Taki Magazine humor on Germany’s wanking Afghans

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Takimag — www.takimag.com — is a subtly pro-white online magazine. This article below is pretty funny as well as informative, and is by David Cole, the onetime jewish teen who in the 1990s famously denounced the Holofraud, went to Auschwitz wearing a yarmulke, and got the director of the Auschwitz Museum, his guard being way down around this jewish kid with his beanie on, to admit on-camera that the Auschwitz “gas chamber” was built by the Soviets AFTER the war.

Cole worked with the late, great Ernst Zündel (whom I knew, and also his wife, Ingrid Rimland), the two being seen here at Auschwitz.

And Cole got on the then very famous “Phil Donahue Show.”

Then he had to go underground after the Jewish “Defense” League threatened his life, and this group, led by the psychopathic Irv Rubin, was indeed hyper-violent.

This is old footage of the late JDL leader and Jewish terrorist Irv Rubin being interviewed in a restaurant, as he eats spaghetti without chewing it. The intro is by David Cole, the brave young jew who publicly came out against the Holocaust fraud in the 1990s and was severely harassed by Rubin.

Reptiles (snakes, lizards, alligators, crocodiles, etc.) don’t chew their food, but gulp it down whole, just like Rubin. Watch this!

[Original YouTube source of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMFrZoOS1Dg]

Cole resurfaced years later in Hollywood under a different name, David Stein, as an ultra-paleo-conservative Republican, then got exposed as actually being THE David Cole [ = aka, supposedly, “a traitor to the jewish people”]. This put him again in danger.

But now, under his real name, he writes for Takimag. I met him over 30 years ago, and we occasionally correspond. (Sonmewhat slanted butmostly accurate Wiki article: David Cole (journalist) – Wikipedia)

I especially salute that long line of brave “little jews” to which Rabbi Michael Lerner referred in his book Jewish Renewal who leave the Club, or “the Tribe,” as jews themselves call it. It is a big step to leave a club of incredible wealth, power, connection and protection, and incur instead its wrath.

And let us ever recall that the Big Jews put Mordechai Vanunu through  TWELVE YEARS IN SOLITARY (extreme torture for any member of the human species) for exposing the Dimona Israeli atomic bomb program.  Vanunu, btw, is STILL defiant… and to this day is not allowed to leave IsraHell or be in physical contact with any foreigners.  Jewish vengeance continues.

Cole has backtracked on a few things, but let us remember this song:

Oh, and this guy flipped over money tables in the Temple, cured the despised goyim, including a Roman centurion’s beloved servant (and how the jews hated the Romans, rising up thrice against them, in AD 66, 117 and 134) —

..and preached against materialism, hypocrisy, ego, slander, lies, hatred and vengeance — and then He came in for a pretty rough time, too.

If every white man were only as brave as some of these little jews.

I will add to this list the jewish family doctor of Klara and Alois Hitler.

Klara died of breast cancer despite the best efforts of a Dr. Eduard Block.

Eduard Block, MD. “This was a noble kind of jew; if all jews were like him, there would be no need for antisemitism.” — AH. Block was known for his diligent medical care of the very poorest Austrian families in Linz, even without pay. In 1938, during the “Anschluss” of Austria into Germany, Hitler saw him standing on his balcony in Linz and saluted this “noble Jew” publicly from his Mercedes limousine.  After emigrating to America, when the American jewspapers came around to hear how horrible the teenage Adolf Hitler had been, he categorically refused to bash his former patient, adding that he had never seen anyone care better for his cancer-ridden mother or grieve more for her than the young Hitler. 

I also highly recommend this shocking and moving article by David Cole on medical malpractice, including that of his own biological father, which may have helped to kill Elvis Presley, and his own searing experiences:

“Experts” Part II: The Dementia Guardrail Paradox – Taki’s Magazine (takimag.com)



The Week That Perished

February 04, 2024

*** and now to the article, one more installment of a weekly and witty news review.

The Week’s Most Veering, Peering, and Leap-Yearing Headlines

It was the greatest unsolved mystery of our time.

D.B. Cooper? The Black Dahlia? The Zodiac killer? Dudley Moore’s movie career (dude was five feet tall…how the hell did he become a romantic lead in the 1980s)?

No, bigger than all those combined: the theft of Dorothy’s Wizard of Oz ruby slippers. In 2005, the priceless shoes were stolen from the Judy Garland Museum in Grand Rapids, Minnesota. And if you’re wondering, the Garland Museum is in Grand Rapids because that’s where she was born, though, considering her fanbase, the museum might’ve been better suited to Fruitland, Knob Lick, Swisher, Homosassa, Cumby, or Boy River.

For two decades, the cops have been baffled by the theft. Attempts to gain info from the Grand Rapids gay community were complicated by the fact that suspects kept coming back for additional strip searches.

Well, now the mystery’s finally solved. 76-year-old “retired mobster” Terry Martin confessed to the crime last week. When asked why he stole the shoes, he explained (this isn’t a joke) that he thought they were “priceless” because they contained real rubies (in fact, they’re “priceless” because of their memorabilia value…the “rubies” are just props).

It’s starting to make sense why Somalis move to Minnesota. Where else can they be the high-IQ ones?

A search of Martin’s home revealed a basement filled with kidnapped dwarfs. “I thought they were Munchkins,” he explained to investigators, “and I wanted their pot o’ gold.”

When informed that it’s leprechauns, not Munchkins, who do the gold pot thing, and both are fictional anyway, Martin sighed and admitted, “I’m not smart.”

The judge sentenced Martin to time served. It was a better deal than Kenneth Smith, the Alabama hitman-for-hire executed last week for killing a woman in 1988. Smith became the first U.S. convict executed via nitrogen, though in a tragic error the prison staff mistakenly ordered nitrous (Alabama—The Illiterate State), and Smith died laughing because his voice sounded like a Munchkin’s.

His corpse has gone missing…oh Terry Martin, will you ever learn?

Last week was a complicated one for “resting duck-face” Elon Musk. On one hand, Jan. 27 was Holocaust Remembrance Day, which on Musk-era Twitter means Denial Memes Day (Musk flaunts his tolerance of Holocaust denial as proof of his free-speech advocacy).

“Taylor Swift is like Hinduism. A billion people are into it, but if you’re not one of ’em, you don’t have a clue why.”

But there’s a problem. If 50 percent of Twitter is Holocaust deniers, it appears that 48 percent is people posting AI nudes of Taylor Swift (the remaining 2 percent is just Steve Sailer and Will Stancil debating in a thread so endless it makes readers wonder if either man ever sleeps; indeed, the thread is so infinite, some believe it’s the literal incarnation of Nietzsche’s abyss…gaze into it and you become the dude in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade who chose the wrong cup).

Why are Twitterers posting AI nudes of Taylor Swift? You might as well ask why she’s the most popular singer on the planet. There are some things humankind isn’t meant to understand. Taylor Swift is like Hinduism. A billion people are into it, but if you’re not one of ’em, you don’t have a clue why.

For Musk, the Swift nudefakes were a perineum bridge too far. He ordered all searches for Taylor Swift blocked on the site, lest any of the AI fakers get traffic.

A tantalizing conundrum: What if a tweeter combines a Holocaust denial meme with a Taylor Swift nudefake? Would it be blocked, or would it be promoted? AI Taylor Swift being pleasured by a narwhal while screaming “Holohoax!” and “wooden doors!”

This could be Musk’s “Liar Paradox,” and in theory—considering that he’s almost certainly a replicant or cyborg, it might make him self-destruct like the robots on Star Trek.

“Holocaust denial must be promoted!”

“Swift deepfakes must be blocked!”

Here’s a meme of a Taylor Swift deepfake denying the Holocaust.



R.I.P. Elon Musk…short-circuited like the flammable cars he sold.

Call it Horton Hears an Allahu (by Dr. Jude Seuss).

It was supposed to be the worst Islamophobic atrocity since Anthony Quinn’s nose in Lawrence of Arabia. Last November in Burlington, three Palestinian college students were walking down the street…which sounds suspiciously like the beginning of a joke.

“Three Palestinians walk into a bar. Then they rape the women and blow the place up.”

Palestinians are better on setup than punchline.

Anyway, last November Abdul, Scarabdul, and Gabagooldul were walking through Burlington when they were shot by a white guy. They survived, but one was paralyzed from the chest down (thankfully, GoFundMe raised enough to buy him a paraplegic suicide van). Because the shooter was white, the incident was used as a field-leveler by Joe Biden and the press: Sure, Palis raped and murdered 1,200 Jews on October 7th, but one lone white guy shot THREE Palis in Vermont. So it’s all even.

But now that the case has moved from the press to the courts, there’s a rend in the narrative. Turns out the white shooter was a deranged leftist Hamas supporter. After ranting online about defending Palestinians, he charged out of his ramshackle home and gunned down the first people he saw in his 88 percent white city.

And they turned out to be the town’s only Palestinians.

Now that’s a funny joke.

There’s an irony to this: Palestinians spread pro-Hamas propaganda, then hide in one of the whitest cities in the U.S., only to be mistaken for white and gunned down by a mentally ill white who bought their propaganda.

Hoist by their own fatward.

The gunman, James Eaton, is facing a variety of charges.

He’s also the new Middle East correspondent for The Guardian.

How can you tell a Jewish Texan?

He wears a ten-gallon hat but swears it’s 6 million.

He not only remembers the Alamo, he passes legislation to create Alamo Remembrance Month.

He won’t use the term “lone star state” because he has a bad history with single-star armbands.

Real-life Streicher caricature George Soros is vacationing in Texas, spending billions to flip the state by importing more immigrants. And not just Mexicans, but Hindus and Muslims, who (according to Foreign Policy) are rapidly turning the state blue.

Of course, Chamber of Commerce Republicans will argue that Central/South Asians are good for business, what with how they’re always the first to let the elderly know that their Microsoft Windows has a virus. But last week in Germany, commuters had an experience that might foreshadow what awaits Texas as Soros imports browns from half a world away.

Afghan “refugees” in Germany have a fetish for masturbating on train tracks.

Why? Who knows. Maybe after you’ve had the thrill of coupling with a donkey, the next adrenaline rush is wanking in the path of a locomotive. But this is a true story—last week all rail traffic in the Kassel region was halted by Afghans slappin’ it on the tracks.

These Stone Age humper-gatherers totally redefine “handcar.”

Behold the new Afghan-influenced take on a classic American folk ballad:

I’ve been jerkin’ on the railroad,
All the livelong day.
I’ve been jerkin’ on the railroad,
Since they took my mule away.
Without my sexual partner,
My dating life’s a fail,
So I’ve been jerkin’ on the railroad,
As my hand-crank “oils” the rail.

Does The Week That Perished reflect the news cycle…or drive it?

Two weeks ago this column highlighted the misadventures of Willie Odom, the illiterate black diversity hire who, in 1993, piloted a barge into a train trestle in Mobile, Alabama, causing a derailment that killed 47 commuters who either drowned or burned to death in the fuel fire. Odom couldn’t read a map or understand radar, but he’d been put in charge of the craft anyway, because something something enrichment something something Cuba Gooding as Radio.

Following The Week’s Odom callback, the hugely popular YouTube channel “Fascinating Horror” (1.15 million subscribers) ran an Odom counterpoint, in which the host/narrator, an Edinburgh-based gent who never reveals his name, argued that Odom was actually the hero of the disaster.

As U.K. law prevents him from speaking ill of a person of color, the host purposely mispronounces Odom as “oh-dehm,” as saying the word “dumb” in association with a POC might lead to arrest, even if that’s the correct pronunciation.

How grand it must be to live in the U.K., the cradle of the English language, now forcing purposeful mispronunciation lest bobbies give you a floggin’ on the noggin.

While grudgingly ceding that after killing those people, “Oh-Dehm” (as in, “oh dem people I dun drownded”) was only concerned about losing his job, the host declared that Odom was the hero of the day because after the barge crew dragged one of the burned, dying passengers from the water, Odom, noticing that the dying man had lost his shoes, brought him a pair of slippers.

So that makes everything all right!

Maybe that’s the best course for today’s DEI advocates who want every airplane pilot and air traffic controller to be an unqualified black. Just offer consolation slippers to those maimed by the consequences.

“Feets don’t derail me now!”

Durable all-cotton slippers with rubber soles featuring affirmative traction so you can keep your footing as your train or plane crashes.

Forget Odor-Eaters. The new footwear for the DEI age is Odom-Eaters.

Sorry, Oh-DEHM-Eaters. As in, “Oh, dem days when you didn’t have to worry that your pilot was an illiterate tard!”


  1. Dear John de Nugent,

    Thank you for this article. In one of the interviews with Ernst Zündel, David Cole told the story of how he found open-minded Jews who were willing to talk about their experiences during the war, but who were so intimidated beforehand that the interviews had to be canceled. As you say or imply John: For the big Jews, the little Jews are also just foot soldiers who can be crushed.

    John, you take a stand and describe prevailing tendencies in groups and peoples, but you always judge the individual first and foremost and repeatedly show Jews and African-Americans who are true humanitarians and are not concerned with group sensitivities but are only interested in truth and justice. And you really do not spare criticism of white peoples.

    And that is what makes you so “dangerous”, John: You can bring humans and peoples together, because you are undogmatic enough to always judge the individual and that is true, original Christianity and it leaves your opponents no remaining surface to attack (spirituality and the well-being of peoples).

    I would like to add two references, further examples of committed Jewish justice fighters: In one of the bloodiest wars of human extermination in history, the War of Northern Aggreession (comparable to the war of extermination against Germany), which was committed by the NWO bluecoats (merchant marine blue!), many Jews also fought for justice and freedom on the side of the Southerners, actively defending their homeland. From the playlist “War of Northern Aggression”[1], there are even reports of 10,000 to 12,000 Jewish Confederate soldiers:

    “A Tribute To Our Jewish Confederate Heroes” (read the comments section!),

    And there is also a big animal rights movement in Israel, a fierce video from the playlist “vegan”[2]:

    Hebrew original with English and German subtitles: “Extra Fresh”,

    English version “Extra fresh”,

    German version “Extra frisch”,


    [1] Youtube-Playlist “War of Northern Aggression”,

    [2] Youtube-Playlist “vegan”,

    [3] Also interesting: jinfo.org

    • Thank you so much, as always, for your encouragement.

      There always comes the moment for a starseed when earthlings act so hostile, so deranged that he asks:

      “What the hell am I doing here?” 😉

      But if I did not shake off this momentary alienation, the jew would have won inside my soul. Let us never forget the twenty-five years, 1920-45, which proved how good, loving and noble our race can be.

      On a side note, I thought Dutch was the most guttural language in the world, but no, it’s definitely Hebrew. 😉

  2. Sehr geehrter John de Nugent,

    danke für diesen Artikel. In einem der Interviews mit Ernst Zündel erzählte David Cole sinngemäß, wie er aufgeschlossene Juden fand die dazu bereit waren, über ihre Erlebnisse während des Krieges zu erzählen, die jedoch im Vorfeld so eingeschüchtert wurden, daß die Interviews abgesagt werden mußten. Wie Sie, John, sinngemäß als sagen bzw. andeuten: Für die großen Juden sind die kleinen Juden auch nur Fußvolk das zerquetscht werden kann.

    John, Sie beziehen Stellung und beschreiben vorherrschende Tendenzen in Gruppen und Völkern, aber Sie beurteilen zuallererst immer den Einzelmenschen und zeigen immer wieder auch solche Juden und Afroamerikaner die wahre Menschenfreunde sind und sich nicht um Gruppenbefindlichkeiten kümmern sondern nur an der Wahrheit und an Gerechtigkeit interessiert sind. Und Sie sparen wahrlich nicht mit Kritik an den weißen Völkern.

    Und das macht Sie so “gefährlich”, John: Sie können Menschen und Völker zusammenbringen, denn Sie sind undogmatisch genug, um stets den Einzelmenschen zu beurteilen und das ist wahres, ursprüngliches Christentum und es läßt Ihren Gegnern keinerlei verbleibende Angriffsfläche (Spiritualität und das Wohlergehen der Völker).

    Ich möchte zwei Verweise beifügen, weitere Beispiele für engagierte Jüdische Gerechtigkeitskämpfer: In einem der blutigsten Menschenvernichtungskriege der Geschichte, dem War of Northern Aggreession (vergleichbar mit dem Vernichtungskrieg gegen Deutschland), der von den NWO-Blaukitteln (Handelsmarineblau!) begangen wurde, kämpften auf Seiten der Südstaatler auch viele Juden für Gerechtigkeit und Freiheit, verteidigten aktiv ihre Heimat. Aus der Playlist “War of Northern Aggression”[1], es wird sogar von 10.000 bis 12.000 jüdischen Konföderierten-Soldaten berichtet:

    “A Tribute To Our Jewish Confederate Heroes”,

    Und es gibt auch eine große Tierschutzbewegung in Israel, ein heftiges Video aus der Playlist “vegan”[2]

    Hebräisches Original mit englischen und deutschen Untertiteln: “Extra Fresh”,

    Englische Version “Extra fresh”,

    Deutsche Version “Extra frisch”,


    [1] Youtube-Playlist “War of Northern Aggression”,

    [2] Youtube-Playlist “vegan”,

    [3] Auch interessant: jinfo.org

    • Vielen Dank, wie immer, für Ihre Ermutigung.

      Für einen Sternensamen kommt immer der Moment, in dem sich Erdlinge so feindselig und so verrückt verhalten, dass er fragt:

      “Was zum Teufel mache ich hier?” 😉

      Aber wenn ich diese momentane Entfremdung nicht abgeschüttelt hätte, hätte der Jude in meiner Seele gesiegt.

      Vergessen wir niemals die 25 Jahre, 1920-45, die bewiesen, wie gut, liebevoll und edel unsere Rasse sein kann.

      Nebenbei gesagt, ich hatte gedacht, Holländisch sei die kehligste Sprache der Welt, aber nein, es ist Hebräisch. 😉

  3. “Close is
    And elusive the God.
    But where there is danger, grows
    Salvation as well.”

    It is so easy to say things when you are not at the forefront of the struggle for enlightenment and justice, but yes, that was and is your task, to make a decisive contribution to the further development of humanity, the spiritual reawakening of consciousness and the attainment of individual freedom.

    It is said that ideas cannot only be tried out theoretically, but that ideas must be tried out in the physical world as well, and that the spiritual fruits and insights are also eagerly internalized by the spiritual world (angels, guardian angels, archangels etc.) (nectar and ambrosia). We humans not only represent our guardian angel but we ourselves also generate new knowledge for the inner world.

    You, John, can be sure that many in the afterlife will always have their hair standing on end because of the physical developments and events taking place and that the spiritual world, when you were commissioned and sent into the physical world with your mission (spirituality and the well-being of the peoples), could not have dreamed much of what happened physically and is happening now. In the spiritual world, the physical struggle with all its protagonists will be followed like a highly suspenseful thriller. 🙂

    Never before has the majority as a whole been as close to the abyss as it is now. There are only two options: Regaining consciousness of our spiritual origins or our demise in transhumanistic materialism, the omnipresent smartphone zombies being are a precursor of the latter.

    However, the more humanity moves towards extinction, the more it can open up to knowledge that seeks to bring it closer to its inner origins. It is a time of great danger and at the same time of great opportunity.


    Auf Deutsch:

    Beobachter: Hölderlin

    “Nah ist
    Und schwer zu fassen der Gott.
    Wo aber Gefahr ist, wächst
    Das Rettende auch.”

    Es ist so leicht dahergesagt, wenn man nicht an vorderster Front des Aufklärungs- und Gerechtigkeitkampfes steht, aber ja, das war und ist Ihre Aufgabe, entscheidend dazu beizutragen, daß es weitergeht mit der Menschheitsentwicklung, mit der spirituellen Wiederbewußtwerdung und der Erlangung der Freiheit des Einzelnen.

    Es heißt, daß Ideen nicht nur theoretisch ausprobiert werden können, daß Ideen auch und gerade in der physischen Welt ausprobiert werden müssen und daß die geistigen Früchte und Erkenntnisse auch sehnlichst von der Geisteswelt (Engel, Schutzengel, Erzengel usw.) verinnerlicht werden (Nektar und Ambrosia). Wir Menschen repräsentieren nicht nur unseren Schutzengel sondern wir selbst generieren auch neues Wissen für die Innenwelt.

    Sie, John, können sich sicher sein, daß vielen im Jenseits immer wieder die Haare zu Berge stehen ob der stattfindenden physischen Entwicklungen und Ereignisse und daß die geistige Welt, als man Sie beauftragte und mit Ihrer Mission (Spiritualität und das Wohlergehen der Völker) in die physische Welt schickte, sich vieles nicht erträumen hätte können, was physisch geschah und jetzt geschieht. In der geistigen Welt wird man das physische Ringen mit all seinen Protagonisten wie einen hochspannenden Krimi verfolgen. 🙂

    Noch nie stand die Mehrheit als ganzes so nah am Abgrund wie jetzt. Es gibt nur zwei Optionen: Wiederbewußtwerdung der spirituellen Ursprünge oder Untergang im transhumanistischen Materialismus, die allgegenwärtigen Mobilfunkzombies sind eine Vorstufe des letzteren.

    Je mehr die Menschheit dem Untergang entgegengeht, um so mehr öffnet sie sich jedoch auch für Wissen, daß sie an ihre inneren Ursprüngen heranführen möchte. Es ist eine Zeit größter Gefahren und zugleich größter Chancen.

    • EN Thank you. Great comment. (I often edit your English a bit to make it perfect.)

      The thing with starseeds is this: We are used to a civilized and often beautiful life on higher, nordic planets. When we return here, as I have done many times I am baffled all over again by how people can choose pain, conflict, war, divorce, heartbreak, terrible illness and misery. We make mistakes because we cannot quite believe anyone would even want such things.

      Or we overcome our baffled feeling by “going native” — an English term from the British Empire, referring to all the non-Whites England ruled over.

      Then we adopt too many ideas and attitudes from earthly peoples. Contempt for the Russians was very common in Germany and most of Western Europe, especially in Anglo-Saxon England and America, and this is just as true now in 2023!

      And yet look at reality — The Russian fought very well in WWII and had good and robust weapons for Russia’s snow, cold and mud. And now we see them fighting in a very intelligent yet prudent way in the Ukraine conflict, gradually annihilating the Ukrainian army yet avoiding any open clash with NATO and the US.

      But I “went native” in my view of the Russians in both Mein Kampf in 1924-25 and in Operation Barbarossa in 1941.

      A starseed can do big things and also lasting things only if he remembers why he really is here..and it is not to go native, and become fully Irish, or German, or American, but stay Pleiadian and love the white earthlings while staying objective….having a warm heart yet a cool head.



      Danke schön. Toller Kommentar. (Ich bearbeite Ihre Englischkenntnisse oft, um sie perfekt zu machen.)

      Die Sache mit Sternensaaten ist folgende: Wir sind an ein zivilisiertes und oft schönes Leben auf höheren, nordischen Planeten gewöhnt. Wenn wir hierher zurückkehren, wie ich es schon oft getan habe, bin ich aufs Neue verblüfft darüber, wie Menschen sich für Schmerz, Konflikt, Krieg, Scheidung, Herzschmerz, schreckliche Krankheit und Elend entscheiden können. Wir machen Fehler, weil wir nicht ganz fassen können, dass jemand so etwas überhaupt will!

      Oder wir überwinden unser verwirrtes Gefühl auf die falsche Art, indem wir voll „einheimisch werden“ – ein englischer Begriff aus dem britischen Empire, der sich auf alle Nicht-Weißen bezieht, über die England herrschte.

      Dann übernehmen wir zu viele Ideen und Einstellungen von irdischen Völkern. Ein Beispiel: Die Verachtung gegenüber den Russen war in Deutschland und den meisten Teilen Westeuropas, insbesondere im angelsächsischen England und in Amerika, weit verbreitet, und das gilt auch jetzt im Jahr 2023!

      Und doch schaue man sich die Realität an: Die Russen kämpften im Zweiten Weltkrieg sehr gut, hatten auch gute und
      vor allem robuste Waffen für Schnee, Kälte und Schlamm. Und man sieht, wie sie im Ukraine-Konflikt auf sehr intelligente, aber umsichtige Weise kämpfen und die ukrainische Armee nach und nach gründlich vernichten, ohne jedoch einen offenen Zusammenstoß mit der NATO und den nuklearen USA zu verursachen.

      Aber ich bin in meiner Sicht auf die Russen sowohl in „Mein Kampf“ 1924–25 als auch im “Fall Barbarossa” 1941 „einheimisch geworden“.

      Ein Sternensaat kann Großes und auch Dauerhaftes nur dann vollbringen, wenn er sich ständig daran erinnert, warum er eigentlich hier ist. Es geht nie darum, VOLL einheimisch zu werden und damit vollständig irisch, deutsch oder amerikanisch zu werden, sondern im Herzen ein hierher inkarnierter Plejadier zu bleiben und die weißen Erdbewohner zwar zu lieben, ober objektiv zu bleiben…mit warmem Herzen und dennoch kühlem Kopfe.

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