Tedious, low-energy Trump announces for 2024, still unwilling to cut out the jewish tumor killing this country; I will oppose this egoic WINDBAG with NS courage and race and jew truth!

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Among many Trump follies, let us never forget that millions of white Americans will eventually die because this man backed down on the Covid-curing hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, and instead ordered the jew clot shot, literally never tested for effectiveness, to be produced at “Warp Speed”!

And while candidate Trump in December 2015 did openly bring up the JQ, as president he completely folded his cards to keep his jew son-in-law Jared Kushner happy! And he gave a blank check to the wicked Israeli prime minister Satanyahu!



I was waiting for this moment.

We need a genuine leader, a WHITE leader, who has ten times more courage and knowledge about the JQ than the negroes Dave Chappelle and Kanye West, and is resolute to excise the monstrous jew cancer on our nation, WHATEVER THE COST!



Nixon was whining about the jews back in 1971!!!!

And how on earth can Trump imagine he will win in 2024 after the Demoncrats blatantly stole the last two elections in a row!

Less than two minutes to hack into a voting machine with a ballpoint pen!


There is only one solution. Now more than ever. We must leave the patriotard denial of reality behind, and embrace the very thing we were taught to hate. In hoc signo vinces!



It was an omen that those two WWII planes just crashed! Honoring the Greatest FOOL Generation!


I wanted to run in 2012, but the folk was not ready.

Now they are!

No capitulation! We must fight for total victory!

I am selling my beloved, cozy house on Lake Superior, with all its memories of ny dear Margi, to begin the fanatic struggle of life and death for our race!


  1. I wish you would keep your house. That you had a good place to live would be comforting to movement people. The $100,000 the house would bring wouldn’t do much for the movement.

    • I wish I could keep it too. It is comfy and attractive inside and out, and is sacred to me personally as Margi’s house…. and her garden…. earned by years of caring for her aged parents until death.

      But the time of comforting is over. The jew is closing in for the kill. We are at war, just not firing back. Every single day, more whites are killed, with much worse to come as the jewish clot-shot goes into high gear. Both Sherry Tenpenny MD and the late Luc Montaignier, MD, the Nobel Laureate in medicine for 2008, said that within 2-3 years millions will perish from the fake Covid “vaccine.”

      And if the jews engineer an economic collapse and then go to the cashless society, which means electronic-only money, then they will control us totally. And you can bet your bottom dollar that only those who are “fully vaccinated” will have any access to their own money.

      “Get the clot shot or starve, goy. You can’t buy food or fuel, or pay for rent, water, electricity and heat if we turn your bank account off.”

      I repeat:

      the jew is closing in NOW for the kill.

      the jew is closing in NOW for the kill.

  2. Trump is cozy with the Jews and he promoted the “vaccine.” But he is a nationalist, and that makes up for a lot.

    In my opinion, of all the candidates who have a realistic chance of becoming a new president he is by far the best.

    He will get my vote.

    • He would be the least bad…..or on the other hand maybe the worst possible president we could have. Suppose he once again kowtows to the Deep State and adopts an even worse policy than Biden of supporting Ukraine? It was Trump who first started the massive arms shipments to Zelensky! It was Trump who let the FBI loose on Russian diplomats and consulates.

      The Van Rensburg prophecy sure seems to indicate Trump as being the American president who triggers WWIII — as being a scowling, white, male, conservative who makes America strong again after the presidency of a “black boy” and has fluffy hair like a wig!

      We have already seen Trump knuckle under to the jews and the MIC hawks. When he appointed Bolton and Pompeo, and retained Mike Pence as his vice-presidential candidate, I knew he was hopeless.

      A hundred times Trump said the right thing but buckled under pressure and did the opposite a day later.

      And though the jews openly fear, slander and hate him, and engineered every single takedown attempt against him, and specifically stole the 2020 election via the jews Norm Eisen and Mike Podhorzer, which ended his presidency, Trump continues to whine that his feelings are hurt over over the jews’ hatred and ingratitude because he had done so very much for IsraHell.


      The guy may just double down on appeasing jewry and the military-industrial complex, and even out-Biden Biden….. and say and do anything to stop the rise of DeSantis.

  3. Regarding your statement that the Jews are zoning in on the kill (of us), it has been my belief for some time that the Jews are on the defensive.

    Jewish power is being exposed, and this frightens them.

    Jewish power has always striven to operate in the shadows, as it were, where there is no publicity. Suddenly Jewish power is in the light and is being seen, and this frightens them (the rulers of the Jewish international racial nation).

    In truth, I believe, it is we White anti-Semites who are zonng in on the kill (of Jewish power).

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