Supreme Court Justice Alito KNOWS the sort of dirty tricks Pennsylvania Democrats play. Alito’s background fighting corruption & the mob in South Jersey tells me what’s left of our democracy still stands a chance

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by Francois Arouet


Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito on Friday ordered election officials across Pennsylvania to segregate mail-in ballots post election day. He smelled a rat and took a stand.


Alito also granted a temporary stay requested by the Keystone State Republican Party, which said a court order was needed to ensure that all of Pennsylvania’s 67 election boards that had complied with a directive from Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, better damn-well do as they were told.

Although Samuel Alito was appointed by long time enemies of America (and enemies of Donald Trump), the Bush dynasty, this has to be seen as a good sign, as Alito is the Justice who led the dissenters against the ludicrous decision of the Supreme Court last week that ruled Pennsylvania should be permitted to conduct the election until evidence of wrongdoing could come in.

Justice Alito, joined by Justices Thomas and Gorsuch, did issue a remarkable statement which I will go over later.

Now let’s look at Justice Alito’s background and most importantly, WHERE he was raised and where his people come from – their experiences with organized criminality and corruption in particular – to get a feel for where this might be headed.

Alito was born in Trenton, a predominantly black city in New Jersey – a mere stone’s throw from Philly.


Anyone who has had the displeasure of driving through the area knows that it is genuinely the belly of the North East beast, and as Trump would most certainly remark, a real “shithole”.

Samuel Alito is the son of Samuel Alito Sr., a first generation immigrant from Italy’s mezzogiorno, and Rose Fradusco, an Italian-American whose parents hailed from Southern Italy.

Both sets of Alito’s grandparents were born in Roccella Ionica, Calabria and Palazzo San Gervasio, Basilicata in Southern Italy – the heartland of Italy’s Mafia.

Alito, who graduated Valedictorian of his high school, earned his undergraduate degree at Princeton University and his Juris Doctorate at Yale where he served as an editor on the Yale Law Journal.

From 1987 to 1990 Alito served as the United States Attorney for the District of New Jersey.

When he arrived, the office had just begun the prosecution of 20 Mafiosi.


Although they were ultimately acquitted after a grueling two-year trial – the longest federal criminal trial in history – Alito made his mark for being extremely tough on corruption, crime, systemic rot, government overreach and evil.


In this and so many other ways Alito is in fact quite similar to Rudy Giuliani.

So, is it mere coincidence that the Justice who seems to grasp the possibility of filthy dealings in the “Philthy” swamp grew up but a few miles from the “City of Brotherly Love”?


Alito knows first hand what the cabal of Demoncrat swamp rats are capable of, EVEN before the damning evidence arrives.

What also prompts these observations is President Trump’s motion at the Supreme Court yesterday asking the court to start going over the vote in Pennsylvania.

Trump it appears has picked up on Justice Alito’s statement last week in Republican Party of Pennsylvania v. Kathy Boockvar, the vile corrupt partisan Secretary of State of Pennsylvania.

Although the balance of the court declined to step in immediately (leaving the door open for their stepping in AFTER the fact), Alito was fully on board with putting an end to the evil now.

Justice Alito was joined by Trump appointee, Justice Gorsuch, and Bush Sr. appointee, Clarence Thomas – whose life was all but destroyed by the Democrat Party during the Anita Hill sexual harassment fiasco many years ago.

Of the three justices Trump appointed, Gorsuch is the one I would say that is by FAR the most honorable and most likely to do the right thing.


Coney-Barrett and certainly Kavanaugh are sadly NOT quite there – something Rand Paul hinted at during a recent podcast he did on a local Kentucky station.

However, I hope Mr Paul and I are wrong.

In the US Supreme Court’s decision, Justice Alito goes on to note that the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania had “issued a decree that squarely alters an important statutory provision enacted by the Pennsylvania Legislature pursuant to its authority under the Constitution of the United States to make rules governing the conduct of elections for federal office.”

Alito cited legislation, Act 77, passed just this past year. Act 77, in Justice Alito’s words, “permits all voters to cast their ballots by mail but unambiguously requires that all mailed ballots be received by 8 p.m. on election day.”

The law, Justice Alito also notes, “specifies that if this provision was declared invalid, much of the rest of Act 77, including its liberalization of mail-in voting, would be void.”

The court later refused to change the deadline because of the Coronavirus pandemic.


Yet, in the face of Act 77’s deadline, Justice Alito noted that the divided Pennsylvania Supreme Court “decreed that mailed ballots need not be received by election day.”

Instead, it concocted a new rule — that ballots “are to be treated as timely if they are postmarked on or before election day and are received within three days thereafter.”


That boggles the mind as it allows the Democrats to continue to “vote” until they get the result they want.
Something I am sure Alito knows….

Justice Alito acknowledged in his October 28th statement that he understands the matter probably couldn’t be resolved before the election.


He did though state that this did not mean that the Supreme Court can’t — after the election — open up the question of whether Pennsylvania is handling these mail-in ballots in a constitutional way.

None of the other six, who found there was not enough evidence to step in yet, disagreed.

In fact, the other judges that rejected President Trump’s case never said that they too wouldn’t revisit the issue AFTER the election.

I expect they will.

Whether the court will find in favor of President Trump depends on many factors – the evidence admitted, the quality and merits of the case and its presentation and just how deep the rot is –  which is of course another matter.

Don’t expect any of the three liberal scum left on the court to do the right thing.

Let’s hope the honorable Alito, Gorsuch and Thomas can get the remaining three “conservatives” on board.

Our nation depends on it!

End article


  1. I meridionali Italiani ne sanno una più del Diavolo 🙂
    Tra mafia,corruzione e furbizia.
    Samuel Alito può fare davvero la differenza con questa Eredità genetica.
    I Napoletani direbbero:”San Genna’ (San Gennaro)facci(dacci)sta(questa) grazia!” È il Dio Giano…

    • Transl:

      Southern Italians know more than the Devil.

      Between mafia, corruption and cunning.
      Samuel Alito can make a real difference with this genetic legacy.

      The Neapolitans would say: “San Genna ‘(San Gennaro) give us (give us) this (this) grace!”

      He is the [old Roman] god Janus …

  2. La mitra di San Gennaro (copricapo di papi e vescovi) è del tutto simile a quella del dio Mitra, derivata dalla raffigurazione del dio-pesce mesopotamico Oannes,che donò la cultura agli uomini.
    «Mitra proteggeva il territorio e rendeva fertile la terra con il sangue del sacrificio rituale del toro,così come oggi il sangue che si scioglie nelle ampolle auspica prosperità ai napoletani».Il culto di Mitra (nato il 25 dicembre, morto e risorto dopo 3 giorni), praticato da sacerdoti maschi, giunto dalla Persia a Cuma e a Napoli, fu poi soppresso dalla Chiesa che però ne mantenne alcune tradizioni.
    PS:Ma sembra che lo faccio di proposito…Ho sempre “Giovanni” in testa! LOL

    Quando ho visto la testa ho pensato subito a Giovanni Battista,l’indice indica anche Saturno come Dio caprino e guarda caso…l’indice indica anche Wotan.
    In effetti sembra il culto solare,il Sole che Risorge,a differenza del Giovanni (più lunare) che tramonta il 24Giugno.
    L’Era di Saturno 🙂

    L’Italia sembra essere davvero la sua patria,spodestato da Giove(che poi è Marduk-Adamo)suo figlio,demonizzato a sua volta per l’incesto con sua sorella Eva,per l’uccisione di Abele da parte di Caino,e la separazione da Lilith (demonizzata anche lei!)
    Ma ora Lilith la Vergine è qua,Adamo pure con i suoi figli…e manca solo lui per Rendere onore alle profezie di Virgilio e all’oracolo di Cuma(sacerdotessa!).
    La ruota solare girerà…
    E…Roma sarà di nuovo AMOR 🙂

  5. A good article written with factual info. Unlike the left media lies.judges can be got at or bumped off. There’s no limit to what the left/jews will do to get their way for money and power. The masses now have a choice , get lied to by the media ,or visit our sites that tell the truth. Why do you think our sites get 2000s of attacks a day? You decide.

    • Great comment, Carl.

      We both have been at this long enough to grasp that even the worst outrages do not lead to action when the entire ruling class is utterly corrupt, and in fact are paedophiles.

      The perfect example in the UK was paedophile Tory Edward Heath destroying Enoch Powell:

      The Rotherham scandal fit the pattern –an extremely outrageous thing leads to no action at all.

      Waiting for Trump to win this at the SCOTUS, the Supreme Court of the United States, pinning our hopes on this one thing, is a very dangerous gamble.

      When hopes are raised and then dashed, the troops become completely demoralized, and groan “What’s the use? We’re doomed.”

      No, we cannot focus any more on Trump. He has done his best, and failed.

      Among the ancient Germanic peoples, kings led the tribe, but only as long as they kept winning. This winning “by the mandate of heaven” was called “Hale” among the Anglo-Saxons, and in German “Heil.”

      If a king lost a whole string of battles, the warriors would say “the king has lost his heil.” Then he had to step aside. There was no tyranny back then and there were no cops; every man was a warrior, and every man bore the same longsword.

      Mr. Trump, it is sad, but you have lost your heil. And you have run out of ideas.

      Bad Orange Man was never ruthless enough.

      THIS is the only answer:

  6. Secondo me sta aspettando la tua entrata in scena 😉
    Anche i bambini sapevano che i DEM avrebbero giocato sporco.Figuriamoci.
    Eppure secondo me lo ha fatto per mettere allo “scoperto” i Repubblicani al suo fianco.
    Sono certa che farà uscire tutte le prove “sconcertanti”, anche se molti zombie continueranno a restare tali.
    Neanche di fronte al fatto compiuto riuscirebbero ad ammettere di aver sbagliato tutto.
    Noi abbiamo bisogno di Gente vivace,intelligente e nobile di Cuore!
    Siamo tutti in attesa del colpo di scena 🙂 🙂

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