Ty Cobb — Jew defamation of the greatest baseball player ever
The following is adapted from a speech delivered at Hillsdale College on March 7, 2016, during a program on “Sports and Character” sponsored by […]
The following is adapted from a speech delivered at Hillsdale College on March 7, 2016, during a program on “Sports and Character” sponsored by […]
https://johndenugent.com/english/east-indian-in-vancouver-canada-on-red-ice-praises-dying-out-whites-wants-them-to-awake-up/ Underneath the Red Ice interview with Frank Raymond a “marcus g”, undoubtedly an American black, wrote the screed reproduced below (which, btw, wrongly […]
https://deutsch.rt.com/programme/der-fehlende-part/37714-fehlende-part-medienkritikpanama-papers-destabilisierung/ Mein Kommentar: Wieder mal ein guter Beitrag. Und wenn die RT-Deutsch-Team auch etwas unausgewogen nur aus jungen Journalisten besteht, zumindest haben Diese Mut, Charme […]
Our friend Hervé Ryssen, a brilliant Sorbonne graduate living outside Paris The first part of this essay represents my view and the second that […]
Mike Delaney of Trutube.tv pointed out to me this cute little new structure in town: It is not only spying on everyone but is line-of-sight […]
Bei NWO-Narzissten, und insbesondere bei Juden, sieht man IMMER diesen herablassenden Blick. Hier die neue Redakteurin der Bild-Zeitung. Koch ist, so Wiki, Mitglied der “Deutschlandstiftung […]
The baby is real, not a doll, as one can see at 0:04, and other migrants do take the baby away. .https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=18&v=CFDUs7b_6Ts .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGzejMLl-l0&nohtml5=False In twenty […]
Pre-Christian Scandinavians were Vikings, feared worldwide [source: #https://www.rt.com/news/338779-somalian-refugee-raped-politician/ ] A male politician in Norway has opened up about his rape by a Somali man, stating […]
Trois joggeuses en Normandie La République Tchèque met fin à son programme de « réfugiés chrétiens » ON 7 AVRIL 2016 PAR BLANCHEUROPEDANS ARTICLES D’ACTUALITÉ, EUROPE Traduction […]
. . . . . I know what you were expecting…..you filthy Infidel!!! May the fleas of 1,000 camels infest you!
Von Gerd Honsik (http://de.metapedia.org/wiki/Honsik,_Gerd) [Der Blogartikel-Titel und alle Fotos sind von mir, John de Nugent, erstellt worden. Das Thema: Aus wahltaktischen Gründen hat die FPà– […]
Donald Trump against most executive orders and for ending government control of churches He wants to take away the requirement that they must have tax exempt status […]
Des écolièreres finlandaises — l’État finlandais apporte de centaines de milliers de Somaliens par avion de Mogadichou pour les violer. Le blogue de Blanche Europe: […]
A comrade wrote me: *** As Jim Condit reminded us recently on his website: “Those who CAST the votes decide nothing. Those who COUNT the […]
Der Jude Steve Lubitz — ich kenne solche Judennamen bestens aus meiner Kindheit an einer elitären Privatschule. Dieser Blogeintrag ist die Wiederholung eines Blogs aus […]
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3521087/I-hope-God-doesn-t-kill-hope-God-doesn-t-rape-Authorities-release-chilling-video-audio-night-eight-year-old-Florida-girl-kidnapped-raped-murdered-pedophile.html Especially heart-rending 911 call…. Cops did nothing for six hours but eat more donuts….. . My two conclusions: As I have said over and […]
SCOTLAND: Glasgow cops are now sharia police; threaten Internet users Glasgow Police have threatened social media users, ordering them to be “kind” (to Muslims) and […]
Ma réaction sur un article de Blanche Europe: https://blancheurope.wordpress.com/2016/04/01/les-maires-de-bruxelles-et-de-paris-chantent-en-coeur-le-vivre-ensemble/comment-page-1/#comment-5413 johndenugent2013 Très bon article comme toujours. Je voudrais soutenir entièrement ce que vous écrites ici: « Mieux vaut […]
Blut muss fließen SA-Straßenkampflied . Wetzt die langen Messer auf dem Bürgersteig, laßt die Messer flutschen in den Judenleib. Blut muss fließen knüppelhageldick und […]
http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2016/03/RIR-160325.php Nick Griffin & Jack Sen – The Battle for the Future of Europe – Hour 1 March 25, 2016 Nick Griffin, described at various […]
Quelle merveille la femme blanche — à sa place Une gauchiste croit trouver l’amour avec un « migrant » de Calais, mais finit utilisée en passeuse […]
Yes, there was one 12-year-period in all of recorded history when people were happy or at least, in the bad times, all there for each […]
encore un bon article de “Blanche Europe”: https://blancheurope.wordpress.com/2016/03/29/plus-de-100-molenbeek-en-france/ Voici les trois commentaires, dont le mien à la fin: yoananda Il y a en effet 750 ZUS […]
Ostern — die Freude des wachsenden Lichtes! …..Frohe Ostern! Wiki: Das neuhochdeutsche Ostern und das englische Easter haben die gleiche sprachliche Wurzel, zu deren Etymologie […]
……Easter, a pagan celebration that Christians took over Wiki: The modern English term Easter, cognate with modern German Ostern, developed from an Old English word […]
George Washington, général victorieux contre les Anglais, président de la convention constitutionnelle à Philadelphie, et premier président de l’État américan — un grand (185cm) roux […]
……Lustiges Russenvideo zur toleranten Angela .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibFRfgOmF8k ….. “Volk der Dichter und Denker” kann sich diese Gedicht verdenken . Nachdem Facebook mein Konto löschte (bei […]
Quite interesting: black Arizona cop, a Christian who occasionally talks about “the Lord,” open-minded and incognito in his civilian clothes, enters a Trump rally .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjyxZ7HO7aY […]
ON 25 MARS 2016 PAR BLANCHEUROPEDANS ARTICLES D’ACTUALITÉ, ARTICLES EN EXERGUE, EUROPE, GUERRE RACIALE [source: https://blancheurope.wordpress.com/2016/03/25/les-terroristes-de-bruxelles-avaient-envisage-de-sattaquer-a-une-centrale-nucleaire/#more-8137] Les centrales nucléaires, c’est efficace pour produire de […]
……Trump: “Trump is a wonderful, ideal boss, super-nice guy, and no racist” (Thanks go to a Massachusetts comrade for sending this.) . .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dahqHQ8qkjw . . […]
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