A comrade said Bobby was just a zionist who could not be trusted. I responded: Understandable, but if you are fair and realize — and seriously consider — the overwhelming fact that the juze killed his father, uncle, and cousin and nearly killed another uncle, Edward (who got a broken back in a plane crash which did kill the pilot, which happened in 1964; I REMEMBER well this tragedy and Teddy in a neck brace), RFK Jr is of course operating under real duress.
But he has proven his bravery and success in many areas, taking on Big Pharma and winning many cases, being a very skilled lawyer.
Others, in contrast, are enthusiastic, willing traitors, evil collaborators with the zionists, in other words, deliberate agents of a hostile foreign power, and there is a huge moral difference. It is like businesses in “The Sopranos” paying protection money. Are they evil for paying it, or victims who have no other choice?
If the juze wiped out half of your family, as they did Bobby’s, would you be super-tough yourself or also feel very intimidated?
By not condemning the Israeli atrocities in Gaza, like so many, many, many others, RFK Jr has been able to pursue his vital health and anti vaxx agenda. It is a compromise many have made under duress.
If you judge Bobby harshly, you know what Jesus said. I recommend you read this eye-opening article to understand why so many Kennedys have died and others left politics totally:
This is what John Kennedy said about Hitler:
All reactions:
Claudia Chadwick, Margareta Hägglund and 5 others
Brian Wingate
He’s controlled opposition and if he werent he wouldn’t exist in the capacity he does. The J*ws aren’t struggling with decent people trying to break into their system and there certainly isn’t any struggle for them in that regard. The system is never breached and all heros are supplied by them.
“When the people need a hero we shall supply him” Albert Pike
Plus, he double speaks like the rest of them – 2 audiences.
John De Nugent
Brian Wingate okay, fine, understood. So then if the juze kill YOUR father, uncle, cousin and almost kill another uncle, what will YOU do??? Judge him harshly — and God will judge you the same way, said Jesus. Bobby has done a ton of good by avoiding conflict with the Israeli lobby.
Brian Wingate
John De Nugent I have to be honest I don’t really know how their devil worshiping cult works. I see them sacrificing themselves left and right with no regard towards each other, or at least that’s what it appears to be. I don’t condemn RFK in any manner and you know I prefer that I’m absolutely wrong that he is a true hero waging war against the machine… I’m just doubtful and there’s little clues that I pick up on that leave me to believe what I do. I find few heroes they haven’t supplied.
John De Nugent
Brian Wingate Well, as Jesus said, by their fruit shall ye know them. The more the media revile RFK Jr, the more I have to be impressed. Every patriot in elected office has a jew problem.
Margareta Hägglund
I believe he has to play their game in order to stay alive and do what he intends to do !
Margareta Hägglund Right. Again it is like the “Sopranos” show about the Mafia in New Jersey. You either pay protection money or the goons smash up your shop. Weenies in Facebookland demand Bobby Kennedy go full-Hitler, I guess. Do they think the US Senate will then confirm him as Secretary of Health and Human Services? Facebook is where WNs gather to trash everyone, even people risking their lives and doing a lot of good.
Claudia Chadwick
I feel that RFK Jr is a spiritual warrior.
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