately wreak havoc on everyone else.

Though it is understandable the Reich wanted nukes to stave off defeat, we surface earthlings, even the Reich, are viewed as mostly barbaric, and this galaxy is full of very powerful races who protect also their own interests.

So no, Pleiadians, for all their compassion, do not need us or put our very harmful wishes at the top of the galactic bucket list.

We as a race do not DESERVE to be rescued by ANYONE.
And anyone who says “John de Nugent believes we needn’t do anything, because Nordic aliens will save us” is an arrant government liar –– or an envy-driven WN that sees me as “competition.”

Gosia says the same thing: this planet can free itself, and for this reason no Taygetan or other Pleiadian will intervene to save us if we refuse ot even try, and remain cowardly, selfish, excuse-making time-wasters in their eyes. They have lots of other fish to fry in a huge universe, and their own problems, such as a full-on war with reptilians.

The Lord helps those who help themselves.

Btw, a comrade sent me this quotation from the very antisemitic German founder of Protestantism, Martin Luther, who was clearly disgusted at whites for not heeding his urgent warning against Jewry: “The Devil is the God of this world. God help us.” 😉

Many UFOlogists have noted a famous 1951 film, with actor Michael Rennie,  a 6’4″ Yorkshireman, playing an angry human alien:

(It was “reimagined” in 2008, starring this time Keanu Reeves, and portrayed an environmental holocaust as the main danger that disgusted the aliens, getting mostly mediocre reviews:

The film’s storyline involves a humanoid alien visitor named Klaatu that comes to Earth, accompanied by a powerful eight-foot tall robot, Gort, to deliver an important message that will affect the entire human race.

The Day the Earth Stood Still (a.k.a. Farewell to the Master and Journey to the World) is a 1951 American black-and-white science fiction film from 20th Century Fox, produced by Julian Blaustein and directed by Robert Wise. The film stars Michael Rennie, Patricia Neal, Billy Gray, Hugh Marlowe, and Sam Jaffe. The screenplay was written by Edmund H. North, based on the 1940 science fiction short story “Farewell to the Master” by Harry Bates, and the film score was composed by Bernard Herrmann.[4]

The film’s storyline involves a humanoid alien visitor named Klaatu that comes to Earth, accompanied by a powerful eight-foot tall robot, Gort, to deliver an important message that will affect the entire human race.

In 1995, the film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry as “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant”.[5][6]


When a flying saucer lands in Washington, D.C., the Army quickly surrounds it. A humanoid (Michael Rennie) emerges from the spacecraft and announces that he comes “in peace and with good will”. When he unexpectedly removes and opens a small device, he is shot and wounded by a nervous soldier. A tall robot emerges from the saucer and quickly disintegrates the Army’s weapons. The alien orders the robot, Gort, to desist. He explains that the now-broken device was a gift for the president of the United States that would have enabled him “to study life on the other planets”.

The alien, Klaatu, is taken to Walter Reed Hospital. After surgery, he uses a salve to quickly heal his wound. Meanwhile, the Army tries but is unable to enter the saucer; Gort stands outside, silent and unmoving.

Klaatu tells the President’s secretary, Mr. Harley (Frank Conroy), that he has a message that must be delivered to all of the world’s leaders simultaneously. Harley tells him that such a meeting in the current political climate is impossible. Klaatu suggests that he be allowed to go among humans to better understand their “unreasoning suspicions and attitudes”. Harley rejects the proposal, and Klaatu remains under guard.

Klaatu escapes and lodges at a boarding house as “Mr. Carpenter”, the name on the dry cleaner’s tag on a suit he acquired. Among the residents are young widow Helen Benson (Patricia Neal) and her son Bobby (Billy Gray). The following morning, Klaatu listens to the boarders speculate about the alien’s motivations.

While Helen and her boyfriend Tom Stevens (Hugh Marlowe) are not at home, Klaatu is a babysitter for Bobby. The boy takes Klaatu on a tour of the city, including a visit to his father’s grave in Arlington National Cemetery; Klaatu learns that most of the deceased are former military servicemen killed in wars. They visit the Lincoln Memorial, and at the heavily guarded spaceship Klaatu asks Bobby who the greatest living person is; Bobby suggests Professor Barnhardt (Sam Jaffe). Bobby takes Klaatu to Barnhardt’s home, but the professor is not home. Klaatu enters the professor’s locked study from outside and adds a mathematical equation on a blackboard to assist Barnhardt in solving a celestial mechanics problem; he leaves his contact information with the suspicious housekeeper.

During the evening, a government agent accompanies Klaatu to Barnhardt. Klaatu explains that the people of other planets are concerned now that humanity has developed rockets and a rudimentary form of atomic power. Klaatu declares that if his message is ignored, “Earth will be eliminated”. Barnhardt asks Klaatu if such power really exists. Klaatu assures him that it does. Barnhardt agrees to gather scientists from around the world at the saucer; he then suggests that Klaatu give a harmless demonstration of his power. Klaatu returns to his spaceship that night, unaware that Bobby has followed him. Bobby sees Gort render two soldiers unconscious and Klaatu enter the saucer.

Bobby tells Helen and Tom what he saw, but they do not believe him until Tom takes a diamond he found in Klaatu’s room to a jeweler and learns it is “unlike any other on Earth”. Klaatu finds Helen at her workplace, and they take an empty service elevator, which stops precisely at noon. He has neutralized all electricity everywhere for 30 minutes, except for such essential services as hospitals and airplanes in flight. Klaatu reveals his true identity to Helen, asks for her help, and explains his mission.

After Tom informs the authorities of his suspicions, Helen breaks up with him. She and Klaatu decide to visit Barnhardt’s home. On the way there, he tells her that if anything happens to him, she must say to Gort, “Klaatu barada nikto“. Their taxi is spotted and hemmed in. Klaatu makes a break for it and is shot dead. Helen quickly heads to the saucer. After killing two soldiers standing watch, Gort advances on her, and Helen utters Klaatu’s words. Gort carries her into the spaceship and leaves to retrieve Klaatu’s body. Back in the saucer, Gort revives Klaatu, and he explains to Helen that his revival is only temporary.

Klaatu addresses Barnhardt’s assembled scientists, informing them that he represents an interplanetary organization that created a police force of invincible robots like Gort. “In matters of aggression, we have given them absolute power over us”. Klaatu concludes, “Your choice is simple: join us and live in peace, or pursue your present course and face obliteration. We shall be waiting for your answer”. Klaatu and Gort re-enter the saucer and depart.


….On a nice note

This is a good WN version of a classic Beach Boys song: “Wouldn’t It Be Nice?”


Especially important blogs

…..Recent donations




  1. Hello again, Mr de Nugent,

    In the Spanish channel Despejando Enigmas, they have already released info from Swaruu of Erra. The video is about who built the pyramids, but also includes info about the Jews… “Israel is the base of the Cabal” – Swaruu of Erra.

    It goes in detail into how the obelisks are theirs and their symbols and how every place in the world that has an obelisk is where they have control: Vatican, Washington DC, England, to name a few… The video is in Spanish.. Not sure if Gosia is going to make an English version of it, but it’s indeed very interesting… Especially when it says Jews are not the Chosen People, as they claim, and they don’t (the Hebrews) exist as a people; they just pretend to be Chosenites… And worship Elohim, Nefertiti, Akhenaten, etc etc. ETs that came from the Triangulum constellation.


  2. Dear John,

    There are machines that you can buy that allow you to speak to the deceased. They are called “geo boxes.” I used to watch “Paranormal Lockdown” and heard the people on it talking to spirits, and they even called them by their first names and had rational conversations with these deceased people. There are also machines similar to these called “wonder boxes,” and “spirit boxes”; they are available for sale in the USA.

    • Thanks — very interesting. I found this interesting article:


      The GeoBox and GeoPort from Paranormal Lockdown: The world’s best spirit boxes?
      By Julian Cheatle
      27th January 2017 4:05 PM ET


      George Brown is the creator of the GeoBox spirit box, and latterly the GeoPort spirit communication device, both of which have been used by Nick Groff and Katrina Weidman on Season 2 of Paranormal Lockdown.

      The boxes are used for spirit communication and have picked up all sorts of messages in the past, with vast improvements made in recent months after George moved from old-school parts to state-of-the-art technology to make his creations.

      George has been a believer in the spirit world since he was a child, and invented his boxes because he wanted to create a way to pick up voices from the other side.

      “Monsters and Critics” spoke to him to find out more about his remarkable inventions, as well as his work with Nick and Katrina on “Paranormal Lockdown”…


      Monsters and Critics: Hi, George. Could you tell us a little bit about yourself, where you’re from, your background etc, and how you got into the paranormal?

      George Brown: I’m from Toledo, Ohio, and have lived in the area since birth.

      One of the few common interests that brought my parents and myself together was paranormal documentaries.

      Having a ghost in the house was something I took for granted. So many things happened we kind of just figured it was normal.

      My parents had numerous stories of our deceased family paying friendly visits and looking out for us. If only I had a nickel for every time my Mom said “That was your guardian angel looking out for you”.

      My parents even made a pact that whoever passed first, the other would drop in just once to confirm things are okay on the other side, like (((Houdini))) did.

      I was the kid that was taking toys apart and building new things from the mess.

      I was the artist type too, always drawing and creating things.

      I thought I had invented the touchless faucet as a teen in the 1980s but then found out it was already patented.

      I enrolled in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and became an engineer.

      After money ran out two years into my degree I also became an Air Force Electrical Systems Specialist then returned for my B.S.E. Engineering degree.

      I’ve enjoyed paranormal documentaries since the 1970s, and I’m also intrigued by mediums/sensitives. I always believed they could help solve crimes.

      Seeing the shows document sincere reports of their paranormal experiences on TV, and having occasionally experienced it at home, I knew there was something real happening, and I thought more should be done to try and understand the paranormal realm.

      It wasn’t until my early 30s that I actually purchased my first EMF (electromagnetic field) detector.

      It had a big blinking red light that alerted you to the EMF fluctuations and I remember thinking that the blinks on the light seemed to be patterned like speech and wondered if I could develop a way to understand it as verbal communication.

      M&C: You feature on the Bellaire House episode of “Paranormal Lockdown” (Season 2 Episode 6). How did you get to know Nick Groff and Katrina Weidman from the show, and what’s it like working with them?

      GB: I had offered a few boxes for sale and the effectiveness of the box was publicized over YouTube by the well-known paranormal researcher Steve Huff.

      Steve had purchased a box of his own. Nick saw Steve’s non-biased review of the GeoBox and called me up to discuss.

      Nick and I shared a lot of values relating to respect for the departed and 100 per cent real evidence reporting.

      Since we were both in tune with each other’s goals for paranormal research I decided to build a box for the show.

      The GeoBox being used by Nick and Katrina on Paranormal Lockdown, courtesy of TLC

      The first time I met Nick and Katrina in person was on the show, at Bellaire House. They were very polite and friendly and explained to me and Steve (who also appeared) some of the things that had happened inside the house.

      Their sincerity showed through and it was obvious to me that they were sincere believers in the investigation. Overall, the investigation was a very good experience and I felt like I had known them forever.

      I’m really hoping to appear to assist in another investigation, maybe next season.

      M&C: How many times have they used your devices, and have they been used on any other TV shows?

      GB: Currently Paranormal Lockdown is the only show using a GeoBox.

      Nearly every episode in Season 2 has used at least one of my devices. I have built five separate devices, three of these are communication devices.

      In all they have put in use a full size GeoBox Hybrid device, a handheld GeoBox, a new digital GeoPort device, and Infrasound Generating and Detecting Devices.

      Two of George’s GeoBox which were used on “Paranormal Lockdown”

      M&C: Could you tell us a little bit about the GeoBox Spirit Box, how you came up with the idea, how it’s created and what it does?

      GB: The complete GeoBox design came to me while I was in a hospital waiting room, awaiting my sister’s high-risk surgery.

      I ordered the parts for the first GeoBox on the spot in the waiting room.

      The GeoBox device scans radio, and converts this and electromagnetic and vibrational waves to audio.

      The sound comes in first through the scanning radio, then the EMF circuit and reverb device allow modulation of the source input by fluctuating electromagnetic fields and vibrations.

      These are then output as amplified sound.

      A schematic diagram of how the GeoBox works, and what it contains

      With no spirit interactions the device will produce nothing but “radio bleed”, recognizable by hearing things such as commercials and baseball broadcasts, but when the input is being modulated by unseen intelligence, the results are quite different.

      You find yourself getting answers to questions, requests for help, even full sentence responses.

      To add validation to the results of the box there are some replies that cannot be attributed to radio. For instance, swearing is not allowed per the FCC (Federal Communications Commission), yet you will get “F-Bombs” through the GeoBox.

      Human voices are not sped up on the radio but you will get super-fast speech through the GeoBox that can only be understood properly when slowed down.

      Some sentences are started in one voice tonality, but change to another as the sentence plays out. For example a sentence “I need you to help me please” might have a male voice saying “I need you to” and a female finish the sentence with “help me please.” There are theories for this, such as one spirit may not have the energy so another assists.

      Some of the most common phrases that come through the box are “Help me”, which is probably the most common, and “This works” or “It’s working”.

      The first box by George was completed and run on January 27, 2015.

      Before the GeoBox it was the common practice to use white noise and much faster scanning radios called Frank’s Boxes. Responses from these methods usually consisted of single-word voices.

      The first GeoBox was getting full sentence replies, some even in the same voice tone.

      In addition to the many vocal responses captured from the GeoBox it can also be observed from time to time while reviewing recorded video that physical manifestations occasionally appear while the box is running.

      M&C: Could you talk us through the various improvements you’ve made to the box over the years? We notice there are various different versions and updates — the GeoBox II, GeoBox III etc.

      GB: The first GeoBox was made for myself to help prove to myself that there really was life after death, and maybe allow me to not worry about forever losing my loved ones.

      What I put into the first GeoBox was everything I though had a chance of working.

      The most recent GeoBox is essentially the same circuit as the first, only I have made great strides in improving the quality/durability of the device.

      The GeoBox II, which saw several big improvements over the initial one

      The third iteration of George’s invention, the GeoBox III

      The special J. Fent Edition GeoBox

      The Afterlight Paranormal Edition GeoBox

      The original used vintage parts and I’ve managed to assemble modern equivalents allowing more boxes to be produced.

      It’s always been a struggle to understand clearly and in real-time the things that are being said through the GeoBox so I’ve changed some of the “old-school” electromechanical parts to state-of-the-art digital parts.

      This new device is named the GeoPort and is somewhat of a partnership between the technology I had used and that which Steve Huff has had success with, and thus gives credit to both the GeoBox and his Portal.

      The device is now clearer and easier to understand in real-time without a need to replay the recorded session.

      The GeoPort, which is clearer than its predecessors

      The Black-Box GeoPort, designed to lower the cost and shorten the build window

      M&C: What is the strangest/most interesting thing that you’ve picked up using one of your devices?

      GB: I have picked up dog barks, profanity, voices saying they love me, my name, friend’s voices and names who have passed, spirits trying to lure me into buildings saying they need to talk with me…

      On one absolute sleet-storm nasty cold day in the cemetery I picked up a man busting a gut laughing after joking of how beautiful the day was.

      Upon requesting Elvis Presley a loud voice said “The King” and a perfect Elvis voice said “What’s happened?”, but the most interesting to me so far is that I picked up what I believe is the voice of Robin Williams as he and his entourage was heading to a séance.

      I heard and recorded Robin’s voice saying “Can Robin come?” among other things and another voice who refers to him as Robin and even a voice who says he was “so close to making a major movie”.

      Matt Damon and Robin Williams, as a psychiatrist, in “Good Will Hunting”

      In addition to the many vocal responses captured from the GeoBox it can also be observed from time to time while reviewing recorded video that physical manifestations occasionally appear while the box is running, usually orb-like but once a face and hand popped up for a brief instance.

      All caught on video and shared on my YouTube.

      M&C: Are there any other projects you’re currently working on?

      GB: At the time my family is most important, but whatever spare time I can muster, I devote to making and testing the GeoBox/GeoPort and sharing the results with the public.

      M&C: How can people find out more about you and the GeoBox/GeoPort?

      I have a Facebook page called “GeoBox Spirit Box” ( and I post all my videos on my YouTube channel ( I’m planning to develop a webpage sometime this year. [end]


      HOWEVER interesting this may be, one thing I learned way back when I was a Jehovah’s Witness (1970-75), and I have never dropped this teaching, because my own inner voice said confidently that this was true, was great caution about these beings.

      Just because someone is dead certainly does not make them enlightened. If so, then we could channel Stalin for spiritual advice! 😉

      Also, a demonic being can impersonate a loved one.

      Finally, and the movie “Ghost” depicts this at the end, we are not supposed to keep on “hanging out” on this earth, but instead move on and get busy doing spiritual work on ourselves in the world between incarnations.

      Those who tarry here might be immature dead souls, jerks, even murderers, pedophiles and satanists. You really do not know in some cases who this person is, even if they have extensive knowledge of the life of a loved one.

      I am thinking now, for example, of the man who, after acts of domestic violence, murdered his wife as she was about to leave him, and who was the beloved daughter of one of my most generous donors. When this walking rectal orifice kicks the bucket in prison, and probably does not go in a cooperative spirit on to the next world as he should, but instead hangs out here to cause more devilment, do I really want to hear his opinions on a George Brown “Geobox”? 😉

      On the other hand, as my own two videos about my grandfather show (and the incident happened 15 years after his death), our deceased loved ones can and do watch over us and can offer good advice.

      I would only be very cautious.

      As Hitler and Dietrich Eckart agreed in Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin, we must have one foot in each dimension. We come from a higher place to this earth, which is troubled but beautiful. Our main job is HERE, while remembering that we came from THERE.

      Indeed, we are not humans who choose to make a spiritual journey — we are spirits making a human journey.

      Yet when I read Nietzsche during my three months in Marine boot camp in the summer of 1977, one of his most valid criticisms of Pauline “Christianity” was its cowardly, treasonous escapism:

      “Let this evil world go to hell, because tomorrow I will be with Jesus, and a peaceful eunuch, strumming on a harp, while sitting on a cloud. All day long, hymns and praising the Lord….”

      Yukh! 😉

      And to this very day I hear cowards saying things to this effect, if I try to talk about the Jew World Order and its present and coming horrors:

      “I’ll be with Jesus and the angels.”

      As Nietzsche said, this is TREASON against the earth!

      This is a positive cover story for craven cowardice!

      Why should we even incarnate here at all if we are going to think the whole time about THERE?

      In astrology, they discuss what is called a “Neptunian” personality. Women tend toward this more than men, but both sexes are afflicted with it. Such people act “spacy” and neglect earthly duties. The house is a mess, they do not bathe enough, or keep up with their bills or car repairs. Everything is ramshackle.

      I would ask them: “Why did you even come here if in your thoughts you are always there?”

      In his magnificent second book, Living in a Mindful Universe (which I bought, used, from Amazon thanks to the generous donation of Amazon gift cards), Dr. Eben Alexander, the Harvard brain surgeon, says there is a brain filter installed in us to keep us focused on THIS world so we carry out our earthly responsibilities. While some people are born psychics and can see auras, most cannot, and this is a good thing.

      We are here 1) to love, seek truth and grow, and 2) become warriors, cleansing our poor world of its Jews and their vicious allies, the gentile psychopaths who get in bed with them for sex, power, money and fame. These are more dangerous than the Jews, because we let our guard down around those who “seem to be one of us.”

      And, speaking of race, even the most vicious and demonic Jews can have blue eyes, such as both George Soros and Jeffrey Epstein!

      What kind of being uses this Geobox to plead: “Help me!”

      I’ll tell you: a shithead getting what he deserves in hell. (Yes, there are temporary hells, and you can stay there and stew until you feel sorry not for yourself but your victims.)

      Anyone interested in dabbling in the occult had better be in a state of grace, as the Catholics say, meaning to be a basically good person and knowing that your guardian angels are watching over you.

      If not, and you get out on thin ice with spirits you do not understand or know, you can even become possessed by a sadistic, wicked, destruction-loving demonic entity.

      Kind of like this being that homosexual, Demoncrat presidential candidate Pete Buttplug seems to like:

      This guy, a mere mayor of a failing, black-ruined town in Indiana the crime problems of which he made no progress against, is nothing but trouble.

      I blogged recently in German about a true a—-le, a white man, who viciously drove his silver-gray Mercedes at high speed into a crowd of his fellow Germans at a Karneval festivity in the small city of Volkmarsen.

      One minute, party:

      Next minute, this Mercedes plowed into 53 people:

      “Maurice P.” on the left (and note how this German has an un-German name. This has been a nauseating trend for 30 years relatd to German Holocaust-induced self-hatred: all you see is American names like Michael, Jennifer, Kevins and Robert. No more Germars, Heinrichs, Ursulas and Hans.)

      Some say “Maurice P. was drunk, which proved false, and others said “mentally ill” — no excuse. I suspect a demonic entity had control of him, and he deserves to be executed.

      Then he faces a life-review video, seeing the pain he caused others. (This video is not about YOU but your effects.)

      Translating a news update on this crime:

      52 people were injured in the incident, including many children. As of Tuesday, 35 people were still in the hospital, the police in Kassel said. Another 17 people were treated on an outpatient basis. The number of injured children is 18; the youngest is three years old.

      If the executed criminal, dead and facing now his life-review video, sneers even at this — and, yes, there is free will on the other side as well — then that is fine, too. Our god is a loving but tough-love being. You always get free will — and you always get paid for your choices.

      Then this human turd will be sent to a temporary hell. (The Muslims, Buddhists and German author and WN Michael Winkler are right about this.) In “The Spiritual World,” Winkler (who has been fined heavily for his un-p.c. commentaries on current events) details what happens after we die. He emphasizes we send ourselves where we deserve to go. I and others have translated it, but it needs massive editing.

      You go to the hell you deserve, and your company will be vile, callous human rats just like yourself, until you 1) genuinely feel sorry for the immense harm you did to the innocent — and you accept as just the suffering you are undergoing as a means to teach you a lesson.

      As we say in German, Wer nicht hören will, muss fühlen. “Whoever will not hear, must feel.”

      In my last life I was disgusted at a lowlife relative in Austria who had been arrested for burglary. I wrote him:

      “So now you bungled even a burglary. I hope you can succeed now at hanging yourself.”

      That is love, very tough love. Some people need harsh words of disgust — and harsher lessons, and we national socialists are ready to mete them out. Twenty-thousand criminals were beheaded here with this guillotine in Munich. Result?

      In an amazing book from, as I recall, 1936, which I found in the research section of the Boston Public Library in 2000, a magnificent, honest book which the Jews have deep-sixed, entitled “My Year in Germany,” a British trade-union official reports to his UK readers on how well the German working class was doing under the supposed “tyrant” Adolf Hitler.

      I will never forget this:

      Before Hitler, the streets of major cities were not safe, but today, any German woman could walk alone at three a.m. along the docks of Hamburg. Street crime is a thing of the past.

      So I executed out of tough love, and I protected out of tender love. Our women and children deserve deeds, not words. And under N.S. 2.0, we will give them deeds.

      Our choice is simple: Aryan heaven or Jewish hell.

      As national socialists, we took charge of a great nation, lifted it out of the Great Depression, and showed the world that human happiness is possible on this earth, and safety, and a life brimming with meaning, nobility, love and beauty.


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