BOOM! Taliban Spokesman Asked about Freedom of Speech, Tells Media Hacks to Go Ask Facebook, “This Question Should be Asked of Them” (VIDEO)
Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid held a press conference on Tuesday in Kabul. Zabihullah was asked if the new Afghan Islamic government will honor freedom of speech.
He responded to the leftist journalists by telling them to ask the same thing of Facebook!
Zabihullah Mujahid: “This question should be asked of those people who pretend to be promoters of freedom of speech who do not allow publication of all information. I could ask the Facebook company. This question should be asked of them.”
Under Joe Biden, Democrats, and their tech partners, the US has no moral authority in the world today.
Nice work, Zuckerbucks.
Brave New World.
I agree with him. What freedom of speech ? Vote rigging? Union /student violence . Altering history to arse Lick the gimmegrants. Selected defective politicians, pc police. Gay agenda for kids. Concrete over the land for gimmegrant invaders. When WW3 a race/ religious war erupts, the political traitors will have shit themselves to death as to what will happen to them. The survivors will then meet white patriots.
I thank the Gods for the (metaphorical, “as if”) instinctual prompt or insight totally to avoid social media; I have no use of any of it.
The name “Facebook” suggests a Police mug book that crime victims peruse to seek to identify perpetrators of the depredations that victimized them The items I read on the web suggest a middle-school schoolyard at recess, where the absence of teachers’ authority gives free rein to bullies.
This Taliban victory is a game changer in many ways.
I Talebani si divertono al luna park.
Sembra uno scherzo 🙁
Pensare che i Kurgan indoeuropei hanno dato vita alla Religioni,si sono fatti la guerra tra di loro/milioni e milioni di morti(a parte la distruzione della Società matriarcale di Vinca che non era fondata sulle Religioni,sulle guerre,sulla moneta Debito,sui sacrifici umani)per poi farsi Fregare magicamente(passami il termine)da quei Neanderthal(aplogruppo J2/allevatori di capre e bovini)che non hanno mai costruito un ca…nella loro vita.
Questa è la frase di Alessandro che ho ascoltato dalle sue conferenze.
Siamo barbari…forse peggio di quei Neanderthal dal naso adunco.
Siamo noi la causa di tutto il male.
Qui puoi vedere le forme di scrittura dei popoli,fenicio,greco,romano e sulla tua estrema Destra quello della Società di Vinca..spazzata via dalla Storia ufficiale e dai Kurgan.
Può esserci un nuovo inizio?
Senza queste stupide Religioni che sono peggio della Droga e dei vaccini?
Senza piramidi di Potere.
The Taliban having fun at the carnival.
Seems like a joke but it’s real.
To think that the Indo-European Kurgan gave birth to religions, and waged war among themselves with millions and millions of deaths (apart from the destruction of the matriarchal society of Vinca which was not founded on religions, on wars, on debt money, on human sacrifices) and then be magically fooled (or give me a better term) by those Neanderthals (haplogroup J2 / goat and cattle breeders) who have never built a ca … in their life.
This is Alexander’s sentence that I heard from his lectures:
“We’re barbarians…”
Maybe worse than those hook-nosed Neanderthals.
We are the cause of all evil.
Here you can see the forms of writing of the peoples, Phoenician, Greek, Roman and on your extreme Right that of the Vinca culture.. swept away by the official history and by the Kurgan.
Can there be a new beginning? One
without these stupid religions that are worse than drugs and vaccines?
Without power pyramids?
Thank you.
You are raising big issues which I will address.
While in Aix-en-Provence in 2004-05 I went into a superb bookstore which had a very educated woman running the historical books section.
I asked her:
“Is there any evidence that warfare was common in the Old Stone Age?
After all, every man back then was a hunter and thus a killer, had a spear and a knife.
Were humans killing other humans in the Cro Magnon period and in the Old Stone Age, the Paleolithic?”
Her answer was “basically no.”
People tried to avoid the other clan’s hunting grounds. Their area was their meat source. To invade it would be to invite serious trouble.
And since literally every man was armed, there was both no easy conquest of other clans of hunter-gatherers nor was tyranny possible within the clan.
There was no psychopath with armed followers, a “king,” ruling over a clan of disarmed people who knew only how to practice weapons-free skills like agriculture, the tilling of the fields.
When every man hunted, every man could defend his rights and his wife and children.
Also, because of huge meat consumption — there was no low-protein bread back then, no agriculture, no farmers or peasants — men were as tall as they are now or even taller, were extremely muscular and very healthy.
The New Stone Age, the Neolithic period, was in some ways terrible.
The skill of hunting was turned into hunting other humans.
Humans who tilled the soul and were neither armed nor trained in killing.
This was when psychopathic warlords began taking over the white race.
Killing men and taking their women.
In such a society, women more and more became despised because they were smaller, weaker, more sensitive and not warlike.
Sex was something an alpha male simply took at spearpoint.
It is not so much that we are evil as it is that we are literally disarmed.
In a society where every man is armed, no tyrant is possible, and no woman will be raped, or even disrespected, because her brothers, her father, her male cousins, uncles and grandfathers will pick up a razor-sharp spear defend her.
So the New Stone Age, the age of agriculture, is when misery, war, oppression, rape, malnutrition and death began.
We must return to a society where ever man is armed, and, why not, every woman.
In the Wild West, many women carried a Lady Derringer. They called it “the equalizer.”
A drunk cowboy might try something, but two bullets would mark him (he would have to go to a doctor if his buddy could not dig the bullets out successfully and cauterize the wound) and those rounds might eventually or even quickly kill him, depending on where they hit him.
The genius of the American Founding Fathers was proven by the Second Amendment — the right to bear arms.
And I am proud to say that we national socialists made owning private firearms easier than ever.
It was the jews’ lackey Dwight Eisenhower who took all guns from the German people!
Every man must know how to kill tyrants and violent criminals, and be armed and able to do so.
Then white women and children will be safe, respected and protected, and human happiness will again be possible.
Then women will have feel a natural love for their protectors, thier menfolk, for the meat-bringers, for men full of chivalry and eager to provide the means of life, and then the white family, armed, solid, safe and natural, will be a sacred thing once again, as it was ion the Old Stone Age.
È tutto strano.
Qualcuno ha scritto Agente CIA e tutto sembra collegarsi a TRUMP visto il cappellino che hanno esposto i Talebani.
È tutto troppo tranquillo e dall’America tuonano così:”La Cina e la Russia non devono mettere piedi lì”.
Chi sta manovrando i Talebani?
Ci stiamo pensando tutti.
La Russia e la Cina hanno fatto degli accordi con i Talebani(me lo sta rivelando mio marito).
La Russia e la Cina s’impegnano a mantenere l’ordine(quindi niente droga e terrorismo)..
Se riesco a trovare la foto nella
quale si vede che bruciano i campi.
Molto strano…vero?
La Russia vuole ricostruire la Città con la Cina.
Io so che la Russia fa piovere e nevicare 😉
Perché è tutto troppo,troppo tranquillo…come la storia del Luna Park.