Teddy Roosevelt, wife and family. Large white families were very common until the 1960s, when the contraceptive pill, invented by a jew, began to be used, and then the Playboy philosophy and femininism, all promoted by jews, began to teach that marriage and having a family were forms of slavery.
Ben Franklin, a genius as well as a Founding Father, was one of 17 children.
A comrade wrote me:
Whites often allow their sympathies to go too far, thus digging their own graves. It’s a bit sad and as always, there will be a big struggle for survival to overcome these elements.
Here is an excerpt I want to share from the book Race Problems and Human Progress by Professor Wesley Critz George which was published in 1961.
“It is a well-established fact of history that the great civilizations of the world have been produced primarily by the Caucasoid or white races, secondarily by the yellow races: none at all by the Negro race.
The Negroes could have explored and discovered and created if they had had the urge and the intellectual and personality qualities necessary to succeed at it.
Do you think we can safely ignore the records and base a national policy on assumed abilities that have not been demonstrated? If one wants evidence other than the schoolmen’s tests and the historians records regarding this matter, such evidence is available.
Consider for a moment the origin of some of the things that constitute the material and cultural basis of our present day civilization.
The wheelbarrow, the wagon, the automobile, the locomotive, the steamship, the airplane are all inventions of the white man and they enable him to extend his activity far beyond anything ever dreamed of by the Negroes of Africa.
The Wright brothers
Great bridges and dams, canals, railroad and highway systems are all creations of the white race.
Complicated machines and power plants that have greatly increased man’s productivity and standard of living for both white and negro are achievements of the white man.
So also are beautiful homes, churches, cathedrals and other architectural monuments. [He goes on to give more examples like math, printing, medicine and surgery.]
One hears of the Negroes’ musical talent: but the piano, the organ, the violin, the flute and harp, great musical compositions that thrill and soothe the human soul are creations of the white man, not of the Negro.
Great literature and philosophy that entertain and inspire the spirit of man: and constitutional government that helps restrain the growth of tyranny-these too are the conceptions and achievements of the white race. No one can find comparable fruits in the history of the Negro race.
We should accept these facts, not with vanity or arrogance, but as realities of life that should be taken into consideration in setting policies that will vitally involve future generations.
With good will for other men and races and with humility of our own shortcomings, let us preserve the race that has given us these riches of our civilization in order that we may continue on the path of human progress.
Margi with a Mayo Clinic doctor who installed her first feeding tube
Sensible people do not kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, nor do they breed a productive line of cattle to an unproductive line.”
Archibald Roosevelt, fifth son of Teddy Roosevelt, wrote the introduction. A Columbia University professor, Henry E. Garrett, wrote the foreword.
Major Archibald Roosevelt, US Army, won the Silver Star in both WWI and in WWII. (In the First World War he was a captain.)
I forgot to add the next paragraph which professor George wrote, which is important.
“They know that that is the road to deterioration and bankruptcy. We may be sure that if, we allow our children to be brought up in intimate social relations with young people of an unproductive race, we may expect them to produce a pauperized society devoid of greatness.”
Is this not exactly what we have been seeing and are seeing now at an accelerated level?
I replied:
This is great information, esp. about this son of Teddy Roosevelt, whose face is, of course, memorialized on Mount Rushmore as one of the great American presidents, alongside Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln.
Teddy, btw, wrote his master’s thesis at Harvard on eugenics, and how the best and brightest Whites must have large families (as he did, btw).
He was also a fervent supporter of nordicism, and therefore of the Spanish-American War, in which he fought in combat, including the Battle of San Juan Hill in Cuba.
This war by the Americans against Spain (based on a definite false-flag attack on the warship USS Maine, which killed 200) led to the “Anglo-Saxon” conquest of Puerto Rico, Cuba and the Philippines from the Spanish.
The war was, in effect, Nordics taking colonies away from white Latins.
The famous poem by Rudyard Kipling “Take up the white man’s burden” was in fact an Anglo-Saxon Briton encouraging the Anglo-Saxon American “cousins” to also create a northern-european white empire.
Spain, a western, Christian, European power, already controlled these colonies, and had done so for 400 years. But the Spaniards were NOT nordic, and so America was summoned to rule the brown peoples in their stead, those dark peoples who were, in Kipling’s words,
“…half devil and half child.”
Photo from 1935 of American kids almost all blond or blondish, saluting the American flag, with their teacher, in the Roman style:
This was a beautiful American dime (ten-cent) coin from the 1930s, and I saw it in circulation as a child. It showed the Roman fasces, the symbol of state authority, whence fascism, and also the Greco-Roman god Hermes/Mercury, with a nordic silhouette. It all symbolized how America venerated, not the Third World and POC, “People of Color,” but instead ancient EUROPE, and that we ‘trusted in God,’ not in Marxist atheism and materialism:
In a short time, I will answer this moron:
NO, white supremacy and antisemitism were the unanimous views of our Founding Fathers and many important US presidents!
But it will take a man of the highest historical, intellectual, political and spiritual power to say it.
A man who will not compromise with absolute evil.
Britain was a great country until we had uncontrolled black / brown immigration invaders . Then Britain started to deteriorate. The blacks/ browns who came here were penniless gimmegrants wanting benefits to survive and thrive. Since 2000 we’ve had more penniless East Europeans come here, plus more blacks/browns (5.6 million), not included are millions of illegals here as well.
These invaders can’t survive in their homelands, nor survive here without benefits.
It proves communism failed and black/ brown countries also fail and can only thrive in our White, western lands. Their only success is to try and make us indigenous people a minority, helped by arsehole politicians.
yes, helped by literal traitors.
Ci sono DUE sospetti socialisti nazionali dentro VK.
Un siciliano che parla il tedesco e non solo,sono certa che conosce più lingue.
Un altro ha affermato di sentirsi una SS da quando era piccolo 😉
Questi due sono molto legati alla Germania in particolare…
La maggior parte degli italiani preferisce Mussolini ma loro…
Sono svegli e conoscono molto bene gli avvenimenti della Storia.
A differenza degli altri che postano in continuazione tutto a pappagallo entrambi sembrano molto più riservati e precisi
Il ragazzo siciliano sa usare le armi perché ha fatto il militare.
Non so come,ma possiede perfino alcune divise tedesche e conosce perfettamente l’abbigliamento di quel tempo.
Credo di aver attirato la sua attenzione 🙂
Comunque ci sono cinque Hitleristi italiani.
Lui ha corretto tre volte questo post.