Suspended again by Facebook — until September 1 — over a true story

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RE-using this graphic from April, which remains accurate except the suspension this time runs through September 1.

I have gotten now five 30-day suspensions in seven months. 

This was the “offensive” post this time,which does not contain a single racial epithet or anti-black racial remark, just a true story which a comrade in Madison, Wisconsin sent me:

[From afar I saw stuff like this myself in Natrona, Pennsylvania]

From a comrade in Wisconsin
7 hrs ·
Today’s white lower middle-class story: [edited]

White daughter attends H.S. with a [black] majority and is acclimated to their ways. She graduates, starts adult-style partying and gets knocked up by a [black]. Her parents are forced to accept it, and the once-race-realists are now hushed up.

Typical [black] denies he’s the father to what comes out looking like a white baby. He has 8 other children, so he’s “wishing it away”. Eventually he discards his white baby mamma like an old bag of McDonald’s chucked from his car.

She single-parents her [half-black kid] while taking up with tattooed, low-level whites, who hang with [blacks] for their drug supply. She then tries heroin, gets hooked, and moves back in with “grandpa and grandma”. She goes on for 2 more years in and out of jail, stealing from her family to supply her addiction. She OD’s in their basement and her mother finds her.

The grandparents are now taking care of their half- [black] grandchild who is completely fucked up from living his mother’s heroin addicted lifestyle – not to mention his ‘nature’ to chimp out. He does not listen to authority. He destroys everything they buy him. And…. he shits his pants. Still. He has become a total outcast at school because all the kids know this about him. His father doesn’t even want custody.

Thanks, forced integration. The end. [end]

…..Mudshark salute


…..Eaten by alligators

Rebellious white teen female hooks up with blacks, is raped, shot and fed to alligators; is “white sharia” the answer?

….You can and should join on me on

If I accepted your Faceberg friendship request (and 2,620 others 🙂 ) it was partly so I also can urge you to defy this miserable FB dictatorship and come & join me ALSO over on the Russian-owned, which has 100 MILLION members, almost all the same features, and – most of all – VK (“vKontakte”in Russian) is 99% censorship-free! You can post anything.

(Just don’t start any GROUPS on vk with names that 1) “deny the Holo” or 2) directly glorify AH.)

Interesting suspension this British comrade got.

It is truly insane and SELF-degrading how we as WNs keep on using an enemy social medium that abuses us.

As an American, having the First Amendment here (freedom of speech), I find the FB “community guidelines” merely a sinister new trick to GET AMERICANS USED TO “HATE-SPEECH” LAWS.

Meanwhile, I will continue working on my real mission: the creation of a new Aryan religion that will enable us to defeat the religions of Judaism, Islam and luciferian, 33rd-degree Kabbalistic Freemasonry.


Shriner admits proudly that he worships Lucifer


A comrade on Vk aske me how my religion work was going.

I replied:

Andy, very well, actually. I found the missing piece of the puzzle when some stranger stopped by my door and gave me two books by Eckhart Tolle that he said made no sense to him. 😉 The great Silvershirt founder William Dudley Pelley said after he got out of federal prison that there is no point in giving people any more info on the Jews and race until the human race changes in fundamental ways.

As things stand, no more than 1/4 of 1% will do anything. No way we can win with such tiny numbers.

…..Recent donations

–2 August 2018 PayPal from B in New York

–2 August 2018 medical (health-food) donations for Margi to help her fight cancer, and something yummy for us both 😉

–1 August 2018 via Stripe from N in Michigan

–30 July 2018 cash from P in Florida

–30 July 2018 via Paypal from S in Germany

–30 July 2018 via PayPal from P in Massachusetts

–11 July 2018 donation via PayPal from K in Germany

–4 July 2018 donation via PayPal from M in Florida

–2, 9, 16, 23, 30 July 2018 checks from G in Nevada

–4, 11, 18,  26 June, 2018 check from G in Nevada

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