Supreme US military advisor 1974-78 to three presidents blasted the Jews for taking over OUR country

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A comrade and Rockwell party veteran (like myself) wrote me (

“It’s so strong you wouldn’t believe now. We have the Israelis coming to us for equipment. We say we can’t possibly get the Congress to support that. They say, ‘Don’t worry about the Congress. We will take care of the Congress.’ Now this is somebody from another country, but they can do it. They own, you know, the banks in this country, the newspapers. Just look at where the Jewish money is.” -General George S. Brown

I replied (

Thanks very much for this, comrade.


The welcome fact is that Brown was not some West Point cadet shooting his mouth off, but a full general (four stars) and the two-term Chairman of the “Joint Chiefs of Staff” (what the Germans would call “the General Staff”).

As such, he was the highest-ranking officer in the entire U.S. military. (

He was also a distinguished combat officer, fighter jet pilot, and a vital officer in WWII.

*** 1943 Ploiesti air raid

He took over the strategically critical and very daring, low-altitude US bombing raid on August 1, 1943 against the war-essential German oil refinery at Ploiesti, Romania after its commander was killed.

The raid failed, however, under truly withering Third Reich 88-millimeter flak (anti-aircraft gunfire).

Wiki: “This mission was one of the costliest for the USAAF in the European Theater, with 53 aircraft and 660 air crewmen lost. It was proportionally the most costly major Allied air raid of the war[8] and its date was later referred to as “Black Sunday”.

Allied warplanes never knocked this refinery out. It was lost only when the Soviets invaded Romania with ground troops in August 1944 and the treacherous King Michael switched pointlessly to the Allied side, after which the Soviets got rid of him, too.)


Brown was vital also in the Korean and Vietnam wars, and received 33 decorations.

Brown himself had helped the Israelis in extraordinary ways during their war of naked aggression against their Arab neighbors, the Six Days War of 1967. Yet like so many who dealt with the monstrously ungrateful and treacherous Jews, he soured on them eventually — and thus said the courageous and true things he did, just as an earlier CJOS had done, Admiral Thomas Moorer:

General George Patton felt the same way:

As did General George Van Horn Moseley, Deputy Chief of Staff of the US Army under General Macarthur from 1930 to 1933:

What I learned from the cowardly “America First Committee” rejecting the great General Moseley in 1940 for demanding ALL-OUT CONFRONTATION with the Jews

Those were the days, unlike now, when saying the truth was not always a career-ender.

*** Strong WASP antisemitism

(I remember my father, then a US Marine Corps Reserve major, seen here on July 4, 1965 next to the RI National Guard commander, Leonard Holland, a jew, at an Independence Day parade in Bristol, Rhode Island), telling me in the 1960s how many country clubs (for golfing) refused to admit jewish members, and how the jews had their own country clubs.

He told me, since I asked him why: “The feeling is the Jews already have too much power, and if you let them in anywhere, they take over everything.”

Antisemitism was still very strong then among WASPs and other white christians, though rarely did it come out in the open.)


Quotes like this from an impeccable source, a supremely patriotic American who was Chairman of the JCOS under both the Republicans Nixon and Ford and the Democrat Carter, are worth pure gold, white brother.

Thank you again, for this info — and your other great sacrifices for decades now for our great race and one-great nation!

We shall yet live to see this, because we ourselves will do it, ignoring a world of cowards and talkers:

Imagine the full genius, bravery and skill of the white American nation — an awesome superpower created by the blending of the white Teutons, Kelts, Slavs and Mediterraneans — serving our race instead of being the despised, loathed global hitman for the Jews who hate our guts!


US Navy SEALS — still 90% white despite decades of failed efforts to get blacks and hispanics to graduate successfully.


Military bio of John de Nugent

Especially important blogs


I pledge to you to overcome every obstacle, including white cowardice and stupidity even 😉 , and turn today’s pitiful nerds into white warriors, and begin the mental process of rebirth that will lead to white victor.

….even if it takes 25 generations, and almost all of us die in this struggle, giving it all, including our miserable lives.

She is worth it.


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