Tale of a beautiful Irish-Australian woman destroyed ultimately by pedophilia when a child

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You are a great man! I saw your video and you are 100% right about the pedos.


The first picture is of the love of my life (now dead since 1997 of a heroin overdose) Anna. It is a sad story. My heart is still broken just looking at her [left] with her mother…


She was raised as a reasonably strict Catholic by her [Irish-Australian] father, a self-prescribing (narcotics) Doctor/psychiatrist who died age 42 from alcohol abuse. That is what really set her down the slippery slope to ruin.

She is pictured in the first photograph with her mother, who was not a Catholic but bore eight children to the father, who subscribed to Catholic
teaching when it suited him — hence his refusal for her to use contraceptives. And his tenancy to sexually abuse his children including,
I suspect, Anna, although I am not sure as this is only hearsay.

I do know she was abused by a Catholic priest at age 5 or 6 however,  As were most of her sisters, abused at various stages. She had 6 sisters —
and one brother who went off the rails whilst still a teenager.

She developed a death wish by age 13 or 14 and virtually spiraled out of  control, firstly on alcohol and then heroin around 19 years old.


Some dopey judge awarded her something like 25 thousand dollars ( a lot of money in the early 1980’s; enough to buy a pretty good cottage in a
suburb such as Norwood then) for a minor car accident over a few scratches, and she shot it all up her arm.

I met her when I was 28 and she was 25.

John, it was love at first sight. She was so pretty; I never forget seeing her on the stairs for the first time at the flat she rented at Henley Beach, South Australia. (The first photo sort of does her justice.)

“Queen Guinevere’s Maying” by John Collins


But I made the fatal error of sleeping with her without getting to know her, only to find a day or so later, after I had fallen for her, that she
was a full-on smack addict with a death wish.

Anyway to cut a long story short I tried to leave her but couldn’t, then I naively thought I could help her get off the junk. Of course I could not. I took enormous risks rescuing her from various dangerous situations, and it nearly cost me my life more than once, as she had absolutely no fear of anything whatsoever.

She always said it was a love-hate relationship.  I suppose it was, but drugs destroyed any hope we had of happiness. I
have never stopped loving her although as a famous actress once said “I have never loved anyone I liked, or liked anyone I loved.” 😉

I liked her and loved her in varying degrees. But she was horrid to me many times and quite cruel. She found it hard to be kind or generous to me.

I really think, if not for her drug issues, I would have never lost my passion for her. I have never come close to that spark or passion with
any woman since and she has been dead for nearly 20 years.

Sometimes I think she had been destined to be my wife but the filthy, rotten, cultural-Marxist society we live in wrecked any chances we ever
had of happiness and a long marriage with children.

It broke my heart all because some child molester interfered with her and stole her innocence leading to her self-destruction.

I still weep when I think of her final days on this earth and how wasted and skeletal she was, as well as the amount of abuse she took at the
hands of her boyfriends after I had left her, although pimps would be a better way of describing them.

Better to have loved and lost than never loved at all, I suppose.

They say it only happens once in a lifetime, but I live in hope she will come back to me without all that baggage.

I think it was the Second Vatican council that wrecked her family and the Catholic Church. Pope Francis is the latest no-hoper anti-Christ
pope that has been nailing the final nails in the coffin of the Catholic Church.

I am not Catholic — I am a Protestant WASP — but there are some very very good Micks [slang = Irish].

I blame the Jews for destroying my family line if I do not get to have  kids. I suppose that is why I hate them with such a passion as they are behind all of this pedo and drug crap that is destroying our people and civilization.

Liberated from Hitler in 1945




…..the vector of victory

Hellstorm ” the Dresden holocaust; the vector of victory is opposing the rape of women and children







All day Friday this is what readers saw.   I have GOT to get in hundreds of dollars ASAP or the site goes down for good. I have a great German webmaster (who fends off viruses and hacking every week for me) and an Icelandic free-speech webhost, but I MUST GET MONEY IN ASAP — by Monday!

Yes, my site was down…. and will go back down for good until donations come in. Simple arithmetic 😉 …. and I am disgusted too 😉

  • Steve Collier and Lisa Jolis like this.
  • John D. Nugent PayPal mhuffstickler@outlook.com or to John de Nugent, 306 S. Steel St, Ontonagon MI 49953 tel (906) 884-6689 email john_denugent@yahoo.com
  • Sebastian-Maximilian Knoth Staatsfeind Nr. 1 [You are Public Enemy Number One!]
  • Brian Avran mirror sites… Do you need any help hosting?
  • John D. Nugent Probably not…. The issue is why have a website at all? 😉 Reading replaces doing.…not that people support a doer either. 😉
  • John D. Nugent Btw, speaking of zombies 😉 ………they blizzarded Ontonagon yesterday,an  isolated little town of 1,600 in the UP of Michigan, with two chemtrails…. on a zombyizing mission, I guess…. They came in from Lake Superior,
    …and as they overflew this town, far from anywhere (a one-hour drive to a town of 10,000)  they unleashed the chemtrails — right at the water’s edge — and then stopped spraying after ten miles, over the village of Rockland to our south. 
    Only 1/4 of 1% of my readers donate.  My donors are the same percentage as Andrew Anglin of dailystormer and Mike Delaney of Trutube. 99.75% send nothing, ever. 😉 And if you ask for money the reader who reads for free calls the writer, who spent hours or days writing it, and went to college for four years studying, a “moocher.” 😉
  • Monty Harmon Yes that is messed up John D. Nugent. Frustrating trying to get people to support when u are so noble and passionate at your work. I will donate once i get caught up on my utility bill and $1500 arrear payed off. I am very optimistic though, and that’s what it’s going to take.
    4 hrs · Edited · Unlike · 1

……Oscar-winner Helen Mirren has had it with “democracy”

An amazing quote by an Oscar-winning actress.. (interestingly, of Russian ancestry, though raised in the UK http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helen_Mirren)
“Sometimes I think we’re being lied to… that democracy is the lesser form of human governance, and that if anything is to be done to save England, we must behead all the politicians, burn the BBC to the ground, and find an Englishman of ancient blood and place a crown upon his head.”
— Dame Helen Mirren, Thespian


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