Hanoi Jane can’t breathe in Trumpmerica

October 23, 2018 John de Nugent 0

Indeed, Hanoi Jane!! You Can Stop Breathing Any Time You Want!! Jane Fonda Claims It’s ‘Hard’ for Her to ‘Breathe’ in Donald Trump’s America https://www.lifezette.com/2018/10/jane-fonda-says-its-hard-for-me-to-breathe-in-donald-trumps-america/ […]

FRENCH Nous étions soldats

May 2, 2018 John de Nugent 0

“Nous étions soldats” fut un excellent film réaliste de 2002 sur la guerre du Vietnam  – basé sur une histoire vraie de la première grande bataille américano-nord-vietnamienne, […]

We were soldiers

May 1, 2018 John de Nugent 0

“We were soldiers” was an excellent 2002 Vietnam War film — based on a TRUE story of the first US-North Vietnamese battle, in 1965,  — […]