FRENCH Les premières conséquences du retrait syrien de Trump…
JdN: Trois va-t’en-guerre peu satisfaits de Trump… Pompeo, Mattis et Bolton. Voici lu milieu ce ministre de la “Défense” US James Mattis, un hyper-belliciste — […]
JdN: Trois va-t’en-guerre peu satisfaits de Trump… Pompeo, Mattis et Bolton. Voici lu milieu ce ministre de la “Défense” US James Mattis, un hyper-belliciste — […]
Steve Mnuchin is calling his fellow Jews for a favor…. . Look at these graphs! But it looks like the Big Jews (and their minions […]
This is a very good article as far as it goes, which is assuming you have no deep, solid, fact-based conviction of the reality of […]
This was his mad 2016 speech about destroying Russia for impeding the US-Israeli overthrow of the legitimate Assad government in Syria: Army Chief of Staff […]
A comrade wrote me this comment ( on this article: GHW Bush – the ultimate war profiteer (Michael Hoffman) *** Truly a great article, John. […]
. Bild eines dem Gesprächsteilnehmer ähnlichen Russen . K: Hallo, Herr de Nugent, habe Ihre Beiträge auf VK gelesen. Sehr interessant. JdN: Danke, Kamerad! […]
Robert Kennedy Junior, opposant aux vaccins au mercure, reçoit le soutien du Président Trump Etats-Unis : une belle victoire pour les anti-vaccins Source: N°3354 — 28 […]
Well, now the Boers can feel all safe. Trump nominates SA-born handbag designer to be the U.S. ambassador to South Africa . . . 9 […]
This may be the shameful situation now, but I do not believe Trump started out this way, likes it, or very thought it would end […]
Trump Quietly Orders Elimination of Assange By Gov’t Slaves on 11/16/2018 [source:] [JdN: If all this stuff below is true, and it seems to be, […]
JdN: Never seen before in US history: a major reporter (from the huge cable channel CNN) is expelled from the White House by the President […]
JdN: Du jamais vu dans l’histoire US: un reporteur de la grande chaîne CNN expulsé de la Maison blanche par le President des Étas-Unis. Lors […]
I did a massive video (hacked many times) in 2011 on how the US has already been majority-non-white — how whites are already a minority […] I have often written on the hard scientific proofs of life after death, near-death experiences and reincarnation. I feel pity for those readers who […]
Excellent conservative video, while avoiding, of course, this being ex-Goldman Sachser Steve Bannon, the racial and JQ issues. I object to the fear-mongering about China, […]
The Trump administration’s declared scrapping of a crucial arms control treaty is putting the world on notice of a nuclear war, sooner or later. Authored […]
Jews blame Trump instead of themselves for WN rage, continuing their usual paranoid megalomania. No amount of bootlicking has worked. Jews know no gratitude, decency […]
I feel sorry for the guy. Even with “his” party (the Jews’ fake-conxervative party) ruling the Senate, House, White House and Supreme Court, Trump has […]
Indeed, Hanoi Jane!! You Can Stop Breathing Any Time You Want!! Jane Fonda Claims It’s ‘Hard’ for Her to ‘Breathe’ in Donald Trump’s America […]
. Tout le pouvoir à ceux qui en détiennent déjà la plus grande partie! (image source: À bas les classes laborieuses ! Par C.J. […]
Power to the people who already have most of it! (image source: Emmanuel Macron in Denmark (August, 2018) denounces his own people, the French, as […]
About this website CNN.COM Trump calls Confederate leader Robert E. Lee “a great general” President Trump, while telling a story about President Abraham Lincoln […]
Ah, yes, fierce Pierce. Dr William Pierce ran the National Alliance, a national socialist organization, until his suspicious death by rapidly spreading cancer in 2002. […]
This is the transcribed letter from Alfred [Schaefer, patriot and revisionist, who is both Canadian (and a retired IBM executive) and also a German citizen […]
Donald, you are riding high now after the Gorsuch and Kavanaugh Supreme Court victories, …Soros’ lying minions are discredited…. ….and the economy, with […]
Fresh footage of S-300 system unloading in Syria released by Russian MoD (VIDEO) Published time: 7 Oct, 2018 13:36 [source:] New footage of the delivery […]
Thanks, “Mike.” David Ernest Duke started in the early 1970s, after working for the Defense Intelligence Agency, his only (LOL) “real job” ever, with the soft approach. […]
After a comrade resumed blasting Putin and this time the entire Russian people ( I responded patiently once again and with this. Whether he listens […]
Verteidigungsminister Shoigu und Präsident Putin, auf dem Übungsplatz Tsugol in Sibirien, beobachten Manöver Das S-300-Luftverteidigungssystem und Dutzende weiterer Hardware-Teile wurden dem syrischen Militär übergeben, um die Sicherheit des […]
Donald Trump ist der reinkarnierte US-General George Patton, der erst nach der deutschen Kapitulation im Mai 1945, als Besatzungsgouverneur Bayerns, im Erleben der Deutschen, Juden […]
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