“Swarms” of UFOs near US Air Force Intercontinental Ballistic Missile base; Jew generals run both Air Force and missile command; a local saw Grey “freighters” for two years near Lake Superior

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Jacques Vallée, a major NASA scientist who graduated from the Sorbonne, says many aliens are not from our universe at all, and some are what religions would label “demonic.” All the more reason to create a religion so we get right with God and are protected from truly terrifying beings.

Mayan figurine. The culture they inculcated was based on sadistic human sacrifice — thousands of human souls annually had their hearts ripped out. 

Mel Gibson used for his entire cast actual Mayans speaking Mayan.

Olmec, Mayan and Aztec cultures — all committing horrific and idiotic mass human sacrifice — were dominated by satanic alien entities; Mel Gibson masterpiece “Apocalypto”

……Swarms of “drones” (UFOs) near F.E. Warren AFB, the site of many ICBMs in January 2020:

Francis E. Warren Air Force Base is a United States Air Force base located approximately west of Cheyenne, Wyoming. It is one of three strategic missile bases in the U.S. It was named in honor of Francis E. Warren in 1930. Warren AFB is home of the 90th Missile Wing, assigned to the Twentieth Air Force, Air Force Global Strike Command. The 90 MW operates the LGM-30G Minuteman III ICBM. It is also the home of Twentieth Air Force, which commands all U.S. Air Force ICBMs.Wikipedia
The heads of the US Air Force and missile command are two Jews:


(Jan. 20, 2020)

From the article:

“It’s disturbing enough to see formations of glowing drones maneuvering in a grid pattern over sparsely populated expanses of land. It’s more disturbing still to see them lingering near nuclear-missile silos.

Since residents first reported the UFOs around Dec. 20, local and state government officials, including the Air Force, have denied they have anything to do with the nocturnal air shows. No one can quite figure out what the apparent drones are doing, or why.

The mystery has become big news in Colorado.

Michael Yowell, a captain at the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office, has added drone patrol to his law enforcement beat. He told The Daily Beast he has seen the mysterious objects more than once over Hugo, a town with a population of fewer than 800.

An abnormal red light will appear on the horizon, he said, and soon a drone, or whatever it is, will buzz by overhead. He described the curious phenomenon to The Daily Beast as square in shape with red lights on the corners and a white light in the middle that move around at a consistent speed of about 45 miles per hour at a few hundred feet in the air regardless of the wind, emitting a low hum and high-pitched whine.

“It doesn’t sound like your normal drone,” he said. “It sounds like a motor. It sounds like a jetliner when you’re standing next to an airport.””

(I thank a comrade for sending me this: https://johndenugent.com/hitler-on-race-and-religion-with-his-one-mentor-in-life-dietrich-eckart-bolshevism-from-moses-to-lenin/#comment-619889)

I replied:  (https://johndenugent.com/hitler-on-race-and-religion-with-his-one-mentor-in-life-dietrich-eckart-bolshevism-from-moses-to-lenin/#comment-619890)

Thanks much for this! 🙂

I have run a story on another Colorado UFO incident which is even more startling: a high-speed photographer near the (infamous) Denver airport was testing his camera out during the day time. When he reviewed his shots, he found UFOs diving at several thousand miles an hour straight into what seemed like the dirt.

In reality, a slit dematerializes and they enter an underground base. But they move so fast that they dare fly around in broad daylight, and no one in Sheeplamerica sees anything but this blur. 😉

A German known personally to me (and who makes an annual “pilgrimage” to the Berghof site) took these photos from Hitler’s teahouse in Berchtesgaden of a red UFO diving in a blur in the same manner — seemingly into the ground:


It just so happens that that same day, I had a very interesting conversation at the local tavern with a Finlander gal [“Finlander” is UP lingo for an American of Finnish ancestry] , a senior, mother of three and grandmother, who had her own story, and she was grateful I believed her.

I originally posted this on the Russian answer to Facebook, VK (https://vk.com/wall351111810_16939):

Endless numbers of locals here in Lake Superior have seen a “freighter” of the Greys.  A senior today told me that as a young wife in the early 1970s she (and her parents) saw one of these on Firesteel Rd in Ontonagon. For two years the thing hovered over her house, then was never seen again.

These are very bad dudes, the types that abduct humans. I saw one of these in McMinnville, Oregon in July 1989, I and a client. I later discovered that McMinnville was the secret headquarters for the entire US chemtrails program via a CIA front called “Evergreen Aviation.”

The last time I saw LiTS, Lights in the Sky, UFOs, or whatever the hell you want to call them, I was overwhelmed with a sense of dread. I fainted for a couple of seconds.

Mark Winegardner

I’ve been horrified of them since childhood.


  1. Anche io sono scesa qui e ricordo perfettamente questo Ufo nel mio Sogno,un’immagine viva del pianeta Terra che vedevo da lontano.
    Leonardo è sceso da un ufo per darmi alcune cose,credo volesse intendere di unire gli opposti(tipo un libro di Kamasutra)La mia reazione è stata quello di sgridarlo ovviamente.Ero spaventata,anche se era solamente un sogno.
    I Grigi spaventano;usano le donne per creare i loro embrioni(ricordo la testimonianza di una donna sarda,continuava a dire di essere stata ripetutamente ingravidata da questi esseri..gli embrioni venivano presi successivamente).
    Mi sembrava una montatura..E’ terribile se fosse vero.
    Arrivare a questo punto per salvare la loro razza!Possono farlo davvero?

    • Transl:

      I also went down here and I perfectly remember this UFO in my dream, a living image of the planet Earth that I saw from afar.

      Leonardo came down from a UFO to give me some things, I think he meant to join the opposites (like a Kamasutra book). My reaction was to scold him, of course. I was scared, even if it was only a dream.

      The Grays frighten me; they use earthly women to create their embryos. (I remember the testimony of a Sardinian woman, who kept saying she was repeatedly impregnated by these beings … the embryos were taken away later.)

      It seemed like a frame..It is terrible if it were true.

      How did they get to this point to save their race! Can they really do it?


      I have read that their atrocious practices have not led to success. They are a mostly artificial species, having been manipulated genetically by their masters, the Reptilians, to be their slaves. Once they were free. Today, they have almost no soul, and just obey.

  2. Non lo so,nel gruppo ho sentito dire che non tutti i Grigi sono cattivi,ma anche gli Oroniani sembrano essere stati conquistati da questi Draconiani(per essere più precisi).Quindi la cosa preoccupa un tantino,come quelli di Sirio B.
    Una situazione simile a questo pianeta,quanti bianchi traditori!
    Non si può aver stima di questa gente..hai proprio ragione.
    Per quanto riguarda me ho proprio paura di aver avuto delle “Regressioni” tramite i miei Sogni.
    Mi chiedo davvero,se è tutto vero..dove possa trovarsi Asgard che può avere tanti altri nomi.Quando l’altra contattista parlava di Ishtar e della sua venuta probabilmente parlava di me!Ho trovato un graffito di un’astronave che ritraeva proprio Ishtar al suo interno!Tramite il suo copricapo sono risaliti a lei.
    Ashtar è un maschio;un generale della Confederazione Galattica.Non può venire qui direttamente.Ci mancavano tutti i miei Sogni..con i miei tanti nomi.Non solo..mi sono state regalate cose che mi dovevano far pensare;Una rosa di Sabbia dura proveniente dall’Africa!Proprio ieri ci ho fatto caso.E se non le racconto a te..

  3. I’ve noticed in life children at school just regurgitate facts and figures. No thinking required . People go through life not thinking what they want from life,not knowing where they are going, or how to get there. Unhappy debt ridden masses.
    People are rudderless ships.
    Controlled by their boss or bank
    People spend more time planning their annual holiday than planning their life.
    All because they stop thinking.

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