Great Holohoax memes for normies

February 1, 2018 John de Nugent 0

. .   . . . …..See also . . ¦ ¦Especially important blogs by John de Nugent “Reincarnation facts “Psychopathy in leaders […]

Chinese do what comes natural when muslims attack them

January 23, 2018 John de Nugent 0

Chinese girl in Pakistani dance bar goes nuts when muslim slaps her: . Jason Pujo Nice! John de Nugent The Chinese are “based,” man. 🙂 Not “baizuo” libtards!…/china-and-japan-have-a-new…/Manage China […]

UPDATED “The Push Is On” to get Bannon OUT — first big test for the Trumpster; now Steve Bannon is a wife-beater too; Jew York Times sick at heart; (Bannon was at Georgetown with me; what was in the food? ;-) )

November 14, 2016 John de Nugent 1

I wonder if he remembers this fellow student? 🙂 It was headlines in both student papers….  …..Update: now Bannon’s a wife-beater too This is […]